Right wingers...regarding Orlando tragedy....you have a tough choice to make

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I'm not ignoring the weapons effectiveness.

Again! He was a known radical. The Government failed in their responsibility.

The weapon was manufactured for the effectiveness.

You choose to curtail my rights instead of addressing the individual.

You totally have the right to join a well-regulated militia.

To own an assault rifle... not so much.

The thing was, this guy was on the FBI's watch list, his co-workers knew he was violent and his ex wife says he was mentally ill.

And he was still able to acquire an M-16.
You aholes keep saying more guns is that answer as these things keep getting worse. Florida has been listening to you. They have tons of guns and pro gun laws. Yet 50 dead and 50 wounded by just 1 maniac.
One mentally disturbed maniac. Why don't you anti-gunners focus on helping the mentally ill and stop attacking the rights of lawful citizens?
Too bad none of the dancers at the club were armed. One could have capped Omar in the head.

Right. Because a drunken gay dancer is going to be more effective than a SWAT team.
First, it's illegal in Florida to be drunk and having a concealed weapon, but, secondly and more importantly, it's a moot point since Florida law designates bars as "gun free zones". It appears your friend Omar broke the law carrying a gun into a bar.

Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes : Online Sunshine
By using the words "assault weapon" your creditability with those who know firearms drops to less than zero.

Yes, folks like yourself always try to justify mass shootings by finding "solace" in trying to forgive the shooter through your extensive knowledge of lethal weapons.......Heck, following your "logic" the shooter could have "legally" bought himself a bazooka to realize an even greater body count..
If this piece of shit Muslim didn't have a gun he would have tossed pipe bombs in the club instead

Banning guns will not stop people hell bent on mass murder from killing
Too bad none of the dancers at the club were armed. One could have capped Omar in the head.

Right. Because a drunken gay dancer is going to be more effective than a SWAT team.
First, it's illegal in Florida to be drunk and having a concealed weapon, but, secondly and more importantly, it's a moot point since Florida law designates bars as "gun free zones". It appears your friend Omar broke the law carrying a gun into a bar.

Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes : Online Sunshine
Yeah, that's what this country needs more of... armed, prancing, drunken Fruit Loops... whipped into an orgiastic frenzy...
Prove what you claim. Or is that what you would do?
The bottom line here is that Omar broke the law carrying a gun into a gun free zone. Are you saying more laws would have stopped him?

Do your really believe limiting the rights of Americans gives them more freedom? Did you support the Patriot Act? Do you still support it?
Right wingers.....especially on this forum......Your choice is both simple and a tough one to make.

Either you continue to adamantly support the sale of assault weapons to maniacs....weapons whose ONLY purpose is to kill as many people as possible in the shortest amount of time...........OR

You employ some sanity and abandon this moronic notion that NO weapon should be outlawed so that you can "idealize' some stupid scenario that you must defend yourself from government troops......

If you have a conscience (and since most of you call yourselves "good Christians") you have a choice to make....Be tacitly complicit in mass murders....or change your attitude toward the sale of such lethal weapons,
It seems to me the tough choice is yours. Do you value Muslims over gays? Seems the two do not co-exist well.

This event happened because a mentally unstable person got a very powerful gun... No mentally stable person does what this guy did...

Now the question exists,
Are you going to solve gobe able to identify and treat mentally unstable people in American Society?
Restrict access to guns to them?
Deport 3.3 million US citizens (minimum) to a country where they have no citizenship?

Any Religious or Fanatical views (which manifest into a shooting like this) are a form of mental unstable followed by being subjected to extreme views... The more unstable the less extreme they need to be...
We still don't know if this guy was acting alone or part of a group... If he was alone how is this different from a an anti government lone gunman... HATE is HATE...
Prove what you claim. Or is that what you would do?
The bottom line here is that Omar broke the law carrying a gun into a gun free zone. Are you saying more laws would have stopped him?

Do your really believe limiting the rights of Americans gives them more freedom? Did you support the Patriot Act? Do you still support it?

Probably not....but why does he get to go into any gun shop and purchase an AR-15 with multiple high capacity magazines

Sir...why are you buying so many high capacity magazines?
Omar: I want to kill me some fags

Oh...in that case, may I suggest
Probably not....but why does he get to go into any gun shop and purchase an AR-15 with multiple high capacity magazines

Sir...why are you buying so many high capacity magazines?
Omar: I want to kill me some fags

Oh...in that case, may I suggest
It's well known the far Left anti-gun mob not only lies, but truly believes banning guns will cure mental illness, stop gang violence and, in this case, stop Islamic terrorism.

Do you want to ban pressure cookers too? For the children, of course.
I love it. The Left is on official meltdown narrative pushing gun control when on their watch- their moonbeam god, Obongo totally dropped the ball and owns this entire thing.. they know it, he knows it and Americans know it.. So scream, meltdown, cry, whine... snap your carrot, whatever smooths your smack but at the end of the day, IT'S ON YOUR PLATE.

I'm sure the above douche bag felt the same way after Sept. 11, 2001....LOL
More mass shootings have now occurred under Barack Obama’s watch than the past four president’s combined (Reagan – 11, Bush Sr. – 12, Clinton – 23, Bush Jr. – 16, Obama – 162)

I'm sure it was an "oversight" because you're an idiot.....But between the GWB terms and Obama's presidency we DID have a couple of invasions of Muslim countries, did we not?
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