Rightwingers really need to stop comparing the summer riots to the Jan 6th insurrection and here is why

There was no insurrection by BLM. The 1-6 insurrection was done over an imaginary situation that never happened.

The "insurrection" where the most heavily armed demographic in world history all forgot their guns and literally nobody has been charged with insurrection?
MLK said that riots were the language of the unheard. Some of us remain deaf but want to condemn rioters instead of the conditions that made them riot.

Agreed. Now apply that same logic to 1/6.

You won't.
Out of over 2,500 locations violence occurred in just over 200. You only saw what the media showed, because the media shows things to catch our attention. There has not been 2 years of George Floyd protests and during the time there was, for every situation you want to focus on, there were basically 10 non violent, peaceful events.

White supremacists are caught on tape settung fires and bustling windows. They started fights and Kyle Rittenhouse killed 2 protesters himself because the police decided it was OK to let private citizens act as law enforcement.

Both sides did NOT create the conditions that caused the frustration by those blacks who rioted. Blocking highways are a non violent tactic of direct confrontation. Perhaps if whites in America had listened way back when Edward Garner got gunned down when he was unarmed instead of giving police an excuse to use when they kill people, this would not have happened.

MLK said that riots were the language of the unheard. Some of us remain deaf but want to condemn rioters instead of the conditions that made them riot.
So 200 protests that turned violent are a small number to you, IM2? That's TWO HUNDRED! Not a dozen...not fifty...not a hundred...but TWO HUNDRED protests that turned violent! Martin Luther King would be DISGUSTED if he saw the way that blacks are acting during those two hundred protests that turned into orgies of looting and burning! Those protests aren't the "language of the unheard" they are examples of thug behavior!
So 200 protests that turned violent are a small number to you, IM2? That's TWO HUNDRED! Not a dozen...not fifty...not a hundred...but TWO HUNDRED protests that turned violent! Martin Luther King would be DISGUSTED if he saw the way that blacks are acting during those two hundred protests that turned into orgies of looting and burning! Those protests aren't the "language of the unheard" they are examples of thug behavior!
There were at least 2,300 that weren't. That's a bigger number than 200. And most of those 200 were whites misbehaving because they knew dumbasses would blame blacks. Keep Dr. Kings name out of your mouth.
The "insurrection" where the most heavily armed demographic in world history all forgot their guns and literally nobody has been charged with insurrection?
Watch how dumb this MFer's argument is....

"How can it be a coup, when nobody was charged with cooing?"

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Watch how dumb this MFer's argument is....

"How can it be a coup, when nobody was charged with cooing?"


The charge has to fit the crime you fucking retard. We don't arrest someone for speeding and charge them with murder. Jesus H Christ...
No. Let them try, they'll get gunned TF down.

Lol, sure thing buddy. You clearly don't have the foggiest goddamn clue what would happen if even a small percentage of those people decided to foment an ACTUAL insurrection. No force on this earth would stop it. This is the real world, not fucking Call Of Duty.
Correll wrote: I believe you said something like, there was "no evidence of significant fraud", Implying that you accepted that there was some fraud, but interestingly, the INTENT of the fraudsters, would have been the same as you characterize Trump's intent, ie to "deprive the citizens of their CONSTITUTTIONAL RIGHT TO HAVE THEIR VOTES COUNT". 22JAN12-POST#643

NFBW wrote: YES, the intent of each individual election fraudster is the same as Trump's fraudulent Big Lie intent to overturn his defeat after December 14 when all fifty states certified their results therefore safe-harboring their electors- - - However DJT’s plot called for literally not counting votes from seven states that went to Biden. - - - TRUMP’s intent is a crime whether or not it changed the outcome of the election. That is why all proven election fraud should be prosecuted under the full extent of the law. That prosecution must
include DJT pressuring VP Pence to invoke lawless powers to unilaterally reject the certifed results from seven states. 22JAN12-POST#647
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There were at least 2,300 that weren't. That's a bigger number than 200. And most of those 200 were whites misbehaving because they knew dumbasses would blame blacks. Keep Dr. Kings name out of your mouth.
How big of a number is 200, Einstein? It's a HUGE number and if you weren't such a pathetic apologist you'd recognize that! Can you even IMAGINE the response if there were 200 violent riots caused by white extremists? The main stream media would be foaming at the mouth!

Your claim that the people looting and burning were mostly white is laughable.

As for Doctor King? Both he AND Malcolm X would think you were an idiot, IM2! You defend thug behavior. It's got zero to do with Civil Rights.
1 person died and it was an unarmed woman, lol

*looks at BLM riots and the mess they made in just Seattle alone*

Surprise federal buildings on the west coast aren't any less important than federal buildings in Washington from a legal perspective
Nobody was trying to remove the government in Seattle.

More than 1 person died as a result of the insurrection.

Ashli Babbitt was shot trying to break into chambers that were barricaded and block by police.

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