Right Wingers eating crow on price of gasoline. $1.39 in Indiana.

and there's the obsession with Fox and Rush. I don't do either, but still, do they lie? Do they report different news than the broadcast channels? Nope. So it only means you are obsessed with them. hahahahahahahaahhaahahaa, you're like a good perfume, obsession.

I don't watch or listen to either, it's the left's knee jerk reaction when they have nothing else.

That's why they do it all the time, because the have nothing.
Same crap as all the other Murdoch Koch Adelson Moonie outlets. Obama won't compromise, had total control for 2 years, see sig...ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. :eusa_liar::cuckoo::lol:

AND don't report so much- After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!!And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole?:cuckoo:

Nothing but hate. He had two years and couldn't build consensus. The losing of health plans is true, I lost mine. It was a high deductible, lost cost catastrophic plan. I negotiated with my doctor for his rates and were a lot lower than what you and others that were insured paid.

The acorn and other crap is nothing I hung my hat on. You are a hate filled asshole who is stuck on knee jerk responses. You have nothing else. You are a joke, hater dupe.

I lost my coverage as well. My employer didn't want to deal with it anymore and realized it would only get worse under Commie Care. Any plan affordable sucks big time with huge deductibles and out of pocket payments. No wonder United Health is seriously considering dropping out of Commie Care.

I was without insurance for a while (first time in my 55 years on this earth) thanks to the Commies and had a health problem. So I got insurance and found out that not all insurance companies will cover preexisting condition the way the lying libs told us it would. It's only for the plans offered by Commie Care which you can only sign up for during enrollment.

Every time a Democrat gets into office, it costs me money. This time it cost me a lot of money. That's one good reason to always vote Republican. Keep the money suckers out of power.

Yep, $649 a month for just myself. My wife isn't covered and my company won't be able to cover her because the cost would be more than the open market.

The blood test for prostrate cancer, not covered, my colonoscopy not covered. If I get pregnant or want the pill, it's covered. Being a male, don't need it. $1600 deductible, then 80/20.

I want my old policy that Obama said I could keep.

Millions of us do. But we can't do anything until we kick the creeps out of office. Maybe then something will change.

But I doubt the Socialists will learn anything by all this. This is government micromanaging your life. You make X amount of dollars, so liberal government believes they can tell you what you can or cannot afford.

Earning money is one thing. It's like my father said repeatedly: anybody can earn money. Even an idiot can make money.

But it's less the money you have coming in than the money you have going out. Government doesn't ask what your mortgage payment or rent is. Government doesn't ask what your home or rental insurance is. Government doesn't ask what you pay for gasoline to get to work every month. Government doesn't ask if you are paying child support or have kids in college. Government doesn't ask what you have to pay for prescriptions every month. No.

Government says you make X amount of dollars, so government determines that you can afford X amount for health insurance.
Same crap as all the other Murdoch Koch Adelson Moonie outlets. Obama won't compromise, had total control for 2 years, see sig...ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. :eusa_liar::cuckoo::lol:

AND don't report so much- After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!!And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole?:cuckoo:

Nothing but hate. He had two years and couldn't build consensus. The losing of health plans is true, I lost mine. It was a high deductible, lost cost catastrophic plan. I negotiated with my doctor for his rates and were a lot lower than what you and others that were insured paid.

The acorn and other crap is nothing I hung my hat on. You are a hate filled asshole who is stuck on knee jerk responses. You have nothing else. You are a joke, hater dupe.

I lost my coverage as well. My employer didn't want to deal with it anymore and realized it would only get worse under Commie Care. Any plan affordable sucks big time with huge deductibles and out of pocket payments. No wonder United Health is seriously considering dropping out of Commie Care.

I was without insurance for a while (first time in my 55 years on this earth) thanks to the Commies and had a health problem. So I got insurance and found out that not all insurance companies will cover preexisting condition the way the lying libs told us it would. It's only for the plans offered by Commie Care which you can only sign up for during enrollment.

Every time a Democrat gets into office, it costs me money. This time it cost me a lot of money. That's one good reason to always vote Republican. Keep the money suckers out of power.
Now you have guaranteed good insurance. You're welcome. And will only get relatively cheaper.

There is nothing guaranteed about it. They are not paying the medical bills because of preexisting condition.

If I had my employers coverage back, I would never have been in this position. But because of the Communists, I'm now screwed for at least the next year and probably beyond that. And no, Commie Care is not getting cheaper, it's getting more expensive.
Enroll, poor dupe. Ay caramba. And get your subsidy. Screwed by the lying GOP again...

I wouldn't get much of a subsidy. Commie Care was designed to take from the earners to give to the non or low-earners. I'm neither, I'm an earner, so I don't get anything from government.
Ray, what action did Bush take that Obama has avoided? (Concerning gasoline prices is the subject)

Bush invaded an oil producing country in the ME. It was a forgone conclusion the oil prices would rise when the invasion happened.

Obama hasnt done that.
Thats how I blame Bush for the gas price increases and dont give Obama credit for dropping prices.

We got drilled so to speak by the oil companies during the Bush years.
Maybe you recall the record breaking profits posted by oil companies during that period.

Oil companies loved Bush and the invasion of Iraq.

Thats why the neo cons are so ready to invade somewhere that instability will effect crude oil prices.
Oil companies arent making record profits at the present.

Regualr old Americans are currently reaping the rewards of the market. To much supply/to little demand market.

And Republicans hate it when regular people get a benefit while their oil company buddies dont.

So its off to war we go sometime after Obamas gone.

Till then, enjoy. You a truck driver? Your company (or you) are really enjoying these fuel prices. Right?

Not really. You see, during the Bush administration, the EPA passed stringent regulations to make diesel fuel greener. They lowered the sulfur content to 5% and since that time, diesel fuel has averaged a dollar a gallon more over gasoline whereas before, diesel fuel was always cheaper than gasoline.

This is not to mention all the pollution crap trucks have to be equipped with today. Today a new tractor costs around 10 grand more than it did say ten years ago. Why? Because of all the pollution crap the feds made them manufacture the vehicle with. They came up with this new stuff called (DEF) Diesel Emission Fluid. Yes, you see, it's a separate tank that holds DEF and must be filled just like with gasoline. A great added expense to the transportation industry.

As for oil prices, let me explain how that works:

Oil companies don't set the prices for their oil--the commodities market does. They base their investments on the news of fuel at the time. Bush sparked a worldwide economic uplift that caused the price of fuel to increase greatly. The more economic activity, the more fuel consumption. When speculators get news of that consumption, they buy long contracts which drives the price up. Bush had no control of it and neither did the oil companies.

As for your theory that gasoline increased because of the war, take a look at gasoline prices below:

View attachment 56931

The Iraq war started in 2003 during a bad economy. It hovered between $2.00 and $3.00 per gallon until early 2008. That's when there was a lot of economic activity until the housing crash late 2008.

The Iraq war had some minor effects, but it certainly wasn't the reason we hit $4.00 a gallon in mid 2008--five years after the war started.
Several reasons- including out of control Pub oil speculators under Pub "regulation".... But thanks for the corrupt bubble bust world depression and the stupidest wars ever, AND 7 years of mindless obstruction.

Clueless. There is nothing anybody can do about the market. It's been running this way for decades before Bush was even born. You have no idea WTF you're talking about, and the regulations haven't changed in years.
Just the corrupt regulators.
See the mortgage market in 2002-03. The regulations didn't change then either.

Ignorant. You don't know the difference between markets and then try to comment on them. Unbelievable.
Not really. You see, during the Bush administration, the EPA passed stringent regulations to make diesel fuel greener. They lowered the sulfur content to 5% and since that time, diesel fuel has averaged a dollar a gallon more over gasoline whereas before, diesel fuel was always cheaper than gasoline.

This is not to mention all the pollution crap trucks have to be equipped with today. Today a new tractor costs around 10 grand more than it did say ten years ago. Why? Because of all the pollution crap the feds made them manufacture the vehicle with. They came up with this new stuff called (DEF) Diesel Emission Fluid. Yes, you see, it's a separate tank that holds DEF and must be filled just like with gasoline. A great added expense to the transportation industry.

As for oil prices, let me explain how that works:

Oil companies don't set the prices for their oil--the commodities market does. They base their investments on the news of fuel at the time. Bush sparked a worldwide economic uplift that caused the price of fuel to increase greatly. The more economic activity, the more fuel consumption. When speculators get news of that consumption, they buy long contracts which drives the price up. Bush had no control of it and neither did the oil companies.

As for your theory that gasoline increased because of the war, take a look at gasoline prices below:

View attachment 56931

The Iraq war started in 2003 during a bad economy. It hovered between $2.00 and $3.00 per gallon until early 2008. That's when there was a lot of economic activity until the housing crash late 2008.

The Iraq war had some minor effects, but it certainly wasn't the reason we hit $4.00 a gallon in mid 2008--five years after the war started.
Several reasons- including out of control Pub oil speculators under Pub "regulation".... But thanks for the corrupt bubble bust world depression and the stupidest wars ever, AND 7 years of mindless obstruction.

Clueless. There is nothing anybody can do about the market. It's been running this way for decades before Bush was even born. You have no idea WTF you're talking about, and the regulations haven't changed in years.
Just the corrupt regulators.
See the mortgage market in 2002-03. The regulations didn't change then either.

Ignorant. You don't know the difference between markets and then try to comment on them. Unbelievable.
I know which party has had the corrupt regulators and wrecked the world....and which has good regulators and has given us the best economy in the world, with no corrupt bubble.
Nothing but hate. He had two years and couldn't build consensus. The losing of health plans is true, I lost mine. It was a high deductible, lost cost catastrophic plan. I negotiated with my doctor for his rates and were a lot lower than what you and others that were insured paid.

The acorn and other crap is nothing I hung my hat on. You are a hate filled asshole who is stuck on knee jerk responses. You have nothing else. You are a joke, hater dupe.

I lost my coverage as well. My employer didn't want to deal with it anymore and realized it would only get worse under Commie Care. Any plan affordable sucks big time with huge deductibles and out of pocket payments. No wonder United Health is seriously considering dropping out of Commie Care.

I was without insurance for a while (first time in my 55 years on this earth) thanks to the Commies and had a health problem. So I got insurance and found out that not all insurance companies will cover preexisting condition the way the lying libs told us it would. It's only for the plans offered by Commie Care which you can only sign up for during enrollment.

Every time a Democrat gets into office, it costs me money. This time it cost me a lot of money. That's one good reason to always vote Republican. Keep the money suckers out of power.
Now you have guaranteed good insurance. You're welcome. And will only get relatively cheaper.

There is nothing guaranteed about it. They are not paying the medical bills because of preexisting condition.

If I had my employers coverage back, I would never have been in this position. But because of the Communists, I'm now screwed for at least the next year and probably beyond that. And no, Commie Care is not getting cheaper, it's getting more expensive.
Enroll, poor dupe. Ay caramba. And get your subsidy. Screwed by the lying GOP again...

I wouldn't get much of a subsidy. Commie Care was designed to take from the earners to give to the non or low-earners. I'm neither, I'm an earner, so I don't get anything from government.
Enroll and get good insurance with a subsidy and change the channel.
Several reasons- including out of control Pub oil speculators under Pub "regulation".... But thanks for the corrupt bubble bust world depression and the stupidest wars ever, AND 7 years of mindless obstruction.

Clueless. There is nothing anybody can do about the market. It's been running this way for decades before Bush was even born. You have no idea WTF you're talking about, and the regulations haven't changed in years.
Just the corrupt regulators.
See the mortgage market in 2002-03. The regulations didn't change then either.

Ignorant. You don't know the difference between markets and then try to comment on them. Unbelievable.
I know which party has had the corrupt regulators and wrecked the world....and which has good regulators and has given us the best economy in the world, with no corrupt bubble.

Maybe what you should learn is what party started the housing bubble and eventually caused the burst. You know, pressuring banks to give loans to likely Democrat voters such as the poor and the minorities?
Clueless. There is nothing anybody can do about the market. It's been running this way for decades before Bush was even born. You have no idea WTF you're talking about, and the regulations haven't changed in years.
Just the corrupt regulators.
See the mortgage market in 2002-03. The regulations didn't change then either.

Ignorant. You don't know the difference between markets and then try to comment on them. Unbelievable.
I know which party has had the corrupt regulators and wrecked the world....and which has good regulators and has given us the best economy in the world, with no corrupt bubble.

Maybe what you should learn is what party started the housing bubble and eventually caused the burst. You know, pressuring banks to give loans to likely Democrat voters such as the poor and the minorities?
WORTHY WORKING people. Then Bush crony regulators allowed ANYTHING. Fanny and Freddy went from 75 to 25 % of the market in 2002-3, and Pub pals like Countrywide and AIG wrecked the world. Corrupt regulators and Pubs, end of story.
Just the corrupt regulators.
See the mortgage market in 2002-03. The regulations didn't change then either.

Ignorant. You don't know the difference between markets and then try to comment on them. Unbelievable.
I know which party has had the corrupt regulators and wrecked the world....and which has good regulators and has given us the best economy in the world, with no corrupt bubble.

Maybe what you should learn is what party started the housing bubble and eventually caused the burst. You know, pressuring banks to give loans to likely Democrat voters such as the poor and the minorities?
WORTHY WORKING people. Then Bush crony regulators allowed ANYTHING. Fanny and Freddy went from 75 to 25 % of the market in 2002-3, and Pub pals like Countrywide and AIG wrecked the world. Corrupt regulators and Pubs, end of story.

Except for the fact that F and F are regulated by HUD just like any other loan industry. If you want to sell off your bad loans, they have to be within the guidelines of HUD and F and F.
I lost my coverage as well. My employer didn't want to deal with it anymore and realized it would only get worse under Commie Care. Any plan affordable sucks big time with huge deductibles and out of pocket payments. No wonder United Health is seriously considering dropping out of Commie Care.

I was without insurance for a while (first time in my 55 years on this earth) thanks to the Commies and had a health problem. So I got insurance and found out that not all insurance companies will cover preexisting condition the way the lying libs told us it would. It's only for the plans offered by Commie Care which you can only sign up for during enrollment.

Every time a Democrat gets into office, it costs me money. This time it cost me a lot of money. That's one good reason to always vote Republican. Keep the money suckers out of power.
Now you have guaranteed good insurance. You're welcome. And will only get relatively cheaper.

There is nothing guaranteed about it. They are not paying the medical bills because of preexisting condition.

If I had my employers coverage back, I would never have been in this position. But because of the Communists, I'm now screwed for at least the next year and probably beyond that. And no, Commie Care is not getting cheaper, it's getting more expensive.
Enroll, poor dupe. Ay caramba. And get your subsidy. Screwed by the lying GOP again...

I wouldn't get much of a subsidy. Commie Care was designed to take from the earners to give to the non or low-earners. I'm neither, I'm an earner, so I don't get anything from government.
Enroll and get good insurance with a subsidy and change the channel.

We are at the best. Because my employee pays for my insurance, hers is calculated at my wages and single so she doesn't get a break at all. The whole system is screwed up and made for the middle class to get screwed. Her policy is $800 a month $3500 deductible and then 80%. So we are paying $1449 a month for policies that we will never get use from. Might as well light a fire and burn the money. So add the monthly by 12 we are over $17000 in just having the insurance $5100 before it kicks in. Over $22000 a year before it kicks in. That is way too much for me. I'm finding out what the penalty is next year, if it is considerably less, I have no choice but to drop it. Not sure how it works for you but it is financially killing me.
Now you have guaranteed good insurance. You're welcome. And will only get relatively cheaper.

There is nothing guaranteed about it. They are not paying the medical bills because of preexisting condition.

If I had my employers coverage back, I would never have been in this position. But because of the Communists, I'm now screwed for at least the next year and probably beyond that. And no, Commie Care is not getting cheaper, it's getting more expensive.
Enroll, poor dupe. Ay caramba. And get your subsidy. Screwed by the lying GOP again...

I wouldn't get much of a subsidy. Commie Care was designed to take from the earners to give to the non or low-earners. I'm neither, I'm an earner, so I don't get anything from government.
Enroll and get good insurance with a subsidy and change the channel.

We are at the best. Because my employee pays for my insurance, hers is calculated at my wages and single so she doesn't get a break at all. The whole system is screwed up and made for the middle class to get screwed. Her policy is $800 a month $3500 deductible and then 80%. So we are paying $1449 a month for policies that we will never get use from. Might as well light a fire and burn the money. So add the monthly by 12 we are over $17000 in just having the insurance $5100 before it kicks in. Over $22000 a year before it kicks in. That is way too much for me. I'm finding out what the penalty is next year, if it is considerably less, I have no choice but to drop it. Not sure how it works for you but it is financially killing me.
Well I said it was the GOP plan...I'm on Medicare now, so you give me a headache...don't forget about your annual cap.
See the mortgage market in 2002-03. The regulations didn't change then either.

Ignorant. You don't know the difference between markets and then try to comment on them. Unbelievable.
I know which party has had the corrupt regulators and wrecked the world....and which has good regulators and has given us the best economy in the world, with no corrupt bubble.

Maybe what you should learn is what party started the housing bubble and eventually caused the burst. You know, pressuring banks to give loans to likely Democrat voters such as the poor and the minorities?
WORTHY WORKING people. Then Bush crony regulators allowed ANYTHING. Fanny and Freddy went from 75 to 25 % of the market in 2002-3, and Pub pals like Countrywide and AIG wrecked the world. Corrupt regulators and Pubs, end of story.

Except for the fact that F and F are regulated by HUD just like any other loan industry. If you want to sell off your bad loans, they have to be within the guidelines of HUD and F and F.
Unless Bushies are regulating it...
Paid $1.79 in south Texas yesterday........

When gas goes high....it's Obama's fault....when it is low, oh well, it's something else.

Damn rw will never admit that Obama is a hell of a lot better president than G W Doofus ever was.

I'd try to explain to you why I think Barack Obama is an awful President, Mertex but if you're a Hillary Clinton supporter it's pretty obvious you've got your ideological blinders on and it would be a colossal waste of my time.

Just saying...

Yeah, sure, your rw conservative opinion which is the same rhetoric you hear on Faux News. Bush was an awful president.....he nearly tanked the country and thanks to Obama we recovered, but I don't expect those who are in denial about how terrible Bush was to appreciate Obama. Keep your opinion to yourself....it's not even valid, anyway.
What about it?

Lowest since statistics have been kept.

Since you want to change the subject, what about Obama getting unemployment below 6% by 3 years into his second term and already down to 5%. Romney on the other hand wanted four years in his first term to get below 6%. So the labor participation rate would be much worse under a Republican President. Romney said so himself.

He got it down by driving major portions completely out of the labor sector.

The ONLY ones benefiting from Obama's failed policies are Wall Street insiders. Main Street is getting fucked.
We didn't TRY any of Obama's policies, leaving the Fed you're complaining about as the only option.

So Barry had Democratic majorities in the House and Senate for two years and we didn't TRY any of his policies? How can that be, Franco? How could Obama and his minions have passed the ACA yet not pass other policies?
They had 2 weeks, dingbat dupe. What planet are you on?

So let me see if I've got this straight...they had two weeks to pass stuff and they managed to pass the ACA a piece of legislation thousands of pages long that affects 1/6th of our economy...but they didn't have time to pass any other legislation?

You really buy that nonsense...don't you, Franco!:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

I guess you're in denial about the Republicans in Congress saying "NO" to everything......they haven't passed anything...that's right, they just sit on their asses dreaming up ways to see if they can catch Obama in a scandal.....they haven't been able to find a damn thing.......poor souls, just wasted time and effort and our tax money. Way to go Repugs.
Bush was an awful president.....he nearly tanked the country and thanks to Obama we recovered, but I don't expect those who are in denial about how terrible Bush was to appreciate Obama.

Mertie, the "Bush did it" line died with the 2014 elections. From 2017 on, it will be "Obama did it." I hope to still be on this forum when the tables are turned squarely in the opposite direction.

I'm sure we could get into a lengthy debate about accomplishments and all that, but what honestly can you say Obama did that had such an indelible impact on America?

But it's a waste of time to expect you to appreciate what Bush did either. Partisan to the bitter end, not to mention overly sycophantic about Obama. Why is it you act like you're worshiping him?
Lowest since statistics have been kept.

He got it down by driving major portions completely out of the labor sector.

The ONLY ones benefiting from Obama's failed policies are Wall Street insiders. Main Street is getting fucked.
We didn't TRY any of Obama's policies, leaving the Fed you're complaining about as the only option.

So Barry had Democratic majorities in the House and Senate for two years and we didn't TRY any of his policies? How can that be, Franco? How could Obama and his minions have passed the ACA yet not pass other policies?
They had 2 weeks, dingbat dupe. What planet are you on?

So let me see if I've got this straight...they had two weeks to pass stuff and they managed to pass the ACA a piece of legislation thousands of pages long that affects 1/6th of our economy...but they didn't have time to pass any other legislation?

You really buy that nonsense...don't you, Franco!:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

I guess you're in denial about the Republicans in Congress saying "NO" to everything......they haven't passed anything...that's right, they just sit on their asses dreaming up ways to see if they can catch Obama in a scandal.....they haven't been able to find a damn thing.......poor souls, just wasted time and effort and our tax money. Way to go Repugs.

That is good. We need more politicians to do what we sent them there to do, and we sent in Republican leadership to say NO to Obama.
There is nothing guaranteed about it. They are not paying the medical bills because of preexisting condition.

If I had my employers coverage back, I would never have been in this position. But because of the Communists, I'm now screwed for at least the next year and probably beyond that. And no, Commie Care is not getting cheaper, it's getting more expensive.
Enroll, poor dupe. Ay caramba. And get your subsidy. Screwed by the lying GOP again...

I wouldn't get much of a subsidy. Commie Care was designed to take from the earners to give to the non or low-earners. I'm neither, I'm an earner, so I don't get anything from government.
Enroll and get good insurance with a subsidy and change the channel.

We are at the best. Because my employee pays for my insurance, hers is calculated at my wages and single so she doesn't get a break at all. The whole system is screwed up and made for the middle class to get screwed. Her policy is $800 a month $3500 deductible and then 80%. So we are paying $1449 a month for policies that we will never get use from. Might as well light a fire and burn the money. So add the monthly by 12 we are over $17000 in just having the insurance $5100 before it kicks in. Over $22000 a year before it kicks in. That is way too much for me. I'm finding out what the penalty is next year, if it is considerably less, I have no choice but to drop it. Not sure how it works for you but it is financially killing me.
Well I said it was the GOP plan...I'm on Medicare now, so you give me a headache...don't forget about your annual cap.

A bad plan was passed by the Democrats and it now holds Obama's name.

If it was the GOP plan the GOP didn't back it, not one vote.

The democrats screwed the middle class.

As far as the annual cap, I'm at $22,000 what's another $7000 to you right?

You tell me how this helps the middle class. As far as I'm concerned this is a mess and now you Democrats want to blame others for your mistake.

As far as your headache, go to your doctor and take a pill, your disdain for the working middle class is noted.
Lowest since statistics have been kept.

He got it down by driving major portions completely out of the labor sector.

The ONLY ones benefiting from Obama's failed policies are Wall Street insiders. Main Street is getting fucked.
We didn't TRY any of Obama's policies, leaving the Fed you're complaining about as the only option.

So Barry had Democratic majorities in the House and Senate for two years and we didn't TRY any of his policies? How can that be, Franco? How could Obama and his minions have passed the ACA yet not pass other policies?
They had 2 weeks, dingbat dupe. What planet are you on?

So let me see if I've got this straight...they had two weeks to pass stuff and they managed to pass the ACA a piece of legislation thousands of pages long that affects 1/6th of our economy...but they didn't have time to pass any other legislation?

You really buy that nonsense...don't you, Franco!:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

I guess you're in denial about the Republicans in Congress saying "NO" to everything......they haven't passed anything...that's right, they just sit on their asses dreaming up ways to see if they can catch Obama in a scandal.....they haven't been able to find a damn thing.......poor souls, just wasted time and effort and our tax money. Way to go Repugs.

I guess you're in denial that those Republicans were sent to Congress by the American people to say "NO" to what Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid had been doing the first two years of the Obama Administration? In January of 2009 Barack Obama told Eric Cantor that "Elections have consequences...I won!" After the 2010 midterm elections Barack Obama decided that elections didn't matter and that he knew best.

As for Obama scandals? Nobody has to dream up ways to catch Obama in a scandal...they occur so regularly that it's hard to keep track of them. I know you'll never admit it, Mertex but the Obama Administration resembles the Nixon Administration when it comes to stonewalling investigations into how they conduct business. Way to go, Dems!
Mertex demands that anyone whose opinion doesn't agree with hers "keep it to themselves".

She's exactly the kind of naive person that Obama's people target when they claim low gas prices as one of THEIR accomplishments!
Enroll, poor dupe. Ay caramba. And get your subsidy. Screwed by the lying GOP again...

I wouldn't get much of a subsidy. Commie Care was designed to take from the earners to give to the non or low-earners. I'm neither, I'm an earner, so I don't get anything from government.
Enroll and get good insurance with a subsidy and change the channel.

We are at the best. Because my employee pays for my insurance, hers is calculated at my wages and single so she doesn't get a break at all. The whole system is screwed up and made for the middle class to get screwed. Her policy is $800 a month $3500 deductible and then 80%. So we are paying $1449 a month for policies that we will never get use from. Might as well light a fire and burn the money. So add the monthly by 12 we are over $17000 in just having the insurance $5100 before it kicks in. Over $22000 a year before it kicks in. That is way too much for me. I'm finding out what the penalty is next year, if it is considerably less, I have no choice but to drop it. Not sure how it works for you but it is financially killing me.
Well I said it was the GOP plan...I'm on Medicare now, so you give me a headache...don't forget about your annual cap.

A bad plan was passed by the Democrats and it now holds Obama's name.

If it was the GOP plan the GOP didn't back it, not one vote.

The democrats screwed the middle class.

As far as the annual cap, I'm at $22,000 what's another $7000 to you right?

You tell me how this helps the middle class. As far as I'm concerned this is a mess and now you Democrats want to blame others for your mistake.

As far as your headache, go to your doctor and take a pill, your disdain for the working middle class is noted.

Check out the front page of USA TODAY, Papa...banner headlines about huge increases in premiums for Middle Class people all over America. So what ever happened to the Obama "promise" that the ACA was going to save Middle Class families an average of $2,500?

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