Rightist Maggot Writes "Trump is going to do to you Muslims what Hitler did to the Jews"

SAN JOSE, Calif. (KGO)
San Jose police are investigating a possible hate crime involving a pro-Trump, anti-Muslim letter sent to a a mosque.

Officers were dispatched to the Evergreen Islamic Center on Ruby Avenue at 7:10 p.m. Thursday on report of suspicious circumstances surrounding the letter.

The letter addresses the people of Evergreen Islamic center as the "children of Satan", calling Muslims "vile and filthy people".

The letter arrived at the mosque on Wednesday and is now in the hands of the San Jose Police Department. "It was disturbing to the fact that some of our parishioners were a little bit worried," Evergreen Islamic Center Board President Faisal Yazadi said.

He says officers arrived right away to investigate. "We wanted to let law enforcement know so that in case there's an unfortunate event people are prepared," Yazadi said.

The letter says president-elect Trump is going to do to Muslims what Hitler did to the Jews, and that Muslims would be wise to pack their bags and get out of dodge.
Rest here: San Jose police investigating hate letter reported by Islamic center


Another deplorable strikes. Dangerous, threatening Trump supporters are on a rampage, folks....
A letter that could have been written by ANYONE.

Cry more
Notice the language very carefully.
"Your mothers are whores and your fathers are dogs". Which 'religion' refers to men as "dogs" and women as "whores" if they REALLY want to insult someone????? That's right! Muslims!
Your basic 'white' european NEVER uses language like that!
This is just another fucking bullshit fabrication by Islamic terrorists among us.

When you really want to insult Muslims, you use their own language. But nice try, toots.
SAN JOSE, Calif. (KGO)
San Jose police are investigating a possible hate crime involving a pro-Trump, anti-Muslim letter sent to a a mosque.

Officers were dispatched to the Evergreen Islamic Center on Ruby Avenue at 7:10 p.m. Thursday on report of suspicious circumstances surrounding the letter.

The letter addresses the people of Evergreen Islamic center as the "children of Satan", calling Muslims "vile and filthy people".

The letter arrived at the mosque on Wednesday and is now in the hands of the San Jose Police Department. "It was disturbing to the fact that some of our parishioners were a little bit worried," Evergreen Islamic Center Board President Faisal Yazadi said.

He says officers arrived right away to investigate. "We wanted to let law enforcement know so that in case there's an unfortunate event people are prepared," Yazadi said.

The letter says president-elect Trump is going to do to Muslims what Hitler did to the Jews, and that Muslims would be wise to pack their bags and get out of dodge.
Rest here: San Jose police investigating hate letter reported by Islamic center


Another deplorable strikes. Dangerous, threatening Trump supporters are on a rampage, folks....
A letter that could have been written by ANYONE.

Cry more
Notice the language very carefully.
"Your mothers are whores and your fathers are dogs". Which 'religion' refers to men as "dogs" and women as "whores" if they REALLY want to insult someone????? That's right! Muslims!
Your basic 'white' european NEVER uses language like that!
This is just another fucking bullshit fabrication by Islamic terrorists among us.

When you really want to insult Muslims, you use their own language. But nice try, toots.

Muslims understand the language of human trafficking and child pornography pretty well...

Nearly 400 children rescued and 348 adults arrested in Canadian child pornography bust - NBC News
Yes, the Sunni brand of Islam, the most radical, must be destroyed. Sunni Islam is an ideology, I am calling for the death of the ideology. You evidently have a problem with that. You must like the most barbaric ideology on the planet. Women covered head to toe, treated like dogs. Their boys molested and psychologically jacked up for life. Believing you have the right to enslave and kill non-believers. Throwing homosexuals off rooftops.

If the people could ever be separated from the cult religion and ideology, they would be able to contribute in a positive way to the world. Until then, they are the enemy and should be treated as such.
Sunni is the most common branch of Islam, and encompasses many groups, from extremist Salafists to moderates and non-practising, the extremists being a small minority, except in some countries like Saudi Arabia.

If Trump were to wipe them out, he would destroy his investments in those countries, which constitute a major part of his foreign investments:
‘A recipe for scandal’: Trump conflicts of interest point to constitutional crisis

The greatest investment for the entire world population would be to rid the world of Islam. I'm not saying wipe all Muslims out, but teach them their religion is completely fraudulent. If Islam went the way of pagan gods of old, just imagine how much the world could prosper.
Or just do what the Japanese do. Refuse them citizenship unless they learn the language and agree to assimilate and can prove and verbalize how they want to improve our country... and do not allow them to visit unless they agree to uphold our constitution and defend our AMERICAN culture.
That's like saying you can kill Christianity without killing Christians.

You were grasping at thin straws with your criticism. We all know that beliefs cannot be killed whether you go after the ideology or the people holding to the ideology. I say we destroy Islam in America. Obviously I don't mean killing all Moslems nor is getting the belief in Muhammad's teachings utterly removed from our soil, possible. There will always be loons who insist on believing in hatred for others. But we can neuter Islam. We can make it impotent. That's how I interpreted Hawk's comment.
Yes, the Sunni brand of Islam, the most radical, must be destroyed. Sunni Islam is an ideology, I am calling for the death of the ideology. You evidently have a problem with that. You must like the most barbaric ideology on the planet. Women covered head to toe, treated like dogs. Their boys molested and psychologically jacked up for life. Believing you have the right to enslave and kill non-believers. Throwing homosexuals off rooftops.

If the people could ever be separated from the cult religion and ideology, they would be able to contribute in a positive way to the world. Until then, they are the enemy and should be treated as such.
Sunni is the most common branch of Islam, and encompasses many groups, from extremist Salafists to moderates and non-practising, the extremists being a small minority, except in some countries like Saudi Arabia.

If Trump were to wipe them out, he would destroy his investments in those countries, which constitute a major part of his foreign investments:
‘A recipe for scandal’: Trump conflicts of interest point to constitutional crisis

The greatest investment for the entire world population would be to rid the world of Islam. I'm not saying wipe all Muslims out, but teach them their religion is completely fraudulent. If Islam went the way of pagan gods of old, just imagine how much the world could prosper.
Or just do what the Japanese do. Refuse them citizenship unless they learn the language and agree to assimilate and can prove and verbalize how they want to improve our country... and do not allow them to visit unless they agree to uphold our constitution and defend our AMERICAN culture.

I would see Islam declared a hate cult or a hate ideology similar White Supremacism or Nazism. Marginalize it, demean it - refuse citizenship to Moslems on the basis of their adherence to a hate ideology.

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