Right wingers...regarding Orlando tragedy....you have a tough choice to make

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.....The reason I left after 11 years in the Service is because I saw in Gulf War I that we weren't fighting for "Freedom" or "Democracy", we were fighting for the profits of the Oil companies and the religious delusions of the Zionists. That isn't what I signed up for.

24 years later, we are still fighting for those things. Maybe it's time for someone to ask, "Why?"
Translation: I failed to promote due to being an antisemitic conspiracy theory nutjob. My security clearance was pulled and it was "up or out".

Thank you for your service. Does VA cover mental health treatment or do you refuse to go?
OOOH Joey looking for validation on the internet you really must have a shitty life if anonymous internet post rating mean so much to you
Agreed. 74,000 posts and he gets his validation by a 12,000+ rating. Sad.....but not surprising given his mental state.
Ft Hood
Boston Marathon
Tn Recruiting Station
Shoe Bomber

What do you call all of that?1?

Acts by criminals. again, why is Omar Mateen an "enemy solider" and Dylan Roof is just a mentally ill kid? Oh, yeah. Dylan is white. Get that kid some Burger King, he looks a little peckish.

let's look at your second list.

Drone Bombings
ISIS declaring it has a list of US targets

Besides you listing Paris twice, most of these are us sticking our noses in other people's civil wars. Why are we breaking up fights between Wahabis, Allawites, Shi'ites, Sunnis, Yazidis about how many Imam's can dance on the head of a pin?

We just pulled 50 body bags out of a night club. The terrorist said he was ISIS. ISIS said he was ISIS. The only people saying he wasn't ISIS are the same people who told us 4 years ago that Al Qaeida is on the run and the war on terror is over....right before 20 US facilities throughout the Middle East were attacked and 4 Americans were needlessly murdered.

Yawn, guy. YOu stick your dick in a hornet's nest, you should expect to get stung. Maybe if we stopped letting the Jews and the Oil Companies dictate our policies, we wouldn't be sticking our dicks in the hornet's nest.

But all the evidence is that this is a guy who was mentally unbalanced because he couldn't reconcile his homosexuality with his religion. Not that he was part of some great war.

You can keep saying we're not at war, but the only person you are successfully lying to is yourself. Over 11 years in service and you still can't recognize when we're in a war...like Obama? As I said, he said the war was over 4 years ago yet we still keep filling body bags. You both need to pull your head out of your asses.

We are in a war.

No, we aren't.

The reason I left after 11 years in the Service is because I saw in Gulf War I that we weren't fighting for "Freedom" or "Democracy", we were fighting for the profits of the Oil companies and the religious delusions of the Zionists. That isn't what I signed up for.

24 years later, we are still fighting for those things. Maybe it's time for someone to ask, "Why?"
Thank your for demonstrating the twisted liberal mindset.

According to you and Barry, demonstrated above, 9/11/01, 9/11/12, Ft Hood, the Boston marathon attack, the 12 in Ca, and Mateen who was professing allegiance to ISIS as he murdered 49 Americans is not 'terrorism' - They were all just ordinary 'crime'.

Soldiers fighting again in Iraq, coming home in body bags, the bombing campaign in Iraq and Syria - no, we aren't 'at war'.


I stopped reading at that point, unsure if reading further would cause the insanity to spread...
OOOH Joey looking for validation on the internet you really must have a shitty life if anonymous internet post rating mean so much to you

again, go back and read the discussion... then have someone explain the big words to you.

"no one takes you seriously HERE"... is what the Divine Flatulence said.

Well, no, about 12,000 times, people have agreed with what I've had to say here. Which is pretty good, given about 70% of the member of htis board are right wing. So obviously some people here do take me seriously.

Now, I know this logic confuses you, but you do get that I've proven what he said was wrong, right?
Yes you're a BIG man on the internet some anonymous posters like you they really like you

Democrats love dead bodies to achieve political ends. Y'all never let a tragedy go to waste.

You mean like the neocon whackadoodle Trumpie crapping on about "I told you so", while Clinton shows empathy? That kind of tragedy?

Trump's policy would have prevented this if it had been in effect when this mass murderers parents tried to immigrate.

That was decades ago. So much for the tripe that his ban would be "temporary," huh?

He was vague as to the duration.

His limit was until we understand the problem, with the implication that understanding would lead to a solution.

IMO, the more we understand the problem the more we will understand the solution is keeping them out.

Do you have the intellectual honesty to admit that if Trump's ban was in place in the 80s, that all 50 of those Americans would still be alive?
Any politician demanding new gun control laws after Orlando, should be arrested and charged with treason.

Disarming law abiding citizens is a wet dream of all tyrants. I say IMPRISON them!!!

Lib Think: hey like...like...uh lets get rid of the 2A so we can be safe. Consequence of lib think....lots of dead Americans unable to defend themselves, as Dear Leader floods the nation with 7th century throwbacks.
Any politician demanding new gun control laws after Orlando, should be arrested and charged with treason.

Disarming law abiding citizens is a wet dream of all tyrants. I say IMPRISON them!!!

Lib Think: hey like...like...uh lets get rid of the 2A so we can be safe. Consequence of lib think....lots of dead Americans unable to defend themselves, as Dear Leader floods the nation with 7th century throwbacks.

Liberals are entirely to stupid to understand this concept.
Any politician demanding new gun control laws after Orlando, should be arrested and charged with treason.

Disarming law abiding citizens is a wet dream of all tyrants. I say IMPRISON them!!!

Lib Think: hey like...like...uh lets get rid of the 2A so we can be safe. Consequence of lib think....lots of dead Americans unable to defend themselves, as Dear Leader floods the nation with 7th century throwbacks.

Liberals are entirely to stupid to understand this concept.
The sad part about liberals is that they can't have an honest debate. They refuse to admit why they want what they want and even what it is they want. But at the end of the day, they essentially fear liberty. Like - paralyzing fear of liberty. They don't like the idea of people being able to make their own decisions because they think that life can't exist without everyone being forced to row in the exact same direction for the "good" of society. And they certainly fear people being able to have their own firearms.

And what does fear stem from in most cases? Ignorance. Liberals refuse to look at and learn from history. If they did - they would be exponentially more afraid of powerful and oppressive government than they would be of liberty.
Trump's policy would have prevented this if it had been in effect when this mass murderers parents tried to immigrate.


What a dumb arse argument. You could say that about the multitude of mass murderers in the US and their ancestors. Most of which are white males.
Thank you for illustrating how absurd, oppressive, and unconstitutional our federal government has become! Hard to believe we can't even buy chocolate in this country any more.

It's not about the chocolate, it's about the small toy inside.

But, it's more how absurd the govt is for banning that, and then having guns that kill thousands of people every year, and no one bothers doing anything about it.
Any politician demanding new gun control laws after Orlando, should be arrested and charged with treason.

Disarming law abiding citizens is a wet dream of all tyrants. I say IMPRISON them!!!

Lib Think: hey like...like...uh lets get rid of the 2A so we can be safe. Consequence of lib think....lots of dead Americans unable to defend themselves, as Dear Leader floods the nation with 7th century throwbacks.

Yeah because all those places with strict gun control laws like Canada, US, Norway, Sweden, Australia, UK, New Zealand - I could go on - are the epitome of tyrannical states, right? What moronic gibberish you write.
Thank you for illustrating how absurd, oppressive, and unconstitutional our federal government has become! Hard to believe we can't even buy chocolate in this country any more.

It's not about the chocolate, it's about the small toy inside.

But, it's more how absurd the govt is for banning that, and then having guns that kill thousands of people every year, and no one bothers doing anything about it.
Well there is some "logic". As a parent - I can't decide for myself if the toy poses a threat to my child? I need the government to decide for me. And where, exactly, in the U.S. Constitution does the government derive that power? Don't bother attempting to answer. I already know. They don't. Anywhere. Just more unconstitutional government because liberals are incapable of being grown adults.
Any politician demanding new gun control laws after Orlando, should be arrested and charged with treason.

Disarming law abiding citizens is a wet dream of all tyrants. I say IMPRISON them!!!

Lib Think: hey like...like...uh lets get rid of the 2A so we can be safe. Consequence of lib think....lots of dead Americans unable to defend themselves, as Dear Leader floods the nation with 7th century throwbacks.

Yeah because all those places with strict gun control laws like Canada, US, Norway, Sweden, Australia, UK, New Zealand - I could go on - are the epitome of tyrannical states, right? What moronic gibberish you write.
Yeah....actually they are. And it's only going to take one regime change to turn them into Nazi, Germany. The bottom line - we don't care about your moronic gibberish. This is America. I have a Constitutional right to keep and bear arms. If you're too big of a pussy to live in the U.S. - there are a ton of oppressive nanny states that have confiscated the guns of their citizens. You're welcome to go live in any one of them.

It really illustrates the idiot mindset of the liberals that they live in the greatest country in the world and all they ever do is point to other nations. And yet they never go live there.
Thank you for illustrating how absurd, oppressive, and unconstitutional our federal government has become! Hard to believe we can't even buy chocolate in this country any more.

It's not about the chocolate, it's about the small toy inside.

But, it's more how absurd the govt is for banning that, and then having guns that kill thousands of people every year, and no one bothers doing anything about it.
Well there is some "logic". As a parent - I can't decide for myself if the toy poses a threat to my child? I need the government to decide for me. And where, exactly, in the U.S. Constitution does the government derive that power? Don't bother attempting to answer. I already know. They don't. Anywhere. Just more unconstitutional government because liberals are incapable of being grown adults.

Should the government ban clothing that's been made with toxic chemical? This is a case that happened in China a few years ago.
Thank you for illustrating how absurd, oppressive, and unconstitutional our federal government has become! Hard to believe we can't even buy chocolate in this country any more.

It's not about the chocolate, it's about the small toy inside.

But, it's more how absurd the govt is for banning that, and then having guns that kill thousands of people every year, and no one bothers doing anything about it.
Well there is some "logic". As a parent - I can't decide for myself if the toy poses a threat to my child? I need the government to decide for me. And where, exactly, in the U.S. Constitution does the government derive that power? Don't bother attempting to answer. I already know. They don't. Anywhere. Just more unconstitutional government because liberals are incapable of being grown adults.

Should the government ban clothing that's been made with toxic chemical? This is a case that happened in China a few years ago.
No. They should stick to their 18 enumerated powers and let the consumer, business advocacy groups, and/or the states handle clothing manufactured with "toxic chemicals".
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