Right-Wingers: What's different about Syria?

yes, Bush got approval.........while we were still drying our tears and seething with anger and the desire for revenge, over 9-11.

but yes, if Obama was a Republican, the GOP would proudly vote to support war against Syria and call anyone who votes NO, a traitor.


Take a good long look at the Rebels and what they are doing over there and get back to me.

They are scum, and in no way compare to the Kurds.
Kurds are every bit as bad.

You obviously have no clue about the PKK and Kurdish terrorism.

You obviously have no clue about Strategic interests in the region. The Kurds are hated by the Turks, but they did not give us problems in Iraq.

They are not our problem the Al Qaeda, or the Muslim Brotherhood.

I noticed how you stated to another poster about What happened to deposing evil dictators and then killing the Al Qaeda who try to come in there.

Well, why hasn't Obama done so in Libya................The place is a mess. Why did Egypt turn into a disaster.................Because the Muslim Brotherhood and Radical Islamist wanted the countries for themselves. Egyptian military is attempting to crush them because they don't want an Islamic State, and the Barbarians have killed Christians and burned over a 100 churches.

A evil Secular Ruler is better for the United States then a GANG OF THUGS.
the difference between Iraq and Syria?????????? There is no difference, we should not be involved in either one.

We should have used covert actions in Afghanistan to kill the AQ leaders, a ground war was a stupid waste of money and lives.

we seem incapable of learning the lesson of Viet Nam.
Sure is nice that we have all that Iraqi oil.........
We do.

Did EXXON have access to Iraqi oil fields before the Iraq War? NO.

Do they have access now? YES.

Not my fault you and Trajan are simpletons who don't realize that other factors keep our gas prices high.

And what is that main factor.......................

Your boy, created a new committee to deal with commodity trading, I'll give you that. Except all he had to do was repeal the Graham Leahy Act which allowed the BS to happen. Obama couldn't wait to add more government, which is simple what people like you want. When the simple fix was simply to fix what caused it. He chanted Glass Steigal and Rah Rah, but didn't do what should have been done. Bush didn't either, so I throw all these con artists under the bus. While our gas has stabilized somewhat, it is sill very high.

Maybe I should just call Obama, OIL MAN OBAMA. Which is also why we agreed to attack Libya. Problem is their output is virtually gone.
I am 100% confident that if Obama was a white Conservative Republican, calling for attacks on Syria, ALL Republicans would stepping on top of each other to support his call for war.

and they would call anyone who disagrees with them, an "unAmerican traitor".

Nice way of calling white conservatives racists.....

What are you going to call the Democrats who are against action in Syria?

I don't give a great damn who is in the White house. We have no friends in Syria, and hurting one side will only help the other...

PS. grow the fuck up.......

Did you neg The T for calling Obama "boy"?

Of course not.

I sure as hell know that Trajan didn't. Peas in a pod and all that . . .

Hell I rarely neg anyone. He stated your boy probably because he knew you would play the race card. I just did it as well.

So call me a racist or whatever. I simply don't care because it is a WORN OUT RECORD that is quite simply BORING.
When framed in a simplistic way such as this ,no there isn't.So you were good with Iraq then right?
No, I wasn't, for the simple reason that it was never proven that Saddam had WMDs in 2003. It was all intel-based.

Not so in Syria, where chemicals have already been used.

But I am asking for Right-Wing rationales, not Liberals. Right-Wingers were perfectly fine with Bush's assertion of WMDs.

What's different now? (oil, oil, oil)

What oil, you stupid little twerp?

Syria produces less than .05% of the Worlds Oil.

There's just no hope for people like you.

Go wash some dishes at your day job in the Diner

It is about natural gas.
Russia has a deal with Assad for their natural gas pipeline to go through Syria to ship to Europe.
If Assad losses power and Muslims take control then Qatar would get their pipeline through.
EXPOSED: SYRIA?S BACKROOM DEAL WITH RUSSIA. Is this energy deal why Putin is backing dictator Assad? « Klein Online
This is a sweet deal for Russia and is why they stepped in in order to keep Assad in power.
*I* Am Part native American you jackass...YOU have NO proof of anything...YOU have to protect the man that INFESTS the Whitehouse for HIS RACE...

It is YOU...that is racist...

But YOU keep beliving YOU have me...

When YOU come up EMPTY continually.


You call the President Of The United States "boy".

You're a fucking racist.


You think he isn't?
More proof you're a racist asshole.

"The DEMS" aren't the world, fool.

Democrats voted against the Iraq War.

And Obama has brilliantly put the responsibility all in Putin's hands. Either he delivers for Obama, or we will strike.

Brilliantly put by xotoxi, elsewhere:

"I can't remember the last time that a US President was able to pressure Russia to back down on their support for one of their allies and force them to do what we want.

Great job Obama!"

*I* Am Part native American you jackass...YOU have NO proof of anything...YOU have to protect the man that INFESTS the Whitehouse for HIS RACE...

It is YOU...that is racist...

But YOU keep beliving YOU have me...

When YOU come up EMPTY continually.


yeah im sure you are part native american, just like you served as well...Seriously nobody believes your bullshit thomas603. We didnt on hannity, we are not going on here. Go back to your little bottle.
Is he the fool who racked up, like, 80,000 posts in a little more than a year?

Or is that a different fool?
LOL He negged me for it..... I am so hurt......
negged for whining.

And negged back for thinking I give a rats ass about that big 29 negative points or even his 1200+....

I'll get back triple that within and hour because I post half way intelligently...

Of course syntia wouldn't understand that....

News Alert: 70 Year Old Immature Man Cares About Meaningless Points on Meaningless Message Board
And still Obama fails to make his case to the American people.

How loved is a POTUS that can't convince the public to inflict a "pinprick". It's really quite sad.

Isn't that what you wingnuts wanted? No military strikes?

President Of The United States Barack Obama was able to get what HE wanted. :)
What is the difference in rationale between Iraq and Syria?

  • Dictator/Tyrant has WMD capability
  • Fight them there so we don't have to fight them here
  • Danger to Israel
  • De-stabilize ME

Right-Wing refusal to back strikes proves that Iraq really was only about controlling the oil.

Obama is president.

Don't stop there. Obama is President, and not very persuasive.
He persuaded Assad to give up his CW, and he persuaded Putin to be his goon and be accountable for Assad's compliance.

Thank you, President Obama (praise be unto Him!)
What is the difference in rationale between Iraq and Syria?

  • Dictator/Tyrant has WMD capability
  • Fight them there so we don't have to fight them here
  • Danger to Israel
  • De-stabilize ME

Right-Wing refusal to back strikes proves that Iraq really was only about controlling the oil.

What is the difference kid, why didn't you support Iraq?
Because I knew Saddam did not have WMDs and that it was a Bush con job.

You fell for it. I didn't.

Take a good long look at the Rebels and what they are doing over there and get back to me.

They are scum, and in no way compare to the Kurds.
Kurds are every bit as bad.

You obviously have no clue about the PKK and Kurdish terrorism.

You obviously have no clue about Strategic interests in the region. The Kurds are hated by the Turks, but they did not give us problems in Iraq.

They have committed terrorism for decades now, against Türkiye.

Türkiye is an ally, just as Israel is.

Türkiye has the second-largest force in NATO, after the U.S.
What is the difference in rationale between Iraq and Syria?

  • Dictator/Tyrant has WMD capability
  • Fight them there so we don't have to fight them here
  • Danger to Israel
  • De-stabilize ME

Right-Wing refusal to back strikes proves that Iraq really was only about controlling the oil.

What is the difference kid, why didn't you support Iraq?
Because I knew Saddam did not have WMDs and that it was a Bush con job.

You fell for it. I didn't.

bullshit...your elected libs believed he had WMDs and told us so for years
negged for whining.

And negged back for thinking I give a rats ass about that big 29 negative points or even his 1200+....

I'll get back triple that within and hour because I post half way intelligently...

Of course syntia wouldn't understand that....

News Alert: 70 Year Old Immature Man Cares About Meaningless Points on Meaningless Message Board

If reputation points are so meaningless to you, then why do you bother to use them?
And no I am not 70..... And certainly I care about my reputation. Not that those points have that much to do with it....But i can promise you that my reputation on this board and in real life is so far above and beyond yours that you can't even see me....
Do continue to make stupid posts, we all can use the comic relief on occasion.....
Obama is president.

Don't stop there. Obama is President, and not very persuasive.
He persuaded Assad to give up his CW, and he persuaded Putin to be his goon and be accountable for Assad's compliance.

Thank you, President Obama (praise be unto Him!)

Why do you insist on giving Obama credit for Putins plan?

I swear if Obama makes a sharp turn you will get a broken nose......
And negged back for thinking I give a rats ass about that big 29 negative points or even his 1200+....

I'll get back triple that within and hour because I post half way intelligently...

Of course syntia wouldn't understand that....

News Alert: 70 Year Old Immature Man Cares About Meaningless Points on Meaningless Message Board

If reputation points are so meaningless to you, then why do you bother to use them?
And no I am not 70..... And certainly I care about my reputation. Not that those points have that much to do with it....But i can promise you that my reputation on this board and in real life is so far above and beyond yours that you can't even see me....
Do continue to make stupid posts, we all can use the comic relief on occasion.....

In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is King.

Or, updated for you:

In the land of the retarded wingnuts, the half-brain man is King.
You are showing your ignorance....Remember, Obamas plan was to attack. Or doesn't that count now?

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