Rightwingers really need to stop comparing the summer riots to the Jan 6th insurrection and here is why

No way we'll stop comparing the two! No Way!!!

The party the gave us the terrorism of Antifa and BLM, gave us murders, billions in damage..... are upset because Nancy Pelosi's laptop got stolen?


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I keep that picture of those inbred dogfuckers handy to remind me that I and others like me are the ones who deserve to be here using space and oxygen.
They hate the police except for this time
They hate buildings of authority except this one
The hate arrests except those arrested in this case.
They are certain all cops are murderers except this murdering cop.
They are so completely hypocritical.
What a retard...
The so called insurrection was over in a matter of hours,the seattle joke not so much.
The only retards are those that compare holding a few blocks in Seattle to the siege of the Capitol Building to halt the peaceful transfer of power. Are you really that stupid...that was rhetorical.
The only retards are those that compare holding a few blocks in Seattle to the siege of the Capitol Building to halt the peaceful transfer of power. Are you really that stupid...that was rhetorical.

The left-wing terrorists murdered three people in Seattle. The only person murdered on 1/6 was an unarmed woman killed by a trigger-happy black cop.
The insurrection a year ago today was directly related to Trump and Republican politics.
There was no "insurrection" and continuing to characterize it as such makes you look foolish. The thing you Democrats can't seem to grasp or are simply ignoring is that tens of millions of Americans saw the 2020 election in a different light than you did. The curious aspect of that for me isn't that we disagree. It's that you folks seem to believe the rest of us have no right to that opinion. You seem convinced that you can dismiss us simply because your media sources continue to repeat your message as though there is no other possible view.

This is leading the nation into a downward spiral and the tribalism it is enabling may well become so entrenched that an actual, shooting civil war begins. Let's ponder what that could look like. It could resemble the first CW in that some Red States simply decide to secede and refuse to acknowledge the legitimacy of Federal power emanating from DC.

It might unfold as a "resistance" movement within states that begins peacefully but sparks into violence when your Feds try to compel obedience on electoral laws or 2A. Only a disconnected fool believes that this cannot happen because the Feds have enough men under arms, firepower, and surveillance capabilities to crush it before it begins in earnest. NONE OF THAT will stop violence from beginning to occur.

Once it begins, there will be no "armies" shooting at one another. No grand battlefields with generals calling the shots. It would be MUCH worse than that scenario. Imagine each state having its own, limited version of Chicago's weekend death tolls. Imagine interstate travel and commerce being curtailed due to violent actions against citizens who are visiting other states or truck drivers being assaulted and their cargoes stolen.

Once safety and security become too dodgy, the military will step in and at some point, there will be a mass-casualty event that cannot be hidden from the public. THAT is when things will begin to get out of control. In short, NO ONE WINS. Not the Left, Right, or Center. All we'll hear is the laughter of our enemies and their shills in DC.

IF this unfolds in '24, just remember, as you count your personal losses - as we all will - that it all began in 2016 when an outsider was chosen because the majority of voters in the majority of states (the essence of how the Electoral College works) were sick of the swamp and its minions. THAT will leave a very clear picture of which ideology / Party was responsible for the breakdown of our nation. The Left refused, EVER, to accept the vote and they tried for 4 years to destroy the outsider. THEN... they chose to take him out through the use of a pandemic that enabled them to cheat an election.

The fact that your media whores tell you that this is not true, makes not a whit of difference to those of us out here in flyover country. Anyone who thinks we will sit down, shut up, and pay up, is simply delusional. All I can say is that you should think very carefully and choose well because once this little soiree gets going there will be no easy way back :(
That issue is about police brutality and police brutality only. It is about nothing else related to left wing politics. It simply happens to be an issue that the left wing cares about. It does not somehow represent the behavior of liberals or democrats. Most of the people dead (13) from those riots were the black people involved.

The insurrection a year ago today was directly related to Trump and Republican politics. Their intentions were related to keep Trump in power. 4 people died and 4 capitol police officers committed suicide following the event.

Bullshit. If it was only about police brutality, they wouldn't have tried to storm the White House. police brutality protesting also has shit to do with people shoplifting and destroying businesses... and hitting people on the street.
Radicals will always attempt to take over any cause. There were radicals on the right as well who planned something outside the capitol building days in advance, but that had nothing to do with Trumps plan to hold a protest. You guys and the Democrats need to grow up. It will also come out that Trump had authorized the deployment of the national guard prior to Jan 6th.
It needs to be investigated why that didnt happen and who was ultimately responsible. had that happened, there would be no "Insurrection"
And the terrorists in Seattle murdered three people.
Not to mention terrorizing actual homeowners and business people. There are real people who live in that neighborhood whose lives got disrupted. It used to be a nice, funky neighborhood when I lived there. Now it's just an ugly shithole, as is most of Seattle. Actually, can't wait until they burn it down.
Oh, come on!

If cops were shooting unarmed white trash, you'd be just as upset as the blacks.

And you might be more violent.
Be that as it may, all law breakers deserved to be in jail
They "deserve" to be held for over a year, in some cases in solitary due to a charge of TRESPASSING? Or are they really being held to try to force them to plead out for a crime they didn't commit? Most importantly, how would you and your ilk react if Trump had done this to hundreds of protesters against his inauguration in DC IN 2017? Do you have even a scrap of integrity that would allow you to tell the truth about the reaction from the Left and their media?

It's just a rhetorical query. We all know how you and yours would have reacted. Tens of thousands of you would have come to burn, loot, and murder in DC and in other cities because that's the response of thugs on the Left. We watched it unfold in real-time for most of the last half of '21. IF Trump decides to run again, I can GUARANTEE that we'll see violence in DC that will make 1/6 seem like a friendly gathering by comparison. You know it, we know it, and all that's left is to see how far you lot are willing to go with the violence.
That issue is about police brutality and police brutality only. It is about nothing else related to left wing politics. It simply happens to be an issue that the left wing cares about. It does not somehow represent the behavior of liberals or democrats. Most of the people dead (13) from those riots were the black people involved.

The insurrection a year ago today was directly related to Trump and Republican politics. Their intentions were related to keep Trump in power. 4 people died and 4 capitol police officers committed suicide following the event.

Jan 6th was about the Democrat filth stealing an election from the American people.

That is about ten million times more valid reason for protesting than a piece of shit street thug dying because of a drug overdose.

The Libtard assholes don't want to compare the four hour demonstration on Jan 6th to the six months of Negro rioting, looting, murdering and destruction because they know it is ridiculous to do so.

The goddamn Negroes burned down many government buildings while the Jan 6th Patriots over turned a few benches and took selfies in Nancy Pelosi office.

The destruction the Negro and ANTIFA assholes did in DC alone was a thousand times more destructive than what the Patriots did on Jan 6th.
No apparently you are a snowflake who can't see the difference between the siege of the Capital building and a disturbance in a few blocks of a western city.
Roflol. No you fail to see things without looking through your partisan blinders. But resort to the standard leftest name calling in the hopes it will make people stop.
The problem is the leftist riots did more damage then the right wing riots. The left wing riots affected more people by putting people out of work. It hurt and killed more people. But you are fine with that and willing to turn a blind eye on it because it was those that you feel are part of your side.
You do not see that actually declaring yourself separate is different from going into a place but not declaring that they are separate is different because your partisan blinders see only what you are told.

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