Rights groups accuse Israel of war crimes


Jun 29, 2014
http://www.aljazeera.com/news/middl...ael-war-crimes-gaza-201472213459487842.htmlAt least seven Palestinians were killed early on Tuesday, bringing the death toll to more than 580 [AP]

Leading Palestinian human rights activists have said the Israeli bombardment of Gaza's Shujayea neighbourhood amounted to a war crime.

Scenes of people forced to flee their homes under the heaviest bombardment of the 15-day Israeli assault on Gaza was, according to one Palestinian human rights activist "the largest exodus wave" since the Palestinian Nakba in 1948.

"I'm 60 years old and I have never seen such a thing," said Raji Sourani, a leading rights activist and director of the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR).

Both Sourani and another colleague, Issam Younis of the Gaza-based al-Mezan Centre for Human Rights, are certain the shelling, mass warnings, and forcing people to flee under fire amount to a war crime.

"The war crime happening in Shujayea is a model and example like those being taught in universities," Younis said. Indiscriminate fire, targeting of civilians and absence of proportionality requirement indicate "war crime evidences".

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On Sunday July 20, Israeli military pushed ground forces into east Gaza City after days of heavy aerial bombardment. As troops advanced into Shujayea, one of the largest neighbourhoods in the Strip, artillery shelling that night did not come to even a brief halt.

continued at Rights groups accuse Israel of war crimes - Middle East - Al Jazeera English
"All wars are crimes."
- "The West Wing" by Aaron Sorkin

Trying to govern wars with laws is the ultimate absurdity. You can't make the deliberate murder of other human beings legal and "okay." Term "war crime" itself is simply an extension of the aburdity. By trying to put lipstick on a pig, we make wars more likely by perpetuating the myth that if we pass laws on how they're implemented they'll be more palattable. If we want fewer wars they should be as horrible as possible. News coverage should show the blood and mutilated children's bodies and innocent victims so the next time some idiot politician proposes we have a war someone puts a bullet in his head before it gains momentum.

There was an original series of "Star Trek" episode about the sanitizing of wars and how that simply ensures they continue. Two planets in the same solar system had been embroiled in a mutliple centuries long war with each other. As technology evolved, actual war had been replaced by simulated combat but with real casualties. People'd report to disintegration booths for quick and painless death if the computers determined they'd been killed in the latest simulated attack. Well of course Captain Kirk put an end to this by disabling both planets computers. Their agreed upon state of affairs suddenly ended, real bombs and attacks were imminent unless they sued for peace. Which of course they did.

By making war sanitary, we only make it more likely. Precision munitions are the worst idea ever conceived. If military planners had their way, no war would result in a single civilian casualty. If that ever happened, I'd expect wars to be a never-ending thing.

"Kind-hearted people might of course think there was some ingenious way to disarm or defeat the enemy without too much bloodshed, and might imagine this is the true goal of the art of war. Pleasant as it sounds, it is a fallacy that must be exposed: War is such a dangerous business that mistakes that come from kindness are the very worst."
- Carl von Clausewitz (1780 – 1831)
"All wars are crimes."
- "The West Wing" by Aaron Sorkin

Trying to govern wars with laws is the ultimate absurdity. You can't make the deliberate murder of other human beings legal and "okay." Term "war crime" itself is simply an extension of the aburdity. By trying to put lipstick on a pig, we make wars more likely by perpetuating the myth that if we pass laws on how they're implemented they'll be more palattable. If we want fewer wars they should be as horrible as possible. News coverage should show the blood and mutilated children's bodies and innocent victims so the next time some idiot politician proposes we have a war someone puts a bullet in his head before it gains momentum.

There was an original series of "Star Trek" episode about the sanitizing of wars and how that simply ensures they continue. Two planets in the same solar system had been embroiled in a mutliple centuries long war with each other. As technology evolved, actual war had been replaced by simulated combat but with real casualties. People'd report to disintegration booths for quick and painless death if the computers determined they'd been killed in the latest simulated attack. Well of course Captain Kirk put an end to this by disabling both planets computers. Their agreed upon state of affairs suddenly ended, real bombs and attacks were imminent unless they sued for peace. Which of course they did.

By making war sanitary, we only make it more likely. Precision munitions are the worst idea ever conceived. If military planners had their way, no war would result in a single civilian casualty. If that ever happened, I'd expect wars to be a never-ending thing.

"Kind-hearted people might of course think there was some ingenious way to disarm or defeat the enemy without too much bloodshed, and might imagine this is the true goal of the art of war. Pleasant as it sounds, it is a fallacy that must be exposed: War is such a dangerous business that mistakes that come from kindness are the very worst."
- Carl von Clausewitz (1780 – 1831)

MAD involves the exact opposite; nuclear war will be so horrendous, LET'S avoid it.
"All wars are crimes."
- "The West Wing" by Aaron Sorkin

Trying to govern wars with laws is the ultimate absurdity. You can't make the deliberate murder of other human beings legal and "okay." Term "war crime" itself is simply an extension of the aburdity. By trying to put lipstick on a pig, we make wars more likely by perpetuating the myth that if we pass laws on how they're implemented they'll be more palattable. If we want fewer wars they should be as horrible as possible. News coverage should show the blood and mutilated children's bodies and innocent victims so the next time some idiot politician proposes we have a war someone puts a bullet in his head before it gains momentum.

There was an original series of "Star Trek" episode about the sanitizing of wars and how that simply ensures they continue. Two planets in the same solar system had been embroiled in a mutliple centuries long war with each other. As technology evolved, actual war had been replaced by simulated combat but with real casualties. People'd report to disintegration booths for quick and painless death if the computers determined they'd been killed in the latest simulated attack. Well of course Captain Kirk put an end to this by disabling both planets computers. Their agreed upon state of affairs suddenly ended, real bombs and attacks were imminent unless they sued for peace. Which of course they did.

By making war sanitary, we only make it more likely. Precision munitions are the worst idea ever conceived. If military planners had their way, no war would result in a single civilian casualty. If that ever happened, I'd expect wars to be a never-ending thing.

"Kind-hearted people might of course think there was some ingenious way to disarm or defeat the enemy without too much bloodshed, and might imagine this is the true goal of the art of war. Pleasant as it sounds, it is a fallacy that must be exposed: War is such a dangerous business that mistakes that come from kindness are the very worst."
- Carl von Clausewitz (1780 – 1831)

MAD involves the exact opposite; nuclear war will be so horrendous, LET'S avoid it.

Unfortunately, that sentiment hasn't trickled down into all warfare. I believe, at least in part, because US news is censoring out all the blood and gore. When you make war and death an abstraction by concealing the horror of it, you only make it easier to wage.
"All wars are crimes."
- "The West Wing" by Aaron Sorkin

Trying to govern wars with laws is the ultimate absurdity. You can't make the deliberate murder of other human beings legal and "okay." Term "war crime" itself is simply an extension of the aburdity. By trying to put lipstick on a pig, we make wars more likely by perpetuating the myth that if we pass laws on how they're implemented they'll be more palattable. If we want fewer wars they should be as horrible as possible. News coverage should show the blood and mutilated children's bodies and innocent victims so the next time some idiot politician proposes we have a war someone puts a bullet in his head before it gains momentum.

There was an original series of "Star Trek" episode about the sanitizing of wars and how that simply ensures they continue. Two planets in the same solar system had been embroiled in a mutliple centuries long war with each other. As technology evolved, actual war had been replaced by simulated combat but with real casualties. People'd report to disintegration booths for quick and painless death if the computers determined they'd been killed in the latest simulated attack. Well of course Captain Kirk put an end to this by disabling both planets computers. Their agreed upon state of affairs suddenly ended, real bombs and attacks were imminent unless they sued for peace. Which of course they did.

By making war sanitary, we only make it more likely. Precision munitions are the worst idea ever conceived. If military planners had their way, no war would result in a single civilian casualty. If that ever happened, I'd expect wars to be a never-ending thing.

"Kind-hearted people might of course think there was some ingenious way to disarm or defeat the enemy without too much bloodshed, and might imagine this is the true goal of the art of war. Pleasant as it sounds, it is a fallacy that must be exposed: War is such a dangerous business that mistakes that come from kindness are the very worst."
- Carl von Clausewitz (1780 – 1831)

MAD involves the exact opposite; nuclear war will be so horrendous, LET'S avoid it.

Unfortunately, that sentiment hasn't trickled down into all warfare. I believe, at least in part, because US news is censoring out all the blood and gore. When you make war and death an abstraction by concealing the horror of it, you only make it easier to wage.

Worthwhile observation, thank you. Erehwon as a constant condition.
"Palestinian human rights" is an oxymoron if I ever heard one. Why don't left wing "human rights activists" examine Hamas's charter which calls for the extermination of the Jewish people?
"Palestinian human rights" is an oxymoron if I ever heard one. Why don't left wing "human rights activists" examine Hamas's charter which calls for the extermination of the Jewish people?

Don't know, but I am aware of the "goal". Sad for the children of Palestinians, they do not deserve the results of their elders hate.......................

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