Rightwingers fell for the hoax

Face it StupidIrishBitch… you swallowed yet another wing nut lie.

Learn from it
Face it yourself scumbag Letch. You’re an odious moron with zero credibility. You’re one of the leftwingnut imbeciles who bought the Russian collusion hoax.
Hoax. Bigly!

A lawsuit filed by Orange County leaders said to make room for the busloads of asylum seekers, hotel management canceled some reservations and evicted guests including some military veterans.

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Hoax. Bigly!

In 2023...anything is believable, Bub. Even the most outrageous story. So easily taken in.

This is about the vets,
why are you posting about Hillary?
Did you just not understand?

I know Biden has brought in 3 million illegals at tax payer expense the last 2 years and has not given a 2nd thought about the vets ... the border towns, trafgicked illegals,the 85,000 illegal kids he trafficked and ost',the Anericans killed / lives ruined by his Un-Constitutional, illegal invasion agenda.

You are fooling yourself if you think Biden cares about how many cities are being overwhelmed, bankrupted, and made less safe.

While spending billions on his illegal agenda how many homeless Americans / vets across the country are being ignored, pushed to the back of the line?
Yes, I saw that. Can't blame her. When I first read the OP, I thought "ok, these things happened." Ingraham jumped the gun trying to get ahead of what she thought was an unraveling story. Turns out that the hoax idea is nothing more than claims by a reporter of what two anonymous men told him.

Then I read further and saw how silly the claims that this woman who helps homeless vets and families with premature babies would perpetuate an elaborate hoax and in such an incompetent way. With her record of helping military familes and veterans, she suddenly decides to use them in that way? Why would she get the men drunk before they did what she asked them? to do. Does that really make sense to you?

What would motivate you to believe it other than the color of her skin, and your blind partisanship?

It is an absurd story that the media is jumping on because the idea of putting American veterans ahead of illegal immigrants is so hateful to them.

Dude. Take the L and shut the fuck up.
Congrats, you made an argument against MANAFORT.

Newsflash, dumbass - Manafort isn't Trump.

Its sorta like trolls like you saying,
'So what if Hunter took millions from china - Hunter usn't Joe Biden / President.'

Thanks for helping me make my point.

BTW, dumbass - it was revealed Manafort was working with / close to the Russians FOR THE CIA. Both the FBI & CIA knew this
Trump's campaign manager. You have been arguing for 8 years that the Trump campaign - you know, the ones in charge of getting him ELECTED - did not collude with the Russians.

Nothing happens in Trump World without Trump approving it. Or are you now going to argue that Trump was oblivious to his campaign due to his dementia?
Conservatives contrive and propagate a ridiculous lie that military veterans in New York were forced out onto the street and their rooms given to migrants.

This is another example of the right’s fearmongering, bigotry, and hate.

Such is the reprehensible right – nothing but lies and dishonesty.
Your comment aimed at “conservatives” is pretty typical of your hysterical screeching. It wasn’t “conservatives” who manufactured the story.

Now would be a good time to go stand in the corner and be silent.
Trump's campaign manager. You have been arguing for 8 years that the Trump campaign - you know, the ones in charge of getting him ELECTED - did not collude with the Russians.

Nothing happens in Trump World without Trump approving it. Or are you now going to argue that Trump was oblivious to his campaign due to his dementia?
^^^ TDS afflicted.
Shitty Lawyer just can't stay away, even after I've humiliated him again for the umpteenth time.
Another false claim ^ by Syndi ever humiliating anyone. He has humiliated himself. Regularly.

When Syndi isn’t lying or making shit up, he is nevertheless confirming that he is all jackass all the time. :itsok: :abgg2q.jpg:

Poor pathetic pussy, Syndi.
And you fell for the Veterans being kicked out hoax. The veterans were not there....
Hotel owners said that they weren't housing any homeless veterans.

OP article is proof you are suckers and gullible and easily manipulated. You are ORANGE TOXIC PUTTY
No. The OP article isn't proof of a God Damned thing.
All this proves is you're desperate to keep people from paying attention to what's really going on in Washington.

Fox News Stoked Outrage Over Migrants Displacing Homeless Vets. It Was a Hoax.

Fox News and the rest of right-wing media went wild for a week over a now-debunked story about New York hotels booting homeless vets to accommodate asylum seekers.

The story had all the hallmarks of fueling the maximum amount of right-wing outrage. With migrants being bused into New York City amid an immigration surge at the southern border, upstate New York hotels had supposedly kicked out homeless veterans in order to make room for the influx of asylum seekers.

After right-wing tabloid The New York Post published the sensational report last Friday, Fox News and Newsmax ran wild with it, devoting dozens of segments (and countless online articles) to the indignation of “people who served our country and need a little boost” getting displaced by “illegals,” all while “these hotels are selling their soul for a check.”

Turns out, however, the whole story was made up.

The whole saga kicked off when the Post reported that 20 “struggling homeless veterans” were booted from hotels so their rooms could be given to incoming migrants. According to Yerik Israel Toney Foundation, the nonprofit group that works on temporarily housing the vets, the ex-military members had been told by the New York hotels that they needed to vacate and move elsewhere.
so they were “asked” to leave…like what’s the point of the Daily Beast story? it’s a lot of propaganda but in the end comes to the same conclusion that was reported by the Post and Fox News

thanks i guess
I didnt comment on the homeless vets

But even if I had the issue here is the news media not what left or right bloviators on this forum say or dont say

There are liars and bad journalism on both sides
The issue then would be the RIGHT WING news. The Post and Fox.

And of course the idiots who parrot that crap on Facebook
Russians meddled in our election in an effort to help Trump but no one said there was collusion, and no one was charged with collusion.
Do you want talk about the loons that claim an election was stolen from Dear Leader? Millions fell for that Hoax, and they fell hard enough to incite a deadly riot.
Clinton and the dnc paid russians to meddle in our election and help spread their propaganda about trump
The issue then would be the RIGHT WING news. The Post and Fox.

And of course the idiots who parrot that crap on Facebook
the issue is homeless vets…sad your cult mind can’t see that
What really should be noted here, is DURING THE TIME WE ALL HAD NO REASON TO NOT BELIEVE THE STORY TO BE TRUE, there was no "outage" from the left.
Exactly. No Democrat on here said anything like, "That story doesn't ring true, but if it were true, it would be an outrage!"

Maybe I should say that if the homeless vets kicked out should turn out to be false, it would be an outrage!

If . . .

I have seen no evidence of Sharon Toney-Finch ever doing anything other than serving her country in a war area, and advocating for homeless veterans and families of babies born life-threateningly premature.

If it turns out that she fabricated the story, I'll say that was wrong of her, and she has damaged the reputation of the non-profit that has helped so many. But that won't change the clear fact that this current administration and many states and cities run by Democrats make no secret of prioritizing the needs of migrants over the needs of American citizens.

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