Right wingers...regarding Orlando tragedy....you have a tough choice to make

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This event happened because a mentally unstable person got a very powerful gun... No mentally stable person does what this guy did...
A Muslim who supported ISIS and hates gays did this. Are you suggesting that all Muslims who do so are mentally unstable? Are you suggesting that they are all mentally unstable and should thus be denied their constitutional rights?

Your premise simply doesn't fly, legally nor logically, unless we are to presume that those who hate and or follow ISIS are inherently mentally unstable.
One might think that a terrible event like this would unite Americans, but one would be wrong.

It is clear that something is wrong within Islam, that some of its adherents think murdering innocents is their religious calling.
One might think that a terrible event like this would unite Americans, but one would be wrong.

It is clear that something is wrong within Islam, that some of its adherents think murdering innocents is their religious calling.

Why did the massacre occur?

1. Radical Islam
2. Extreme hatred of gays
3. A person with noted terrorist leanings, extreme anti-gay hatred, domestic abuse and anger issues being able to buy any gun he wants
3. Unlimited access to an assault type rifle and high capacity magazines
4. No screening of patrons entering the nightclub
I'm sure it was an "oversight" because you're an idiot.....But between the GWB terms and Obama's presidency we DID have a couple of invasions of Muslim countries, did we not?
Only complete idiots think Islamic terrorism began January 21, 2001.
One might think that a terrible event like this would unite Americans, but one would be wrong.

It is clear that something is wrong within Islam, that some of its adherents think murdering innocents is their religious calling.

Why did the massacre occur?

1. Radical Islam
2. Extreme hatred of gays
3. A person with noted terrorist leanings, extreme anti-gay hatred, domestic abuse and anger issues being able to buy any gun he wants
3. Unlimited access to an assault type rifle and high capacity magazines
4. No screening of patrons entering the nightclub
Agreed on first 3. Should we have a religious test in buying guns?

On your second "3", it's not "unlimited". You should buy a gun so you can comment from experience and not ignorance.

On 4, I don't know what their procedures were. The investigation will reveal more. It's interesting that you know The Pulse doesn't have security or screening.
One might think that a terrible event like this would unite Americans, but one would be wrong.

It is clear that something is wrong within Islam, that some of its adherents think murdering innocents is their religious calling.

Why did the massacre occur?

1. Radical Islam
2. Extreme hatred of gays
3. A person with noted terrorist leanings, extreme anti-gay hatred, domestic abuse and anger issues being able to buy any gun he wants
3. Unlimited access to an assault type rifle and high capacity magazines
4. No screening of patrons entering the nightclub
How many people in America have access to the weapons used by this subhuman? A lot, right? You lefties are always bitching about guns, yet this incident was the largest mass shooting in history. As such, it is not guns that are the problem. If you were capable of thinking logically, you would agree that this incident was Islamic terrorism and that IS the problem.
One might think that a terrible event like this would unite Americans, but one would be wrong.

It is clear that something is wrong within Islam, that some of its adherents think murdering innocents is their religious calling.

Why did the massacre occur?

1. Radical Islam
2. Extreme hatred of gays
3. A person with noted terrorist leanings, extreme anti-gay hatred, domestic abuse and anger issues being able to buy any gun he wants
3. Unlimited access to an assault type rifle and high capacity magazines
4. No screening of patrons entering the nightclub
Agreed on first 3. Should we have a religious test in buying guns?

On your second "3", it's not "unlimited". You should buy a gun so you can comment from experience and not ignorance.

On 4, I don't know what their procedures were. The investigation will reveal more. It's interesting that you know The Pulse doesn't have security or screening.

The guy had an AR-15 and had to be carrying a bag with hundreds of rounds of ammunition. Did he walk right in or did he shoot his way in?
One might think that a terrible event like this would unite Americans, but one would be wrong.

It is clear that something is wrong within Islam, that some of its adherents think murdering innocents is their religious calling.

Why did the massacre occur?

1. Radical Islam
2. Extreme hatred of gays
3. A person with noted terrorist leanings, extreme anti-gay hatred, domestic abuse and anger issues being able to buy any gun he wants
3. Unlimited access to an assault type rifle and high capacity magazines
4. No screening of patrons entering the nightclub
How many people in America have access to the weapons used by this subhuman? A lot, right? You lefties are always bitching about guns, yet this incident was the largest mass shooting in history. As such, it is not guns that are the problem. If you were capable of thinking logically, you would agree that this incident was Islamic terrorism and that IS the problem.

Hundred people shot, Fifty dead

No big deal.....we don't have to worry until there are thousands being killed
One might think that a terrible event like this would unite Americans, but one would be wrong.

It is clear that something is wrong within Islam, that some of its adherents think murdering innocents is their religious calling.

Why did the massacre occur?

1. Radical Islam
2. Extreme hatred of gays
3. A person with noted terrorist leanings, extreme anti-gay hatred, domestic abuse and anger issues being able to buy any gun he wants
3. Unlimited access to an assault type rifle and high capacity magazines
4. No screening of patrons entering the nightclub
How many people in America have access to the weapons used by this subhuman? A lot, right? You lefties are always bitching about guns, yet this incident was the largest mass shooting in history. As such, it is not guns that are the problem. If you were capable of thinking logically, you would agree that this incident was Islamic terrorism and that IS the problem.

Hundred people shot, Fifty dead

No big deal.....we don't have to worry until there are thousands being killed
Says the guy advocating disarming all law-biding American citizens.

You know, every time you post is a lie since you are obviously lying about being a "rightwinger".
One might think that a terrible event like this would unite Americans, but one would be wrong.

It is clear that something is wrong within Islam, that some of its adherents think murdering innocents is their religious calling.

Why did the massacre occur?

1. Radical Islam
2. Extreme hatred of gays
3. A person with noted terrorist leanings, extreme anti-gay hatred, domestic abuse and anger issues being able to buy any gun he wants
3. Unlimited access to an assault type rifle and high capacity magazines
4. No screening of patrons entering the nightclub
How many people in America have access to the weapons used by this subhuman? A lot, right? You lefties are always bitching about guns, yet this incident was the largest mass shooting in history. As such, it is not guns that are the problem. If you were capable of thinking logically, you would agree that this incident was Islamic terrorism and that IS the problem.

Hundred people shot, Fifty dead

No big deal.....we don't have to worry until there are thousands being killed
Says the guy advocating disarming all law-biding American citizens.

You know, every time you post is a lie since you are obviously lying about being a "rightwinger".
He certainly is a LWNJ. He believes whatever the D party, Obama, and the lib media tell him. He is incapable of thinking on his own...your typical reflexive liberal.
Right wingers.....especially on this forum......Your choice is both simple and a tough one to make.

Either you continue to adamantly support the sale of assault weapons to maniacs....weapons whose ONLY purpose is to kill as many people as possible in the shortest amount of time...........OR

You employ some sanity and abandon this moronic notion that NO weapon should be outlawed so that you can "idealize' some stupid scenario that you must defend yourself from government troops......

If you have a conscience (and since most of you call yourselves "good Christians") you have a choice to make....Be tacitly complicit in mass murders....or change your attitude toward the sale of such lethal weapons,

Nope. We have too many laws that infringe on gun rights. We need to be getting rid of more of these laws. That gun didn't kill anyone. It was used by an Islamic terrorist that hates americans. No, your left wing party needs to acknowledge these islamic murderers.
Nope. We have too many laws that infringe on gun rights. We need to be getting rid of more of these laws. That gun didn't kill anyone. It was used by an Islamic terrorist that hates americans. No, your left wing party needs to acknowledge these islamic murderers.

It is fuck heads like you that present a serious problem within the American citizenry.....

NO ONE, moron, is defending Islamic murderers...NO ONE.....The facts that they ARE among us and have ease in buying ANY weapon of their choosing with YOUR blessing, is the fucking problem.
Right wingers.....especially on this forum......Your choice is both simple and a tough one to make.

Either you continue to adamantly support the sale of assault weapons to maniacs....weapons whose ONLY purpose is to kill as many people as possible in the shortest amount of time...........OR

You employ some sanity and abandon this moronic notion that NO weapon should be outlawed so that you can "idealize' some stupid scenario that you must defend yourself from government troops......

If you have a conscience (and since most of you call yourselves "good Christians") you have a choice to make....Be tacitly complicit in mass murders....or change your attitude toward the sale of such lethal weapons,
By using the words "assault weapon" your creditability with those who know firearms drops to less than zero.

I don't know how you define an assault weapon, but whatever he used sure seemed to function like one.
Nope. We have too many laws that infringe on gun rights. We need to be getting rid of more of these laws. That gun didn't kill anyone. It was used by an Islamic terrorist that hates americans. No, your left wing party needs to acknowledge these islamic murderers.

It is fuck heads like you that present a serious problem within the American citizenry.....

NO ONE, moron, is defending Islamic murderers...NO ONE.....The facts that they ARE among us and have ease in buying ANY weapon of their choosing with YOUR blessing, is the fucking problem.
According to Obama, there is no such thing as Islamic murderers.
Stupid, stupid Crooked Hillary.

The ignorant bitch says "We need to get these weapons of war off the streets" but the asshole says nothing about getting the Muslim Terrorists that get the weapons and pull the triggers off the streets. In fact she doesn't want to do that.

The nitwit thinks the gun lobby is the problem and not the Radical Muslim Terrorists that kill people. That kind of stupidity is absolutely unbelievable.

Taking Liberties away from Americans with more worthless gun control laws to deal with Radical Muslim Terrorist is a dumb ass approach that will lose her millions of votes in November and she is not smart enough to know it.

Hillary Clinton reacts to Orlando shooting: I won't 'declare war' on a religion

Hillary Clinton reacts to Orlando shooting: I won't 'declare war' on a religion

"We can not fall into the trap set by the gun lobby that says if you can't stop every shooting and every incident you shouldn't try to stop any. That is not how laws work. It's not common sense," she said.

"We need to get these weapons of war off the streets. We had an assault weapons ban, it expired, and we need to reinstate it. From San Bernardino to Aurora, Colorado to Sandy Hook and now to Orlando, we have seen the devastation that these military style weapons cause," the former secretary of state explained.
I'm a Democrat. But I'm not a liberal nor a progressive

:wtf: So you vote for them ... why? It's like saying you go to Church but you are not a Christian. Did your wife tell you to?
No! You misunderstand. I'm in Maryland. The only way to vote against Hillary is to be a Democrat and vote for someone else in the primary's.

Sucks. I know.

Thanks! I wondered, from your posts I did not think you were a Democrat, but as you said I misunderstood. lived in Maryland for a long time and I have lots of family there. Love lots of things about the State, but sure not the politics
No need to get so upset, dude, it's a message board. If you can't calm down, try breathing in a bag

Upset about what?

Damn you're stupid, read the post I was replying to

Yep, you said I had no need to be upset and I replied that I wasn't upset.

Unless you were replying to the one troll I have on ignore then I have no idea what your confusion is.

You didn't read the post I responded to, did you?

And seriously, you think we make buying guns illegal and therefore, bam, terrorists can't get them! Bam! That's just the prepubescent intelligence you possess

Yeah, we covered this.

Anyway, I don't believe I said anything you claimed I did.

So you weren't supporting the OP?
Nope. We have too many laws that infringe on gun rights. We need to be getting rid of more of these laws. That gun didn't kill anyone. It was used by an Islamic terrorist that hates americans. No, your left wing party needs to acknowledge these islamic murderers.

It is fuck heads like you that present a serious problem within the American citizenry.....

NO ONE, moron, is defending Islamic murderers...NO ONE.....The facts that they ARE among us and have ease in buying ANY weapon of their choosing with YOUR blessing, is the fucking problem.

Nope. Has not a thing to do with weapons and everything to do with islamic hatred of americans.
How has your plan worked out in France? What terrorist shootings have you stopped with the strategy you want to follow here to limit the legal sale of guns?

I'll type slow that even a moron like you can keep up......A terrorist can drive....DRIVE....from Syria or Iraq to France without much problem, storing assault rifles along with a spare tire....So,NO...France has a bitch of a time stopping and searching every car coming across at about 5 borders....So that's rather tough for them.

Conversely, terrorists here in the US (thanks to you and your ilk and the NRA) can simply buy such lethal weapons with your blessings....


Damn you're stupid, It never ceases to amaze me. Read your own post. WE HAVE AN OPEN SOUTHERN BORDER!!!!

By your own argument, we would have less of a chance to stop guns coming across the border than France does.

Stupidity just oozes from you and our President who thinks this wasn't an Islamic fundamentalist attack
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