Rightwingers fell for the hoax

The hoax was widely reported in the news media

So yes I believed it at the time

So would you have if the shoe were on the other foot
You believed it (without checking) because you wanted to.

They feed you lies they think you want to hear
No, only in the real world, outside the Fake News Right-Wing media bubble.
You have no fucking idea what is real. Do you base your reality on the years of lies you believed? Give me a fucking break. You are a gullible selfish moron. That means you have peaked. It is downhill for you from here on.
You have no fucking idea what is real. Do you base your reality on the years of lies you believed? Give me a fucking break. You are a gullible selfish moron. That means you have peaked. It is downhill for you from here on.
Apparently you have that backwards. Read the thread idiot
Do you really think people are stupid to not question how can there be no money for SS but endless of money for Ukraine and illegals?
You can “question” anything you like but don’t fuck with the credit rating of the United States
Why is no one getting sick and tired of all this stuff being tossed out,?
just to see what will stick and increase the political anger?
Apparently you have that backwards. Read the thread idiot
Nothing is backwards. You have, and I have been lied to by choice. There was no attempt to tell the truth about anything Trump. Durham proved that and now you have to project your stupidity onto others. Fat chance, asshole.
Nothing is backwards. You have, and I have been lied to by choice. There was no attempt to tell the truth about anything Trump. Durham proved that and now you have to project your stupidity onto others. Fat chance, asshole.
All Durham proved was that he could spend four years and millions of dollars finding what the IG found years ago.

And YOU fuckers bought this lie hook line and sinker.

In fact some of you will regurgitate it in the future pretending it is real
Without checking?

Did you rush out to chicago to investigate the jussie smollett lie?
It sounded far too convenient so I said nothing until the facts came out.

Try it some time.

You’ll make less of a fool of yourself
This is about the vets,
why are you posting about Hillary?
Did you just not understand?
Hillary was behind the Russian Collusion hoax.
Democrats want to avoid the truth and so they event another harmless hoax to keep everyone from paying attention to the massive hoax they've been buying into for several years.
None of them will admit they were hoodwinked into believing that Trump was a traitor selling us out to Russia.
They also want to ignore the fact that the Dim party sold us out to the Chinese.
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It sounded far too convenient so I said nothing until the facts came out.

Try it some time.

You’ll make less of a fool of yourself
I didnt comment on the homeless vets

But even if I had the issue here is the news media not what left or right bloviators on this forum say or dont say

There are liars and bad journalism on both sides
Hillary was behind the Russian Collusion hoax.
Democrats want to avoid the truth and so they event another harmless hoax to get everyone from paying attention to the massive hoax they've been buying into for several years.
None of them will admit they were hoodwinked into believing that Trump was a traitor selling us out to Russia.
They also want to ignore the fact that the Dim party sold us out to the Chinese.
The unhinged left willingly bought into everything anti-Trump because they despise anything and everything that even hints at pro-American.
What really should be noted here, is DURING THE TIME WE ALL HAD NO REASON TO NOT BELIEVE THE STORY TO BE TRUE, there was no "outage" from the left.
Wow. Leftists fall for one hoax after another that has caused so much harm to this nation and put people like Stinky Joe Biden in the White House, yet you think you have something to talk about when somebody listens to a false report about veterans being kicked out of hotels.
I would have to question first why those veterans were in hotels in the first place.
I saw the story and then continued surfing.
I didn't care either way.
It doesn't erase the fact that the Biden Adm is trafficking humans for nefarious purposes.
And you fell for the Veterans being kicked out hoax. The veterans were not there....
Hotel owners said that they weren't housing any homeless veterans.

OP article is proof you are suckers and gullible and easily manipulated. You are ORANGE TOXIC PUTTY

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