Right Wingers eating crow on price of gasoline. $1.39 in Indiana.

I wouldn't get much of a subsidy. Commie Care was designed to take from the earners to give to the non or low-earners. I'm neither, I'm an earner, so I don't get anything from government.
Enroll and get good insurance with a subsidy and change the channel.

We are at the best. Because my employee pays for my insurance, hers is calculated at my wages and single so she doesn't get a break at all. The whole system is screwed up and made for the middle class to get screwed. Her policy is $800 a month $3500 deductible and then 80%. So we are paying $1449 a month for policies that we will never get use from. Might as well light a fire and burn the money. So add the monthly by 12 we are over $17000 in just having the insurance $5100 before it kicks in. Over $22000 a year before it kicks in. That is way too much for me. I'm finding out what the penalty is next year, if it is considerably less, I have no choice but to drop it. Not sure how it works for you but it is financially killing me.
Well I said it was the GOP plan...I'm on Medicare now, so you give me a headache...don't forget about your annual cap.

A bad plan was passed by the Democrats and it now holds Obama's name.

If it was the GOP plan the GOP didn't back it, not one vote.

The democrats screwed the middle class.

As far as the annual cap, I'm at $22,000 what's another $7000 to you right?

You tell me how this helps the middle class. As far as I'm concerned this is a mess and now you Democrats want to blame others for your mistake.

As far as your headache, go to your doctor and take a pill, your disdain for the working middle class is noted.

Check out the front page of USA TODAY, Papa...banner headlines about huge increases in premiums for Middle Class people all over America. So what ever happened to the Obama "promise" that the ACA was going to save Middle Class families an average of $2,500?
Link to that bs- nothing on website
We didn't TRY any of Obama's policies, leaving the Fed you're complaining about as the only option.

So Barry had Democratic majorities in the House and Senate for two years and we didn't TRY any of his policies? How can that be, Franco? How could Obama and his minions have passed the ACA yet not pass other policies?
They had 2 weeks, dingbat dupe. What planet are you on?

So let me see if I've got this straight...they had two weeks to pass stuff and they managed to pass the ACA a piece of legislation thousands of pages long that affects 1/6th of our economy...but they didn't have time to pass any other legislation?

You really buy that nonsense...don't you, Franco!:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

I guess you're in denial about the Republicans in Congress saying "NO" to everything......they haven't passed anything...that's right, they just sit on their asses dreaming up ways to see if they can catch Obama in a scandal.....they haven't been able to find a damn thing.......poor souls, just wasted time and effort and our tax money. Way to go Repugs.

I guess you're in denial that those Republicans were sent to Congress by the American people to say "NO" to what Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid had been doing the first two years of the Obama Administration? In January of 2009 Barack Obama told Eric Cantor that "Elections have consequences...I won!" After the 2010 midterm elections Barack Obama decided that elections didn't matter and that he knew best.

As for Obama scandals? Nobody has to dream up ways to catch Obama in a scandal...they occur so regularly that it's hard to keep track of them. I know you'll never admit it, Mertex but the Obama Administration resembles the Nixon Administration when it comes to stonewalling investigations into how they conduct business. Way to go, Dems!
Pubs and dupes do what Fox etc says to. "No compromise, un-American TP GOP"- TIME. Your scandals are all totally discredited...the adults say no to your ridiculous witch hunts after a while, dupes and brainwashers. Your only principle is to always want more to keep the bs scandals going.
Enroll and get good insurance with a subsidy and change the channel.

We are at the best. Because my employee pays for my insurance, hers is calculated at my wages and single so she doesn't get a break at all. The whole system is screwed up and made for the middle class to get screwed. Her policy is $800 a month $3500 deductible and then 80%. So we are paying $1449 a month for policies that we will never get use from. Might as well light a fire and burn the money. So add the monthly by 12 we are over $17000 in just having the insurance $5100 before it kicks in. Over $22000 a year before it kicks in. That is way too much for me. I'm finding out what the penalty is next year, if it is considerably less, I have no choice but to drop it. Not sure how it works for you but it is financially killing me.
Well I said it was the GOP plan...I'm on Medicare now, so you give me a headache...don't forget about your annual cap.

A bad plan was passed by the Democrats and it now holds Obama's name.

If it was the GOP plan the GOP didn't back it, not one vote.

The democrats screwed the middle class.

As far as the annual cap, I'm at $22,000 what's another $7000 to you right?

You tell me how this helps the middle class. As far as I'm concerned this is a mess and now you Democrats want to blame others for your mistake.

As far as your headache, go to your doctor and take a pill, your disdain for the working middle class is noted.

Check out the front page of USA TODAY, Papa...banner headlines about huge increases in premiums for Middle Class people all over America. So what ever happened to the Obama "promise" that the ACA was going to save Middle Class families an average of $2,500?
Link to that bs- nothing on website

Go buy the paper you ass-hat! Or if you're too cheap to do that simply look at the headlines as the paper is sitting there on the store shelf! Unlike yourself I actually read a newspaper every day...it's how I keep informed.

So tell me, Franco...what happened to that $2500 savings you progressives promised to millions of Middle Class Americans?
Are you going to apologize to all those that you mocked for pointing out correctly that the math simply didn't work with the ACA? Obama, Reid, Pelosi...they all lied to the American people. They knew the figures they were putting out were total bullshit but they did it anyways. So now it's time to pay the piper because a whole lot of Middle Class Americans are getting letters in the mail telling them their premiums are going up substantially.
We are at the best. Because my employee pays for my insurance, hers is calculated at my wages and single so she doesn't get a break at all. The whole system is screwed up and made for the middle class to get screwed. Her policy is $800 a month $3500 deductible and then 80%. So we are paying $1449 a month for policies that we will never get use from. Might as well light a fire and burn the money. So add the monthly by 12 we are over $17000 in just having the insurance $5100 before it kicks in. Over $22000 a year before it kicks in. That is way too much for me. I'm finding out what the penalty is next year, if it is considerably less, I have no choice but to drop it. Not sure how it works for you but it is financially killing me.
Well I said it was the GOP plan...I'm on Medicare now, so you give me a headache...don't forget about your annual cap.

A bad plan was passed by the Democrats and it now holds Obama's name.

If it was the GOP plan the GOP didn't back it, not one vote.

The democrats screwed the middle class.

As far as the annual cap, I'm at $22,000 what's another $7000 to you right?

You tell me how this helps the middle class. As far as I'm concerned this is a mess and now you Democrats want to blame others for your mistake.

As far as your headache, go to your doctor and take a pill, your disdain for the working middle class is noted.

Check out the front page of USA TODAY, Papa...banner headlines about huge increases in premiums for Middle Class people all over America. So what ever happened to the Obama "promise" that the ACA was going to save Middle Class families an average of $2,500?
Link to that bs- nothing on website

Go buy the paper you ass-hat! Or if you're too cheap to do that simply look at the headlines as the paper is sitting there on the store shelf! Unlike yourself I actually read a newspaper every day...it's how I keep informed.

So tell me, Franco...what happened to that $2500 savings you progressives promised to millions of Middle Class Americans?
When it's fully implemented and the transparent competition works, of course.
Are you going to apologize to all those that you mocked for pointing out correctly that the math simply didn't work with the ACA? Obama, Reid, Pelosi...they all lied to the American people. They knew the figures they were putting out were total bullshit but they did it anyways. So now it's time to pay the piper because a whole lot of Middle Class Americans are getting letters in the mail telling them their premiums are going up substantially.
Well I said it was the GOP plan...I'm on Medicare now, so you give me a headache...don't forget about your annual cap.

A bad plan was passed by the Democrats and it now holds Obama's name.

If it was the GOP plan the GOP didn't back it, not one vote.

The democrats screwed the middle class.

As far as the annual cap, I'm at $22,000 what's another $7000 to you right?

You tell me how this helps the middle class. As far as I'm concerned this is a mess and now you Democrats want to blame others for your mistake.

As far as your headache, go to your doctor and take a pill, your disdain for the working middle class is noted.

Check out the front page of USA TODAY, Papa...banner headlines about huge increases in premiums for Middle Class people all over America. So what ever happened to the Obama "promise" that the ACA was going to save Middle Class families an average of $2,500?
Link to that bs- nothing on website

Go buy the paper you ass-hat! Or if you're too cheap to do that simply look at the headlines as the paper is sitting there on the store shelf! Unlike yourself I actually read a newspaper every day...it's how I keep informed.

So tell me, Franco...what happened to that $2500 savings you progressives promised to millions of Middle Class Americans?
When it's fully implemented and the transparent competition works, of course.

It's becoming "fully implemented" which is why premiums for the Middle Class are increasing by large amounts! So what happened to that $2,500, Franco? Not only are Middle Class families not seeing THAT...they're getting hit with increasing premiums and larger deductibles! That's what you "progressives" have done for the Middle Class who were simply asking for less expensive healthcare. Barry, Harry and Nancy lied...and they did so because they are ideologues who could care less about the average American. The ACA was never about improving healthcare in the US...it was ALWAYS about shifting who would pay for that healthcare!
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A bad plan was passed by the Democrats and it now holds Obama's name.

If it was the GOP plan the GOP didn't back it, not one vote.

The democrats screwed the middle class.

As far as the annual cap, I'm at $22,000 what's another $7000 to you right?

You tell me how this helps the middle class. As far as I'm concerned this is a mess and now you Democrats want to blame others for your mistake.

As far as your headache, go to your doctor and take a pill, your disdain for the working middle class is noted.

Check out the front page of USA TODAY, Papa...banner headlines about huge increases in premiums for Middle Class people all over America. So what ever happened to the Obama "promise" that the ACA was going to save Middle Class families an average of $2,500?
Link to that bs- nothing on website

Go buy the paper you ass-hat! Or if you're too cheap to do that simply look at the headlines as the paper is sitting there on the store shelf! Unlike yourself I actually read a newspaper every day...it's how I keep informed.

So tell me, Franco...what happened to that $2500 savings you progressives promised to millions of Middle Class Americans?
When it's fully implemented and the transparent competition works, of course.

It's becoming "fully implemented" which is why premiums for the Middle Class are increasing by large amounts! So what happened to that $2,500, Franco? Not only are Middle Class families not seeing THAT...they're getting hit with increasing premiums and larger deductibles! That's what you "progressives" have done for the Middle Class who were simply asking for less expensive healthcare. Barry, Harry and Nancy lied...and they did so because they are ideologues who could care less about the average American. The ACA was never about improving healthcare in the US...it was ALWAYS about shifting who would pay for that healthcare!
BS. Premiums went up less than 5%. Link to this USA TODAY ferchissake?
Are you going to apologize to all those that you mocked for pointing out correctly that the math simply didn't work with the ACA? Obama, Reid, Pelosi...they all lied to the American people. They knew the figures they were putting out were total bullshit but they did it anyways. So now it's time to pay the piper because a whole lot of Middle Class Americans are getting letters in the mail telling them their premiums are going up substantially.

JUN 10, 2015 @ 12:57 PM 82,022 VIEWS
Why Are The 2016 Obamacare Rate Increases So Large?

• CareFirst Blue Cross of Maryland is asking for a 34% rate increase on its PPO plan and a 26.7% rate increase for its HMO. CareFirst has an 80% market share in the Obamacare exchange and only 30% of the eligible Maryland market has signed up on the exchange.

• In Oregon, where less than 35% of the eligible have signed up on the exchange, the biggest insurer with 52% of the market, Moda, has asked for a 25.6% increase. Lifewise, with a 19% market share, has asked for a 38.5% increase.

• Blue Cross Blue Shield of Tennessee, with a 165,000 members making up 70% of the Obamacare exchange is asking for a 36.3% increase. The second biggest player, Humana HUM +0.57%, is asking for a 15.8% increase. Less than 40% of the eligible exchange market signed up in Tennessee.

• Georgia is the second biggest Obamacare market for Humana, having enrolled 254,000 people out of a total market of 479,000, and Georgia “maybe its biggest misstep”. Its CEO has said about Georgia, “We can’t have one business being subsidized by another business.” Humana is asking for 2016 individual plan rate increases from 14.8% to 19.44%.

• In Iowa, with the lowest enrollment rates in the country, and where its biggest Obamacare insurer went broke last December, Wellmark Blue Cross, which only sells off the exchange, is asking for a 43% increase on its Obamacare compliant policies. Coventry, which has 47,000 Obamacare customers, is asking for an 18% increase for its on-exchange business.

Why Are The 2016 Obamacare Rate Increases So Large?
Are you going to apologize to all those that you mocked for pointing out correctly that the math simply didn't work with the ACA? Obama, Reid, Pelosi...they all lied to the American people. They knew the figures they were putting out were total bullshit but they did it anyways. So now it's time to pay the piper because a whole lot of Middle Class Americans are getting letters in the mail telling them their premiums are going up substantially.

JUN 10, 2015 @ 12:57 PM 82,022 VIEWS
Why Are The 2016 Obamacare Rate Increases So Large?

• CareFirst Blue Cross of Maryland is asking for a 34% rate increase on its PPO plan and a 26.7% rate increase for its HMO. CareFirst has an 80% market share in the Obamacare exchange and only 30% of the eligible Maryland market has signed up on the exchange.

• In Oregon, where less than 35% of the eligible have signed up on the exchange, the biggest insurer with 52% of the market, Moda, has asked for a 25.6% increase. Lifewise, with a 19% market share, has asked for a 38.5% increase.

• Blue Cross Blue Shield of Tennessee, with a 165,000 members making up 70% of the Obamacare exchange is asking for a 36.3% increase. The second biggest player, Humana HUM +0.57%, is asking for a 15.8% increase. Less than 40% of the eligible exchange market signed up in Tennessee.

• Georgia is the second biggest Obamacare market for Humana, having enrolled 254,000 people out of a total market of 479,000, and Georgia “maybe its biggest misstep”. Its CEO has said about Georgia, “We can’t have one business being subsidized by another business.” Humana is asking for 2016 individual plan rate increases from 14.8% to 19.44%.

• In Iowa, with the lowest enrollment rates in the country, and where its biggest Obamacare insurer went broke last December, Wellmark Blue Cross, which only sells off the exchange, is asking for a 43% increase on its Obamacare compliant policies. Coventry, which has 47,000 Obamacare customers, is asking for an 18% increase for its on-exchange business.

Why Are The 2016 Obamacare Rate Increases So Large?
Oh, the insurers are asking again...Don't dupes EVER wise up? DOESN"T HAPPEN.
Are you going to apologize to all those that you mocked for pointing out correctly that the math simply didn't work with the ACA? Obama, Reid, Pelosi...they all lied to the American people. They knew the figures they were putting out were total bullshit but they did it anyways. So now it's time to pay the piper because a whole lot of Middle Class Americans are getting letters in the mail telling them their premiums are going up substantially.

JUN 10, 2015 @ 12:57 PM 82,022 VIEWS
Why Are The 2016 Obamacare Rate Increases So Large?

• CareFirst Blue Cross of Maryland is asking for a 34% rate increase on its PPO plan and a 26.7% rate increase for its HMO. CareFirst has an 80% market share in the Obamacare exchange and only 30% of the eligible Maryland market has signed up on the exchange.

• In Oregon, where less than 35% of the eligible have signed up on the exchange, the biggest insurer with 52% of the market, Moda, has asked for a 25.6% increase. Lifewise, with a 19% market share, has asked for a 38.5% increase.

• Blue Cross Blue Shield of Tennessee, with a 165,000 members making up 70% of the Obamacare exchange is asking for a 36.3% increase. The second biggest player, Humana HUM +0.57%, is asking for a 15.8% increase. Less than 40% of the eligible exchange market signed up in Tennessee.

• Georgia is the second biggest Obamacare market for Humana, having enrolled 254,000 people out of a total market of 479,000, and Georgia “maybe its biggest misstep”. Its CEO has said about Georgia, “We can’t have one business being subsidized by another business.” Humana is asking for 2016 individual plan rate increases from 14.8% to 19.44%.

• In Iowa, with the lowest enrollment rates in the country, and where its biggest Obamacare insurer went broke last December, Wellmark Blue Cross, which only sells off the exchange, is asking for a 43% increase on its Obamacare compliant policies. Coventry, which has 47,000 Obamacare customers, is asking for an 18% increase for its on-exchange business.

Why Are The 2016 Obamacare Rate Increases So Large?
Oh, the insurers are asking again...Don't dupes EVER wise up? DOESN"T HAPPEN.

It's right there in front of you, but like a typical lib, you put the palms of your hands against your ears and sing aloud.

Yes insurers are asking again. They are losing money on this horrific plan, and they need to stay alive. That's why some like United Healthcare are getting out.

When government tells insurance companies that they must insure high-risk clients, tells the insurance companies what they are allowed to charge, tells the insurance company how they are allowed to spend the money they get, there can be no other result than a disaster which is what Commie Care is.
Check out the front page of USA TODAY, Papa...banner headlines about huge increases in premiums for Middle Class people all over America. So what ever happened to the Obama "promise" that the ACA was going to save Middle Class families an average of $2,500?
Link to that bs- nothing on website

Go buy the paper you ass-hat! Or if you're too cheap to do that simply look at the headlines as the paper is sitting there on the store shelf! Unlike yourself I actually read a newspaper every day...it's how I keep informed.

So tell me, Franco...what happened to that $2500 savings you progressives promised to millions of Middle Class Americans?
When it's fully implemented and the transparent competition works, of course.

It's becoming "fully implemented" which is why premiums for the Middle Class are increasing by large amounts! So what happened to that $2,500, Franco? Not only are Middle Class families not seeing THAT...they're getting hit with increasing premiums and larger deductibles! That's what you "progressives" have done for the Middle Class who were simply asking for less expensive healthcare. Barry, Harry and Nancy lied...and they did so because they are ideologues who could care less about the average American. The ACA was never about improving healthcare in the US...it was ALWAYS about shifting who would pay for that healthcare!
BS. Premiums went up less than 5%. Link to this USA TODAY ferchissake?

State by state data show bigger 2016 exchange premium, deductible jumps
In Washington State premiums are up an average of 76% for a Middle Class family. That's not a typo...that's SEVENTY SIX PERCENT!!!

So tell me, Franco...what happened to the $2,500 a year savings Barack Obama promised those families?
Last edited:
I'll bet Franco's clueless about who's picking up the tab for those losses that the insurance companies took with the ACA.
Are you going to apologize to all those that you mocked for pointing out correctly that the math simply didn't work with the ACA? Obama, Reid, Pelosi...they all lied to the American people. They knew the figures they were putting out were total bullshit but they did it anyways. So now it's time to pay the piper because a whole lot of Middle Class Americans are getting letters in the mail telling them their premiums are going up substantially.

JUN 10, 2015 @ 12:57 PM 82,022 VIEWS
Why Are The 2016 Obamacare Rate Increases So Large?

• CareFirst Blue Cross of Maryland is asking for a 34% rate increase on its PPO plan and a 26.7% rate increase for its HMO. CareFirst has an 80% market share in the Obamacare exchange and only 30% of the eligible Maryland market has signed up on the exchange.

• In Oregon, where less than 35% of the eligible have signed up on the exchange, the biggest insurer with 52% of the market, Moda, has asked for a 25.6% increase. Lifewise, with a 19% market share, has asked for a 38.5% increase.

• Blue Cross Blue Shield of Tennessee, with a 165,000 members making up 70% of the Obamacare exchange is asking for a 36.3% increase. The second biggest player, Humana HUM +0.57%, is asking for a 15.8% increase. Less than 40% of the eligible exchange market signed up in Tennessee.

• Georgia is the second biggest Obamacare market for Humana, having enrolled 254,000 people out of a total market of 479,000, and Georgia “maybe its biggest misstep”. Its CEO has said about Georgia, “We can’t have one business being subsidized by another business.” Humana is asking for 2016 individual plan rate increases from 14.8% to 19.44%.

• In Iowa, with the lowest enrollment rates in the country, and where its biggest Obamacare insurer went broke last December, Wellmark Blue Cross, which only sells off the exchange, is asking for a 43% increase on its Obamacare compliant policies. Coventry, which has 47,000 Obamacare customers, is asking for an 18% increase for its on-exchange business.

Why Are The 2016 Obamacare Rate Increases So Large?
Oh, the insurers are asking again...Don't dupes EVER wise up? DOESN"T HAPPEN.

It's right there in front of you, but like a typical lib, you put the palms of your hands against your ears and sing aloud.

Yes insurers are asking again. They are losing money on this horrific plan, and they need to stay alive. That's why some like United Healthcare are getting out.

When government tells insurance companies that they must insure high-risk clients, tells the insurance companies what they are allowed to charge, tells the insurance company how they are allowed to spend the money they get, there can be no other result than a disaster which is what Commie Care is.
You GOPers said all this last year- and they went up 4%. Seriously, get real, dupes.
In Washington State premiums are up an average of 76% for a Middle Class family. That's not a typo...that's SEVENTY SIX PERCENT!!!

So tell me, Franco...what happened to the $2,500 a year savings Barack Obama promised those families?

BS. Link? WHEN IMPLEMENTED and competition going...IT"S NOT MAGIC....
December 13, 2014
Fracking Drives Global Oil Prices Down
By Jeffrey Folks


Since the fracking revolution began, U.S. production has increased from 5 million barrels per day at the end of 2008 to 8.5 million bpd as recently as June 2014. That increased supply is enough to move prices on a global market that consumes 92 million bpd. Technological advances suggest that 2015 will be another year of surging production before the effects of lower oil prices depress new drilling. But once oil prices rise, new drilling will soon follow, once again stabilizing prices.

The real question is what would have happened in the absence of North American fracking. Without the additional supplies coming on the market, today’s prices would almost certainly be above $100 per barrel, and quite possibly closer to $120. Those prices are enough to undermine global growth. The U.S. would not have escaped the effects of a global recession.

Fracking has also driven down the price of natural gas in the U.S. – a benefit that has existed since 2008 but that has been ignored by fracking opponents. Natural gas production has increased by 32% since 2005. Again, the advantages are huge: lower costs for electrical generation, home and office heating, and industrial usages. By the end of 2015, when U.S. producers begin exporting liquefied natural gas, Europe and Asia will begin to enjoy the same advantages. As the global economy improves in Japan and the EU, American workers will share in the prosperity.

Furthermore, these advantages are durable. With the rapid improvement in fracking technology, each year more oil and gas are recovered per well. The recovery rate for a conventional well was as low as 10%. It is now above 40% with higher recovery rates on the way. It is estimated that U.S. natural gas reserves are enough to supply the nation for another half-century.

For fracking skeptics, the crucial takeaway should be that fracking has driven energy prices lower, and it is fracking that will restrain prices in the future. The anti-fracking activist will then ask: what difference do lower energy prices make? The answer is that they make the difference between growth and recession.


Read more: Articles: Fracking Drives Global Oil Prices Down
In Washington State premiums are up an average of 76% for a Middle Class family. That's not a typo...that's SEVENTY SIX PERCENT!!!

So tell me, Franco...what happened to the $2,500 a year savings Barack Obama promised those families?

BS. Link? WHEN IMPLEMENTED and competition going...IT"S NOT MAGIC....

Competition? Did you not get the memo that exchanges are closing up all over the country? What competition? The fact is that the true costs of Obamacare are now revealing themselves to Middle Class Americans across the country and many of them are getting "sticker shock" when they open up the letters coming to them from their healthcare provider telling them how much more their healthcare insurance is now going to cost them!

You progressives LIED, Franco and those chickens will now be coming home to roost.
In Washington State premiums are up an average of 76% for a Middle Class family. That's not a typo...that's SEVENTY SIX PERCENT!!!

So tell me, Franco...what happened to the $2,500 a year savings Barack Obama promised those families?

BS. Link? WHEN IMPLEMENTED and competition going...IT"S NOT MAGIC....

Competition? Did you not get the memo that exchanges are closing up all over the country? What competition? The fact is that the true costs of Obamacare are now revealing themselves to Middle Class Americans across the country and many of them are getting "sticker shock" when they open up the letters coming to them from their healthcare provider telling them how much more their healthcare insurance is now going to cost them!

You progressives LIED, Franco and those chickens will now be coming home to roost.
LOL, dupe. The insurers always ask for ridiculous amounts and GET 4%. Brainwashed functional moron.
In Washington State premiums are up an average of 76% for a Middle Class family. That's not a typo...that's SEVENTY SIX PERCENT!!!

So tell me, Franco...what happened to the $2,500 a year savings Barack Obama promised those families?

BS. Link? WHEN IMPLEMENTED and competition going...IT"S NOT MAGIC....

Competition? Did you not get the memo that exchanges are closing up all over the country? What competition? The fact is that the true costs of Obamacare are now revealing themselves to Middle Class Americans across the country and many of them are getting "sticker shock" when they open up the letters coming to them from their healthcare provider telling them how much more their healthcare insurance is now going to cost them!

You progressives LIED, Franco and those chickens will now be coming home to roost.
LOL, dupe. The insurers always ask for ridiculous amounts and GET 4%. Brainwashed functional moron.

Typical Franco! You ask for a link...one is provided...and you won't address what's in it! That cover story in USA TODAY quoted Middle Class families in Washington State getting hit with average increases in their premiums of 76%. So once more...what happened to the "savings" of $2,500 that Barack Obama promised Middle Class families would be getting if the ACA became the law of the land?

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