Right wingers unrequited "love" of guns...lots of guns...

Your side is full of people who want to ban private ownership of firearms.

Bullshit....NO ONE is proposing the ban on owning some firearms....BUT SOME guns are just insane to have around one's home just waiting for a deranged mind to use for carnage.....To "claim" that the bad, bad government wants to disarm you is total bullshit.

LIE ^^^ gun control advocates have openly admitted their ultimate goal is to ban gun ownership. Their strategy is death of a thousand cuts, just heaping one gun control restriction upon another until they are effectively banned.
Liberals never stop at reasonable. They don't even slow down at reasonable.

This should be etched in stone with letters 10 feet high!

It doesn't appear that the unreasonable laws in Chicago and DC reduced gun crime, which reasonable laws do you think will reduce gun crime, if any?

Given THAT "rationale" we should not have ANY laws against drugs...their sales and abuses.

Gun bans didn't work, didn't result in reduced gun crime. Not to mention they were unconstitutional.

You want to argue about drug laws? Go ahead.

Its not about gun crime, that's another of the left's lies. That's why they completely ignore facts and points regarding gun control laws not reducing crime, they don't care that's not their goal, their goal is to ban gun ownership by law abiding citizens. Dig into the 'why' behind that and you are making progress.
Gun bans didn't work, didn't result in reduced gun crime. Not to mention they were unconstitutional.

You want to argue about drug laws? Go ahead.

Indeed, it is rather naive to ban guns in DC when a ten minute drive into Virginia can get you all the guns you could possibly want.....and, granted, even if a national law were ever to be passed, guns would flow in from Canada.
The problem, is in the mindset of many Americans who think that gun ownership is akin to worshiping one's religion.

What most civilized countries have been able to do with health care, they've done with gun ownership (with very, very rare exceptions) ......We, in this country do NOT really want to stop the violence and the self-serving gun manufacturing industry promotes gun ownership through both a dubious right and scare tactics.
Your side is full of people who want to ban private ownership of firearms.

Bullshit....NO ONE is proposing the ban on owning some firearms....BUT SOME guns are just insane to have around one's home just waiting for a deranged mind to use for carnage.....To "claim" that the bad, bad government wants to disarm you is total bullshit.
And here is the liberals' selectiveness on rights. You want someone to prove they "NEED" a particular gun or guns. And yet I don't see you demanding someone prove they "NEED" midget porn.

You have no understanding at all of what a right is if you think someone has to prove they NEED that right.
The AR15 can fire between 700 and 950 rounds per minute. Look it up.
I don't care what they look like. If it is designed for continuous use, it's more gun than a civilian needs.

Umm, who made you king? Last I checked YOU don't get to make that decision.
Gun bans didn't work, didn't result in reduced gun crime. Not to mention they were unconstitutional.

You want to argue about drug laws? Go ahead.

Indeed, it is rather naive to ban guns in DC when a ten minute drive into Virginia can get you all the guns you could possibly want.....and, granted, even if a national law were ever to be passed, guns would flow in from Canada.
The problem, is in the mindset of many Americans who think that gun ownership is akin to worshiping one's religion.

What most civilized countries have been able to do with health care, they've done with gun ownership (with very, very rare exceptions) ......We, in this country do NOT really want to stop the violence and the self-serving gun manufacturing industry promotes gun ownership through both a dubious right and scare tactics.

The problem, is in the mindset of many Americans who think that gun ownership is akin to worshiping one's religion.

They are both rights protected by the Constitution.
The problem, is in the mindset of many Americans who think that gun ownership is akin to worshiping one's religion.
And those Americans are correct. That's why our religion is protected in the first amendment, and our guns in the second. They are akin to each other.

What country are you from that you do not know this and scorn it?
Your side is full of people who want to ban private ownership of firearms.

Bullshit....NO ONE is proposing the ban on owning some firearms....BUT SOME guns are just insane to have around one's home just waiting for a deranged mind to use for carnage.....To "claim" that the bad, bad government wants to disarm you is total bullshit.
And here is the liberals' selectiveness on rights. You want someone to prove they "NEED" a particular gun or guns. And yet I don't see you demanding someone prove they "NEED" midget porn.

You have no understanding at all of what a right is if you think someone has to prove they NEED that right.
I like guns and figure if a person hasn't displayed a reason not to get one, there should be no restriction on non-military guns beyond a background check.
Gun bans didn't work, didn't result in reduced gun crime. Not to mention they were unconstitutional.

You want to argue about drug laws? Go ahead.

Indeed, it is rather naive to ban guns in DC when a ten minute drive into Virginia can get you all the guns you could possibly want.....and, granted, even if a national law were ever to be passed, guns would flow in from Canada.
The problem, is in the mindset of many Americans who think that gun ownership is akin to worshiping one's religion.

What most civilized countries have been able to do with health care, they've done with gun ownership (with very, very rare exceptions) ......We, in this country do NOT really want to stop the violence and the self-serving gun manufacturing industry promotes gun ownership through both a dubious right and scare tactics.

What is the obsession the left have with equating guns with sex? I hope you use a condom when you take your 357 to a hotel room
Indeed, it is rather naive to ban guns in DC when a ten minute drive into Virginia can get you all the guns you could possibly want.....and, granted, even if a national law were ever to be passed, guns would flow in from Canada.
The problem, is in the mindset of many Americans who think that gun ownership is akin to worshiping one's religion.

You democrats are working to outlaw both.

Freedom of religion is the 1st Amendment, freedom to be armed is the second, They of course ARE akin, and you leftists are dedicated to revoking both, and all other civil rights

What most civilized countries have been able to do with health care, they've done with gun ownership (with very, very rare exceptions) ......We, in this country do NOT really want to stop the violence and the self-serving gun manufacturing industry promotes gun ownership through both a dubious right and scare tactics.

So to you, health care is a right, but freedom of speech, religion, and arms are privileges reserved for party members in good standing?
Your side is full of people who want to ban private ownership of firearms.

Bullshit....NO ONE is proposing the ban on owning some firearms....BUT SOME guns are just insane to have around one's home just waiting for a deranged mind to use for carnage.....To "claim" that the bad, bad government wants to disarm you is total bullshit.
And here is the liberals' selectiveness on rights. You want someone to prove they "NEED" a particular gun or guns. And yet I don't see you demanding someone prove they "NEED" midget porn.

You have no understanding at all of what a right is if you think someone has to prove they NEED that right.

What a waste of a retort.....Tell me WHERE I wrote that someone needs to "prove a need"....
Now that you got all your bullshit out of your system, don't forget to flush.
Your side is full of people who want to ban private ownership of firearms.

Bullshit....NO ONE is proposing the ban on owning some firearms....BUT SOME guns are just insane to have around one's home just waiting for a deranged mind to use for carnage.....To "claim" that the bad, bad government wants to disarm you is total bullshit.
And here is the liberals' selectiveness on rights. You want someone to prove they "NEED" a particular gun or guns. And yet I don't see you demanding someone prove they "NEED" midget porn.

You have no understanding at all of what a right is if you think someone has to prove they NEED that right.

What a waste of a retort.....Tell me WHERE I wrote that someone needs to "prove a need"....
Now that you got all your bullshit out of your system, don't forget to flush.
I'll tell you exactly where you said it.

"BUT SOME guns are just insane to have around one's home just waiting for a deranged mind to use for carnage."

You clearly believe that SOME guns people own are unnecessary. Not needed. You want to ban them.

Don't sit there and pretend that when someone brings up an AR-15, your next question wasn't going to be, "Why do you NEED and AR-15?"
Indeed, it is rather naive to ban guns in DC when a ten minute drive into Virginia can get you all the guns you could possibly want.....and, granted, even if a national law were ever to be passed, guns would flow in from Canada.
The problem, is in the mindset of many Americans who think that gun ownership is akin to worshiping one's religion.

You democrats are working to outlaw both.

Freedom of religion is the 1st Amendment, freedom to be armed is the second, They of course ARE akin, and you leftists are dedicated to revoking both, and all other civil rights

What most civilized countries have been able to do with health care, they've done with gun ownership (with very, very rare exceptions) ......We, in this country do NOT really want to stop the violence and the self-serving gun manufacturing industry promotes gun ownership through both a dubious right and scare tactics.

So to you, health care is a right, but freedom of speech, religion, and arms are privileges reserved for party members in good standing?

Well, you're partially "correct".......With idiots like you around we are NOT really a civilized country and shouldn't compare ourselves with those that are.
Don't sit there and pretend that when someone brings up an AR-15, your next question wasn't going to be, "Why do you NEED and AR-15?"

Well, you're wrong on me asking that subsequent question.....I know EXACTLY why some folks "need" an AR-15.....after all, Bambi can be a mean mother.

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