Right wingers...regarding Orlando tragedy....you have a tough choice to make

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Since you clearly aren't interested in answering questions nor apologizing for lying, clearly there is nothing to move forward.

I answered your question and explained to you exactly what the slippery slope has to do with as to your comments.

Now, if at some point you would care to address it and set some sort of reasonable limit on it, we have a way forward. There has to be SOME sort of arms where you draw line when it comes to constitutional rights to arms.

You're not only a liar, but an unrepentant liar. You're lying about answering my questions and you are lying about me.

Example: I made this post
We could have some standards based on consistent,objective qualifying measures on how deadly a weapon is.
Such as cars that don't weigh more than 500 pounds, have feather-pillow bumpers and are limited to one horsepower per seat?

Yet, in reply, you inserted Skull Pilot's post and claim it was mine. Why the lie?

The point is they do not have to be part of a militia to own a weapon. The right to own arms precedes the membership in a militia

And I'll argue that I am a militia of one tasked with the protection of my wife and property

I'll argue that you are stretching badly and that preceding constitution is not a constitutional make.

The point is they do not have to be part of a militia to own a weapon. The right to own arms precedes the membership in a militia

And I'll argue that I am a militia of one tasked with the protection of my wife and property
You can lie to yourself, dipshit; but you can't lie to me. I know the truth about our phony Islamic imposter "president."

You're going to be really pissy when he leaves and they start naming stuff after him.

They already have named sh** after him. And I don't get overly bothered if that's your contention. Most people that get stuffed named after them are not all that worthy.
Ding Ding Ding! You're wrong! You Lose!

I can get a much better and more intelligent response from my dog.

Well, I surmise your dog would debate you under the rug.

Well, I surmise, as well as accurately declare, that You Are A Moron.

Who me?

Oops, no, not you - NatteringNabob4900 is the Moron.
No worries!
Muslim isn't a race, dumb ass

Most racists......like you.......try to hide their racism by finding other terms to express their stupidity.....

Come on Sassy...... bring out your Obama conspiracy theories and "birtherism"......LOL

STFU and apoogize to the lady for incorrectly calling Islam a race.

Nat better watch it. POGO will be all over her.

Pogo jetted after claiming that nobody imports terrorists. I would've left in shame too had I said that.
STFU and apoogize to the lady for incorrectly calling Islam a race.

Hey douche bag.....When did I ever state Islam is a race......Stop drinking and go take a nap, idiot.....People like you should at least TRY to hide your stupidity since many of you right wingers are clearly both ANTI-Islam AND RACISTS.
STFU and apoogize to the lady for incorrectly calling Islam a race.

Hey douche bag.....When did I ever state Islam is a race......Stop drinking and go take a nap, idiot.....People like you should at least TRY to hide your stupidity since many of you right wingers are clearly both ANTI-Islam AND RACISTS.

Hey "douche bag." What racist thing did I say? If you're going to get on your high horse about what's said and then throw sh** out your ass, then you're pathetic.
STFU and apoogize to the lady for incorrectly calling Islam a race.

Hey douche bag.....When did I ever state Islam is a race......Stop drinking and go take a nap, idiot.....People like you should at least TRY to hide your stupidity since many of you right wingers are clearly both ANTI-Islam AND RACISTS.

Just reviewed the matter (which is more than a pissant like you is worthy of)

You were calling her a racist in response to her take on an Islamic matter. Clearly, you were implying that Islam is a race.

Democrats love dead bodies to achieve political ends. Y'all never let a tragedy go to waste.

You mean like the neocon whackadoodle Trumpie crapping on about "I told you so", while Clinton shows empathy? That kind of tragedy?

Trump's policy would have prevented this if it had been in effect when this mass murderers parents tried to immigrate.

....the Founding Slave Rapists....
This is one of the many reasons why your credibility is lower than dog shit.

Right... So why do I have 12,000+ ratings and you have less than 1000?

This country was founded by slave owners who didn't want to pay their taxes. sorry, i know this is hard for you to deal with, but it was.

The idea that any adherent of the bloodthirsty cult of Islam can be well adjusted doesn't pass the laugh test. Any one who believes that crap is bound to be mentally screwed up. The fact that this guy was a nut proves nothing. No matter how hard you attempt to divert attention from the central issue, you will fail. That issue is Islam.

guy, we have 5 million muslims in this country. Most of them are better citizens than you are. A lot of them make more money than you do.

Nice opinion.

Like Obama has spent the last 8 years aiding the Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS, and Al Qaeida - the perpetrators of 9/11/01 ... and 9/11/12.

right. Hey was really helping Al qaeda when he killed Bin Laden.

Like Pro-abortionists have spent decades protesting the right to murder children at any stage of pregnancy, to include the barbaric practice of late-term abortions!

Right, when you guys stop trying to pull food out of the mouths of hungry children, I'll take you seriously on abortion.
Right... So why do I have 12,000+ ratings and you have less than 1000?
ROFLOL! You confuse like-minded liberals liking the shite you often spew with actually being 'CREDIBLE'. There is a HUGE difference.
Right wingers.....especially on this forum......Your choice is both simple and a tough one to make.

Either you continue to adamantly support the sale of assault weapons to maniacs....weapons whose ONLY purpose is to kill as many people as possible in the shortest amount of time...........OR

You employ some sanity and abandon this moronic notion that NO weapon should be outlawed so that you can "idealize' some stupid scenario that you must defend yourself from government troops......

If you have a conscience (and since most of you call yourselves "good Christians") you have a choice to make....Be tacitly complicit in mass murders....or change your attitude toward the sale of such lethal weapons,

All acceptable risk to live in America

AR-15's for all who want them

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