Rightwingers really need to stop comparing the summer riots to the Jan 6th insurrection and here is why

Yes....absolutely nothing to see here...

View attachment 587000
2,500 locations

200 acts of violence.

2300 peaceful locations.

There was more peace to see than violence by at least 10:1.

And that was for a real murder of a citizen by someone required to uphold the law they enforce.

Meanwhile we had this:


For nothing.
"autonomous zone" would imply secession and a separate state, outside of USA and local laws, which is what we saw with CHAZ~CHAOS, etc. Sounds about the same as treason, especially when violence, vandal, arson, assaults, riots, looting, etc. are part of so-called "peaceful protests".
Not it would not. Especially when that city government designated that area as such.
Ok, let's use your stupid numbers. What happened during the other "7%", retard?
My numbers are real and when 93 percent of something is peaceful, I ain't going to keep talking about the 7 percent. I've shown what most of that was.
Nobody was trying to remove the government in Seattle.

More than 1 person died as a result of the insurrection.

Ashli Babbitt was shot trying to break into chambers that were barricaded and block by police.

Oh, so it's ok to attack federal buildings so long as you "aren't trying to remove the government". Got it.
Oh, so it's ok to attack federal buildings so long as you "aren't trying to remove the government". Got it.
What's not OK is police murdering citizens. If the government isn't killing citizens then no one will fight the government.
My numbers are real and when 93 percent of something is peaceful, I ain't going to keep talking about the 7 percent. I've shown what most of that was.

Adolf Hitler was born in 1889. He didn't kick off WW2 until 1939 and died in 1945. By your stupid qualification metrics he was peaceful for 89% of his life so we should just ignore the part where he wasn't.
Yes it would, and a city government cannot declare a specific area "autonomous" you tard.
Seems like that's what they did in Seattle.

People like you stay stuck on things tgat allow you to deny the problem in order to express your racism. The police are part of the government. The police are killing citizens. The citizens have a right to fight back. 1-6 was about a bunch of white spoiled racists who could not get their way so they figured they are entitled to ovwrthrow the government.

There is no sane comparison or equivalence.
Adolf Hitler was born in 1889. He didn't kick off WW2 until 1939 and died in 1945. By your stupid qualification metrics he was peaceful for 89% of his life so we should just ignore the part where he wasn't.

This is an example of obtuse white racist ignorance. This analogy is nowhere near accurate.
Seems like that's what they did in Seattle.

People like you stay stuck on things tgat allow you to deny the problem in order to express your racism. The police are part of the government. The police are killing citizens. The citizens have a right to fight back. 1-6 was about a bunch of white spoiled racists who could not get their way so they figured they are entitled to ovwrthrow the government.

There is no sane comparison or equivalence.

That is not what they did in Seattle. A bunch of leftist losers like yourself declared an area "autonomous" and then turned it into a raging shit hole of drugs, rape, and murder. You do know that a couple black kids were outright murdered there... right?

Nobody tried to overthrow the government on 1/6. It was a protest that devolved into a low level riot. If they were there to overthrow the government they would have brought their fucking guns and you will NEVER escape that fact.
Apparently you. Because you are ignoring the cause of what happened in 2020.

I know exactly what the cause was - leftist losers rioted over the death of a career criminal druggy piece of shit.
This is an example of obtuse white racist ignorance. This analogy is nowhere near accurate.
I'm doing EXACTLY what you're doing. Hitler was peaceful for 89% of his life, so the 11% where he wasn't should be memory-holed.

This is YOUR logic, not mine.
What's your definition of no violence? Less than $200,000 in damages?
It speaks for itself.

The Radcliffe Institute at Harvard found that that 96.3 percent of the BLM protests had no property damage or police injuries, and in 97.7 percent of events, no injuries were reported at all.
I know exactly what the cause was - leftist losers rioted over the death of a career criminal druggy piece of shit.
You have just shown everybody that you don't know what caused the protests.

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