Rightwingers, of whom I'm one, let the gay shit go

Fear and hatred are the glue that hold together the GOP.

The GOP can't stop defending marriage (hating gays) because if they do then they lose a huge part of their fundamentalist Christian constituency.
Check your christian morality bullshit at the door and LEARN to pick your fights. Gays are a minute voting block but they DO have the support of many others.
Losing elections over trivial bullshit that only affects a few people while the debt and everything else spirals out of control makes no sense.

Lets focus on the things that matter to everyone and stop picking fights that alienate us over small things.

Sin is sin for believers so stop bitching about what Sally does with her tongue when Johnny is no better off when he envies the Harley in his neighbors garage.
If they want to partake in the hell aka marriage give it to them. It's a piece of fucking paper ultimately.

your turning into a total pinko commie liberal in your old age and your younger than I. Your getting indoctrinated in the Chicago machine and you dont even know it. I saw your post thinking the economy is getting better and you dont even know what the Feds are doing they are destroying the dollar in your pocket.
It's the 21st century. No one cares what you do in your bedroom. This isn't about that, despite the hysterical charges of the homo lobby.
But no society has ever been successful with gay marriage. Decadent societies give way to ones with strong traditional value systems. If we dont turn this crap back we will sink into the abyss.
I believe that many people who consider themselves conservative also believe in "live and let live" and don't much care one way or the other about gays marrying.

But I don't think that the other swath of cons in America can let it go, and it's futile to even try to convince them.


This is where I think the division pimps (Limbaugh, Levin, Hannity, etc.) have caused the Right so much damage. They've turned many into absolutists, unwilling to give an inch, all or nothing, us vs. them, convinced that cooperation equals capitulation.

I recently heard Limbaugh say that if a third party is formed, it will signal "the end of the GOP". I was stunned. This is the same guy who attacks any Republican who does not toe the line, just as Levin and Hannity do. He's exacerbating the split, and he's complaining that a split would destroy the party? What the hell?!

Democrats have to love this stuff.


The Democrats are just as stuck in absolutism as some Republicans. Talk about ending partial birth abortions, truly a crime, and you'd think you want to ban contraception.
Check your christian morality bullshit at the door and LEARN to pick your fights. Gays are a minute voting block but they DO have the support of many others.
Losing elections over trivial bullshit that only affects a few people while the debt and everything else spirals out of control makes no sense.

Lets focus on the things that matter to everyone and stop picking fights that alienate us over small things.

Sin is sin for believers so stop bitching about what Sally does with her tongue when Johnny is no better off when he envies the Harley in his neighbors garage.
If they want to partake in the hell aka marriage give it to them. It's a piece of fucking paper ultimately.
Gay marriage is inevitable. It's simply going to happen -- not everywhere at first, but ultimately it will be the law in all states.

Yes, gays are sinners. So am I. So are you. So are everybody. And no sin is worse in God's eyes than any other. I'd rather see a gay couple stay committed and monogamous than straight people sleep around.

Now here comes the part where Dave dictates the True Conservative Position:

The Federal government doesn't belong in the marriage business. Remove all tax incentives (or better yet, make them apply equally to all tax payers) and just have city hall or the county court clerk record who's married to whom, in either civil ceremonies or a church wedding. As long as the couple is of legal age in their jurisdiction, or has permission from their parents to do so, they can get married.

That's the solution that treats everyone equally under the law -- which is a tenet of conservatism.

Wanna marry your dog? No. That's stupid and sick. Seek help. Wanna sue a church to make them marry you if they refuse? No. You're just being a bitter attention whore. Cut it out and go find another church who will.

For the record, I'm a Christian. My sister-in-law has a permanent relationship with her partner, and they're a great couple. My SIL is also a Christian, and she's a very good stepmom to her partner's kids, and the kids love her a lot.

Any questions?

Yep. Who wears the strap on? jkjk.

My experience shows that the people who hate gays the most, have a strong fear that maybe, just maybe, they might could be gay as well. Thereby showing that the hatred passed on to gays is in fact hatred for themselves and what they might be. Weird. Gay isn't catching and can't be passed on to others by contact.

But to watch you right wingers attack each other is priceless. Keep up the good work.

And dave, a hippie poet, a gay person and you live in KY. Nice diverse family you have there. If you live up a holler and mine coal, you could be a Democrat.
I see libruls cheering on the RINOs in this thread ... It's ALWAYS a magnifying glass of where you stand. Grampy Bloomberg and his kind are free to believe whatever the hell they choose but don't coming telling the rest of us that we have to check our beliefs at the door because you don't fucking like them or agree with them.. FASCISM.
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People HATE gays because they believe that lifestyle is wrong?? REALLY???? This is the game libruls and their useful RINO idiots play.. "If you don't agree with me, you're intolerant and a hater." LMAO
Check your christian morality bullshit at the door and LEARN to pick your fights. Gays are a minute voting block but they DO have the support of many others.
Losing elections over trivial bullshit that only affects a few people while the debt and everything else spirals out of control makes no sense.

Lets focus on the things that matter to everyone and stop picking fights that alienate us over small things.

Sin is sin for believers so stop bitching about what Sally does with her tongue when Johnny is no better off when he envies the Harley in his neighbors garage.
If they want to partake in the hell aka marriage give it to them. It's a piece of fucking paper ultimately.
Gay marriage is inevitable. It's simply going to happen -- not everywhere at first, but ultimately it will be the law in all states.

Yes, gays are sinners. So am I. So are you. So are everybody. And no sin is worse in God's eyes than any other. I'd rather see a gay couple stay committed and monogamous than straight people sleep around.

Now here comes the part where Dave dictates the True Conservative Position:

The Federal government doesn't belong in the marriage business. Remove all tax incentives (or better yet, make them apply equally to all tax payers) and just have city hall or the county court clerk record who's married to whom, in either civil ceremonies or a church wedding. As long as the couple is of legal age in their jurisdiction, or has permission from their parents to do so, they can get married.

That's the solution that treats everyone equally under the law -- which is a tenet of conservatism.

Wanna marry your dog? No. That's stupid and sick. Seek help. Wanna sue a church to make them marry you if they refuse? No. You're just being a bitter attention whore. Cut it out and go find another church who will.

For the record, I'm a Christian. My sister-in-law has a permanent relationship with her partner, and they're a great couple. My SIL is also a Christian, and she's a very good stepmom to her partner's kids, and the kids love her a lot.

Any questions?

Yep. Who wears the strap on? jkjk.

My experience shows that the people who hate gays the most, have a strong fear that maybe, just maybe, they might could be gay as well. Thereby showing that the hatred passed on to gays is in fact hatred for themselves and what they might be. Weird. Gay isn't catching and can't be passed on to others by contact.

But to watch you right wingers attack each other is priceless. Keep up the good work.

And dave, a hippie poet, a gay person and you live in KY. Nice diverse family you have there. If you live up a holler and mine coal, you could be a Democrat.

guess your not up to speed, this was about prop 8 in California not KY....
I tolerate Gay people. But I will not sacrifice my base morals for the sake of a minute few. I see them as a sinful aberration of mankind. Call me a fundamentalist, but a man never sells his soul for want. This is why I disabused from the Republican Party. Too many people willing to sacrifice their core beliefs for a bit of social acceptance. If that alienates me from the mainstream, then so be it! I am a man of strength, not of cowardice. I fight for what I believe, and no man, woman or politician will deter me from doing so.

I'll be damned before I give up the essence of who I am. If gay folks want tolerance, they should stop begging for it and start practicing it.

And no one disputes your right to be ignorant and hateful in accordance with your faith.

But don’t attempt to codify that dogma of ignorance and hate through the ballot box or the courts.

While you get to codify your religious intolerance at the ballot box? How dare you lecture me about hate and ignorance? You hypocrite! You are hateful, ignorant and intolerant, whilst belonging to no faith at all, so what do you know hotshot? You think you can just diminish people like us and carry on with wanton disregard for what we are and what we stand for?

You want tolerance from us, but yet you wish to destroy us, ever so silently, quietly, with malice in your hearts. Do you think we're that ignorant? Do you think we will sit here and let you silence us? You have another thing coming Clayton. Your rank hypocrisy makes me sick. You want to force us into submission with your ideals instead of coexisting with us. The courts have already borne this out, you are just an example of it. How pathetic. How low must our society steep for this?

You preach of equality, but want nothing of it. You wish to diminish one to enhance the other. Ignorance is you thinking you can get away with such behavior.

Oh dear, gays getting married has really ruined your life.
The predictions were true!
Gay marriage is inevitable. It's simply going to happen -- not everywhere at first, but ultimately it will be the law in all states.

Yes, gays are sinners. So am I. So are you. So are everybody. And no sin is worse in God's eyes than any other. I'd rather see a gay couple stay committed and monogamous than straight people sleep around.

Now here comes the part where Dave dictates the True Conservative Position:

The Federal government doesn't belong in the marriage business. Remove all tax incentives (or better yet, make them apply equally to all tax payers) and just have city hall or the county court clerk record who's married to whom, in either civil ceremonies or a church wedding. As long as the couple is of legal age in their jurisdiction, or has permission from their parents to do so, they can get married.

That's the solution that treats everyone equally under the law -- which is a tenet of conservatism.

Wanna marry your dog? No. That's stupid and sick. Seek help. Wanna sue a church to make them marry you if they refuse? No. You're just being a bitter attention whore. Cut it out and go find another church who will.

For the record, I'm a Christian. My sister-in-law has a permanent relationship with her partner, and they're a great couple. My SIL is also a Christian, and she's a very good stepmom to her partner's kids, and the kids love her a lot.

Any questions?

Yep. Who wears the strap on? jkjk.

My experience shows that the people who hate gays the most, have a strong fear that maybe, just maybe, they might could be gay as well. Thereby showing that the hatred passed on to gays is in fact hatred for themselves and what they might be. Weird. Gay isn't catching and can't be passed on to others by contact.

But to watch you right wingers attack each other is priceless. Keep up the good work.

And dave, a hippie poet, a gay person and you live in KY. Nice diverse family you have there. If you live up a holler and mine coal, you could be a Democrat.

guess your not up to speed, this was about prop 8 in California not KY....

Really? Dave man lives in KY. And Granpa Murked You aka RINO, lives in Kansas City.
Is this really about Prop 8 in CA or are you confused?
Check your christian morality bullshit at the door and LEARN to pick your fights. Gays are a minute voting block but they DO have the support of many others.
Losing elections over trivial bullshit that only affects a few people while the debt and everything else spirals out of control makes no sense.

Lets focus on the things that matter to everyone and stop picking fights that alienate us over small things.

Sin is sin for believers so stop bitching about what Sally does with her tongue when Johnny is no better off when he envies the Harley in his neighbors garage.
If they want to partake in the hell aka marriage give it to them. It's a piece of fucking paper ultimately.

You're a rightwinger?
Suddenly I've gone right off you!
I see libruls cheering on the RINOs in this thread ... It's ALWAYS a magnifying glass of where you stand. Grampy Bloomberg and his kind are free to believe whatever the hell they choose but don't coming telling the rest of us that we have to check our beliefs at the door because you don't fucking like them or agree with them.. FASCISM.

Is it any more fascist than insisting that someone should have less rights because you disagree with who they're attracted to?
Yep. Who wears the strap on? jkjk.

My experience shows that the people who hate gays the most, have a strong fear that maybe, just maybe, they might could be gay as well. Thereby showing that the hatred passed on to gays is in fact hatred for themselves and what they might be. Weird. Gay isn't catching and can't be passed on to others by contact.

But to watch you right wingers attack each other is priceless. Keep up the good work.

And dave, a hippie poet, a gay person and you live in KY. Nice diverse family you have there. If you live up a holler and mine coal, you could be a Democrat.

guess your not up to speed, this was about prop 8 in California not KY....

Really? Dave man lives in KY. And Granpa Murked You aka RINO, lives in Kansas City.
Is this really about Prop 8 in CA or are you confused?

you know dang well its about prop 8.... why would he say something about gays if it wasnt in the news or gay himself? lol
I see libruls cheering on the RINOs in this thread ... It's ALWAYS a magnifying glass of where you stand. Grampy Bloomberg and his kind are free to believe whatever the hell they choose but don't coming telling the rest of us that we have to check our beliefs at the door because you don't fucking like them or agree with them.. FASCISM.

Is it any more fascist than insisting that someone should have less rights because you disagree with who they're attracted to?

Show me where I've ever said that?? SHOW ME?! I don't have a dog in this fight except that people are absolutely FREE to believe whatever the hell they want to without some drunk bastard demanding they check their beliefs at the door.. Got it?
People HATE gays because they believe that lifestyle is wrong?? REALLY???? This is the game libruls and their useful RINO idiots play.. "If you don't agree with me, you're intolerant and a hater." LMAO

If you don't want people to have rights equal to yours simply because they are (insert trait here), that's intolerance and bigotry. There isn't anything to "agree" or "disagree" on. Either you believe that gays and their families should have rights, benefits and protections equal to yours or you don't.

The ONLY way you're not a bigot is if you simply disagree that the government should be involved in the marriage "business", but we know that's a pipe dream that will never materialize.

Now, if someone called you an intolerant bigot because you disagreed on economic policy, I would agree with you that's ridiculous, but when we're talking about Civil Rights...being opposed to people getting them is bigotry no matter how you spin it.
I see libruls cheering on the RINOs in this thread ... It's ALWAYS a magnifying glass of where you stand. Grampy Bloomberg and his kind are free to believe whatever the hell they choose but don't coming telling the rest of us that we have to check our beliefs at the door because you don't fucking like them or agree with them.. FASCISM.

Is it any more fascist than insisting that someone should have less rights because you disagree with who they're attracted to?

Show me where I've ever said that?? SHOW ME?! I don't have a dog in this fight except that people are absolutely FREE to believe whatever the hell they want to without some drunk bastard demanding they check their beliefs at the door.. Got it?

...and show me where the OP said that you can't believe what you want to believe?
CHRISTIANS ARE STILL ALLOWED TO BELIEVE THE WORD OF GOD- and for those of you who think otherwise, see HITLER, FASCISM, NAZISM.. You dumbazz RINO idiots.
Is it any more fascist than insisting that someone should have less rights because you disagree with who they're attracted to?

Show me where I've ever said that?? SHOW ME?! I don't have a dog in this fight except that people are absolutely FREE to believe whatever the hell they want to without some drunk bastard demanding they check their beliefs at the door.. Got it?

...and show me where the OP said that you can't believe what you want to believe?

I just did DUMBASS. Demanding people check their religious beliefs at the door or can't you fucking read??
I believe that many people who consider themselves conservative also believe in "live and let live" and don't much care one way or the other about gays marrying.

But I don't think that the other swath of cons in America can let it go, and it's futile to even try to convince them.


This is where I think the division pimps (Limbaugh, Levin, Hannity, etc.) have caused the Right so much damage. They've turned many into absolutists, unwilling to give an inch, all or nothing, us vs. them, convinced that cooperation equals capitulation.

I recently heard Limbaugh say that if a third party is formed, it will signal "the end of the GOP". I was stunned. This is the same guy who attacks any Republican who does not toe the line, just as Levin and Hannity do. He's exacerbating the split, and he's complaining that a split would destroy the party? What the hell?!

Democrats have to love this stuff.


The Democrats are just as stuck in absolutism as some Republicans. Talk about ending partial birth abortions, truly a crime, and you'd think you want to ban contraception.


But the Democrats are not the party in danger of splitting in two, at least right now. You're right about the partial birth abortion issue, there are Democrats who won't budge. But currently, the public sees many in the GOP unwilling to budge on gay marriage, taxation, war, abortion, unions and more. They also see the infighting within the party, loud and clear.

So, at this moment in time, the GOP's absolutism is hurting it more than the Dems.


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