Right wingers...regarding Orlando tragedy....you have a tough choice to make

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The O. P. has a choice to make....whether she will get her head out of her ass long enough to realize that something must be done about Murderous Muslim Terrorism, or leave it in, and continue to look like a damn fool.

I agree. The op is an idiot who would rather blame the gun, which is the tool, instead of the weapon, which is the Muslim using it.

Just shows what an absolute idiot the op is.
You missed the part where Islamic Extremists have slaughtered thousands after giving them the choice - if they are lucky - of converting to Islam or dying.

You entirely ignored what I was saying:

WHICH Islamic Extremists? There are many sorts and flavors of Islamic people with what we consider extreme positions. We are not at war with all, or even most of them.
Thank you for supporting my position that we need to identify exactly who the enemy is. The rest of the world for now has agreed on and identified Islamic Extremists as those who are committing acts of terrorism such as the Paris Bombing, 9/11/01, the Ft. Hood attack, the Ca 12 who were murdered, Orlando....

While those who may want to instill Sharia law might be seen as 'extreme' they are not being considered part of the 'Radical Islam' / 'Islamic Extremist' / 'Islamic Jihad' definition adopted by Europe and most of the world.

Obama is feeling so much pressure to join that rest of the world in condemning that defined 'Radical Islam' and is so adamantly opposed to doing so that he defiantly 'snapped' yesterday, attacking Americans - even Hillary - for using the term and for demanding he do so...then proceeded to lecture Americans rather than lecture those actually murdering Americans by the dozens here at home (Ca - 12, Orlando - 50)!
Thank you for supporting my position that we need to identify exactly who the enemy is. The rest of the world for now has agreed on and identified Islamic Extremists as those who are committing acts of terrorism such as the Paris Bombing, 9/11/01, the Ft. Hood attack, the Ca 12 who were murdered, Orlando....

While those who may want to instill Sharia law might be seen as 'extreme' they are not being considered part of the 'Radical Islam' / 'Islamic Extremist' / 'Islamic Jihad' definition adopted by Europe and most of the world.

Obama is feeling so much pressure to join that rest of the world in condemning that defined 'Radical Islam' and is so adamantly opposed to doing so that he defiantly 'snapped' yesterday, attacking Americans - even Hillary - for using the term and for demanding he do so...then proceeded to lecture Americans rather than lecture those actually murdering Americans by the dozens here at home (Ca - 12, Orlando - 50)!

"Might"? what do you mean "might" - it is extreme, no ifs, no butts. But we are not at war with all backward people, or even all those that are violent.

We are at war SPECIFICALLY with ISIS and other SPECIFIC organizations.
Thank you for supporting my position that we need to identify exactly who the enemy is. The rest of the world for now has agreed on and identified Islamic Extremists as those who are committing acts of terrorism such as the Paris Bombing, 9/11/01, the Ft. Hood attack, the Ca 12 who were murdered, Orlando....

While those who may want to instill Sharia law might be seen as 'extreme' they are not being considered part of the 'Radical Islam' / 'Islamic Extremist' / 'Islamic Jihad' definition adopted by Europe and most of the world.

Obama is feeling so much pressure to join that rest of the world in condemning that defined 'Radical Islam' and is so adamantly opposed to doing so that he defiantly 'snapped' yesterday, attacking Americans - even Hillary - for using the term and for demanding he do so...then proceeded to lecture Americans rather than lecture those actually murdering Americans by the dozens here at home (Ca - 12, Orlando - 50)!

"Might"? what do you mean "might" - it is extreme, no ifs, no butts. But we are not at war with all backward people, or even all those that are violent.

We are at war SPECIFICALLY with ISIS and other SPECIFIC organizations.
Agreed. My point is that we are not officially 'at war' with those who peacefully work within our Constitution and laws to affect the change they seek. We are only at war with those who use the tactic of violent terrorism against us, who are killing Americans.
Trump's policy would have prevented this if it had been in effect when this mass murderers parents tried to immigrate.


When this guys' parents immigrated here, Ronnie Raygun was still calling Jihadists "Freedom Fighters'"

I have often commented on the share of the blame that the RIght has for Third World Immigration,

Democrats love dead bodies to achieve political ends. Y'all never let a tragedy go to waste.

You mean like the neocon whackadoodle Trumpie crapping on about "I told you so", while Clinton shows empathy? That kind of tragedy?

Trump's policy would have prevented this if it had been in effect when this mass murderers parents tried to immigrate.

That was decades ago. So much for the tripe that his ban would be "temporary," huh?

He was vague as to the duration.

His limit was until we understand the problem, with the implication that understanding would lead to a solution.

IMO, the more we understand the problem the more we will understand the solution is keeping them out.

Do you have the intellectual honesty to admit that if Trump's ban was in place in the 80s, that all 50 of those Americans would still be alive?
Democrats love dead bodies to achieve political ends. Y'all never let a tragedy go to waste.

You mean like the neocon whackadoodle Trumpie crapping on about "I told you so", while Clinton shows empathy? That kind of tragedy?

Trump's policy would have prevented this if it had been in effect when this mass murderers parents tried to immigrate.

That was decades ago. So much for the tripe that his ban would be "temporary," huh?

He was vague as to the duration.

His limit was until we understand the problem, with the implication that understanding would lead to a solution.

IMO, the more we understand the problem the more we will understand the solution is keeping them out.
The word is ... indefinately.

Do you have the intellectual honesty to admit that if Trump's ban was in place in the 80s, that all 50 of those Americans would still be alive?
What reasoning was there to ban Muslims in the 1980's?

Being intellectually honest, they probably would. Of course, that same intellectual honesty could hypothesize they (or many) might still be alive if we still had a ban on semi-automatic weapons and I don't believe we should do that either.
Democrats love dead bodies to achieve political ends. Y'all never let a tragedy go to waste.

You mean like the neocon whackadoodle Trumpie crapping on about "I told you so", while Clinton shows empathy? That kind of tragedy?

Trump's policy would have prevented this if it had been in effect when this mass murderers parents tried to immigrate.

That was decades ago. So much for the tripe that his ban would be "temporary," huh?

He was vague as to the duration.

His limit was until we understand the problem, with the implication that understanding would lead to a solution.

IMO, the more we understand the problem the more we will understand the solution is keeping them out.
The word is ... indefinately.

Do you have the intellectual honesty to admit that if Trump's ban was in place in the 80s, that all 50 of those Americans would still be alive?
What reasoning was there to ban Muslims in the 1980's?

Being intellectually honest, they probably would. Of course, that same intellectual honesty could hypothesize they (or many) might still be alive if we still had a ban on semi-automatic weapons and I don't believe we should do that either.

1. Indefinitely would work for me, though that is NOT what Trump said.

2. They? I asked YOU.

2B Actually, nope. You might be able to argue that withe less effective weapons that the Death Toll MIGHT be lower, but if that whack job was here, and wanted to kill homosexuals, there is no reason to think that he could not.
Democrats love dead bodies to achieve political ends. Y'all never let a tragedy go to waste.

You mean like the neocon whackadoodle Trumpie crapping on about "I told you so", while Clinton shows empathy? That kind of tragedy?

Trump's policy would have prevented this if it had been in effect when this mass murderers parents tried to immigrate.

That was decades ago. So much for the tripe that his ban would be "temporary," huh?

He was vague as to the duration.

His limit was until we understand the problem, with the implication that understanding would lead to a solution.

IMO, the more we understand the problem the more we will understand the solution is keeping them out.
The word is ... indefinately.

Do you have the intellectual honesty to admit that if Trump's ban was in place in the 80s, that all 50 of those Americans would still be alive?
What reasoning was there to ban Muslims in the 1980's?

Being intellectually honest, they probably would. Of course, that same intellectual honesty could hypothesize they (or many) might still be alive if we still had a ban on semi-automatic weapons and I don't believe we should do that either.

No one bit of science will back any statement you just made. I mean shit, semiautomatic weapons were never banned. That you would say they were shows you do your lernin' from the face book. If you mean the Clinton crime bill, the banning of cosmetic features did not save any lives, not even the limiting of ammo capacity. Google all you want but you will not find a single case of a 10 round magazine saving one life. What WOULD have kept the Orlando folks alive is the FBI doing their job and not issuing CCW permits to terrorist. That would be a start.
"A man's rights rest in three boxes: the ballot box, the jury box, and the cartridge box." - Frederick Douglass
Right wingers.....especially on this forum......Your choice is both simple and a tough one to make.

Either you continue to adamantly support the sale of assault weapons to maniacs....weapons whose ONLY purpose is to kill as many people as possible in the shortest amount of time...........OR

You employ some sanity and abandon this moronic notion that NO weapon should be outlawed so that you can "idealize' some stupid scenario that you must defend yourself from government troops......

If you have a conscience (and since most of you call yourselves "good Christians") you have a choice to make....Be tacitly complicit in mass murders....or change your attitude toward the sale of such lethal weapons,

LOL! What a troll libtard.
Translation: You don't get it. Obviously, to all small-minded egotistical narcissists, have more ratings means I'm a better person.

Have a nice day, kid.

No, you did miss the point. You claimed no one takes me seriously. Except 12,000 times. other posters here have liked what I have had to say.

For all your brilliance, that hasn't happened to you even 1000 times.

Now, if you want to have an argument about who is "taken seriously", that's actually a metric. Not a great one, because this is a right leaning site, and I'm taking a contrarian position.

Did I simplify it enough for you?
"A man's rights rest in three boxes: the ballot box, the jury box, and the cartridge box." - Frederick Douglass

Yawn. Tell you what, buddy, how about you stop talking smack about fighting the government and actually do it?
You've never been in the military, have you. Your inability to understand why it is important and your childish answer kind of give you away.

Actually, I was in the army and army reserves for 11 years, so you'd be wrong.

Professional military members know you have to identify your enemy before you can actually fight them. You have to KNOW your enemy.

Okay, so um, how is a mentally ill man "the enemy? Why is Omar Matten "The enemy" and Joker Homes or Adam Lanza aren't? Because he pretends to be part of ISIL?

Me, I'm afraid of ANY nut with a gun, I don't care about his motivations or his religion or anything else. There are some people who just plain old should not have guns.

There is a difference between Muslims and radicalized Muslims. There is a HUGE difference between 'Radical Islam' / 'Islamic Extremism' and those who are involved and the majority of those who peacefully follow Islam. Obama said yesterday that to use the terms 'Radical Islam' and.or 'Islamic Extremism' is to wage war on ALL of Islam....proving he is one huge INCORRECT, IGNORANT A$$ and / OR Islamic Extremist Sympathizer!

The problme with that is the guys who scream loudest about him not using that term harbor no love for any Muslim.

Islamic Extremists, like ISIS, have their own sick code / beliefs that drive their own individual, unique operations, way they go about things...their MISSION. This is completely different from the mass majority of 'peaceful' Muslims who do not engage in 'Radical Islam. (One could argue that many other 'peaceful Muslims' still believe much of what the 'Radicals / Jihadists' believe but choose not publicly condemn or choose to participate, but that is a different discussion.)

Well, it really isn't. If your complaint is about the tactics that ISIL uses in Iraq is what makes them 'radical', that has nothing to do with their religion. If you are saying that their beliefs are what make them radical, then you are painting with a much broader brush. This is something that not only Obama has avoided, so did George W. Bush.

They are 2 completely separate entities with completely different beliefs, practices, tactics, etc....

Claiming they are all alike is flat out FALSE! Claiming treating them differently is waging war on all of Islam is a LIE! Claiming everyone knows who we are fighting while our leader refuses to identify the exact enemy we are facing is B$!

We are at war, and if you do not think you don't have to KNOW who your enemy is, don't have to study your enemy, know everything you can about him then you have no clue what you're talking about. It starts with naming / identifying our enemy.

The rest of the world has done it.....so why is Barry the 'hold-out'? Why was the narcissist so visibly pissed yesterday because he was being pressured to use the terms the rest of the world are using - 'Radical Islam', 'Islamic Extremism', Islamic Jihad'?

You see, the problem is, we are not "at war". We are choosing to involve ourselves in someone else's war. Now, there might be good reasons why we'd want to see one side or the other win Iraq and Syria's civil wars other than ISIL, but don't pretend that the other factions we are supporting want us in their countries any more than than the people we are fighting.

The ultimate beneficiary of defeating ISIL, which was initially supported by our "allies" - Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Turkey - will be Iran, which is also nominally our enemy.

The thing is, the whole issues isn't as nice and cut and dried as you want it to be.
Aww, while I sincerely appreciate your effort to bring logic and reason to Joe's juvenile discussion, I hate to take away from him since he obviously has to little. If JoeB wants to believe total numbers actually mean something, shouldn't we just let him play with himself in the corner?

The fact you've spent time meming me tells me I already occupy space in your head rent free.
'We are not at war'.

Ft Hood
Boston Marathon
Tn Recruiting Station
Shoe Bomber
Drone Bombings
ISIS declaring it has a list of US targets

What do you call all of that?1?

We're still bringing US soldiers home in body bags, and you say we aren't at war?

We just pulled 50 body bags out of a night club. The terrorist said he was ISIS. ISIS said he was ISIS. The only people saying he wasn't ISIS are the same people who told us 4 years ago that Al Qaeida is on the run and the war on terror is over....right before 20 US facilities throughout the Middle East were attacked and 4 Americans were needlessly murdered.

You can keep saying we're not at war, but the only person you are successfully lying to is yourself. Over 11 years in service and you still can't recognize when we're in a war...like Obama? As I said, he said the war was over 4 years ago yet we still keep filling body bags. You both need to pull your head out of your asses.

We are in a war.
Ft Hood
Boston Marathon
Tn Recruiting Station
Shoe Bomber

What do you call all of that?1?

Acts by criminals. again, why is Omar Mateen an "enemy solider" and Dylan Roof is just a mentally ill kid? Oh, yeah. Dylan is white. Get that kid some Burger King, he looks a little peckish.

let's look at your second list.

Drone Bombings
ISIS declaring it has a list of US targets

Besides you listing Paris twice, most of these are us sticking our noses in other people's civil wars. Why are we breaking up fights between Wahabis, Allawites, Shi'ites, Sunnis, Yazidis about how many Imam's can dance on the head of a pin?

We just pulled 50 body bags out of a night club. The terrorist said he was ISIS. ISIS said he was ISIS. The only people saying he wasn't ISIS are the same people who told us 4 years ago that Al Qaeida is on the run and the war on terror is over....right before 20 US facilities throughout the Middle East were attacked and 4 Americans were needlessly murdered.

Yawn, guy. YOu stick your dick in a hornet's nest, you should expect to get stung. Maybe if we stopped letting the Jews and the Oil Companies dictate our policies, we wouldn't be sticking our dicks in the hornet's nest.

But all the evidence is that this is a guy who was mentally unbalanced because he couldn't reconcile his homosexuality with his religion. Not that he was part of some great war.

You can keep saying we're not at war, but the only person you are successfully lying to is yourself. Over 11 years in service and you still can't recognize when we're in a war...like Obama? As I said, he said the war was over 4 years ago yet we still keep filling body bags. You both need to pull your head out of your asses.

We are in a war.

No, we aren't.

The reason I left after 11 years in the Service is because I saw in Gulf War I that we weren't fighting for "Freedom" or "Democracy", we were fighting for the profits of the Oil companies and the religious delusions of the Zionists. That isn't what I signed up for.

24 years later, we are still fighting for those things. Maybe it's time for someone to ask, "Why?"
Translation: You don't get it. Obviously, to all small-minded egotistical narcissists, have more ratings means I'm a better person.

Have a nice day, kid.

No, you did miss the point. You claimed no one takes me seriously. Except 12,000 times. other posters here have liked what I have had to say.

For all your brilliance, that hasn't happened to you even 1000 times.

Now, if you want to have an argument about who is "taken seriously", that's actually a metric. Not a great one, because this is a right leaning site, and I'm taking a contrarian position.

Did I simplify it enough for you?
OOOH Joey looking for validation on the internet you really must have a shitty life if anonymous internet post rating mean so much to you
OOOH Joey looking for validation on the internet you really must have a shitty life if anonymous internet post rating mean so much to you

again, go back and read the discussion... then have someone explain the big words to you.

"no one takes you seriously HERE"... is what the Divine Flatulence said.

Well, no, about 12,000 times, people have agreed with what I've had to say here. Which is pretty good, given about 70% of the member of htis board are right wing. So obviously some people here do take me seriously.

Now, I know this logic confuses you, but you do get that I've proven what he said was wrong, right?
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