Rightwingers, of whom I'm one, let the gay shit go

Wait a second they also used the bible to end slavery.. if you think the North was just a bunch of athiests your so wrong.

What? Who said the North was comprised of Atheists?

Yes, the bible was also used against the practice of slavery...so? Were the people that used it to justify slavery and segregation bigots? It's a simple question no one seems willing to answer.

No. Next question.

Brilliant! Oh Rabbi, you never fail to disappoint. :lol: :clap2:
Who said you can't believe the "word of god"? You can, but you can still be called a bigot and intolerant as a result.

Tell me something, do you believe the people that used the bible to justify slavery and segregation were intolerant bigots?

I don't give a damn what you call me Witchey.. If I cared about what you leftist bedwetting morons thought, I would have never came to this forum to begin with. Geeze.. as to what other people justify and whatever they use to do it, that's on them.. I don't have to defend that.. it's their right to believe whatever stupid shit they want.. and the same FUCKING goes for Christians but you FASCISTS think for some reason you're allowed to trample their beliefs and force them to accept yours.. WRONG and it will never fucking happen so give it a rest.

I haven't called you a thing. You're the one throwing around "dyke" and "fascist". I asked a simple question. Were the people that used the bible to justify slavery and segregation bigots, yes or no?


Being the bible is divine inspiration of the Holy Spirit, it's not my place to second guess or criticize it. I understand you're all pissed up over being called out on your lifestyle by God himself so you're going to try to tear down the book which condemns your behavior. I won't engage in that BULLSHIT game.. I believe the homosexual lifestyle to be WRONG, period.. but I don't care what you do, who you did it with.. That's the difference between you and I, and the RINO misfits in this thread.. It's none of my fucking business or the gubmints. Throw it the States, period.
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This bickering between Grandpa Murked You and Ladygunslinger is the minor league variation of what destroyed the chances of a Republican Presidency in 2012.

Delusional nobodies with unattainable dreams of presidency did their level best to destroy any and all credible contenders and by the time election rolled along, Obama was able to step over the political corpses, and take advantage of the mindless Republican mess and sneak through with a tiny majority.

Looks like those who claim to admire Ronald Reagan willfully and purposefully ignore his admonition of never speak ill of another Republican. On public forums and on the national scene.

So, go ahead, ignore reality and get used to a Democrat country into perpetuity.
Really? Dave man lives in KY. And Granpa Murked You aka RINO, lives in Kansas City.
Is this really about Prop 8 in CA or are you confused?

you know dang well its about prop 8.... why would he say something about gays if it wasnt in the news or gay himself? lol

I think he may be concerned that HIS daughter may be gay. And I figure that he loves his daughter and wants her to be happy and not discriminated against. Of course I am just guessing. However I have seen some politicians (Portman of Ohio comes to mind) that when they are confronted with the fact that their own flesh and blood is gay, somehow their tolerance and even affection for gays goes way WAY up. As it should be.

No one wants their kid to be gay. But no one wants their kid to be hated and treated badly just because they have a different position on who and how they love.

oh I get it now thanks for the update.
I like your material much more than mine...I could never have come up with DUMBASS.

Thanks for admitting it, sarcastically or not.. it's true. ;-) Underachievers United^^^:cool:

I suppose you have to take your wins where you can.

LOL Wins? This isn't about winning assclown.. it's about LIBERTY.. The freedom to think and believe whatever the hell you want, be it wrong or right.. without some pent up drunk demanding otherwise. You who spew TOLERANCE have ZERO.. it's a fucking joke.. As to never speaking ill of another CONSERVATIVE.. I didn't.. Grampy Bloomberg is NOT a conservative.. No RINO is.
Thanks for admitting it, sarcastically or not.. it's true. ;-) Underachievers United^^^:cool:

I suppose you have to take your wins where you can.

LOL Wins? This isn't about winning assclown.. it's about LIBERTY.. The freedom to think and believe whatever the hell you want, be it wrong or right.. without some pent up drunk demanding otherwise. You who spew TOLERANCE have ZERO.. it's a fucking joke.. As to never speaking ill of another CONSERVATIVE.. I didn't.. Grampy Bloomberg is NOT a conservative.. No RINO is.

Can I use 'assclown'?
That's good too.
When, oh when, will the oppression of Christians ever end?!
Who said you can't believe the "word of god"? You can, but you can still be called a bigot and intolerant as a result.

Tell me something, do you believe the people that used the bible to justify slavery and segregation were intolerant bigots?

Wait a second they also used the bible to end slavery.. if you think the North was just a bunch of athiests your so wrong.

What? Who said the North was comprised of Atheists?

Yes, the bible was also used against the practice of slavery...so? Were the people that used it to justify slavery and segregation bigots? It's a simple question no one seems willing to answer.

lol, I burned you and you dont even know it.
I suppose you have to take your wins where you can.

LOL Wins? This isn't about winning assclown.. it's about LIBERTY.. The freedom to think and believe whatever the hell you want, be it wrong or right.. without some pent up drunk demanding otherwise. You who spew TOLERANCE have ZERO.. it's a fucking joke.. As to never speaking ill of another CONSERVATIVE.. I didn't.. Grampy Bloomberg is NOT a conservative.. No RINO is.

Can I use 'assclown'?
That's good too.

Sure.. Do you want permission to go pee-pee now?:piss2:
The Democrats are just as stuck in absolutism as some Republicans. Talk about ending partial birth abortions, truly a crime, and you'd think you want to ban contraception.


But the Democrats are not the party in danger of splitting in two, at least right now. You're right about the partial birth abortion issue, there are Democrats who won't budge. But currently, the public sees many in the GOP unwilling to budge on gay marriage, taxation, war, abortion, unions and more. They also see the infighting within the party, loud and clear.

So, at this moment in time, the GOP's absolutism is hurting it more than the Dems.

How you figure that intolerance is hurting the GOP? Right here on this thread we have two right wingers that have proudly proclaimed that, basically they will not go along to get along. They will not compromise on their personal convictions for any reason. They don't care if the GOP wins elections.

That is the kind of right winger I really support. Marginalize them as quickly as possible and let the adults in the room figure out some solutions.

You are absolutely correct about the GOP- RINO City. I will be voting 3rd party.. unless a true CONSERVATIVE libertarian gets the nomination. I won't hold my breath though.
LOL Wins? This isn't about winning assclown.. it's about LIBERTY.. The freedom to think and believe whatever the hell you want, be it wrong or right.. without some pent up drunk demanding otherwise. You who spew TOLERANCE have ZERO.. it's a fucking joke.. As to never speaking ill of another CONSERVATIVE.. I didn't.. Grampy Bloomberg is NOT a conservative.. No RINO is.

Can I use 'assclown'?
That's good too.

Sure.. Do you want permission to go pee-pee now?:piss2:

No thanks assclown.
I don't give a damn what you call me Witchey.. If I cared about what you leftist bedwetting morons thought, I would have never came to this forum to begin with. Geeze.. as to what other people justify and whatever they use to do it, that's on them.. I don't have to defend that.. it's their right to believe whatever stupid shit they want.. and the same FUCKING goes for Christians but you FASCISTS think for some reason you're allowed to trample their beliefs and force them to accept yours.. WRONG and it will never fucking happen so give it a rest.

I haven't called you a thing. You're the one throwing around "dyke" and "fascist". I asked a simple question. Were the people that used the bible to justify slavery and segregation bigots, yes or no?


Being the bible is divine inspiration of the Holy Spirit, it's not my place to second guess or criticize it. I understand you're all pissed up over being called out on your lifestyle by God himself so you're going to try to tear down the book which condemns your behavior. I won't engage in that BULLSHIT game.. I believe the homosexual lifestyle to be WRONG, period.. but I don't care what you do, who you did it with.. That's the difference between you and I, and the RINO misfits in this thread.. It's none of my fucking business or the gubmints. Throw it the States, period.

Which version of the Bible do you read? Is it the original text in Old Hebrew? The Greek version? Latin? Do you have a copy with ALL the books of the Bible. Or just the selected King James version?

Or are you aware that there have been several versions of the Bible? And that not all language translates to another language very well. And that some of the stories in the Bible may have been......modified.. to make them more.....pertinent to the times.

Hell some scholars believe entire books of the Bible have been left out. How can you know the entire story of a book when chapters are missing? Or language doesn't translate.

Or are you like so many of today's Christians and only you and your kind truly know the word of God?
I don't give a damn what you call me Witchey.. If I cared about what you leftist bedwetting morons thought, I would have never came to this forum to begin with. Geeze.. as to what other people justify and whatever they use to do it, that's on them.. I don't have to defend that.. it's their right to believe whatever stupid shit they want.. and the same FUCKING goes for Christians but you FASCISTS think for some reason you're allowed to trample their beliefs and force them to accept yours.. WRONG and it will never fucking happen so give it a rest.

I haven't called you a thing. You're the one throwing around "dyke" and "fascist". I asked a simple question. Were the people that used the bible to justify slavery and segregation bigots, yes or no?


Being the bible is divine inspiration of the Holy Spirit, it's not my place to second guess or criticize it. I understand you're all pissed up over being called out on your lifestyle by God himself so you're going to try to tear down the book which condemns your behavior. I won't engage in that BULLSHIT game.. I believe the homosexual lifestyle to be WRONG, period.. but I don't care what you do, who you did it with.. That's the difference between you and I, and the RINO misfits in this thread.. It's none of my fucking business or the gubmints. Throw it the States, period.

Of course it is. If people hadn't "second guessed" or "criticized" it, we'd still be using it to justify slavery and segregation.

As societies have progressed, so has our interpretation of the bible. What do you think the NT was in the first place except a "re-write" because God was just a little too angry and controlling for a progressing culture? They needed that hippy Jesus fellow to come in and soften things up a bit. Of course, because the guy lived 2000 years ago, some of the ideals of HIS time don't really fit so well anymore do they? We don't own people and we don't treat women as property. These are both ideals espoused in the bible. You SHOULD criticize it.

I'm not tearing down the book, I like the book. 50 Shades of Grey has nothing on the bible for sex and violence (and a bit of kinky thrown in too), but I will attack those that cherry pick it to attack gays. It's not the bible's fault, it's the people who feed at the bible buffet and use it to justify keeping me from equal rights.
Check your christian morality bullshit at the door and LEARN to pick your fights. Gays are a minute voting block but they DO have the support of many others.
Losing elections over trivial bullshit that only affects a few people while the debt and everything else spirals out of control makes no sense.

Lets focus on the things that matter to everyone and stop picking fights that alienate us over small things.

Sin is sin for believers so stop bitching about what Sally does with her tongue when Johnny is no better off when he envies the Harley in his neighbors garage.
If they want to partake in the hell aka marriage give it to them. It's a piece of fucking paper ultimately.

So marriage doesn't matter to you. You do understand it isn't just a matter of changing the traditional definition of marriage the change does have an economic impact.

You make the same dumb ass argument as everyone else. NO ONE CARES WHAT you do in you bedroom and those who do should be ignored. But this is not just about you having sex with your boyfriend this is a change in the norms of society. THAT is a big deal, just not to you.
I haven't called you a thing. You're the one throwing around "dyke" and "fascist". I asked a simple question. Were the people that used the bible to justify slavery and segregation bigots, yes or no?


Being the bible is divine inspiration of the Holy Spirit, it's not my place to second guess or criticize it. I understand you're all pissed up over being called out on your lifestyle by God himself so you're going to try to tear down the book which condemns your behavior. I won't engage in that BULLSHIT game.. I believe the homosexual lifestyle to be WRONG, period.. but I don't care what you do, who you did it with.. That's the difference between you and I, and the RINO misfits in this thread.. It's none of my fucking business or the gubmints. Throw it the States, period.

Which version of the Bible do you read? Is it the original text in Old Hebrew? The Greek version? Latin? Do you have a copy with ALL the books of the Bible. Or just the selected King James version?

Or are you aware that there have been several versions of the Bible? And that not all language translates to another language very well. And that some of the stories in the Bible may have been......modified.. to make them more.....pertinent to the times.

Hell some scholars believe entire books of the Bible have been left out. How can you know the entire story of a book when chapters are missing? Or language doesn't translate.

Or are you like so many of today's Christians and only you and your kind truly know the word of God?

Believe whatever you want.. Believe the bible is lies, believe Batman is actually a flying doedoe bird.. who gives a shit? So why do you fucking care what I believe?! This is the entire point of this thread.. All of you NANNY STATE Zombies which includes the resident RINO dipshits, are free to believe or not believe whatever the hell you want to.. but so are Christians, Muslims, Buddhists.. See how that fucking works?
Wait a second they also used the bible to end slavery.. if you think the North was just a bunch of athiests your so wrong.

What? Who said the North was comprised of Atheists?

Yes, the bible was also used against the practice of slavery...so? Were the people that used it to justify slavery and segregation bigots? It's a simple question no one seems willing to answer.

lol, I burned you and you dont even know it.

Well, it's hard for me to "know it" since you seem to have created it all in your head. :cuckoo:
Check your christian morality bullshit at the door and LEARN to pick your fights. Gays are a minute voting block but they DO have the support of many others.
Losing elections over trivial bullshit that only affects a few people while the debt and everything else spirals out of control makes no sense.

Lets focus on the things that matter to everyone and stop picking fights that alienate us over small things.

Sin is sin for believers so stop bitching about what Sally does with her tongue when Johnny is no better off when he envies the Harley in his neighbors garage.
If they want to partake in the hell aka marriage give it to them. It's a piece of fucking paper ultimately.

So marriage doesn't matter to you. You do understand it isn't just a matter of changing the traditional definition of marriage the change does have an economic impact.

You make the same dumb ass argument as everyone else. NO ONE CARES WHAT you do in you bedroom and those who do should be ignored. But this is not just about you having sex with your boyfriend this is a change in the norms of society. THAT is a big deal, just not to you.

Giving women the right to vote was also a change in the norms of society.
Who said you can't believe the "word of god"? You can, but you can still be called a bigot and intolerant as a result.

Tell me something, do you believe the people that used the bible to justify slavery and segregation were intolerant bigots?

Wait a second they also used the bible to end slavery.. if you think the North was just a bunch of athiests your so wrong.

What? Who said the North was comprised of Atheists?

Yes, the bible was also used against the practice of slavery...so? Were the people that used it to justify slavery and segregation bigots? It's a simple question no one seems willing to answer.

Who used the Bible to justify slavery? If it were not for Bible believing Christians slavery would have dragged on for many more years. Thank God for the Republican party and their Christian beliefs.

That's what happens when you think education is for snobs and your leaders want to bring in immigrants with degrees and cut education here. I suspect they think their base is too stupid to learn.

It IS snobbish to think that EVERYBODY should have a college degree. Not everybody is capable to earn one, and those who are not, would be far better off learning a trade.

American education was destroyed when teachers became unionized. When teachers considered teaching a noble profession, a calling and were devoted to give their best, America produced the brightest in the world.

Now, sadly, "teachers" on all levels, from kindergarten to college are nothing but indoctrinators whose main ambition is getting as much for as little as possible and feeble efforts produce semi-illiterate drones who graduate to become full-fledged free-loaders.

The Democrat base is surely too stupid to learn. Otherwise why should they support a party that spent trillions to fight their poverty with no visible results. The party whose base took to heart the boasting of Lyndon Baines Johnson who predicted that the democrat Party will get the ****** vote for the next two hundred years.

Quote by Lyndon B. Johnson: I'll have those ******* voting Democratic for t...

Talk about stupid!
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