Rightwingers, of whom I'm one, let the gay shit go

I haven't called you a thing. You're the one throwing around "dyke" and "fascist". I asked a simple question. Were the people that used the bible to justify slavery and segregation bigots, yes or no?


Being the bible is divine inspiration of the Holy Spirit, it's not my place to second guess or criticize it. I understand you're all pissed up over being called out on your lifestyle by God himself so you're going to try to tear down the book which condemns your behavior. I won't engage in that BULLSHIT game.. I believe the homosexual lifestyle to be WRONG, period.. but I don't care what you do, who you did it with.. That's the difference between you and I, and the RINO misfits in this thread.. It's none of my fucking business or the gubmints. Throw it the States, period.

Of course it is. If people hadn't "second guessed" or "criticized" it, we'd still be using it to justify slavery and segregation.

As societies have progressed, so has our interpretation of the bible. What do you think the NT was in the first place except a "re-write" because God was just a little too angry and controlling for a progressing culture? They needed that hippy Jesus fellow to come in and soften things up a bit. Of course, because the guy lived 2000 years ago, some of the ideals of HIS time don't really fit so well anymore do they? We don't own people and we don't treat women as property. These are both ideals espoused in the bible. You SHOULD criticize it.

I'm not tearing down the book, I like the book. 50 Shades of Grey has nothing on the bible for sex and violence (and a bit of kinky thrown in too), but I will attack those that cherry pick it to attack gays. It's not the bible's fault, it's the people who feed at the bible buffet and use it to justify keeping me from equal rights.

Loved that book.. great taste in reading material btw.. Listen, I think you have every right to get whatever benefits you and your partner can.. that's none of my business.. One of my closest friends, pretty much my best friend is a lesbian. She happens to be an author. I love her and respect her greatly. She loves me and knows my belief system.. she respects that too. Her partner is one the most wonderful people I've ever met.. giving, kind.. but that doesn't change my core belief system.. I think MURDERING BABIES is wrong.. several of my friends have had abortions. I held their hand and cried with them.. IT STILL DOESN'T FUCKING CHANGE that I believe it's wrong.

But the Democrats are not the party in danger of splitting in two, at least right now. You're right about the partial birth abortion issue, there are Democrats who won't budge. But currently, the public sees many in the GOP unwilling to budge on gay marriage, taxation, war, abortion, unions and more. They also see the infighting within the party, loud and clear.

So, at this moment in time, the GOP's absolutism is hurting it more than the Dems.

How you figure that intolerance is hurting the GOP? Right here on this thread we have two right wingers that have proudly proclaimed that, basically they will not go along to get along. They will not compromise on their personal convictions for any reason. They don't care if the GOP wins elections.

That is the kind of right winger I really support. Marginalize them as quickly as possible and let the adults in the room figure out some solutions.

You are absolutely correct about the GOP- RINO City. I will be voting 3rd party.. unless a true CONSERVATIVE libertarian gets the nomination. I won't hold my breath though.

Can you name that person(s)?
Being the bible is divine inspiration of the Holy Spirit, it's not my place to second guess or criticize it. I understand you're all pissed up over being called out on your lifestyle by God himself so you're going to try to tear down the book which condemns your behavior. I won't engage in that BULLSHIT game.. I believe the homosexual lifestyle to be WRONG, period.. but I don't care what you do, who you did it with.. That's the difference between you and I, and the RINO misfits in this thread.. It's none of my fucking business or the gubmints. Throw it the States, period.

Which version of the Bible do you read? Is it the original text in Old Hebrew? The Greek version? Latin? Do you have a copy with ALL the books of the Bible. Or just the selected King James version?

Or are you aware that there have been several versions of the Bible? And that not all language translates to another language very well. And that some of the stories in the Bible may have been......modified.. to make them more.....pertinent to the times.

Hell some scholars believe entire books of the Bible have been left out. How can you know the entire story of a book when chapters are missing? Or language doesn't translate.

Or are you like so many of today's Christians and only you and your kind truly know the word of God?

Believe whatever you want.. Believe the bible is lies, believe Batman is actually a flying doedoe bird.. who gives a shit? So why do you fucking care what I believe?! This is the entire point of this thread.. All of you NANNY STATE Zombies which includes the resident RINO dipshits, are free to believe or not believe whatever the hell you want to.. but so are Christians, Muslims, Buddhists.. See how that fucking works?

I trhought you said that you understood the OP?
That isn't the point of this thread.

Oh well.
Being the bible is divine inspiration of the Holy Spirit, it's not my place to second guess or criticize it. I understand you're all pissed up over being called out on your lifestyle by God himself so you're going to try to tear down the book which condemns your behavior. I won't engage in that BULLSHIT game.. I believe the homosexual lifestyle to be WRONG, period.. but I don't care what you do, who you did it with.. That's the difference between you and I, and the RINO misfits in this thread.. It's none of my fucking business or the gubmints. Throw it the States, period.

Which version of the Bible do you read? Is it the original text in Old Hebrew? The Greek version? Latin? Do you have a copy with ALL the books of the Bible. Or just the selected King James version?

Or are you aware that there have been several versions of the Bible? And that not all language translates to another language very well. And that some of the stories in the Bible may have been......modified.. to make them more.....pertinent to the times.

Hell some scholars believe entire books of the Bible have been left out. How can you know the entire story of a book when chapters are missing? Or language doesn't translate.

Or are you like so many of today's Christians and only you and your kind truly know the word of God?

Believe whatever you want.. Believe the bible is lies, believe Batman is actually a flying doedoe bird.. who gives a shit? So why do you fucking care what I believe?! This is the entire point of this thread.. All of you NANNY STATE Zombies which includes the resident RINO dipshits, are free to believe or not believe whatever the hell you want to.. but so are Christians, Muslims, Buddhists.. See how that fucking works?

Damn, I was just asking a question based on what you said about the Bible being the word of God. I just didn't know which version you read.

And you are correct. I nor anyone else cares what you believe. It's just when people like you start telling others what they should believe that it gets dicey. Especially when people like you want to codify your religious beliefs into the common law.

That is a big problem. No matter how great you think your beliefs might be.
Which version of the Bible do you read? Is it the original text in Old Hebrew? The Greek version? Latin? Do you have a copy with ALL the books of the Bible. Or just the selected King James version?

Or are you aware that there have been several versions of the Bible? And that not all language translates to another language very well. And that some of the stories in the Bible may have been......modified.. to make them more.....pertinent to the times.

Hell some scholars believe entire books of the Bible have been left out. How can you know the entire story of a book when chapters are missing? Or language doesn't translate.

Or are you like so many of today's Christians and only you and your kind truly know the word of God?

Believe whatever you want.. Believe the bible is lies, believe Batman is actually a flying doedoe bird.. who gives a shit? So why do you fucking care what I believe?! This is the entire point of this thread.. All of you NANNY STATE Zombies which includes the resident RINO dipshits, are free to believe or not believe whatever the hell you want to.. but so are Christians, Muslims, Buddhists.. See how that fucking works?

I trhought you said that you understood the OP?
That isn't the point of this thread.

Oh well.

It is PRECISELY the point of this thread. NO ONE has to check their belief system.. NO ONE, not you.. not me.. Not Muslims, not Christians. NO FUCKING BODY.. If the GOP can't win elections its because they have no CORE set of beliefs and are FRAUDS when it comes to the principles of liberty.
Thanks for admitting it, sarcastically or not.. it's true. ;-) Underachievers United^^^:cool:

I suppose you have to take your wins where you can.

LOL Wins? This isn't about winning assclown.. it's about LIBERTY.. The freedom to think and believe whatever the hell you want, be it wrong or right.. without some pent up drunk demanding otherwise. You who spew TOLERANCE have ZERO.. it's a fucking joke.. As to never speaking ill of another CONSERVATIVE.. I didn't.. Grampy Bloomberg is NOT a conservative.. No RINO is.

If you'll accept two cents' worth from an oddball who doesn't belong to either ideology...

Look at where we are right now: A clear move away from federalism and towards a more authoritarian central government; a culture controlled and intimidated by Political Correctness and Identity Politics; a generation of children underperforming at school because discipline and academic excellence have taken a back seat to "self esteem"; a culture rotting from within, the list goes on and on.

I'll go out on a limb and guess you're not really fond of this.

But how did we get here? Did it happen overnight, just one day we all woke up and here we are? Nope. The changes in our culture have been incremental, and those who have put us here have been very patient, focused and consistent. As a result,they're winning.

So you have a choice: Either somehow yank the country, the entire culture, back to the right all at once (which is apparently what many in the GOP are trying to do), or get the country going in the other direction incrementally. The latter would require patience and heavy lifting. But trying to flip the country over, all at once, is not working. It's too late for that, where we are right now is ingrained in our culture.

In short, the only way you're going to turn this around is by doing what got us here: Patience and persistence, through the culture. And that would mean not trying to get everything at once, being willing to accept occasional short term compromise for long term victory.

Okay, end of unsolicited advice.

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Which version of the Bible do you read? Is it the original text in Old Hebrew? The Greek version? Latin? Do you have a copy with ALL the books of the Bible. Or just the selected King James version?

Or are you aware that there have been several versions of the Bible? And that not all language translates to another language very well. And that some of the stories in the Bible may have been......modified.. to make them more.....pertinent to the times.

Hell some scholars believe entire books of the Bible have been left out. How can you know the entire story of a book when chapters are missing? Or language doesn't translate.

Or are you like so many of today's Christians and only you and your kind truly know the word of God?

Believe whatever you want.. Believe the bible is lies, believe Batman is actually a flying doedoe bird.. who gives a shit? So why do you fucking care what I believe?! This is the entire point of this thread.. All of you NANNY STATE Zombies which includes the resident RINO dipshits, are free to believe or not believe whatever the hell you want to.. but so are Christians, Muslims, Buddhists.. See how that fucking works?

Damn, I was just asking a question based on what you said about the Bible being the word of God. I just didn't know which version you read.

And you are correct. I nor anyone else cares what you believe. It's just when people like you start telling others what they should believe that it gets dicey. Especially when people like you want to codify your religious beliefs into the common law.

That is a big problem. No matter how great you think your beliefs might be.

Show me where I told you , you have to believe what I believe? I'll wait.
Check your christian morality bullshit at the door and LEARN to pick your fights. Gays are a minute voting block but they DO have the support of many others.
Losing elections over trivial bullshit that only affects a few people while the debt and everything else spirals out of control makes no sense.

Lets focus on the things that matter to everyone and stop picking fights that alienate us over small things.

Sin is sin for believers so stop bitching about what Sally does with her tongue when Johnny is no better off when he envies the Harley in his neighbors garage.
If they want to partake in the hell aka marriage give it to them. It's a piece of fucking paper ultimately.

dude, has your lover dumped you recently? you seem extemely frustrated and you should be very happy if your business is doing so well as you've described before :lol:
1. Republicans need to preach jobs and sensible spending with a strong foreign policy

2.They need to stop beating up those on welfare and food stamps until jobs increase, gay marriage will happen......give it up. Sensible and fair immigration reform. Lay off the Obamaphones. Fix Obamacare and stop the repeal nonsense
Stop trying to ban abortion and work your asses off to reduce it. Be sensible about gun control, keeping guns away from crazy people is not a bad idea.

Democrats beat the hell out of Republicans on paragraph 2 and keep them from emphasizing paragraph 1
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What's your fucking problem?? Why do you always think you can start threads preaching to conservatives about what they're allowed to believe, and what's off fucking limits according to you? Why don't you mind your own damn biznez for once, worry about your girlfriend or wife who collects welfare which almost caused you to leave her.. blah blah blah.. STFU already Gramps.. DAMN

You sound like Bloomberg telling people what to do.. Get over yourself!

Because if I can't call out my own I have no business bitching at the other side. I'm not a fucking drone. If you don't like it find the ignore feature and utilize it.

You're not calling out anyone DUMMY.. You're telling people what they are allowed to believe in and what they can and cannot say.. IT'S FUCKING fascist and totally LEFTIST.. so lie in it, roll in shit with pigs you become one.. Sick of your melodramatic lectures anyhow.

STFU already, you dumb skank
Check your christian morality bullshit at the door and LEARN to pick your fights. Gays are a minute voting block but they DO have the support of many others.
Losing elections over trivial bullshit that only affects a few people while the debt and everything else spirals out of control makes no sense.

Lets focus on the things that matter to everyone and stop picking fights that alienate us over small things.

Sin is sin for believers so stop bitching about what Sally does with her tongue when Johnny is no better off when he envies the Harley in his neighbors garage.
If they want to partake in the hell aka marriage give it to them. It's a piece of fucking paper ultimately.

Now Gramps, do you really think that the radical wing of your party is going to give up God, Guns, and Gays? No way. Red meat that gets them all lathered up.
I suppose you have to take your wins where you can.

LOL Wins? This isn't about winning assclown.. it's about LIBERTY.. The freedom to think and believe whatever the hell you want, be it wrong or right.. without some pent up drunk demanding otherwise. You who spew TOLERANCE have ZERO.. it's a fucking joke.. As to never speaking ill of another CONSERVATIVE.. I didn't.. Grampy Bloomberg is NOT a conservative.. No RINO is.

If you'll accept two cents' worth from an oddball who doesn't belong to either ideology...

Look at where we are right now: A clear move away from federalism and towards a more authoritarian central government; a culture controlled and intimidated by Political Correctness and Identity Politics; a generation of children underperforming at school because discipline and academic excellence have taken a back seat to "self esteem"; a culture rotting from within, the list goes on and on.

I'll go out on a limb and guess you're not really fond of this.

But how did we get here? Did it happen overnight, just one day we all woke up and here we are? Nope. The changes in our culture have been incremental, and those who have put us here have been very patient, focused and consistent. As a result,they're winning.

So you have a choice: Either somehow yank the country, the entire culture, back to the right all at once (which is apparently what many in the GOP are trying to do), or get the country going in the other direction incrementally. The latter would require patience and heavy lifting. But trying to flip the country over, all at once, is not working. It's too late for that, where we are right now is ingrained in our culture.

In short, the only way you're going to turn this around is by doing what got us here: Patience and persistence, through the culture. And that would mean not trying to get everything at once, at being willing to accept short term compromise for long term victory.

Okay, end of unsolicited advice.


I agree with what you said but what does that have to do with people having the right to believe as they choose without some BIG MOUTH demanding they check their core beliefs at the door?
Believe whatever you want.. Believe the bible is lies, believe Batman is actually a flying doedoe bird.. who gives a shit? So why do you fucking care what I believe?! This is the entire point of this thread.. All of you NANNY STATE Zombies which includes the resident RINO dipshits, are free to believe or not believe whatever the hell you want to.. but so are Christians, Muslims, Buddhists.. See how that fucking works?

I trhought you said that you understood the OP?
That isn't the point of this thread.

Oh well.

It is PRECISELY the point of this thread. NO ONE has to check their belief system.. NO ONE, not you.. not me.. Not Muslims, not Christians. NO FUCKING BODY.. If the GOP can't win elections its because they have no CORE set of beliefs and are FRAUDS when it comes to the principles of liberty.

Why Lady, I do believe that the GOP has a core of beliefs. It is called MONEY, and their God is Mammon.
Check your christian morality bullshit at the door and LEARN to pick your fights. Gays are a minute voting block but they DO have the support of many others.
Losing elections over trivial bullshit that only affects a few people while the debt and everything else spirals out of control makes no sense.

Lets focus on the things that matter to everyone and stop picking fights that alienate us over small things.

Sin is sin for believers so stop bitching about what Sally does with her tongue when Johnny is no better off when he envies the Harley in his neighbors garage.
If they want to partake in the hell aka marriage give it to them. It's a piece of fucking paper ultimately.

Now Gramps, do you really think that the radical wing of your party is going to give up God, Guns, and Gays? No way. Red meat that gets them all lathered up.

God and guns are radical?? LMFAO.. This is the ZOMBIE mindset that you RINOs align yourself to.. Congrats! Idiots.
Check your christian morality bullshit at the door and LEARN to pick your fights. Gays are a minute voting block but they DO have the support of many others.
Losing elections over trivial bullshit that only affects a few people while the debt and everything else spirals out of control makes no sense.

Lets focus on the things that matter to everyone and stop picking fights that alienate us over small things.

Sin is sin for believers so stop bitching about what Sally does with her tongue when Johnny is no better off when he envies the Harley in his neighbors garage.
If they want to partake in the hell aka marriage give it to them. It's a piece of fucking paper ultimately.

So marriage doesn't matter to you. You do understand it isn't just a matter of changing the traditional definition of marriage the change does have an economic impact.

You make the same dumb ass argument as everyone else. NO ONE CARES WHAT you do in you bedroom and those who do should be ignored. But this is not just about you having sex with your boyfriend this is a change in the norms of society. THAT is a big deal, just not to you.

Giving women the right to vote was also a change in the norms of society.

Of course and it too was a big deal. It was done through a change in the constitution that was voted on by the people. This fundamental change is being shoved down our throat by the courts not the people. If the people, of the states, decide that they want to change the definition of marriage then so be it but when the people decide the courts should not be allowed to overthrow their will. That said, slavery and women's suffrage was addressed in the Constitution by amendment, as far as I know marriage is not so the federal government, in my opinion, does not have a say in the definition of marriage it is up to the states. So if the federal government wants to be involved then it would take a Constitutional amendment or should but since we are no longer a republic I don't see that happening.

There is more to it then just changing the definition of marriage, there is a way is should be done and we aint't doing it. I know this is hyperbole to some but if this goes through the way it has then what stops first cousins from marrying? Or polygamy? Or the enforcement of any age limit for marriage?
I trhought you said that you understood the OP?
That isn't the point of this thread.

Oh well.

It is PRECISELY the point of this thread. NO ONE has to check their belief system.. NO ONE, not you.. not me.. Not Muslims, not Christians. NO FUCKING BODY.. If the GOP can't win elections its because they have no CORE set of beliefs and are FRAUDS when it comes to the principles of liberty.

Why Lady, I do believe that the GOP has a core of beliefs. It is called MONEY, and their God is Mammon.

^^^ Truth
LOL Wins? This isn't about winning assclown.. it's about LIBERTY.. The freedom to think and believe whatever the hell you want, be it wrong or right.. without some pent up drunk demanding otherwise. You who spew TOLERANCE have ZERO.. it's a fucking joke.. As to never speaking ill of another CONSERVATIVE.. I didn't.. Grampy Bloomberg is NOT a conservative.. No RINO is.

If you'll accept two cents' worth from an oddball who doesn't belong to either ideology...

Look at where we are right now: A clear move away from federalism and towards a more authoritarian central government; a culture controlled and intimidated by Political Correctness and Identity Politics; a generation of children underperforming at school because discipline and academic excellence have taken a back seat to "self esteem"; a culture rotting from within, the list goes on and on.

I'll go out on a limb and guess you're not really fond of this.

But how did we get here? Did it happen overnight, just one day we all woke up and here we are? Nope. The changes in our culture have been incremental, and those who have put us here have been very patient, focused and consistent. As a result,they're winning.

So you have a choice: Either somehow yank the country, the entire culture, back to the right all at once (which is apparently what many in the GOP are trying to do), or get the country going in the other direction incrementally. The latter would require patience and heavy lifting. But trying to flip the country over, all at once, is not working. It's too late for that, where we are right now is ingrained in our culture.

In short, the only way you're going to turn this around is by doing what got us here: Patience and persistence, through the culture. And that would mean not trying to get everything at once, at being willing to accept short term compromise for long term victory.

Okay, end of unsolicited advice.


I agree with what you said but what does that have to do with people having the right to believe as they choose without some BIG MOUTH demanding they check their core beliefs at the door?

You both have every right to say what you're saying.

Gramps isn't trying to literally shut you up like PC Police would. He's making a suggestion, and I'd guess you two agree on most things. The question is how to get there.

1. Republicans need to preach jobs and sensible spending with a strong foreign policy

2.They need to stop beating up those on welfare and food stamps until jobs increase, gay marriage will happen......give it up. Sensible and fair immigration reform. Lay off the Obamaphones. Fix Obamacare and stop the repeal nonsense
Stop trying to ban abortion and work your asses off to reduce it. Be sensible about gun control, keeping guns away from crazy people is not a bad idea.

Democrats beat the hell out of Republicans on paragraph 2 and keep them from emphasizing paragraph 1

There's nothing sensible about gun control.. Ask those who died during the Holocaust.
What's your fucking problem?? Why do you always think you can start threads preaching to conservatives about what they're allowed to believe, and what's off fucking limits according to you? Why don't you mind your own damn biznez for once, worry about your girlfriend or wife who collects welfare which almost caused you to leave her.. blah blah blah.. STFU already Gramps.. DAMN

You sound like Bloomberg telling people what to do.. Get over yourself!

Because if I can't call out my own I have no business bitching at the other side. I'm not a fucking drone. If you don't like it find the ignore feature and utilize it.

You're not calling out anyone DUMMY.. You're telling people what they are allowed to believe in and what they can and cannot say.. IT'S FUCKING fascist and totally LEFTIST.. so lie in it, roll in shit with pigs you become one.. Sick of your melodramatic lectures anyhow.
You're absolutely right. Please continue to obsess over what people do in their bedrooms and keep it part of the Republican platform. Thank you for your service.

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