Rightwingers fell for the hoax

Why don't you leave her alone?

Again - Republican Senate Intelligence Committee, chaired by Lil' Marco:

A Committee....'found'... NO LINK of Trump to Russia :laugh:

And after 7 YEARS, Democrats never foud, proved, or prosecuted.

NOW the Hillary Hoax ... and Obama's, Biden's, the FBI's, Democrats' TREASON has officially been catalog, reported, and the ignorance of snowflakes, dupes, trolls, and bots who still believe and are still trying to push the Hillary Hoax has been cemented in the pages of history.

:clap: Bravo, lil' duped gaslighting troll, bravo.
It works both ways

The lib news media took the Jusse Smollett lie and ran with it
No they didn't. They reported what he claimed. Just like they reported what George Zimmerman claimed and what Kyle Rittenhouse claimed. Then opinion people gave their opinions.

That's not what happened here. Right-Wing media reported a fake story, giving it legitimacy. And then it turned out to be a hoax. And Laura Ingraham had to tell her viewers that what Fox reported to them was a lie.
We know that you don't care that people think you're ignorant.

You're only partly correct -

I don't care what a self-identifying ignorant, reality-denying, gaslighting, traitor-defending, Democrat narrative-parroting, liberal sac-licking troll still clinging to the Hillary Hoax - which is YOU - thinks.

No they didn't. They reported what he claimed. Just like they reported what George Zimmerman claimed and what Kyle Rittenhouse claimed. Then opinion people gave their opinions.

That's not what happened here. Right-Wing media reported a fake story, giving it legitimacy. And then it turned out to be a hoax. And Laura Ingraham had to tell her viewers that what Fox reported to them was a lie.
Maybe this so-called right-wing media isn't really right-wing media.
I hear there's such a massive shakeup going on at Fox that they can't be included along with Newsmax or any other right-wing news outlet anymore.
Their owners are woke as shit, and they're literally destroying their brand.
A Committee....'found'... NO LINK of Trump to Russia :laugh:
Of course they did. Manafort admitted to giving campaign data to Russian intelligence so that they would know where to target to get Trump over the bar, with 77k votes spread across 3 states.

Paul Manafort, the guy who worked for Russia for decades, then became Trump's campaign manager and did it free of charge.
No they didn't. They reported what he claimed. Just like they reported what George Zimmerman claimed and what Kyle Rittenhouse claimed. Then opinion people gave their opinions.

That's not what happened here. Right-Wing media reported a fake story, giving it legitimacy. And then it turned out to be a hoax. And Laura Ingraham had to tell her viewers that what Fox reported to them was a lie.
Yes, I saw that. Can't blame her. When I first read the OP, I thought "ok, these things happened." Ingraham jumped the gun trying to get ahead of what she thought was an unraveling story. Turns out that the hoax idea is nothing more than claims by a reporter of what two anonymous men told him.

Then I read further and saw how silly the claims that this woman who helps homeless vets and families with premature babies would perpetuate an elaborate hoax and in such an incompetent way. With her record of helping military familes and veterans, she suddenly decides to use them in that way? Why would she get the men drunk before they did what she asked them? to do. Does that really make sense to you?

What would motivate you to believe it other than the color of her skin, and your blind partisanship?

It is an absurd story that the media is jumping on because the idea of putting American veterans ahead of illegal immigrants is so hateful to them.
Harris Faulkner? Why pick on her? Is she an easy target for the racist anti-female sissie left? The alleged "sanctuary" city of New York is flooded with illegal aliens so they move transients around. Why is that so hard for ignorant lefties to understand?
Of course they did. Manafort admitted to giving campaign data to Russian intelligence so that they would know where to target to get Trump over the bar, with 77k votes spread across 3 states.

Paul Manafort, the guy who worked for Russia for decades, then became Trump's campaign manager and did it free of charge.

Congrats, you made an argument against MANAFORT.

Newsflash, dumbass - Manafort isn't Trump.

Its sorta like trolls like you saying,
'So what if Hunter took millions from china - Hunter usn't Joe Biden / President.'

Thanks for helping me make my point.

BTW, dumbass - it was revealed Manafort was working with / close to the Russians FOR THE CIA. Both the FBI & CIA knew this
No they didn't. They reported what he claimed. Just like they reported what George Zimmerman claimed and what Kyle Rittenhouse claimed. Then opinion people gave their opinions.

That's not what happened here. Right-Wing media reported a fake story, giving it legitimacy. And then it turned out to be a hoax. And Laura Ingraham had to tell her viewers that what Fox reported to them was a lie.

The lib media politicized every lie and added a few of their own such as George Zimmerman the “white” hispanic

Or showing pictures of Trayvon Martin at 12 instead of his true appearance at 17
We know that you don't care that people think you're ignorant. You've been shown multiple times that there was Trump-Russian collusion and you still deny reality.

Really funny that leftists will retreat to their conspiracy theories vs. objective reality.
Yes, the proven Russian collusion thing.
"Thing" is not synonymous with "hoax".
Are you making a fool of yourself by contending it actually happened?
And I'm not talking communications, I'm talking about collusion to undermine the election.
Begin your silly tap-dance now.
You'd be the last one who should be blabbing about ignorance.

Get past yourself shrimp. And don't get buthhurt again and wait awhile to blow up my alerts.... it's old
Face it StupidIrishBitch… you swallowed yet another wing nut lie.

Learn from it

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