Rightwingers fell for the hoax

The only Hillary hoax was Trump saying LOCK HER UP!
Mr. Saholic, what does it feel like living in la-la land while America is being turned into a commie hellhole? Our conservatives (and conservatives only) are not allowed to freely speak, which is the free speech and religious freedom Amendment One. Are there rainbows in the stars there in la-la-land? what color is the sky there? Hot pink? Glacier blue? Spring green leafouts of pecan trees? O, everyone else's hell over losing our human rights written into the Constitution must be heaven fer ya! The only people benefitting are people like Joe Biden who has absolutely no honesty when he's put in the ring with foreign deciders who really need to keep their hands on their nation's wallet while Joe Biden is hanging around around, waiting for his next opportunity to pocket a cool billion from some foreign country who is slated to receive a foreign aid package. :cranky:

Cops put other extortionists in jail for 30 years for stealing a few thousand bucks. But Biden doesn't even get a wrist slap for defrauding the American people by taking a billion dollars we paid for foreign aid packages passed by his pals in the House and Senate who voted to screw the taxpayers hoping Biden will shell out campaign cash from his stolen treasure chest of taking money away from people the Conservatives thought they would be helping. To interpret that better, Joe used the Foreign Aid Package he was bragging about getting a billion dollars for leaving that country and he even laundered that money he got through the Foreign Aid program. He gets to beat up and disobey the Constitution which clearly forbids taking money from foreign countries in the Emoluments clause in Article 1 of the Constitution. Holey moley with guacamole on top.
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The issue then would be the RIGHT WING news. The Post and Fox.

And of course the idiots who parrot that crap on Facebook
I’v given you an example of jusse smollett that checkmates this op
The Mayor of NY City announced on Friday 'half of the hotels in NY City' are filled with ilegal, negatively impacting tourism and the economy.

Is this a hoax? Was he exaggerating?


The NY City Mayor stated that half of THE HOTELS IN NY CITY PARTICIPATING IN THIS IMMIGRATION LODGING PROGRAM (not half the hotels in NY City) are full, with many more illegals coming and that it will greatly impact tourism.
A lie travels half way round the world before the truth puts its pants on

This is proof of that
A lie travels half way round the world before the truth puts its pants on

This is proof of that
And you just told it. Maybe you should go fight for the noble Ukranians and their punk ass mobster, Biden henchman president…..you know to,” save democracy “ What a load of bull shit.
What really should be noted here, is DURING THE TIME WE ALL HAD NO REASON TO NOT BELIEVE THE STORY TO BE TRUE, there was no "outage" from the left.
Pathetically grasping for a way to turn your gullibility back on Democrats is . . . pathetic.
Speaking of hoaxes....here's another one:

DemocRATS have no intention of paying $3-20 million to every black person.
That would mean that I would be $3-20 million richer.....and every black person would have to hire security to keep thugs from stealing their money from them.

Pathetically trying to deflect from your gullibility to a completely different story is . . . pathetic!
And you just told it. Maybe you should go fight for the noble Ukranians and their punk ass mobster, Biden henchman president…..you know to,” save democracy “ What a load of bull shit.
I told no lie dickhead. This thread expose your lies.

Fox News Stoked Outrage Over Migrants Displacing Homeless Vets. It Was a Hoax.

Fox News and the rest of right-wing media went wild for a week over a now-debunked story about New York hotels booting homeless vets to accommodate asylum seekers.

The story had all the hallmarks of fueling the maximum amount of right-wing outrage. With migrants being bused into New York City amid an immigration surge at the southern border, upstate New York hotels had supposedly kicked out homeless veterans in order to make room for the influx of asylum seekers.

After right-wing tabloid The New York Post published the sensational report last Friday, Fox News and Newsmax ran wild with it, devoting dozens of segments (and countless online articles) to the indignation of “people who served our country and need a little boost” getting displaced by “illegals,” all while “these hotels are selling their soul for a check.”

Turns out, however, the whole story was made up.

The whole saga kicked off when the Post reported that 20 “struggling homeless veterans” were booted from hotels so their rooms could be given to incoming migrants. According to Yerik Israel Toney Foundation, the nonprofit group that works on temporarily housing the vets, the ex-military members had been told by the New York hotels that they needed to vacate and move elsewhere.
Leftists will use this one-off story to dismiss the TRUTH that the poor Americans ARE being pushed out of NGOs and hotels to make room for migrants. They are also losing food, clothing and health care resources with the massive wave of illegals flooding the country.
Leftists will use this one-off story to dismiss the TRUTH that the poor Americans ARE being pushed out of NGOs and hotels to make room for migrants. They are also losing food, clothing and health care resources with the massive wave of illegals flooding the country.
Stop. Fucking. Lying. Grow up.
Stop. Fucking. Lying. Grow up.
America is not a bottomless pool of resources. Sorry to pop your fantasy bubble but that is the real world. You inject HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of illegal immigrants into cities and towns already stretched thin on resources, guess what happens? Poor Americans are going to suffer. Wake up cupcake, we are losing our country.
America is not a bottomless pool of resources. Sorry to pop your fantasy bubble but that is the real world. You inject HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of illegal immigrants into cities and towns already stretched thin on resources, guess what happens? Poor Americans are going to suffer. Wake up cupcake, we are losing our country.
Fuck you and your ridiculous gaslighting, magafuck. :fu:

Illegal immigration has been a problem all my life. I've lived near our southern border. Illegals are here and not going anywhere soon. Republicans do fuck all about it but throw some money at it (physical barrier), and offer a band aid resolution that never works.
Democrats do fuck all about it but throw some money at it (reform), and offer a band aid resolution that never works.
It's clear neither party has any fucking clue what they're doing about illegal immigration, and that needs to change.
The magaturds treat veterans like shit. For example, I love how you automatically conflated veterans (you know, the topic of the magaturd bullshit you fell for) with 'Poor American's. I don't understand why vets would vote for magaturds.. :dunno: Magaturds are selfish, immoral windbags only out for themselves.
So the vets aren't there anymore?

Lol just lol

On Friday night, Fox News' Laura Ingraham did something nearly unheard of on the propaganda-masquerading-as-news network: She admitted that a story Fox had been hyping was wrong.
For a week, Fox News and other right-wing outlets had been heavily hyping claims that "homeless veterans" were being forced out of a hotel in upstate New York to make room for Central American refugees. Due to diligent reporting from local reporters at the Mid Hudson News, however, the story quickly unraveled. The hotel denied the claims and had receipts to refute the right-wing narrative. By the end of the week, the Mid Hudson News had a group of homeless men ready to talk about how Sharon Toney-Finch, the source of this tale and the head of a veteran advocacy group, had recruited them to pretend they were the displaced veterans. The whole thing was a hoax.
"Turns out the group behind the claim made it up," Ingraham said, in a rare moment of honesty. However, she swiftly returned to the comfier space of mendacity, saying, "We have no clue as to why anyone would do such a thing."

This, of course, is total nonsense. Ingraham knows exactly why someone would fake such a story: Because it works. Whether Toney-Finch's goals were money, fame, or politics, she appears to have correctly surmised that a surefire way to get wall-to-wall coverage in right-wing media is to roll out some B.S. story that validates the bigoted beliefs of their audience.

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