Rightist Maggot Writes "Trump is going to do to you Muslims what Hitler did to the Jews"

SAN JOSE, Calif. (KGO)
San Jose police are investigating a possible hate crime involving a pro-Trump, anti-Muslim letter sent to a a mosque.

Officers were dispatched to the Evergreen Islamic Center on Ruby Avenue at 7:10 p.m. Thursday on report of suspicious circumstances surrounding the letter.

The letter addresses the people of Evergreen Islamic center as the "children of Satan", calling Muslims "vile and filthy people".

The letter arrived at the mosque on Wednesday and is now in the hands of the San Jose Police Department. "It was disturbing to the fact that some of our parishioners were a little bit worried," Evergreen Islamic Center Board President Faisal Yazadi said.

He says officers arrived right away to investigate. "We wanted to let law enforcement know so that in case there's an unfortunate event people are prepared," Yazadi said.

The letter says president-elect Trump is going to do to Muslims what Hitler did to the Jews, and that Muslims would be wise to pack their bags and get out of dodge.
Rest here: San Jose police investigating hate letter reported by Islamic center


Another deplorable strikes. Dangerous, threatening Trump supporters are on a rampage, folks....

Another symptom of left wing butthurt is taking the rantings and actions of one idiot and pretending that it represents an entire group. This is one of many reasons you liberals got your asses handed to you. No one believes your lies or tolerates your stupidity any more.

As the news report says, there has been a rise in incidents targeting Muslim-Americans, more than 100 across the country since the orange cheeto was elected. So, please refrain from offering your stupid, ignorant opinion on this subject any further.

Hope this helps!

Fake news bull shit dumbass. The important point goes right over your empty head.
The difference is Muslims actually are vile people. They treat women like dogs, they beat and molest their own children, and they want all non-Muslims to die, especially the Jews.

Jews were persecuted in Nazi Germany because they were so successful and wealthy. They were the "1 percenters" of their time. They were successful lawyers, bankers, and scientists. Muslims are third world barbarians that sexually assault women all over Europe because in their culture it is normal.

Did you buy your hijab yet?

So you would be totally ok with putting Muslims in gas chambers because you think they're vile people?

No. All we need to do is deport all the non-citizens and stop the immigration of more. Contain them in the Middle East, there they will kill each other off without our help. Or maybe they could live in peace without us interfering in their affairs.

So what would you do with the Muslims who are citizens?

Keep a close eye on them. All mosques should be monitored, most of them support terrorism one way or another. Many of them support ISIS openly on social media. They can easily be charged with treason and imprisoned, or given the option of deportation to the Islamic shithole of their choice.

You don't have a clue about the Muslim community. I don't know one Muslim who supports ISIS. Most Muslims don't support these terrorist groups.

Muslims eventually take over their host countries. It won't be any different in America, especially now that political correctness trumps common sense.
The difference is Muslims actually are vile people. They treat women like dogs, they beat and molest their own children, and they want all non-Muslims to die, especially the Jews.

Jews were persecuted in Nazi Germany because they were so successful and wealthy. They were the "1 percenters" of their time. They were successful lawyers, bankers, and scientists. Muslims are third world barbarians that sexually assault women all over Europe because in their culture it is normal.

Did you buy your hijab yet?

So you would be totally ok with putting Muslims in gas chambers because you think they're vile people?

No. All we need to do is deport all the non-citizens and stop the immigration of more. Contain them in the Middle East, there they will kill each other off without our help. Or maybe they could live in peace without us interfering in their affairs.

So what would you do with the Muslims who are citizens?

Can't do anything with them but don't trust them. And certainly don't allow any more into this country.
SAN JOSE, Calif. (KGO)
San Jose police are investigating a possible hate crime involving a pro-Trump, anti-Muslim letter sent to a a mosque.

Officers were dispatched to the Evergreen Islamic Center on Ruby Avenue at 7:10 p.m. Thursday on report of suspicious circumstances surrounding the letter.

The letter addresses the people of Evergreen Islamic center as the "children of Satan", calling Muslims "vile and filthy people".

The letter arrived at the mosque on Wednesday and is now in the hands of the San Jose Police Department. "It was disturbing to the fact that some of our parishioners were a little bit worried," Evergreen Islamic Center Board President Faisal Yazadi said.

He says officers arrived right away to investigate. "We wanted to let law enforcement know so that in case there's an unfortunate event people are prepared," Yazadi said.

The letter says president-elect Trump is going to do to Muslims what Hitler did to the Jews, and that Muslims would be wise to pack their bags and get out of dodge.
Rest here: San Jose police investigating hate letter reported by Islamic center


Another deplorable strikes. Dangerous, threatening Trump supporters are on a rampage, folks....
Every hand writing analyst in the world unanimously agrees that this letter was written by a lefty.
In fact only racists use that defence. We have it here in the UK.
did you know that mexican isn't a race either? I've heard that about 1000 times lol
You could call it misogyny but that would mark you out as an elitist interlec-chall in these circles and you dont want to go there.

Is Islam a race or not Tommy Twinkles? It's a yes or no question. The rest of your gibberish is just that, gibberish
I dont know what's sadder if you genuinely dont know the answer to this question, or if you think the answer proves somekind of point

You answer it then, is Islam a race? Yes or no and prove your answer.

This is going to be hilarious
Echoes of a Prehistoric Horror

The thrill-killing beasts who are attracted to this cretins' creed are a different species, similar to the Neanderthal. It is typical that the most psychotic warriors of all time, the Mongols, converted to Islam after their joyful bloodbath in the Middle East.
SAN JOSE, Calif. (KGO)
San Jose police are investigating a possible hate crime involving a pro-Trump, anti-Muslim letter sent to a a mosque.

Officers were dispatched to the Evergreen Islamic Center on Ruby Avenue at 7:10 p.m. Thursday on report of suspicious circumstances surrounding the letter.

The letter addresses the people of Evergreen Islamic center as the "children of Satan", calling Muslims "vile and filthy people".

The letter arrived at the mosque on Wednesday and is now in the hands of the San Jose Police Department. "It was disturbing to the fact that some of our parishioners were a little bit worried," Evergreen Islamic Center Board President Faisal Yazadi said.

He says officers arrived right away to investigate. "We wanted to let law enforcement know so that in case there's an unfortunate event people are prepared," Yazadi said.

The letter says president-elect Trump is going to do to Muslims what Hitler did to the Jews, and that Muslims would be wise to pack their bags and get out of dodge.
Rest here: San Jose police investigating hate letter reported by Islamic center


Another deplorable strikes. Dangerous, threatening Trump supporters are on a rampage, folks....
Nazism/Fascism is left wing like the Democrat party of today. That ideology is totally opposed to individual freedoms.

Correct, and that is why the Dems are all in with Islam.
The difference is Muslims actually are vile people. They treat women like dogs, they beat and molest their own children, and they want all non-Muslims to die, especially the Jews.

Jews were persecuted in Nazi Germany because they were so successful and wealthy. They were the "1 percenters" of their time. They were successful lawyers, bankers, and scientists. Muslims are third world barbarians that sexually assault women all over Europe because in their culture it is normal.

Did you buy your hijab yet?

So you would be totally ok with putting Muslims in gas chambers because you think they're vile people?

No. All we need to do is deport all the non-citizens and stop the immigration of more. Contain them in the Middle East, there they will kill each other off without our help. Or maybe they could live in peace without us interfering in their affairs.

So what would you do with the Muslims who are citizens?

Keep a close eye on them. All mosques should be monitored, most of them support terrorism one way or another. Many of them support ISIS openly on social media. They can easily be charged with treason and imprisoned, or given the option of deportation to the Islamic shithole of their choice.

You don't have a clue about the Muslim community. I don't know one Muslim who supports ISIS. Most Muslims don't support these terrorist groups.

You don't have a clue about Islam. Just look at the Middle East, is there one Muslim country in the world that is a free democracy? Is there one Muslim country that is not lead by some ruthless thug? If terrorism has so little support by Muslims, then why is terrorism rampant through out the Middle East? Why are most terror attacks in America and Europe being carried out by Muslims?

I can't wait to hear your answers.
You don't have a clue about the Muslim community. I don't know one Muslim who supports ISIS. Most Muslims don't support these terrorist groups.

Every Moslem supports terrorism.

Every year a Muslim must pay a religious tax (Zakat) amounting to 2.5% of TOTAL earnings as part of their duty to support Islam. This is commanded from the Koran. How it is to be distributed is also detailed in the Koran.

Mosques usually are the agency that collect and distribute Zakat payments, Hence why Imams are the ones getting caught out by Western security people for supporting terrorist organisations. Some payments uncovered being made to terrorist organisation like HAMAS, in Canada for example, were reaching into the millions.

One eighth of the contributions ZAKAT according to the Koran is to support the active cause of Islam (the creation the dominantion of Islam over all others)—which is also ultimate cause of jihad.

In some parts of the Koran the payment to support jihad is actually higher than 2.5%.

A true believer is also a person that supports the cause of Islam with their finances and their lives. (Chapter 8 Koran)

To support jihad is fulfilling a Muslim’s religious obligation to Islam.

Zakat in effect must fund what we class as terrorism, but is defined as jihad in the Koran.

In Islam a Muslim’s duty is to protect the “Ummah”—the nation of Islam, and to further the cause of Islam—to either participate or fund jihad.

How terrorism is funded by Zakat payments | ConCit
The problem of the West is they listen to Moslems who are either naive about what the Koran actually teaches or they're lying their asses off, presenting a false picture of Islam.

Every hear the one about Islam being a religion of peace? Wow, was THAT a doozie!
SAN JOSE, Calif. (KGO)
San Jose police are investigating a possible hate crime involving a pro-Trump, anti-Muslim letter sent to a a mosque.

Officers were dispatched to the Evergreen Islamic Center on Ruby Avenue at 7:10 p.m. Thursday on report of suspicious circumstances surrounding the letter.

The letter addresses the people of Evergreen Islamic center as the "children of Satan", calling Muslims "vile and filthy people".

The letter arrived at the mosque on Wednesday and is now in the hands of the San Jose Police Department. "It was disturbing to the fact that some of our parishioners were a little bit worried," Evergreen Islamic Center Board President Faisal Yazadi said.

He says officers arrived right away to investigate. "We wanted to let law enforcement know so that in case there's an unfortunate event people are prepared," Yazadi said.

The letter says president-elect Trump is going to do to Muslims what Hitler did to the Jews, and that Muslims would be wise to pack their bags and get out of dodge.
Rest here: San Jose police investigating hate letter reported by Islamic center


Another deplorable strikes. Dangerous, threatening Trump supporters are on a rampage, folks....
The letter was probably written by a Muslim in order to make them appear as victims.
So you would be totally ok with putting Muslims in gas chambers because you think they're vile people?

No. All we need to do is deport all the non-citizens and stop the immigration of more. Contain them in the Middle East, there they will kill each other off without our help. Or maybe they could live in peace without us interfering in their affairs.

So what would you do with the Muslims who are citizens?

Keep a close eye on them. All mosques should be monitored, most of them support terrorism one way or another. Many of them support ISIS openly on social media. They can easily be charged with treason and imprisoned, or given the option of deportation to the Islamic shithole of their choice.

You don't have a clue about the Muslim community. I don't know one Muslim who supports ISIS. Most Muslims don't support these terrorist groups.

You don't have a clue about Islam. Just look at the Middle East, is there one Muslim country in the world that is a free democracy? Is there one Muslim country that is not lead by some ruthless thug? If terrorism has so little support by Muslims, then why is terrorism rampant through out the Middle East? Why are most terror attacks in America and Europe being carried out by Muslims?

I can't wait to hear your answers.

I don't have a clue about Islam? Sir I was born and raised in it so I might know a little bit more about Islam than you. Terrorism isn't rampant in the middle east. There are only certain regions in the middle east that are war torn. Iraq and Syria aren't the whole of the middle east. And only 20% of Muslims originate from the middle east. Most Muslims aren't even Arab.

Muslims are the largest victims to terrorism so they want it to stop. But wars caused by western nations have distablized those regions and became a breeding ground for terrorist groups.

ISIS was born because Assad kept killing his own people and had the support of Putin. People in Syria initially turned to ISIS thinking they were going to save them without realizing ISIS was just as bad or even worse than Assad.

Most terrorist attacks are the west are by arab Muslims. My only guess is that since western nations keep meddling in the middle east some deranged individuals think that means they need to kill innocent lives.

You are basing an entire faith on what one what one region and what one race of people do. Like I said most Muslims aren't Arab. A lot of arab Muslims like to mix their culture in with religion. Like how Saudi bans women from driving. Nothing in Islam that says women cat drive but Saudi somehow thinks otherwise.

Most abortion clinic bombings are committed by white Christians. Does that mean all white Christians are terrorist who have no qualms killing an abortion doctor.

Most serial killers are white men. Does that mean white men are inherently psychopathic killers?

Majority of people in prison are black. Does that mean all black people are criminals?
Moslems new to the ideology are served up highly selective and biased teachings on the Islamic doctrine. It's not dissimilar to the indoctrinations Liberals get from their Liberal media.

Islam is the world's biggest cult and like any cult the members are gradually brainwashed into the authentic core of the cult's true purpose.
The difference is Muslims actually are vile people. They treat women like dogs, they beat and molest their own children, and they want all non-Muslims to die, especially the Jews.

Jews were persecuted in Nazi Germany because they were so successful and wealthy. They were the "1 percenters" of their time. They were successful lawyers, bankers, and scientists. Muslims are third world barbarians that sexually assault women all over Europe because in their culture it is normal.

Did you buy your hijab yet?

"The difference is Muslims actually are vile people. They treat women like dogs, they beat and molest their own children, and they want all non-Muslims to die, especially the Jews." Right! No white Christian would beat a woman, molest their own kid and want all non-Christians, especially Jews, to die. Perish the thought! I'd be interested in how many American Muslims, percentage wise compared to their Christian brothers, practice these vile acts. Any examples you can provide?
The difference is Muslims actually are vile people. They treat women like dogs, they beat and molest their own children, and they want all non-Muslims to die, especially the Jews.

Jews were persecuted in Nazi Germany because they were so successful and wealthy. They were the "1 percenters" of their time. They were successful lawyers, bankers, and scientists. Muslims are third world barbarians that sexually assault women all over Europe because in their culture it is normal.

Did you buy your hijab yet?

Finally, a moment of honesty from a deplorable Trump supporting scumbag. Thanks!
This is the act of a single creepy cretin. I do believe it is the act of someone emboldened by campaign rhetoric. But I will never believe those Trump voters hurting for jobs and disgusted with an inactive Congress support this behavior. I cannot see condemning a whole party over a fringe nut that I would gladly castrate with a rusty knife.

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