Rightist Maggot Writes "Trump is going to do to you Muslims what Hitler did to the Jews"

SAN JOSE, Calif. (KGO)
San Jose police are investigating a possible hate crime involving a pro-Trump, anti-Muslim letter sent to a a mosque.

Officers were dispatched to the Evergreen Islamic Center on Ruby Avenue at 7:10 p.m. Thursday on report of suspicious circumstances surrounding the letter.

The letter addresses the people of Evergreen Islamic center as the "children of Satan", calling Muslims "vile and filthy people".

The letter arrived at the mosque on Wednesday and is now in the hands of the San Jose Police Department. "It was disturbing to the fact that some of our parishioners were a little bit worried," Evergreen Islamic Center Board President Faisal Yazadi said.

He says officers arrived right away to investigate. "We wanted to let law enforcement know so that in case there's an unfortunate event people are prepared," Yazadi said.

The letter says president-elect Trump is going to do to Muslims what Hitler did to the Jews, and that Muslims would be wise to pack their bags and get out of dodge.
Rest here: San Jose police investigating hate letter reported by Islamic center


Another deplorable strikes. Dangerous, threatening Trump supporters are on a rampage, folks....

I strongly suspect that this is a False Flag Operation performed by Lefties who want to smear Trump.
it was probably you

^^^ Stupid Moron Posts Stupid Comments ^^^
you nazis sure are an angry bunch

Defenders of Islam calling others "Nazi"....

Have you asked a Muslim how they feel about Jews and homosexuals?
[Many] Muslims feel the same way about about Jews and gays the way you feel about Muslims. Guess that makes you just like them.
SAN JOSE, Calif. (KGO)
San Jose police are investigating a possible hate crime involving a pro-Trump, anti-Muslim letter sent to a a mosque.

Officers were dispatched to the Evergreen Islamic Center on Ruby Avenue at 7:10 p.m. Thursday on report of suspicious circumstances surrounding the letter.

The letter addresses the people of Evergreen Islamic center as the "children of Satan", calling Muslims "vile and filthy people".

The letter arrived at the mosque on Wednesday and is now in the hands of the San Jose Police Department. "It was disturbing to the fact that some of our parishioners were a little bit worried," Evergreen Islamic Center Board President Faisal Yazadi said.

He says officers arrived right away to investigate. "We wanted to let law enforcement know so that in case there's an unfortunate event people are prepared," Yazadi said.

The letter says president-elect Trump is going to do to Muslims what Hitler did to the Jews, and that Muslims would be wise to pack their bags and get out of dodge.
Rest here: San Jose police investigating hate letter reported by Islamic center


Another deplorable strikes. Dangerous, threatening Trump supporters are on a rampage, folks....

I believe this is a hoax and not a right winger.

The culprits is likely Alinsky leftist or a Muslim propagandist.

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The left loves to use to Holocaust to protect the Muslims, but the reality is much different.

Muslims are much more like the jingoistic persecuting NAZI, then the persecuted Jews.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
The left strikes again.
Probably another hoax....this is what happens when you go around making shit up, people get skeptical
the only things republicans do more than say racist shit is deny racism exists, unless its against white people of course

Islam isn't a race, shit for brains.

Now go away

PurpleFowl gets trumped again.
didn't you just compare them to a politcal ideology?
they are..
SAN JOSE, Calif. (KGO)
San Jose police are investigating a possible hate crime involving a pro-Trump, anti-Muslim letter sent to a a mosque.

Officers were dispatched to the Evergreen Islamic Center on Ruby Avenue at 7:10 p.m. Thursday on report of suspicious circumstances surrounding the letter.

The letter addresses the people of Evergreen Islamic center as the "children of Satan", calling Muslims "vile and filthy people".

The letter arrived at the mosque on Wednesday and is now in the hands of the San Jose Police Department. "It was disturbing to the fact that some of our parishioners were a little bit worried," Evergreen Islamic Center Board President Faisal Yazadi said.

He says officers arrived right away to investigate. "We wanted to let law enforcement know so that in case there's an unfortunate event people are prepared," Yazadi said.

The letter says president-elect Trump is going to do to Muslims what Hitler did to the Jews, and that Muslims would be wise to pack their bags and get out of dodge.
Rest here: San Jose police investigating hate letter reported by Islamic center


Another deplorable strikes. Dangerous, threatening Trump supporters are on a rampage, folks....

99.99999999% chance it was penned by a leftist.

Virtually ALL "hate crimes" are hoaxes perpetrated by the left.
SAN JOSE, Calif. (KGO)
San Jose police are investigating a possible hate crime involving a pro-Trump, anti-Muslim letter sent to a a mosque.

Officers were dispatched to the Evergreen Islamic Center on Ruby Avenue at 7:10 p.m. Thursday on report of suspicious circumstances surrounding the letter.

The letter addresses the people of Evergreen Islamic center as the "children of Satan", calling Muslims "vile and filthy people".

The letter arrived at the mosque on Wednesday and is now in the hands of the San Jose Police Department. "It was disturbing to the fact that some of our parishioners were a little bit worried," Evergreen Islamic Center Board President Faisal Yazadi said.

He says officers arrived right away to investigate. "We wanted to let law enforcement know so that in case there's an unfortunate event people are prepared," Yazadi said.

The letter says president-elect Trump is going to do to Muslims what Hitler did to the Jews, and that Muslims would be wise to pack their bags and get out of dodge.
Rest here: San Jose police investigating hate letter reported by Islamic center


Another deplorable strikes. Dangerous, threatening Trump supporters are on a rampage, folks....

Skippy is all excited about his fake letter making the news. lol what a gimp.

That missive was probably sent via MOVEON.ORG. They love to stir shit up. Just like their nazi mentor did.

Of course; they're making up all kinds of crap, and running these false flag type scams. Probably over 90% of these type 'stories' are such fakes. So will these 'ballot recounts' scams they're peddling now.
SAN JOSE, Calif. (KGO)
San Jose police are investigating a possible hate crime involving a pro-Trump, anti-Muslim letter sent to a a mosque.

Officers were dispatched to the Evergreen Islamic Center on Ruby Avenue at 7:10 p.m. Thursday on report of suspicious circumstances surrounding the letter.

The letter addresses the people of Evergreen Islamic center as the "children of Satan", calling Muslims "vile and filthy people".

The letter arrived at the mosque on Wednesday and is now in the hands of the San Jose Police Department. "It was disturbing to the fact that some of our parishioners were a little bit worried," Evergreen Islamic Center Board President Faisal Yazadi said.

He says officers arrived right away to investigate. "We wanted to let law enforcement know so that in case there's an unfortunate event people are prepared," Yazadi said.

The letter says president-elect Trump is going to do to Muslims what Hitler did to the Jews, and that Muslims would be wise to pack their bags and get out of dodge.
Rest here: San Jose police investigating hate letter reported by Islamic center


Another deplorable strikes. Dangerous, threatening Trump supporters are on a rampage, folks....

SAN JOSE, Calif. (KGO)
San Jose police are investigating a possible hate crime involving a pro-Trump, anti-Muslim letter sent to a a mosque.

Officers were dispatched to the Evergreen Islamic Center on Ruby Avenue at 7:10 p.m. Thursday on report of suspicious circumstances surrounding the letter.

The letter addresses the people of Evergreen Islamic center as the "children of Satan", calling Muslims "vile and filthy people".

The letter arrived at the mosque on Wednesday and is now in the hands of the San Jose Police Department. "It was disturbing to the fact that some of our parishioners were a little bit worried," Evergreen Islamic Center Board President Faisal Yazadi said.

He says officers arrived right away to investigate. "We wanted to let law enforcement know so that in case there's an unfortunate event people are prepared," Yazadi said.

The letter says president-elect Trump is going to do to Muslims what Hitler did to the Jews, and that Muslims would be wise to pack their bags and get out of dodge.
Rest here: San Jose police investigating hate letter reported by Islamic center


Another deplorable strikes. Dangerous, threatening Trump supporters are on a rampage, folks....
A rampage? Really? Like Ferguson? Like Baltimore? Like Chicago?

You're a retard.
No. All we need to do is deport all the non-citizens and stop the immigration of more. Contain them in the Middle East, there they will kill each other off without our help. Or maybe they could live in peace without us interfering in their affairs.

So what would you do with the Muslims who are citizens?

Keep a close eye on them. All mosques should be monitored, most of them support terrorism one way or another. Many of them support ISIS openly on social media. They can easily be charged with treason and imprisoned, or given the option of deportation to the Islamic shithole of their choice.

You don't have a clue about the Muslim community. I don't know one Muslim who supports ISIS. Most Muslims don't support these terrorist groups.

You don't have a clue about Islam. Just look at the Middle East, is there one Muslim country in the world that is a free democracy? Is there one Muslim country that is not lead by some ruthless thug? If terrorism has so little support by Muslims, then why is terrorism rampant through out the Middle East? Why are most terror attacks in America and Europe being carried out by Muslims?

I can't wait to hear your answers.

I don't have a clue about Islam? Sir I was born and raised in it so I might know a little bit more about Islam than you. Terrorism isn't rampant in the middle east. There are only certain regions in the middle east that are war torn. Iraq and Syria aren't the whole of the middle east. And only 20% of Muslims originate from the middle east. Most Muslims aren't even Arab.

Muslims are the largest victims to terrorism so they want it to stop. But wars caused by western nations have distablized those regions and became a breeding ground for terrorist groups.

ISIS was born because Assad kept killing his own people and had the support of Putin. People in Syria initially turned to ISIS thinking they were going to save them without realizing ISIS was just as bad or even worse than Assad.

Most terrorist attacks are the west are by arab Muslims. My only guess is that since western nations keep meddling in the middle east some deranged individuals think that means they need to kill innocent lives.

You are basing an entire faith on what one what one region and what one race of people do. Like I said most Muslims aren't Arab. A lot of arab Muslims like to mix their culture in with religion. Like how Saudi bans women from driving. Nothing in Islam that says women cat drive but Saudi somehow thinks otherwise.

Most abortion clinic bombings are committed by white Christians. Does that mean all white Christians are terrorist who have no qualms killing an abortion doctor.

Most serial killers are white men. Does that mean white men are inherently psychopathic killers?

Majority of people in prison are black. Does that mean all black people are criminals?

I will agree with you that Saudi Arab Muslims are the worst and most violent. The Sunni brand needs to be snuffed out, instead Bush and Obama say the Saudis are our allies. They are not, they are the enemy.

Most serial killers are not white men, western countries justice systems is just much better at capturing such individuals. Serial killers in Africa and the Middle East probably outnumber white ones. We also have many black serial killers captured in the US, but the media just ignores them. Those stories don't fit the narrative that whites are the worst race on the planet.

And by the way, you still haven't answered my question. Can you name a peaceful democratic Muslim country?
Last edited:
I strongly suspect that this is a False Flag Operation performed by Lefties who want to smear Trump.
it was probably you

^^^ Stupid Moron Posts Stupid Comments ^^^
you nazis sure are an angry bunch

Defenders of Islam calling others "Nazi"....

Have you asked a Muslim how they feel about Jews and homosexuals?
[Many] Muslims feel the same way about about Jews and gays the way you feel about Muslims. Guess that makes you just like them.

That doesn't make any sense. Nazis feel the same way about Jews and gays the way you feel about Nazis. Does that makes you a Nazi?
it was probably you

^^^ Stupid Moron Posts Stupid Comments ^^^
you nazis sure are an angry bunch

Defenders of Islam calling others "Nazi"....

Have you asked a Muslim how they feel about Jews and homosexuals?
[Many] Muslims feel the same way about about Jews and gays the way you feel about Muslims. Guess that makes you just like them.

That doesn't make any sense. Nazis feel the same way about Jews and gays the way you feel about Nazis. Does that makes you a Nazi?
Unlike you, I'm not calling for their death.
^^^ Stupid Moron Posts Stupid Comments ^^^
you nazis sure are an angry bunch

Defenders of Islam calling others "Nazi"....

Have you asked a Muslim how they feel about Jews and homosexuals?
[Many] Muslims feel the same way about about Jews and gays the way you feel about Muslims. Guess that makes you just like them.

That doesn't make any sense. Nazis feel the same way about Jews and gays the way you feel about Nazis. Does that makes you a Nazi?
Unlike you, I'm not calling for their death.

I'm not calling for their death. I've stated many times all we need to do is contain them in the Middle East. There it is up to them, live in peace or they can kill each other without interference from us.
you nazis sure are an angry bunch

Defenders of Islam calling others "Nazi"....

Have you asked a Muslim how they feel about Jews and homosexuals?
[Many] Muslims feel the same way about about Jews and gays the way you feel about Muslims. Guess that makes you just like them.

That doesn't make any sense. Nazis feel the same way about Jews and gays the way you feel about Nazis. Does that makes you a Nazi?
Unlike you, I'm not calling for their death.

I'm not calling for their death. I've stated many times all we need to do is contain them in the Middle East. There it is up to them, live in peace or they can kill each other without interference from us.
The hell you didn't.
The Sunni brand needs to be snuffed out
Like I said, you're just like them.
Defenders of Islam calling others "Nazi"....

Have you asked a Muslim how they feel about Jews and homosexuals?
[Many] Muslims feel the same way about about Jews and gays the way you feel about Muslims. Guess that makes you just like them.

That doesn't make any sense. Nazis feel the same way about Jews and gays the way you feel about Nazis. Does that makes you a Nazi?
Unlike you, I'm not calling for their death.

I'm not calling for their death. I've stated many times all we need to do is contain them in the Middle East. There it is up to them, live in peace or they can kill each other without interference from us.
The hell you didn't.
The Sunni brand needs to be snuffed out
Like I said, you're just like them.

As I said before, we don't have to be the ones that do anything. Sunnis are so batshit crazy they will try to kill all other Muslims. So they will either be killed or they will kill off all the other brands of Islam. Or just maybe they'll suddenly become peaceful and loving people like you think they can be.
No. All we need to do is deport all the non-citizens and stop the immigration of more. Contain them in the Middle East, there they will kill each other off without our help. Or maybe they could live in peace without us interfering in their affairs.

So what would you do with the Muslims who are citizens?

Keep a close eye on them. All mosques should be monitored, most of them support terrorism one way or another. Many of them support ISIS openly on social media. They can easily be charged with treason and imprisoned, or given the option of deportation to the Islamic shithole of their choice.

You don't have a clue about the Muslim community. I don't know one Muslim who supports ISIS. Most Muslims don't support these terrorist groups.

You don't have a clue about Islam. Just look at the Middle East, is there one Muslim country in the world that is a free democracy? Is there one Muslim country that is not lead by some ruthless thug? If terrorism has so little support by Muslims, then why is terrorism rampant through out the Middle East? Why are most terror attacks in America and Europe being carried out by Muslims?

I can't wait to hear your answers.

I don't have a clue about Islam? Sir I was born and raised in it so I might know a little bit more about Islam than you. Terrorism isn't rampant in the middle east. There are only certain regions in the middle east that are war torn. Iraq and Syria aren't the whole of the middle east. And only 20% of Muslims originate from the middle east. Most Muslims aren't even Arab.

Muslims are the largest victims to terrorism so they want it to stop. But wars caused by western nations have distablized those regions and became a breeding ground for terrorist groups.

ISIS was born because Assad kept killing his own people and had the support of Putin. People in Syria initially turned to ISIS thinking they were going to save them without realizing ISIS was just as bad or even worse than Assad.

Most terrorist attacks are the west are by arab Muslims. My only guess is that since western nations keep meddling in the middle east some deranged individuals think that means they need to kill innocent lives.

You are basing an entire faith on what one what one region and what one race of people do. Like I said most Muslims aren't Arab. A lot of arab Muslims like to mix their culture in with religion. Like how Saudi bans women from driving. Nothing in Islam that says women cat drive but Saudi somehow thinks otherwise.

Most abortion clinic bombings are committed by white Christians. Does that mean all white Christians are terrorist who have no qualms killing an abortion doctor.

Most serial killers are white men. Does that mean white men are inherently psychopathic killers?

Majority of people in prison are black. Does that mean all black people are criminals?
Islam Must Be Destroyed

We're sick of listening to Muzzy excuses. Only sissy appeasers would give your irresponsible lies any credibility. We'll make up our own minds, because your subhuman religion is mindless. Never tell real Americans what to think. We will bury you, and it will be in pig's blood.

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