Rightwing reaction to Biden's debate victory...

...you're admitting your guy lost.

Winners don't complain about the referees.

So if the shoe fits...

Yeah I agree....I didnt like her moderation...but it really doesnt matter too much.....I thought both debators did well....although Biden was a dick....something Romney wasnt...Romney was pushy like a CEO working the room.....but Biden was an ass......but I liked that Ryan was polite, but didnt back down......
So all that complaining about Jim Lehrer from the left was them admitting Obama lost glad to see the left finally admit that over a week later.

Everyone complained about Lehrer.

But if we are going to be truthful about it Martha Raddatz interrupted Ryan 31 times. To be fair Raddatz did interrupt Biden a whopping 19 times. So the total interruptions for Ryan counting Biden’s 82 interruptions made it so Ryan was interrupted 113 times.

A moderator should not interrupt unless the debater has gone over time and should stop other debaters from interrupting each other.

I think she started out strong then somehow lost control of the debate about half way in. I think many are partisan but if the same had happened to Obama, either side should point it out. Polls are split on who won, CNN has Ryan as the winner, CBS Biden and many more say it was a draw. And only give points to Biden since he 'stopped the hemmoraging" with his antics.
Vice President biden, about the prospect of a nuclear-armed Iran, and the murder of our embassador to Libya, what is your...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3Eo8b4kueU]The Hysterics Hiccup - "Gesundheit" 1981 - Sneezing - Laughing - YouTube[/ame]

Mr. Vice President? Mr. Vice President? Um...
So all that complaining about Jim Lehrer from the left was them admitting Obama lost glad to see the left finally admit that over a week later.

The "left" wasn't in a debate moderated by Lehrer. Obama was. I didn't see anything on the internets or the public media quoting Obama blaming Lehrer for his poor performance. Link?
Biden won a trip to the loony bin, so... y'all be nice to him....:lol:
...you're admitting your guy lost.

Winners don't complain about the referees.

So if the shoe fits...

Actually, I'd complain even if she had treated Biden the way she treated Ryan. See, that's what critical evaluation is.... It is, naturally, above your intellectual pay grade.
Biden won 50 to 31 in the CBS poll.

But of course you ignore the CNN poll showing just the opposite.

Polls: Paul Ryan won the debate against Joe Biden - New York economy and politics | Examiner.com

Who gives a fuck which one of them won it? When has the VP debate ever changed the course of a presidential election? You must be getting rather concerned about the O's reelection chances given your holding on to something so insignificant like this. Is CBS poll a security blanket for you?

As I said before,

average the two polls together. 50 +44 = 94/2 = 47

30 + 48 = 78/2 = 39

So, according to the combined average of the CNN and CBS polls,

Biden clearly won the debate 47 to 39.

Happy now?
Biden won 50 to 31 in the CBS poll.

But of course you ignore the CNN poll showing just the opposite.

Polls: Paul Ryan won the debate against Joe Biden - New York economy and politics | Examiner.com

Who gives a fuck which one of them won it? When has the VP debate ever changed the course of a presidential election? You must be getting rather concerned about the O's reelection chances given your holding on to something so insignificant like this. Is CBS poll a security blanket for you?

As I said before,

average the two polls together. 50 +44 = 94/2 = 47

30 + 48 = 78/2 = 39

So, according to the combined average of the CNN and CBS polls,

Biden clearly won the debate 47 to 39.

Happy now?

This constant pissing contest about who won is so pathetic. You know who Biden lost with? Undecideds. And those are the people he actually needs to win... When will you borg realize that you don't matter in this? They know you're gonna vote for Obama... Biden needed to convince Undecideds.... and he didn't. So - regardless of the numbers - the only ones that matter are the polls from the undecideds... and he lost. Live with it.
But of course you ignore the CNN poll showing just the opposite.

Polls: Paul Ryan won the debate against Joe Biden - New York economy and politics | Examiner.com

Who gives a fuck which one of them won it? When has the VP debate ever changed the course of a presidential election? You must be getting rather concerned about the O's reelection chances given your holding on to something so insignificant like this. Is CBS poll a security blanket for you?

As I said before,

average the two polls together. 50 +44 = 94/2 = 47

30 + 48 = 78/2 = 39

So, according to the combined average of the CNN and CBS polls,

Biden clearly won the debate 47 to 39.

Happy now?

This constant pissing contest about who won is so pathetic. You know who Biden lost with? Undecideds. And those are the people he actually needs to win... When will you borg realize that you don't matter in this? They know you're gonna vote for Obama... Biden needed to convince Undecideds.... and he didn't. So - regardless of the numbers - the only ones that matter are the polls from the undecideds... and he lost. Live with it.

The CBS poll was exclusively 'uncommitted' voters, aka undecideds, which is the poll Biden


Stop posting lies. For god's sake stop posting lies.

"The CNN and CBS News post-debate polls were conducted among two different samples of voters so different results are not that surprising," said Jen De Pinto, manager of surveys for CBS News' polling unit. "The CBS News Poll interviewed uncommitted voters who watched the debate -voters who are undecided in this election or pick a candidate but say they could change their minds."

Who won the VP debate? Why the polls were so different - CBS News

See, people? See why I am not out of line to call CG a pathological liar. She does exactly what she did above over and over and over again.

That is a pathological condition.

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