Right wingers...regarding Orlando tragedy....you have a tough choice to make

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Trump Unfavorable Rating Soars
June 15, 2016

A new ABC News/Washington Post poll finds that 70% of Americans see Donald Trump unfavorably, up 10 points in just the past month to a new high since he announced his candidacy for president.
It's good that you finally found a way to measure your own value as a human being. Your mother must be very proud of you, kid.

I think you miss the point. I could explain it to you, but you still wouldn't get it.
The Federal Govt just demonstrated 'on the main stage' once again that IT CAN NOT PROTECT YOU AS A US CITIZEN!

Immediately after, instead of targeting Radical Islam, the fact that we are at war, and focusing on the real problems we face Obama again pushed his anti-gun agenda - seeking to take weapons out of the hands of law-abiding citizens he has proven (again) he can not / will not protect. He also arrogantly, angrily lectured Americans for daring to judge Islam, for demanding he use the words 'Radical Islam' and 'Islamic Extremism', for not fully drawing a line in the sand separating those who seek to kill us and the American people, instead keeping a blurry line there instead.

Out of Political Correctness people have bitten their tongue and have refused to speak the obvious. If Barak Hussein Obama is not a Muslim he at least has an affinity for Islam.

"The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam." - declared to the world, while he again falsely blamed a video, after 4 Americans were murdered by terrorists...

I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction..."
Immediately after, instead of targeting Radical Islam, the fact that we are at war, and focusing on the real problems we face Obama again pushed his anti-gun agenda - seeking to take weapons out of the hands of law-abiding citizens he has proven (again) he can not / will not protect. He also arrogantly, angrily lectured Americans for daring to judge Islam, for demanding he use the words 'Radical Islam' and 'Islamic Extremism', for not fully drawing a line in the sand separating those who seek to kill us and the American people, instead keeping a blurry line there instead.

So I'm curious what does getting him to use the words 'Radical Islam" accomplish, anyway? Do you think it works like "Swiper no Swiping!" and the Radical Islamists will stop being radical.

Do you think if there wasn't an ISIS, this guy wouldn't have found some other reason to sh oot up a gay nightclub to deal with his own frustrated homosexuality?
Out of Political Correctness people have bitten their tongue and have refused to speak the obvious. If Barak Hussein Obama is not a Muslim he at least has an affinity for Islam.

"The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam." - declared to the world, while he again falsely blamed a video, after 4 Americans were murdered by terrorists...

I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction..."

Guy, it's not like we are going to be able to take on 1.6 Billion Muslims, if you want to make this a war of whose sky pixie has a bigger dick.
It's good that you finally found a way to measure your own value as a human being. Your mother must be very proud of you, kid.

I think you miss the point. I could explain it to you, but you still wouldn't get it.
The voices in your head Joey are not easily translated. You have 74,000 posts and 12,400 ratings which would give you a batting average of .168 whereas DW has 2086/878 = .431.

Do those voices understand the concept of things being cumulative?

They are very ignorant so probably not.
The voices in your head Joey are not easily translated. You have 74,000 posts and 12,400 ratings which would give you a batting average of .168 whereas DW has 2086/878 = .431.

Do those voices understand the concept of things being cumulative?

They are very ignorant so probably not.

Wow, EuroTroll, that was almost a cogent argument.
I think you miss the point. I could explain it to you, but you still wouldn't get it.
Translation: You don't get it. Obviously, to all small-minded egotistical narcissists, have more ratings means I'm a better person.

Have a nice day, kid.
Democrats love dead bodies to achieve political ends. Y'all never let a tragedy go to waste.

You mean like the neocon whackadoodle Trumpie crapping on about "I told you so", while Clinton shows empathy? That kind of tragedy?

Trump's policy would have prevented this if it had been in effect when this mass murderers parents tried to immigrate.

That was decades ago. So much for the tripe that his ban would be "temporary," huh?
So I'm curious what does getting him to use the words 'Radical Islam" accomplish, anyway? Do you think it works like "Swiper no Swiping!" and the Radical Islamists will stop being radical
You've never been in the military, have you. Your inability to understand why it is important and your childish answer kind of give you away.

Professional military members know you have to identify your enemy before you can actually fight them. You have to KNOW your enemy.

There is a difference between Muslims and radicalized Muslims. There is a HUGE difference between 'Radical Islam' / 'Islamic Extremism' and those who are involved and the majority of those who peacefully follow Islam. Obama said yesterday that to use the terms 'Radical Islam' and.or 'Islamic Extremism' is to wage war on ALL of Islam....proving he is one huge INCORRECT, IGNORANT A$$ and / OR Islamic Extremist Sympathizer!

Islamic Extremists, like ISIS, have their own sick code / beliefs that drive their own individual, unique operations, way they go about things...their MISSION. This is completely different from the mass majority of 'peaceful' Muslims who do not engage in 'Radical Islam. (One could argue that many other 'peaceful Muslims' still believe much of what the 'Radicals / Jihadists' believe but choose not publicly condemn or choose to participate, but that is a different discussion.)

They are 2 completely separate entities with completely different beliefs, practices, tactics, etc....

Claiming they are all alike is flat out FALSE! Claiming treating them differently is waging war on all of Islam is a LIE! Claiming everyone knows who we are fighting while our leader refuses to identify the exact enemy we are facing is B$!

We are at war, and if you do not think you don't have to KNOW who your enemy is, don't have to study your enemy, know everything you can about him then you have no clue what you're talking about. It starts with naming / identifying our enemy.

The rest of the world has done it.....so why is Barry the 'hold-out'? Why was the narcissist so visibly pissed yesterday because he was being pressured to use the terms the rest of the world are using - 'Radical Islam', 'Islamic Extremism', Islamic Jihad'?
The voices in your head Joey are not easily translated. You have 74,000 posts and 12,400 ratings which would give you a batting average of .168 whereas DW has 2086/878 = .431.

Do those voices understand the concept of things being cumulative?

They are very ignorant so probably not.

Wow, EuroTroll, that was almost a cogent argument.
Your next of kin should have a serious discussion with whoever let you off the Psych. Ward. I am sure even Chicago must have some restrictions on psychotics
The voices in your head Joey are not easily translated. You have 74,000 posts and 12,400 ratings which would give you a batting average of .168 whereas DW has 2086/878 = .431.

Do those voices understand the concept of things being cumulative?

They are very ignorant so probably not.

Wow, EuroTroll, that was almost a cogent argument.
You were once described as "painfully stupid" which is a given, but I am beginning to think trauma-induced psychosis may well be a factor as well. Whether it has to do with your inability to hold down a job or the result of an accident or assault is anyone's guess, but in either case especially given recent events, I would implore you to find some professional treatment.
It's good that you finally found a way to measure your own value as a human being. Your mother must be very proud of you, kid.

I think you miss the point. I could explain it to you, but you still wouldn't get it.
The voices in your head Joey are not easily translated. You have 74,000 posts and 12,400 ratings which would give you a batting average of .168 whereas DW has 2086/878 = .431.

Do those voices understand the concept of things being cumulative?

They are very ignorant so probably not.
Aww, while I sincerely appreciate your effort to bring logic and reason to Joe's juvenile discussion, I hate to take away from him since he obviously has to little. If JoeB wants to believe total numbers actually mean something, shouldn't we just let him play with himself in the corner? ;)

Right... So why do I have 12,000+ ratings and you have less than 1000?

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Islamic Extremists, like ISIS, have their own sick code / beliefs that drive their own individual, unique operations, way they go about things...their MISSION. This is completely different from the mass majority of 'peaceful' Muslims who do not engage in 'Radical Islam.

Are you sure you aren't the one conflating entities?

To ME, Islamic Extremist is someone who belives that women have to weak burkas, can't attend school and can't drive a car. BUT that is not the same as Islamic Extremists in ISIS. Therefore, when Obama refers more narrowly to specific organizations he is being more precise about what he is saying and about whom, while you are the one broad stroking.

We are not at war with Islamic Extremists generally, we are at war with ISIS specifically.
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You're not only a liar

Ok I stopped reading at this point. Enough is enough.
Of course you did. You were caught red-handed altering posts, specifically taking Skull Pilot's post and making it look like mine. That makes you a liar. You refuse to admit the deception, which makes you an unrepentant liar.

You are correct, enough is a enough. I've had enough of your lying bullshit.
Are you sure you aren't the one conflating entities?

To ME, Islamic Extremist is someone who belives that women have to weak burkas, can't attend school and can't drive a car. BUT that is not the same as Islamic Extremists in ISIS. Therefore, when Obama refers more narrowly to specific organizations he is being more precise about what he is saying and about whom, while you are the one broad stroking.

We are not at war with Islamic Extremists generally, we are at war with ISIS specifically.

You missed the part where Islamic Extremists have slaughtered thousands after giving them the choice - if they are lucky - of converting to Islam or dying.

YOU may not be 'at war' with Radical Islam, but Radical Islam is at war with you. Do you really think ISIS is the only 'enemy' out there who hates us and who is at war with us? Are you truly that ignorant?

Does Al Qaeida not ring a bell after 15 years...or 4 years? 09/11/01 AND 9/11/12)

Just because ISIS dominates the news does not mean they are the only 'bad guys in town'. Here are just a FEW out there:

Al Qaeida
Boko Haram
Muslim Brotherhood

All of them have waged war on Christianity and claim to hate us. All of them would kill you without getting a Klondike bar, simply because you are an American.
You missed the part where Islamic Extremists have slaughtered thousands after giving them the choice - if they are lucky - of converting to Islam or dying.

You entirely ignored what I was saying:

WHICH Islamic Extremists? There are many sorts and flavors of Islamic people with what we consider extreme positions. We are not at war with all, or even most of them.
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