Right wingers...regarding Orlando tragedy....you have a tough choice to make

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It is fuck heads like you that present a serious problem within the American citizenry.....

NO ONE, moron, is defending Islamic murderers...NO ONE.....The facts that they ARE among us and have ease in buying ANY weapon of their choosing with YOUR blessing, is the fucking problem.
What do you propose? A religion check when buying a gun?
I don't know how you define an assault weapon, but whatever he used sure seemed to function like one.

Such is the lame ":defense" by most right wingers........They'll show their "manly prowess" by stating that such and such is or is not an "assault rifle"......Completely disregarding that ANY gun who can kill and maim over ONE HUNDRED human beings, is a fucking assaulting weapon and certainly a seldom used "defensive weapon" that these morons seem to want and need to fight off the government storm troopers..
I don't know how you define an assault weapon, but whatever he used sure seemed to function like one.

Such is the lame ":defense" by most right wingers........They'll show their "manly prowess" by stating that such and such is or is not an "assault rifle"......Completely disregarding that ANY gun who can kill and maim over ONE HUNDRED human beings, is a fucking assaulting weapon and certainly a seldom used "defensive weapon" that these morons seem to want and need to fight off the government storm troopers..

This is your worthless presidents fault.
Damn you're stupid, It never ceases to amaze me. Read your own post. WE HAVE AN OPEN SOUTHERN BORDER!!!!

By your own argument, we would have less of a chance to stop guns coming across the border than France does.

Stupidity just oozes from you and our President who thinks this wasn't an Islamic fundamentalist attack

MORON.....my point was and is this....WHY the fuck should a would-be terrorist "smuggle" guns across the Mexican border when he can get one EASILY because of your screwed up need to arm everybody that wants a lethal weapon????

Answer THAT cretin......why smuggle when you can walk into ANY gun show and pick one up?
One might think that a terrible event like this would unite Americans, but one would be wrong.

It is clear that something is wrong within Islam, that some of its adherents think murdering innocents is their religious calling.

Why did the massacre occur?

1. Radical Islam
2. Extreme hatred of gays
3. A person with noted terrorist leanings, extreme anti-gay hatred, domestic abuse and anger issues being able to buy any gun he wants
3. Unlimited access to an assault type rifle and high capacity magazines
4. No screening of patrons entering the nightclub
How many people in America have access to the weapons used by this subhuman? A lot, right? You lefties are always bitching about guns, yet this incident was the largest mass shooting in history. As such, it is not guns that are the problem. If you were capable of thinking logically, you would agree that this incident was Islamic terrorism and that IS the problem.

Hundred people shot, Fifty dead

No big deal.....we don't have to worry until there are thousands being killed
Says the guy advocating disarming all law-biding American citizens.

You know, every time you post is a lie since you are obviously lying about being a "rightwinger".

Provide any post where I advocated disarming all law-abiding citizens

That is why you gun nuts can't be taken seriously. Any comment about background checks,restricting access to certain weapons or high capacity magazines goes right to......They want to take all our guns!
I don't know how you define an assault weapon, but whatever he used sure seemed to function like one.

Such is the lame ":defense" by most right wingers........They'll show their "manly prowess" by stating that such and such is or is not an "assault rifle"......Completely disregarding that ANY gun who can kill and maim over ONE HUNDRED human beings, is a fucking assaulting weapon and certainly a seldom used "defensive weapon" that these morons seem to want and need to fight off the government storm troopers..

This is your worthless presidents fault.

I know....If only he would say "Radical Islam" none of this would have happened
Right wingers.....especially on this forum......Your choice is both simple and a tough one to make.

Either you continue to adamantly support the sale of assault weapons to maniacs....weapons whose ONLY purpose is to kill as many people as possible in the shortest amount of time...........OR

You employ some sanity and abandon this moronic notion that NO weapon should be outlawed so that you can "idealize' some stupid scenario that you must defend yourself from government troops......

If you have a conscience (and since most of you call yourselves "good Christians") you have a choice to make....Be tacitly complicit in mass murders....or change your attitude toward the sale of such lethal weapons,

Another stupid fake strawman dilemma proposed by an ignorant Leftie.

You Progs actually have two choices:

1. Continue in your destructive escapism in which Islamist Terror attacks are blamed on anything but the actual cause...and inevitably end up on the wrong end of a executioner's blade because You Are The Infidels Sharia Law targets. You many not be interested in Islamism, but Islamism is Very Interested In You.


2. Grow Up, learn something about Western Civilization and the concept of Freedom which is promotes, and understand that Islamism is Authoritarian Totalitarianism just like Communism and Fascism. And then accept the reality that Islamism is at War With Us.
Provide any post where I advocated disarming all law-abiding citizens

That is why you gun nuts can't be taken seriously. Any comment about background checks,restricting access to certain weapons or high capacity magazines goes right to......They want to take all our guns!

Based on that, either they're truly morons....or they too have something to hide.
I don't know how you define an assault weapon, but whatever he used sure seemed to function like one.

Such is the lame ":defense" by most right wingers........They'll show their "manly prowess" by stating that such and such is or is not an "assault rifle"......Completely disregarding that ANY gun who can kill and maim over ONE HUNDRED human beings, is a fucking assaulting weapon and certainly a seldom used "defensive weapon" that these morons seem to want and need to fight off the government storm troopers..

This is your worthless presidents fault.

I know....If only he would say "Radical Islam" none of this would have happened

Ho hum. Thats not even funny sarcasm, RW. You gotta do better.
2. Grow Up, learn something about Western Civilization and the concept of Freedom which is promotes, and understand that Islamism is Authoritarian Totalitarianism just like Communism and Fascism. And then accept the reality that Islamism is at War With Us.

Follow your OWN fucked up logic then........If Islamists (according to your racist and xenophobic mentality) are at war with us.....it is your screwed up policies that are actually helping to ARM them.
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2. Grow Up, learn something about Western Civilization and the concept of Freedom which is promotes, and understand that Islamism is Authoritarian Totalitarianism just like Communism and Fascism. And then accept the reality that Islamism is at War With Us.

Follow your OWN fucked up logic then........If Islamists (according to your racist and xenophobic mentality) are at war with us.....it is your screwed up policies that are actually help to ARM them.

Ding Ding Ding! You're wrong! You Lose!
Killed 50 people with it....THAT is some assault weapon

That weapon didn't kill 50 people by itself, now did it?

Imagine if he had only a revolver, can you imagine the number of people the shooter wouldn't have killed?
According the ATF he bought a long gun and a handgun just days ago.

So, it's apparently fact. Do what you want with the info.
It is apparently a fact that you are blaming the weapon.

Do what you want with the info.

I don't think it's possible to only blame the weapon, that doesn't' make sense. To ignore the weapons effectiveness is asinine.
I'm not ignoring the weapons effectiveness.

Again! He was a known radical. The Government failed in their responsibility.

The weapon was manufactured for the effectiveness.

You choose to curtail my rights instead of addressing the individual.

The guy is a terrorist and he chose to use the tool that is most effective. Nobody is ignoring who the guy is, you're deflecting.
You anti 2nd Amendment clowns make me laugh. There are over 300 million privately owned firearms in the US, but the areas with the most restrictive laws suffer the worst gun violence. Seems like you want more gun violence, like under the Clinton restrictions. My question is why?
You anti 2nd Amendment clowns make me laugh. There are over 300 million privately owned firearms in the US, but the areas with the most restrictive laws suffer the worst gun violence. Seems like you want more gun violence, like under the Clinton restrictions. My question is why?

Of course you'd ask "why"......that's because you're an idiot and you're not shy about showing it......

The areas with the MOST restrictive gun laws (according to you) are in large urban areas (and that for idiots like you means MORE people)...ergo, these urban areas WILL have more violence than some little dung-filled, small town in Idaho or Montana.
You anti 2nd Amendment clowns make me laugh. There are over 300 million privately owned firearms in the US, but the areas with the most restrictive laws suffer the worst gun violence. Seems like you want more gun violence, like under the Clinton restrictions. My question is why?

Of course you'd ask "why"......that's because you're an idiot and you're not shy about showing it......

The areas with the MOST restrictive gun laws (according to you) are in large urban areas (and that for idiots like you means MORE people)...ergo, these urban areas WILL have more violence than some little dung-filled, small town in Idaho or Montana.

So tell us ma'am, what piece of paper will stop people from shooting each other? Your gun free zones are a failure. Placing undo burdens on ordinary citizens and their constitutional right to carry has failed. During Clintons idiot gun ban and restrictions, shootings went up, so what is the magic elixir this time?

I live in Kansas City. We have Constitutional Carry. I remember when it passed and all the fear mongering ladies, such as yourself, predicted wild west shootouts every day. Never happened.
So tell us ma'am, what piece of paper will stop people from shooting each other? Your gun free zones are a failure. Placing undo burdens on ordinary citizens and their constitutional right to carry has failed. During Clintons idiot gun ban and restrictions, shootings went up, so what is the magic elixir this time?

I live in Kansas City. We have Constitutional Carry. I remember when it passed and all the fear mongering ladies, such as yourself, predicted wild west shootouts every day. Never happened.

Moron....we are not talking about the kind of violence that has always occurred in this country since we have a heritage of the far west with everyone trying to compensate for their penises with guns.....

Rather, we are discussing why you fucked up right wingers make it EASIER for a home-grown terrorist to arm themselves with the most powerful weapons so that they can kill more fellow Americans.....

Now, cretin, if you can't keep up with the topic's main thrust, find a corner and play with your "guns".
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