Rightwingers, of whom I'm one, let the gay shit go

Believe whatever you want.. Believe the bible is lies, believe Batman is actually a flying doedoe bird.. who gives a shit? So why do you fucking care what I believe?! This is the entire point of this thread.. All of you NANNY STATE Zombies which includes the resident RINO dipshits, are free to believe or not believe whatever the hell you want to.. but so are Christians, Muslims, Buddhists.. See how that fucking works?

I trhought you said that you understood the OP?
That isn't the point of this thread.

Oh well.

It is PRECISELY the point of this thread. NO ONE has to check their belief system.. NO ONE, not you.. not me.. Not Muslims, not Christians. NO FUCKING BODY.. If the GOP can't win elections its because they have no CORE set of beliefs and are FRAUDS when it comes to the principles of liberty.
No it isn't - DUMBASS
It is PRECISELY the point of this thread. NO ONE has to check their belief system.. NO ONE, not you.. not me.. Not Muslims, not Christians. NO FUCKING BODY.. If the GOP can't win elections its because they have no CORE set of beliefs and are FRAUDS when it comes to the principles of liberty.

Why Lady, I do believe that the GOP has a core of beliefs. It is called MONEY, and their God is Mammon.

^^^ Truth

And the Democrats are pure as driven snow, right?
Believe whatever you want.. Believe the bible is lies, believe Batman is actually a flying doedoe bird.. who gives a shit? So why do you fucking care what I believe?! This is the entire point of this thread.. All of you NANNY STATE Zombies which includes the resident RINO dipshits, are free to believe or not believe whatever the hell you want to.. but so are Christians, Muslims, Buddhists.. See how that fucking works?

Damn, I was just asking a question based on what you said about the Bible being the word of God. I just didn't know which version you read.

And you are correct. I nor anyone else cares what you believe. It's just when people like you start telling others what they should believe that it gets dicey. Especially when people like you want to codify your religious beliefs into the common law.

That is a big problem. No matter how great you think your beliefs might be.

Show me where I told you , you have to believe what I believe? I'll wait.

You must now be claiming that you are of the "live and let live" branch of the Republican party. You must be a RINO then.

And I thought you hated RINO's?
1. Republicans need to preach jobs and sensible spending with a strong foreign policy

2.They need to stop beating up those on welfare and food stamps until jobs increase, gay marriage will happen......give it up. Sensible and fair immigration reform. Lay off the Obamaphones. Fix Obamacare and stop the repeal nonsense
Stop trying to ban abortion and work your asses off to reduce it. Be sensible about gun control, keeping guns away from crazy people is not a bad idea.

Democrats beat the hell out of Republicans on paragraph 2 and keep them from emphasizing paragraph 1

There's nothing sensible about gun control.. Ask those who died during the Holocaust.

Those with guns were still killed......only quicker
Does this old loser have a life? Who the hell comes on a political forum and drones on and on about his welfare wife?? GRAMPS that's who.. We've heard so much whining from your drunk lips, one would think you yodel farts!

Bringing his family into it? Classy :thup:
Damn, I was just asking a question based on what you said about the Bible being the word of God. I just didn't know which version you read.

And you are correct. I nor anyone else cares what you believe. It's just when people like you start telling others what they should believe that it gets dicey. Especially when people like you want to codify your religious beliefs into the common law.

That is a big problem. No matter how great you think your beliefs might be.

Show me where I told you , you have to believe what I believe? I'll wait.

You must now be claiming that you are of the "live and let live" branch of the Republican party. You must be a RINO then.

And I thought you hated RINO's?

Believing in LIBERTY is being a RINO now?? LMFAO Grasping for straws trying to cover your wildazz accusation that I demanded you believe as I do only makes you look as fucking STOOPID as you appear to be. Go slink back to your pond and scum the waters there.
I'll make it simple for Republucans

Convince working Americans that you care about their problems and they will vote for you......just like they used to
Because if I can't call out my own I have no business bitching at the other side. I'm not a fucking drone. If you don't like it find the ignore feature and utilize it.

You're not calling out anyone DUMMY.. You're telling people what they are allowed to believe in and what they can and cannot say.. IT'S FUCKING fascist and totally LEFTIST.. so lie in it, roll in shit with pigs you become one.. Sick of your melodramatic lectures anyhow.
You're absolutely right. Please continue to obsess over what people do in their bedrooms and keep it part of the Republican platform. Thank you for your service.

Show me where I obsess over what you or anyone else does in their bedroom RAGING freak? I'll wait.
Who said you can't believe the "word of god"? You can, but you can still be called a bigot and intolerant as a result.

Tell me something, do you believe the people that used the bible to justify slavery and segregation were intolerant bigots?

Yawn. More inappropriate analogy to civil rights. You need new talking points. Those are worn out already.

Oh, I forgot you don't like it when people compare discrimination to discrimination. Makes it all uncomfortable for you. :lol:

Were they bigots when they used the bible to justify slavery and segregation? It's a simple yes or no question...but I do understand why you would want to duck it. :lol:

"Were they bigots when they used the bible to justify slavery and segregation?"

Times change. Mores change. Values change.

Your question, referring to someone who lived 200 years ago prompts one to ask you:

Were they stupid and ignorant, because they had no clue how to drive a car, use a telephone or operate a computer?
1. Republicans need to preach jobs and sensible spending with a strong foreign policy

2.They need to stop beating up those on welfare and food stamps until jobs increase, gay marriage will happen......give it up. Sensible and fair immigration reform. Lay off the Obamaphones. Fix Obamacare and stop the repeal nonsense
Stop trying to ban abortion and work your asses off to reduce it. Be sensible about gun control, keeping guns away from crazy people is not a bad idea.

Democrats beat the hell out of Republicans on paragraph 2 and keep them from emphasizing paragraph 1

There's nothing sensible about gun control.. Ask those who died during the Holocaust.

Those with guns were still killed......only quicker

Really??? According to what statistics? I've read some stupid shit before but this revisionist sap takes the cake. Provide the link. Back up your propaganda.
Yawn. More inappropriate analogy to civil rights. You need new talking points. Those are worn out already.

Oh, I forgot you don't like it when people compare discrimination to discrimination. Makes it all uncomfortable for you. :lol:

Were they bigots when they used the bible to justify slavery and segregation? It's a simple yes or no question...but I do understand why you would want to duck it. :lol:

"Were they bigots when they used the bible to justify slavery and segregation?"

Times change. Mores change. Values change.

Your question, referring to someone who lived 200 years ago prompts one to ask you:

Were they stupid and ignorant, because they had no clue how to drive a car, use a telephone or operate a computer?

Yeah Seabytch is a little clueless on that history thing. To her discrimination is discrimination. Except when it comes to child molesters and the like. The biggest hypocrite to walk teh planet.
I tolerate Gay people. But I will not sacrifice my base morals for the sake of a minute few. I see them as a sinful aberration of mankind. Call me a fundamentalist, but a man never sells his soul for want. This is why I disabused from the Republican Party. Too many people willing to sacrifice their core beliefs for a bit of social acceptance. If that alienates me from the mainstream, then so be it! I am a man of strength, not of cowardice. I fight for what I believe, and no man, woman or politician will deter me from doing so.

I'll be damned before I give up the essence of who I am. If gay folks want tolerance, they should stop begging for it and start practicing it.

And no one disputes your right to be ignorant and hateful in accordance with your faith.

But don’t attempt to codify that dogma of ignorance and hate through the ballot box or the courts.

While you get to codify your religious intolerance at the ballot box? How dare you lecture me about hate and ignorance? You hypocrite! You are hateful, ignorant and intolerant, whilst belonging to no faith at all, so what do you know hotshot? You think you can just diminish people like us and carry on with wanton disregard for what we are and what we stand for?

You want tolerance from us, but yet you wish to destroy us, ever so silently, quietly, with malice in your hearts. Do you think we're that ignorant? Do you think we will sit here and let you silence us? You have another thing coming Clayton. Your rank hypocrisy makes me sick. You want to force us into submission with your ideals instead of coexisting with us. The courts have already borne this out, you are just an example of it. How pathetic. How low must our society steep for this?

You preach of equality, but want nothing of it. You wish to diminish one to enhance the other. Ignorance is you thinking you can get away with such behavior.

Dude, you're not the guy in your avatar. Go sip your coffee and get ready for work. The SCOTUS made a decision. Deal with it. You're not going to do anything about it.
Show me where I told you , you have to believe what I believe? I'll wait.

You must now be claiming that you are of the "live and let live" branch of the Republican party. You must be a RINO then.

And I thought you hated RINO's?

Believing in LIBERTY is being a RINO now?? LMFAO Grasping for straws trying to cover your wildazz accusation that I demanded you believe as I do only makes you look as fucking STOOPID as you appear to be. Go slink back to your pond and scum the waters there.

And you call yourself a fuking Christian? LMAO. Show me a single poster anywhere on this board, rethug or demorat, that renounced LIBERTY.

Problem you have is you only want YOUR version of Liberty.

And don't you need to go to church to pray for forgiveness for your intolerant views and foul mouth.

Or are you one of those "Christians" in name only?
No. Next question.

Brilliant! Oh Rabbi, you never fail to disappoint. :lol: :clap2:

No problem. Now you can explain why they were bigots.

Really? You need me to explain how believing a human being was on on the same level as an animal, to be owned and done with as you wished is bigotry? You need me to explain the bigotry of segregationists (who also used the bible)? You need that explained to you?
1. Republicans need to preach jobs and sensible spending with a strong foreign policy

2.They need to stop beating up those on welfare and food stamps until jobs increase, gay marriage will happen......give it up. Sensible and fair immigration reform. Lay off the Obamaphones. Fix Obamacare and stop the repeal nonsense
Stop trying to ban abortion and work your asses off to reduce it. Be sensible about gun control, keeping guns away from crazy people is not a bad idea.

Democrats beat the hell out of Republicans on paragraph 2 and keep them from emphasizing paragraph 1

1. They do, the two are not mutually exclusive.

2. The beating of those on welfare is actually from the left. The right points out that the economic policies of this administration has cause a HUGE increase of those in need. But to the left just pointing out the situation is the same as being against helping people. That is leftist BS designed to hide the failures of their policies. What is sensible and fair immigration reform? Have you been to Ellis Island and did you see what immigrates used to have to go through? Again this is a situation where the left is completely hypocritical. The impact of making 11 million ILLEGALS legal will most effect the poor and the blacks. The left they don't care because they know they have the black vote tied up and the 11 million will be voting for them regardless of the impact on society as a whole. Fair would be a guest worker program as Bush tried, what isn't fair is making 11 million Mexicans legal only because they had the ability to swim the Rio Grande.

We have gun control but none of them stopped the crazies.

The democrat won the Presidency as is the way the system has been working for quite some time. The storyline of the democrats is that the Republicans can't win elections. Yet Republicans hold the House and most of the state governments and the way the Presidents popularity is dropping there is a chance that the American people will come to their senses and the Republicans will, as history has shown, will take the Senate in 2014. The same thing being said about Republicans was said about Democrats during the latter part of Clinton and up to 2006. The worm will turn as it always does and the disasters that the democrats have put onto America should mean a Republican majority for many many years.
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I'll make it simple for Republucans

Convince working Americans that you care about their problems and they will vote for you......just like they used to

They don't have to. The best way to convince somebbody they made a wrong choice is to let them do it repeatedly and suck the results up.
usually that gets to the mind much better than trying to appease.

If working Americans want to subside the policies which do not work by default - they are welcome to step in the pile of shit as much as they want.
They will have to pay for that, not rinos or dinos, or anybody else.

There is no better way to punish stupidity as through the pocketbook.

it's the econmy, stupid (c) If the stupid unexisted "war on women" or "gay marriage" which affects less than 3% of the population is more important than economy for working Americans - let them pay for it.

I am not worried in the least.
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Wait a second they also used the bible to end slavery.. if you think the North was just a bunch of athiests your so wrong.

What? Who said the North was comprised of Atheists?

Yes, the bible was also used against the practice of slavery...so? Were the people that used it to justify slavery and segregation bigots? It's a simple question no one seems willing to answer.

Who used the Bible to justify slavery? If it were not for Bible believing Christians slavery would have dragged on for many more years. Thank God for the Republican party and their Christian beliefs.

The slave owners and segregationists used the bible. A judge even tried to use the bible and his religion in his ruling in favor of interracial marriage laws.
You must now be claiming that you are of the "live and let live" branch of the Republican party. You must be a RINO then.

And I thought you hated RINO's?

Believing in LIBERTY is being a RINO now?? LMFAO Grasping for straws trying to cover your wildazz accusation that I demanded you believe as I do only makes you look as fucking STOOPID as you appear to be. Go slink back to your pond and scum the waters there.

And you call yourself a fuking Christian? LMAO. Show me a single poster anywhere on this board, rethug or demorat, that renounced LIBERTY.

Problem you have is you only want YOUR version of Liberty.

And don't you need to go to church to pray for forgiveness for your intolerant views and foul mouth.

Or are you one of those "Christians" in name only?

Where did I call myself a Christian? I said, "them, they." You're not very bright, are you?

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