Right-Wingers: What's different about Syria?

More proof you're a racist asshole.

"The DEMS" aren't the world, fool.

Democrats voted against the Iraq War.

And Obama has brilliantly put the responsibility all in Putin's hands. Either he delivers for Obama, or we will strike.

Brilliantly put by xotoxi, elsewhere:

"I can't remember the last time that a US President was able to pressure Russia to back down on their support for one of their allies and force them to do what we want.

Great job Obama!"

*I* Am Part native American you jackass...YOU have NO proof of anything...YOU have to protect the man that INFESTS the Whitehouse for HIS RACE...

It is YOU...that is racist...

But YOU keep beliving YOU have me...

When YOU come up EMPTY continually.


yeah im sure you are part native american, just like you served as well...Seriously nobody believes your bullshit thomas603. We didnt on hannity, we are not going on here. Go back to your little bottle.

So says the jealous TOAD. But YOU go on with your beliefs...and be left biting dust of those of US that know more than YOU. Educate yourself SON...or suffer as YOU are now.:lol:
*I* Am Part native American you jackass...YOU have NO proof of anything...YOU have to protect the man that INFESTS the Whitehouse for HIS RACE...

It is YOU...that is racist...

But YOU keep beliving YOU have me...

When YOU come up EMPTY continually.


yeah im sure you are part native american, just like you served as well...Seriously nobody believes your bullshit thomas603. We didnt on hannity, we are not going on here. Go back to your little bottle.

So says the jealous TOAD. But YOU go on with your beliefs...and be left biting dust of those of US that know more than YOU. Educate yourself SON...or suffer as YOU are now.:lol:

what would i have to be jesouls about? That you sit and pound back bottles and rant on the internet.the more you get drunk, the more retarded you get.
you know nothing, zip, nadda, zero more than anyone in this world. You always have been a bottom feeder. A wannabe who makes shit up to feel like he belongs.

now run along like a good little drunk and go claim you are running for president again. Add that to the list of things you are not. You are not Native american, You are not a Vet, you are not an honorable person, you are not a libertarian. you are and always will be a big government Neo-con.

You supported Bush all the way up until it was convenient for you to ditch him because of McCain and the housing mess. You supported his bailouts, you supported his wars, you supported everything he did, till Obama won, and then you flipped on everything.

You are a drunk hack.
Obama has handled this terribly from the start. Just accept that and stop trying to draw comparrisons with Iraq

why because they are there? More to the point both are stupid and should have been avoided.

thats the real issue with this topic. The right doesnt want to look like morons for going into something they are against now. Thats the only reason why people are saying the comparison doesnt work

I disagree whole heartedly. Iraq signed a cease fire agreement with us and then proceeded to violate it 19 times. They deserved the ass raping thwy got.
Having said that I WILL admit Bush totally fucked up the war with all the nation building bullshit but bottom line there is NO comparison.

After careful thought our only interest in Syria is making sure the chemical weapons don't fall into the wrong hands. We can monitor and BOMB IF NECESSARY those sites if they fall into the wrong hands.

A few years ago I was all about protecting everyone else but after seeing the cost of Iraq I say fuck that!

I know most will say its because I don't like Obama but thats just coincidence. Had I been an adult during Vietnam I would have said the same thing during Iraq.

I even gave obama credit for his methodology on handling Libya but look atIit now....


Fuck McCain and Obama
negged for whining.

And negged back for thinking I give a rats ass about that big 29 negative points or even his 1200+....

I'll get back triple that within and hour because I post half way intelligently...

Of course syntia wouldn't understand that....
Synthia thinks he's cute and can wield power...problem is? He has ZERO.:lol:

That is probably correct. Sympleton has negged me several times. I always pick up many more pos reps from those posts.
What is the difference in rationale between Iraq and Syria?

  • Dictator/Tyrant has WMD capability
  • Fight them there so we don't have to fight them here
  • Danger to Israel
  • De-stabilize ME

Right-Wing refusal to back strikes proves that Iraq really was only about controlling the oil.

Obama is president.
And negged back for thinking I give a rats ass about that big 29 negative points or even his 1200+....

I'll get back triple that within and hour because I post half way intelligently...

Of course syntia wouldn't understand that....
Synthia thinks he's cute and can wield power...problem is? He has ZERO.:lol:

That is probably correct. Sympleton has negged me several times. I always pick up many more pos reps from those posts.
He is here on some power trip. Problem is> There are more powerful than he...He can't stand it.:lol:
What is the difference in rationale between Iraq and Syria?

  • Dictator/Tyrant has WMD capability
  • Fight them there so we don't have to fight them here
  • Danger to Israel
  • De-stabilize ME

Right-Wing refusal to back strikes proves that Iraq really was only about controlling the oil.

Obama is president.

Don't stop there. Obama is President, and not very persuasive.
Obama has handled this terribly from the start. Just accept that and stop trying to draw comparrisons with Iraq

why because they are there? More to the point both are stupid and should have been avoided.

thats the real issue with this topic. The right doesnt want to look like morons for going into something they are against now. Thats the only reason why people are saying the comparison doesnt work

I disagree whole heartedly. Iraq signed a cease fire agreement with us and then proceeded to violate it 19 times. They deserved the ass raping thwy got.
Having said that I WILL admit Bush totally fucked up the war with all the nation building bullshit but bottom line there is NO comparison.

After careful thought our only interest in Syria is making sure the chemical weapons don't fall into the wrong hands. We can monitor and BOMB IF NECESSARY those sites if they fall into the wrong hands.

A few years ago I was all about protecting everyone else but after seeing the cost of Iraq I say fuck that!

I know most will say its because I don't like Obama but thats just coincidence. Had I been an adult during Vietnam I would have said the same thing during Iraq.

I even gave obama credit for his methodology on handling Libya but look atIit now....


Fuck McCain and Obama

What is the difference in rationale between Iraq and Syria?

  • Dictator/Tyrant has WMD capability
  • Fight them there so we don't have to fight them here
  • Danger to Israel
  • De-stabilize ME

Right-Wing refusal to back strikes proves that Iraq really was only about controlling the oil.

Obama is president.

Don't stop there. Obama is President, and not very persuasive.
Only persuasive to the weak minded. And as to the person YOU address?

'Nuff said, friend. Good call.
Obama has handled this terribly from the start. Just accept that and stop trying to draw comparrisons with Iraq

why because they are there? More to the point both are stupid and should have been avoided.

thats the real issue with this topic. The right doesnt want to look like morons for going into something they are against now. Thats the only reason why people are saying the comparison doesnt work

I disagree whole heartedly. Iraq signed a cease fire agreement with us and then proceeded to violate it 19 times. They deserved the ass raping thwy got.
Having said that I WILL admit Bush totally fucked up the war with all the nation building bullshit but bottom line there is NO comparison.

After careful thought our only interest in Syria is making sure the chemical weapons don't fall into the wrong hands. We can monitor and BOMB IF NECESSARY those sites if they fall into the wrong hands.

A few years ago I was all about protecting everyone else but after seeing the cost of Iraq I say fuck that!

I know most will say its because I don't like Obama but thats just coincidence. Had I been an adult during Vietnam I would have said the same thing during Iraq.

I even gave obama credit for his methodology on handling Libya but look atIit now....


Fuck McCain and Obama
we went into Iraq on the coattails of 9-11 and we didnt go anywhere else after words. Yeah we might of lobbed a few missiles here or there, but we didnt invade anyone.

Iraq was a tin army that we didnt need to worry about, that held Iran in check for the most part as well. It was and is a waste of time. Syria is as well. Keep the weapons in check with other nations helping? No issue at all.
why because they are there? More to the point both are stupid and should have been avoided.

thats the real issue with this topic. The right doesnt want to look like morons for going into something they are against now. Thats the only reason why people are saying the comparison doesnt work

I disagree whole heartedly. Iraq signed a cease fire agreement with us and then proceeded to violate it 19 times. They deserved the ass raping thwy got.
Having said that I WILL admit Bush totally fucked up the war with all the nation building bullshit but bottom line there is NO comparison.

After careful thought our only interest in Syria is making sure the chemical weapons don't fall into the wrong hands. We can monitor and BOMB IF NECESSARY those sites if they fall into the wrong hands.

A few years ago I was all about protecting everyone else but after seeing the cost of Iraq I say fuck that!

I know most will say its because I don't like Obama but thats just coincidence. Had I been an adult during Vietnam I would have said the same thing during Iraq.

I even gave obama credit for his methodology on handling Libya but look atIit now....


Fuck McCain and Obama
we went into Iraq on the coattails of 9-11 and we didnt go anywhere else after words. Yeah we might of lobbed a few missiles here or there, but we didnt invade anyone.

Iraq was a tin army that we didnt need to worry about, that held Iran in check for the most part as well. It was and is a waste of time. Syria is as well. Keep the weapons in check with other nations helping? No issue at all.
Tell us WHY Obama violated agreements with the Iraqui Government, and NOW that place is RUN by AQ?

And further? HE is PROUD OF IT...

I disagree whole heartedly. Iraq signed a cease fire agreement with us and then proceeded to violate it 19 times. They deserved the ass raping thwy got.
Having said that I WILL admit Bush totally fucked up the war with all the nation building bullshit but bottom line there is NO comparison.

After careful thought our only interest in Syria is making sure the chemical weapons don't fall into the wrong hands. We can monitor and BOMB IF NECESSARY those sites if they fall into the wrong hands.

A few years ago I was all about protecting everyone else but after seeing the cost of Iraq I say fuck that!

I know most will say its because I don't like Obama but thats just coincidence. Had I been an adult during Vietnam I would have said the same thing during Iraq.

I even gave obama credit for his methodology on handling Libya but look atIit now....


Fuck McCain and Obama
we went into Iraq on the coattails of 9-11 and we didnt go anywhere else after words. Yeah we might of lobbed a few missiles here or there, but we didnt invade anyone.

Iraq was a tin army that we didnt need to worry about, that held Iran in check for the most part as well. It was and is a waste of time. Syria is as well. Keep the weapons in check with other nations helping? No issue at all.
Tell us WHY Obama violated agreements with the Iraqui Government, and NOW that place is RUN by AQ?

And further? HE is PROUD OF IT...


Because saddam was killed....you moron. You created a vacuum and the terrorists just poured right in.

Again this is what short sighted retards like you get. Its always now, now now, me, me ,me....and not long term what could happen.

Obama being proud is irrelevant.
we went into Iraq on the coattails of 9-11 and we didnt go anywhere else after words. Yeah we might of lobbed a few missiles here or there, but we didnt invade anyone.

Iraq was a tin army that we didnt need to worry about, that held Iran in check for the most part as well. It was and is a waste of time. Syria is as well. Keep the weapons in check with other nations helping? No issue at all.
Tell us WHY Obama violated agreements with the Iraqui Government, and NOW that place is RUN by AQ?

And further? HE is PROUD OF IT...


Because saddam was killed....you moron. You created a vacuum and the terrorists just poured right in.

Again this is what short sighted retards like you get. Its always now, now now, me, me ,me....and not long term what could happen.

Obama being proud is irrelevant.

Nature ABHORES a Vacuum, doesn't it?

Tell us WHY Obama violated agreements with the Iraqui Government, and NOW that place is RUN by AQ?

And further? HE is PROUD OF IT...


Because saddam was killed....you moron. You created a vacuum and the terrorists just poured right in.

Again this is what short sighted retards like you get. Its always now, now now, me, me ,me....and not long term what could happen.

Obama being proud is irrelevant.

Nature ABHORES a Vacuum, doesn't it?

someone should of used a vacuum on your stupid ass.

Now move along before i have to hand you your ass even more. Fucking baby boomers ruining everything.
What is the difference in rationale between Iraq and Syria?

  • Dictator/Tyrant has WMD capability
  • Fight them there so we don't have to fight them here
  • Danger to Israel
  • De-stabilize ME

Right-Wing refusal to back strikes proves that Iraq really was only about controlling the oil.

What is the difference kid, why didn't you support Iraq?
What is the difference in rationale between Iraq and Syria?

  • Dictator/Tyrant has WMD capability
  • Fight them there so we don't have to fight them here
  • Danger to Israel
  • De-stabilize ME

Right-Wing refusal to back strikes proves that Iraq really was only about controlling the oil.

Obama is president.

No deano, you have to actually think to answer this......
Before asking: "what is the difference between Assad and Saddam?", one should ask "what is the difference between a baboon population and mid east societies?"

Than you will see what a retarded claim it is to suggest you will bring democracy to the region.

Of course, you may think it is a good idea to bomb the shit out of zoos to bring democracy for fellow orangutans.

Mid east is a zoo. You may like to watch it, but believe me, you dont want to climb the fences.
What is the difference in rationale between Iraq and Syria?

  • Dictator/Tyrant has WMD capability
  • Fight them there so we don't have to fight them here
  • Danger to Israel
  • De-stabilize ME
Right-Wing refusal to back strikes proves that Iraq really was only about controlling the oil.

Obama is president.

No deano, you have to actually think to answer this......

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTyN-vvFIkE"]An Hour of Jeopardy Think Music - YouTube[/ame]
What is the difference in rationale between Iraq and Syria?

  • Dictator/Tyrant has WMD capability
  • Fight them there so we don't have to fight them here
  • Danger to Israel
  • De-stabilize ME

Right-Wing refusal to back strikes proves that Iraq really was only about controlling the oil.

What is the difference kid, why didn't you support Iraq?
And He pretends to CARE about Syria...(HE has to appear aimiable to his failed leader...THE O...whom also doesn't get it as the O and subsequently Synthia, got their asses waxed BY a Communist...PUTIN)...:lol:

Right-Wing refusal to back strikes proves that Iraq really was only about controlling the oil.
No, it was about ridding that country of a murderous dictator who violated the UN sanctions on him over 17 times. The Iraqi's are now liberated and have free elections now. We did the right thing. So far, there is no proof that Assad has gassed his own people.

c'mon, SM... seriously... as if you ever gave a flying fuck about whatever the UN promulgated and ever gave a rat's ass about Iraq... :)
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