Right wingers...regarding Orlando tragedy....you have a tough choice to make

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So tell us ma'am, what piece of paper will stop people from shooting each other? Your gun free zones are a failure. Placing undo burdens on ordinary citizens and their constitutional right to carry has failed. During Clintons idiot gun ban and restrictions, shootings went up, so what is the magic elixir this time?

I live in Kansas City. We have Constitutional Carry. I remember when it passed and all the fear mongering ladies, such as yourself, predicted wild west shootouts every day. Never happened.

Moron....we are not talking about the kind of violence that has always occurred in this country since we have a heritage of the far west with everyone trying to compensate for their penises with guns.....

Rather, we are discussing why you fucked up right wingers make it EASIER for a home-grown terrorist to arm themselves with the most powerful weapons so that they can kill more fellow Americans.....

Now, cretin, if you can't keep up with the topic's main thrust, find a corner and play with your "guns".
Back to your standard MO. Can't answer the question so you resort to name calling. Your type are a dime a dozen on the old Interwebs.
Back to your standard MO. Can't answer the question so you resort to name calling. Your type are a dime a dozen on the old Interwebs.

I DID answer the question, moron......Perhaps there's a grown up around your basement to explain it to you.....Don't like my answers??? Fine, I don't give a fuck about discussing serious issues with nitwits...
Place me on ignore and go stick your gun(s) up your arse.
Rather, we are discussing why you fucked up right wingers make it EASIER for a home-grown terrorist to arm themselves with the most powerful weapons so that they can kill more fellow Americans.....

It's not our job as gun owners to protect you, or society, or to keep guns out of the hands of bad people. That's the job of the Government, and their tens of thousands of laws. Most of which do nothing to protect you or this country.....

As for me and mine; we will protect ourselves and not depend on the Government for our well being.
2. Grow Up, learn something about Western Civilization and the concept of Freedom which is promotes, and understand that Islamism is Authoritarian Totalitarianism just like Communism and Fascism. And then accept the reality that Islamism is at War With Us.

Follow your OWN fucked up logic then........If Islamists (according to your racist and xenophobic mentality) are at war with us.....it is your screwed up policies that are actually helping to ARM them.

In reality, it was Clinton and Obama that armed ISIS, and now they want to import thousands of them to our country.
Right wingers.....especially on this forum......Your choice is both simple and a tough one to make.

Either you continue to adamantly support the sale of assault weapons to maniacs....weapons whose ONLY purpose is to kill as many people as possible in the shortest amount of time...........OR

You employ some sanity and abandon this moronic notion that NO weapon should be outlawed so that you can "idealize' some stupid scenario that you must defend yourself from government troops......

If you have a conscience (and since most of you call yourselves "good Christians") you have a choice to make....Be tacitly complicit in mass murders....or change your attitude toward the sale of such lethal weapons,

The straw man speaks- ".....adamantly support the sale of assault weapons to maniacs..." Please provide the link for the guy who supports the sale of assault rifles to maniacs, I never saw it.

I think the BO left winger crowd has a more pressing dilemma since you adamantly support gay rights and refuse to acknowledge Muslim extremist hell bent on terror Exist. Has BO acknowledged that this guy was a Muslim terrorist yet?
I wonder how many right wingers are say, "Hey, it was only queers. What's the big deal?"
Has BO acknowledged that this guy was a Muslim terrorist yet?

....sure, Obama stating THAT would make you all tingly inside without bringing ONE of those dead back to life....

Attack an entire religion and you WILL be no better than the Nazi attacking Judaism.
No, this is you trying to mischaracterize what I said. I said nothing about being allowed to purchase a nuclear weapon. It is you blaming the weapon, not the man wielding it for the massacre in Orlando. It is man who is susceptible to the desire to kill. Guns are inanimate, non-sentient objects. They posses neither will nor intent. They cannot act on their own without a human being to guide it.
So, let me ask you a simple question......Had this shooter been able to ONLY purchase a hand gun, would he have amassed 50 dead and another 50 plus injuries???
OR, does the easy purchase of a MUCh more lethal weapon helped in his carnage?
Oh look... more mindless dishonesty and bigotry.
Banning 'assault weapons' does not eliminate legal access to 'assault weapons'.
I guess you don't want gay people to have the right to self defense. Behold liberal hypocrisy! You want gays to have the right to marry, you want them to be treated equally... except the 2nd Amendment.


i'm all for gays joining well regulated militias. Obama totally made that happen by repealling don't ask, don't tell.

But packing guns when drunk in a bar... meh, not so much.

There's a reason why bar owners don't want you packing heat in their bars. It mostly has to do with that bar argument over the game or who's hitting on whose girlfriend (or boyfriend) turning deadly.

11 SWAT Team members had a hard time taking this guy down. You really think one drunk with a pistol was going to do it?

People who carry concealed don't drink as you well know but choose to lie about. Face it dude. You're a pathological liar so honestly whatever you say is crap 99% of the time.
One might think that a terrible event like this would unite Americans, but one would be wrong.

It is clear that something is wrong within Islam, that some of its adherents think murdering innocents is their religious calling.

Why did the massacre occur?

1. Radical Islam
2. Extreme hatred of gays
3. A person with noted terrorist leanings, extreme anti-gay hatred, domestic abuse and anger issues being able to buy any gun he wants
3. Unlimited access to an assault type rifle and high capacity magazines
4. No screening of patrons entering the nightclub
How many people in America have access to the weapons used by this subhuman? A lot, right? You lefties are always bitching about guns, yet this incident was the largest mass shooting in history. As such, it is not guns that are the problem. If you were capable of thinking logically, you would agree that this incident was Islamic terrorism and that IS the problem.
Well by your logic... how many Muslims are already in the U.S.? A lot.
One might think that a terrible event like this would unite Americans, but one would be wrong.

It is clear that something is wrong within Islam, that some of its adherents think murdering innocents is their religious calling.

Why did the massacre occur?

1. Radical Islam
2. Extreme hatred of gays
3. A person with noted terrorist leanings, extreme anti-gay hatred, domestic abuse and anger issues being able to buy any gun he wants
3. Unlimited access to an assault type rifle and high capacity magazines
4. No screening of patrons entering the nightclub
How many people in America have access to the weapons used by this subhuman? A lot, right? You lefties are always bitching about guns, yet this incident was the largest mass shooting in history. As such, it is not guns that are the problem. If you were capable of thinking logically, you would agree that this incident was Islamic terrorism and that IS the problem.

Hundred people shot, Fifty dead

No big deal.....we don't have to worry until there are thousands being killed
Says the guy advocating disarming all law-biding American citizens.

You know, every time you post is a lie since you are obviously lying about being a "rightwinger".
Huh? Who says someone's name is necessarily announcing who they are? For the record, I am not a faun, despite the name.
One might think that a terrible event like this would unite Americans, but one would be wrong.

It is clear that something is wrong within Islam, that some of its adherents think murdering innocents is their religious calling.

Why did the massacre occur?

1. Radical Islam
2. Extreme hatred of gays
3. A person with noted terrorist leanings, extreme anti-gay hatred, domestic abuse and anger issues being able to buy any gun he wants
3. Unlimited access to an assault type rifle and high capacity magazines
4. No screening of patrons entering the nightclub
How many people in America have access to the weapons used by this subhuman? A lot, right? You lefties are always bitching about guns, yet this incident was the largest mass shooting in history. As such, it is not guns that are the problem. If you were capable of thinking logically, you would agree that this incident was Islamic terrorism and that IS the problem.
Well by your logic... how many Muslims are already in the U.S.? A lot.
Provide any post where I advocated disarming all law-abiding citizens

That is why you gun nuts can't be taken seriously. Any comment about background checks,restricting access to certain weapons or high capacity magazines goes right to......They want to take all our guns!
Every post where you support gun control, refer to law-biding Americans as "you gun nuts" and every post where you lie about your political ideology.
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