Right wingers...regarding Orlando tragedy....you have a tough choice to make

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Prove what you claim. Or is that what you would do?
The bottom line here is that Omar broke the law carrying a gun into a gun free zone. Are you saying more laws would have stopped him?

Do your really believe limiting the rights of Americans gives them more freedom? Did you support the Patriot Act? Do you still support it?

Probably not....but why does he get to go into any gun shop and purchase an AR-15 with multiple high capacity magazines

Sir...why are you buying so many high capacity magazines?
Omar: I want to kill me some fags

Oh...in that case, may I suggest

He was able to go into the gun shop and purchase his rifle (not an AR-15, but a Sig Saur MCX) because he passed all the background checks that people like you assured us was the "common sense" answers that had to be done to keep us safe. Are you going to apologize for your error?
Any politician demanding new gun control laws after Orlando, should be arrested and charged with treason.

Disarming law abiding citizens is a wet dream of all tyrants. I say IMPRISON them!!!

Lib Think: hey like...like...uh lets get rid of the 2A so we can be safe. Consequence of lib think....lots of dead Americans unable to defend themselves, as Dear Leader floods the nation with 7th century throwbacks.

Yeah because all those places with strict gun control laws like Canada, US, Norway, Sweden, Australia, UK, New Zealand - I could go on - are the epitome of tyrannical states, right? What moronic gibberish you write.

I just love how those anti-gun paradises have NO murders with firearms. Why, everyone is PERFECTLY safe and there's no danger of being shot there.

Jo Cox dead after Labour MP is shot and stabbed by man in Birstall
Liberals are entirely to stupid to understand this concept.

Speaking of stupid learn that "to" is a preposition and "too" (the word you should have used) is an adverb.

That's all I can contribute for the night to educate imbeciles.
Speaking of stupid learn that "to" is a preposition and "too" (the word you should have used) is an adverb.

That's all I can contribute for the night to educate imbeciles.

Libtard ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth you are objecting to.

2. Reject all explanations as right wing lies.

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", or question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection, smear people

7. Lie

8. Play race card

9. Play gender card

10. Play gay/lesbian card

11. Make up stuff

12. Deny it constantly

13. Reword and repeat

In nazi Germany Adolph Hitler had a team of people who would pour over every speech and every document that concerned Hitler, so he would not look foolish to the masses. These people wer real grammar nazis. You are just a pitiful tool.
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Translation: I failed to promote due to being an antisemitic conspiracy theory nutjob. My security clearance was pulled and it was "up or out".

Thank you for your service. Does VA cover mental health treatment or do you refuse to go?

Actually, I made it to E-6 before I left, and they dangled an E-7 position in front of me to try to get me to reup. I just wasn't interested. (I also misjudged how badly Bush the Elder had truly fucked up the economy, but never mind.)

But if you don't think the Jews are running our foreign policy, then why is it that every presidential candidate goes to kiss the ring of AIPAC?

Agreed. 74,000 posts and he gets his validation by a 12,000+ rating. Sad.....but not surprising given his mental state.

Not a validation... let's review one more time. You said, "No one takes me seriously on this board".

I said, "Well, no, people have agreed with what I've said about 12K times here."

Then you got SOOOOO Upset that I pointed it out you took time out of your life to make up graphics.

I am greatly enjoying the space I occupy in your head.

Any politician demanding new gun control laws after Orlando, should be arrested and charged with treason.

Disarming law abiding citizens is a wet dream of all tyrants. I say IMPRISON them!!!

Lib Think: hey like...like...uh lets get rid of the 2A so we can be safe. Consequence of lib think....lots of dead Americans unable to defend themselves, as Dear Leader floods the nation with 7th century throwbacks.

Law abiding citizens never stop incidents like this. The Second Amendment doesn't make anyone safer. It just makes it too easy for the people you fear to get guns.

More to the point, we have 2.76 million Muslims already here. The three shooters - Hasan, Mateen and the San Bernadino guy whose name I'm not going to bother to look up - were all Americans who were born here. And they had no problem getting guns.

If even 1% of Muslims were subject to radicalization, (something that becomes more likely if you get a clown like Trump in there who says racist shit) that means we have a potential 27,000 mass shooters. How do you defend against that?
He was able to go into the gun shop and purchase his rifle (not an AR-15, but a Sig Saur MCX) because he passed all the background checks that people like you assured us was the "common sense" answers that had to be done to keep us safe. Are you going to apologize for your error?

It isn't our error, it's yours. You guys are the ones who made background checks so weak, you are the ones who insisted on a rule that if the FBI can't clear your background check in three days, the sale can go through.

If they did the kind of background checks that companies do before they hire someone, including interviewing past employers, associates and social media postings, they'd have c aught this guy.

They didn't.
He was able to go into the gun shop and purchase his rifle (not an AR-15, but a Sig Saur MCX) because he passed all the background checks that people like you assured us was the "common sense" answers that had to be done to keep us safe. Are you going to apologize for your error?

It isn't our error, it's yours. You guys are the ones who made background checks so weak, you are the ones who insisted on a rule that if the FBI can't clear your background check in three days, the sale can go through.

If they did the kind of background checks that companies do before they hire someone, including interviewing past employers, associates and social media postings, they'd have c aught this guy.

They didn't.
Anyone can run an instant background check on the web and find out criminal history for less than 20 bucks and you're telling me the fucking government needs weeks?
Anyone can run an instant background check on the web and find out criminal history for less than 20 bucks and you're telling me the fucking government needs weeks?

Um. Yeah. Those $20.00 background checks are pretty useless.

Point is, Dylan Roof SHOULD have failed a background check, but it wasnt' completed in 3 days so he got his gun, anyway. 9 people died.
Any politician demanding new gun control laws after Orlando, should be arrested and charged with treason.

Disarming law abiding citizens is a wet dream of all tyrants. I say IMPRISON them!!!

Lib Think: hey like...like...uh lets get rid of the 2A so we can be safe. Consequence of lib think....lots of dead Americans unable to defend themselves, as Dear Leader floods the nation with 7th century throwbacks.

Yeah because all those places with strict gun control laws like Canada, US, Norway, Sweden, Australia, UK, New Zealand - I could go on - are the epitome of tyrannical states, right? What moronic gibberish you write.
Yes big centralized government is loved by fools like you. If you think banning guns for the law abiding will lead to less gun deaths, you are a complete and utter FOOL.

Only a fool like you thinks the law abiding should be defenseless...that they have no right to protect themselves. Only the elites and criminals will have guns, in your utopia.

The consequences of liberalism are always heinous, but fools being fools, can't see it.
Law abiding citizens never stop incidents like this. The Second Amendment doesn't make anyone safer. It just makes it too easy for the people you fear to get guns.

More to the point, we have 2.76 million Muslims already here. The three shooters - Hasan, Mateen and the San Bernadino guy whose name I'm not going to bother to look up - were all Americans who were born here. And they had no problem getting guns.

If even 1% of Muslims were subject to radicalization, (something that becomes more likely if you get a clown like Trump in there who says racist shit) that means we have a potential 27,000 mass shooters. How do you defend against that?

Not gonna bother with your trolling lies.
Yes big centralized government is loved by fools like you. If you think banning guns for the law abiding will lead to less gun deaths, you are a complete and utter FOOL.

Of course it will, because every country that has done it has less gun deaths.

Only a fool like you thinks the law abiding should be defenseless...that they have no right to protect themselves. Only the elites and criminals will have guns, in your utopia.

The problem is you people need protection from yourselves, not the criminals or the elites.

Most gun deaths are suicides, domestic violence and accidents.
Yes big centralized government is loved by fools like you. If you think banning guns for the law abiding will lead to less gun deaths, you are a complete and utter FOOL.

Of course it will, because every country that has done it has less gun deaths.

Only a fool like you thinks the law abiding should be defenseless...that they have no right to protect themselves. Only the elites and criminals will have guns, in your utopia.

The problem is you people need protection from yourselves, not the criminals or the elites.

Most gun deaths are suicides, domestic violence and accidents.
Lies, lies, and more dirty lies.

Lets disarm the American public, while importing millions of illegals and Muslims. Makes sense to the senseless...like Lil Joey.

Why do you always want to take RIGHTS from Americans?
Lies, lies, and more dirty lies.

Lets disarm the American public, while importing millions of illegals and Muslims. Makes sense to the senseless...like Lil Joey.

Why do you always want to take RIGHTS from Americans?

Because I don't trust you people with guns. Probably has something to do with you assholes getting on boards like this masturbating about all the people of color you want to shoot.

The best argument for gun control is letting a gun nut talk about how much he loves his guns.
You're so right. We need to get rid of the guns. We've stopped the flow of drugs into the country, now it's time to get the guns. You go commie.

Well, not really comparable. The problem with drugs IS their illegality. We legalize alcohol, but not drugs, which makes absolutely no sense, since the drunk and the druggie are only hurting themselves, really.

We need to treat addiction as a medical problem, not a legal one.

Guns, on the other hand, are a legal problem. They make it easier to commit crimes. 33,000 gun deaths, 70,000 gun injuries, 400,000 gun crimes and 270 BILLION in lost revenue and damages due to guns.

And if some party-goers and school children get in the way of your fetish, that's just their tough luck.
Lies, lies, and more dirty lies.

Lets disarm the American public, while importing millions of illegals and Muslims. Makes sense to the senseless...like Lil Joey.

Why do you always want to take RIGHTS from Americans?

Because I don't trust you people with guns. Probably has something to do with you assholes getting on boards like this masturbating about all the people of color you want to shoot.

The best argument for gun control is letting a gun nut talk about how much he loves his guns.
Yeah you trust Big Gov...now that proves how dumb you are. Big Gov has failed wherever it exists, yet fools still have faith. It lies and murders over and over again, but you still believe.

I know you want the elites to run your life, because you are too dumb to do it yourself.
The same government that wants to disarm law-abiding citizens is the same government that just proved it can not and will not protect those same citizens.

The same government that wants to disarm law-abiding citizens is the same government that 'vetted' Marteen, gave him a security clearance, and hired him to work for DHS.

The same government that wants to disarm law-abiding citizens is the same government that interviewed his wife, had her feed them some 'information', failed to keep tabs on her (or take her into custody as part of the investigation), and has now let her disappear...after which they have now found out that they exchanged text messages while he was slaughtering people in the club.

The same President who now declares no one on a Watch List / Do Not fly list should not be able to buy a gun is the same President who violated the 'No Fly' List / 'Do Not Enter The US' Order by allowing a member of the terrorist organization 'The Muslim Brotherhood' to FLY...INTO THE US...to meet with him and his Cabinet in Washington D.C.

The same government that wants to disarm law-abiding citizens is the same government that gave thousands of weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels, resulting in the deaths of over 500 people, to include 5 Americans.

The same government that wants to disarm law-abiding citizens is the same government that called a terrorist attack a case of 'workplace violence' in order to protect Islam.

The same PRESIDENT who wants to disarm law-abiding citizens is the same President who has armed Mexican Drug Cartels, the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeida, and ISIS.

The same PRESIDENT who wants to disarm law-abiding citizens is the same President who mocked Americans - AFTER the Paris attack - over their concerns for our national security and their safety, claiming all they had to fear was 'widows and orphans'...right before the terrorist to whom he gave a visa perpetrated the terrorist attack in California murdering 12 Americans.

The same PRESIDENT who wants to disarm law-abiding citizens is the same President who - AFTER the California Terrorist attack - sent his hand-picked Attorney General out to threaten AMERICANS with punishment if they exercised their Constitutional Right of Free Speech.

The same PRESIDENT who wants to disarm law-abiding citizens is the same President who - after 9/11/12 on which 4 Americans were 'sacrificed' for his re-election - continued to lie about a video and gave a speech to the world before the U.N. declaring, in response to the murders of those 4 Americans, "The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam."

The same PRESIDENT who wants to disarm law-abiding citizens and who blames Republicans and Conservatives for Orlando instead of terrorism / radical Islamic Extremists is the same President who has declared, "I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction".

The same President and DHS who wants to take your guns away are the same President and DHS who declared - after an Islamic Extremist just perpetrated the largest terrorist mass shooting in US history - that Americans: Conservative Extremists - are more of a threat to the US than terrorists.

Hey, Barry...

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The same government that wants to disarm law-abiding citizens is the same government that just proved it can not and will not protect those same citizens.

The same government that wants to disarm law-abiding citizens is the same government that 'vetted' Marteen, gave him a security clearance, and hired him to work for DHS.

The same government that wants to disarm law-abiding citizens is the same government that interviewed his wife, had her feed them some 'information', failed to keep tabs on her (or take her into custody as part of the investigation), and has now let her disappear...after which they have now found out that they exchanged text messages while he was slaughtering people in the club.

The same government that wants to disarm law-abiding citizens is the same government that gave thousands of weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels, resulting in the deaths of over 500 people, to include 5 Americans.

The same government that wants to disarm law-abiding citizens is the same government that called a terrorist attack a case of 'workplace violence' in order to protect Islam.

The same PRESIDENT who wants to disarm law-abiding citizens is the same President who has armed Mexican Drug Cartels, the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeida, and ISIS.

The same PRESIDENT who wants to disarm law-abiding citizens is the same President who mocked Americans - AFTER the Paris attack - over their concerns for our national security and their safety, claiming all they had to fear was 'widows and orphans'...right before the terrorist to whom he gave a visa perpetrated the terrorist attack in California murdering 12 Americans.

The same PRESIDENT who wants to disarm law-abiding citizens is the same President who - AFTER the California Terrorist attack - sent his hand-picked Attorney General out to threaten AMERICANS with punishment if they exercised their Constitutional Right of Free Speech.

The same PRESIDENT who wants to disarm law-abiding citizens is the same President who - after 9/11/12 on which 4 Americans were 'sacrificed' for his re-election - continued to lie about a video and gave a speech to the world before the U.N. declaring, in response to the murders of those 4 Americans, "The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam."

The same PRESIDENT who wants to disarm law-abiding citizens and who blames Republicans and Conservatives for Orlando instead of terrorism / radical Islamic Extremists is the same President who has declared, "I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction".

The same President and DHS who wants to take your guns away are the same President and DHS who declared - after an Islamic Extremist just perpetrated the largest terrorist mass shooting in US history - that Americans: Conservative Extremists - are more of a threat to the US than terrorists.

Hey, Barry...

Facts mean nothing to the average joe leftist.

Their reality is unreal and they don't even know it.

They will gladly march into serfdom.
Prove what you claim. Or is that what you would do?
The bottom line here is that Omar broke the law carrying a gun into a gun free zone. Are you saying more laws would have stopped him?

Do your really believe limiting the rights of Americans gives them more freedom? Did you support the Patriot Act? Do you still support it?

Probably not....but why does he get to go into any gun shop and purchase an AR-15 with multiple high capacity magazines

Sir...why are you buying so many high capacity magazines?
Omar: I want to kill me some fags

Oh...in that case, may I suggest

He was able to go into the gun shop and purchase his rifle (not an AR-15, but a Sig Saur MCX) because he passed all the background checks that people like you assured us was the "common sense" answers that had to be done to keep us safe. Are you going to apologize for your error?
Agreed. Leftwing liars never admit to error and they won't apologize.
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