Rightwingers: what do you think of Bernie's plan for free tuition?

"Free" tuition??? LOL!

I don't understand why the majority of you choose not to acknowledge the information in my OP.

What I chose to not acknowledge is your premise that throwing more money at education would somehow result in any tangible benefit.

The US already spends more money than any country on earth and has some of the poorest test scores for the students. Tons more money won't change that.

Anybody that wants to go to college can pretty much get a college degree nowadays. It isn't hard to do. All "free" tuition would do is water down the college degree to be next to worthless.

Besides, a tremendous number of shitheads in the country would use the freebie to hide from work and responsibility and the money would be wasted. Then you have the tons of worthless degrees that have no real market value.

Of course there is the simple concept of fairness. The government should never take money from one person and give it to another. That is thievery.

The money that given to the college student would be taken out of the productive economy and result in less jobs, economic growth and investments. .

"Free" college tuition is probably one of the worst "investments" the filthy ass bloated, debt ridden, corrupt, out of control government could ever make.

If you want to go to college pay for it yourself. I did.
I'll admit you have a point about people pursuing useless degrees, but this hardly is a good enough reason than keeping intelligent people pursue the applicable ones. Of course, your point about avoiding work and responsibility is stupid because obviously they would still need income to support themselves.
"Free" tuition??? LOL!

I don't understand why the majority of you choose not to acknowledge the information in my OP.

What I chose to not acknowledge is your premise that throwing more money at education would somehow result in any tangible benefit.

The US already spends more money than any country on earth and has some of the poorest test scores for the students. Tons more money won't change that.

Anybody that wants to go to college can pretty much get a college degree nowadays. It isn't hard to do. All "free" tuition would do is water down the college degree to be next to worthless.

Besides, a tremendous number of shitheads in the country would use the freebie to hide from work and responsibility and the money would be wasted. Then you have the tons of worthless degrees that have no real market value.

Of course there is the simple concept of fairness. The government should never take money from one person and give it to another. That is thievery.

The money that given to the college student would be taken out of the productive economy and result in less jobs, economic growth and investments. .

"Free" college tuition is probably one of the worst "investments" the filthy ass bloated, debt ridden, corrupt, out of control government could ever make.

If you want to go to college pay for it yourself. I did.
Throwing money at education is the ONLY way to improve it. The problem with public school performance in this country can be attributed to a variety of reasons, one of those is poor utilization of the money spent. I'm not suggesting we throw more money at lower education, but cutting it would be a horrible idea.

Higher education is a very separate issue. It lacks compared to the rest of the world because of how poorly funded it is. Tuition hikes result because of poor government investment.

The government "invests" more than ever in college funding.
That's why things are more fucked up than ever.
No it doesn't. That's a lie.

Historically, states have provided a far greater amount of assistance to postsecondary institutions and students; 65 percent more than the federal government on average from 1987 to 2012. But this difference narrowed dramatically in recent years, particularly since the Great Recession, as state spending declined and federal investments grew sharply, largely driven by increases in the Pell Grant program, a need-based financial aid program that is the biggest component of federal higher education spending.





Federal and State Funding of Higher Education A Changing Landscape

The estimated cost per year for the government providing free tuition would be about 60 billion. Bernie would place a tax on Wall Street speculation to pay for it.

Now before you all go into your rants about "liberal free lunch bullshit derp, derp, derp!" you should consider WHY this is a great idea. This isn't about giving individuals hand outs, this is about how higher education benefits the country as a whole. Plenty of intelligent people who cannot afford to go to college or are discouraged by the massive student debt that they would accumulate choose not to attend. Imagine the implications if we had an influx of people getting degrees in science, public policy, or business administration. Don't you think those educated people would bring a great deal of contribution to this country?

I like free tuition at public colleges, not private schools. In Texas college tuition used to be dirt cheap at all the public colleges.

Then Yankees turned into a money making scam and its been down the shitter since.
Sanders keeps digging that hole he is in deeper and deeper

But people can't resist the idea of getting something for free.

Of course, nothing is free, just free to some. Of course, libs always say they will tax the wealthy, but it never works out that way. I don't know how it's fair to target certain people with tax laws.

It's all talk. He and the left would make college free, but it will add to the already enormous pile of debt. We can't get into more debt without reaching a point of no return. We will fall if we stay the current course.
I don't understand why the majority of you choose not to acknowledge the information in my OP.

What I chose to not acknowledge is your premise that throwing more money at education would somehow result in any tangible benefit.

The US already spends more money than any country on earth and has some of the poorest test scores for the students. Tons more money won't change that.

Anybody that wants to go to college can pretty much get a college degree nowadays. It isn't hard to do. All "free" tuition would do is water down the college degree to be next to worthless.

Besides, a tremendous number of shitheads in the country would use the freebie to hide from work and responsibility and the money would be wasted. Then you have the tons of worthless degrees that have no real market value.

Of course there is the simple concept of fairness. The government should never take money from one person and give it to another. That is thievery.

The money that given to the college student would be taken out of the productive economy and result in less jobs, economic growth and investments. .

"Free" college tuition is probably one of the worst "investments" the filthy ass bloated, debt ridden, corrupt, out of control government could ever make.

If you want to go to college pay for it yourself. I did.
Throwing money at education is the ONLY way to improve it. The problem with public school performance in this country can be attributed to a variety of reasons, one of those is poor utilization of the money spent. I'm not suggesting we throw more money at lower education, but cutting it would be a horrible idea.

Higher education is a very separate issue. It lacks compared to the rest of the world because of how poorly funded it is. Tuition hikes result because of poor government investment.

The government "invests" more than ever in college funding.
That's why things are more fucked up than ever.
No it doesn't. That's a lie.

Historically, states have provided a far greater amount of assistance to postsecondary institutions and students; 65 percent more than the federal government on average from 1987 to 2012. But this difference narrowed dramatically in recent years, particularly since the Great Recession, as state spending declined and federal investments grew sharply, largely driven by increases in the Pell Grant program, a need-based financial aid program that is the biggest component of federal higher education spending.

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Federal and State Funding of Higher Education A Changing Landscape

Lol I know you cons have a serious deficit with critical thinking skills, but try and keep up will you? Your first graph refers to federal funding in terms of Pell grants and state funding of research. Not only are Pell grands targeted to ONLY poor students and NOT the institutions themselves, but it has barely risen sharply. The most critical federal funding goes to tuition and that has dropped over the years. That is what has been lacking. That is why tuition has been going up. All of this state funding varies greatly by state. The red shithole or MS for example, lacks both proper state and federal funding.
"Free" tuition??? LOL!

I don't understand why the majority of you choose not to acknowledge the information in my OP.

What I chose to not acknowledge is your premise that throwing more money at education would somehow result in any tangible benefit.

The US already spends more money than any country on earth and has some of the poorest test scores for the students. Tons more money won't change that.

Anybody that wants to go to college can pretty much get a college degree nowadays. It isn't hard to do. All "free" tuition would do is water down the college degree to be next to worthless.

Besides, a tremendous number of shitheads in the country would use the freebie to hide from work and responsibility and the money would be wasted. Then you have the tons of worthless degrees that have no real market value.

Of course there is the simple concept of fairness. The government should never take money from one person and give it to another. That is thievery.

The money that given to the college student would be taken out of the productive economy and result in less jobs, economic growth and investments. .

"Free" college tuition is probably one of the worst "investments" the filthy ass bloated, debt ridden, corrupt, out of control government could ever make.

If you want to go to college pay for it yourself. I did.
I'll admit you have a point about people pursuing useless degrees, but this hardly is a good enough reason than keeping intelligent people pursue the applicable ones. Of course, your point about avoiding work and responsibility is stupid because obviously they would still need income to support themselves.
"Free" tuition??? LOL!

I don't understand why the majority of you choose not to acknowledge the information in my OP.

What I chose to not acknowledge is your premise that throwing more money at education would somehow result in any tangible benefit.

The US already spends more money than any country on earth and has some of the poorest test scores for the students. Tons more money won't change that.

Anybody that wants to go to college can pretty much get a college degree nowadays. It isn't hard to do. All "free" tuition would do is water down the college degree to be next to worthless.

Besides, a tremendous number of shitheads in the country would use the freebie to hide from work and responsibility and the money would be wasted. Then you have the tons of worthless degrees that have no real market value.

Of course there is the simple concept of fairness. The government should never take money from one person and give it to another. That is thievery.

The money that given to the college student would be taken out of the productive economy and result in less jobs, economic growth and investments. .

"Free" college tuition is probably one of the worst "investments" the filthy ass bloated, debt ridden, corrupt, out of control government could ever make.

If you want to go to college pay for it yourself. I did.
I'll admit you have a point about people pursuing useless degrees, but this hardly is a good enough reason than keeping intelligent people pursue the applicable ones. Of course, your point about avoiding work and responsibility is stupid because obviously they would still need income to support themselves.
Why would they need to do that if you are giving them all of their school expenses for free? All you have to do is stay in school.
"Free" tuition??? LOL!

I don't understand why the majority of you choose not to acknowledge the information in my OP.

What I chose to not acknowledge is your premise that throwing more money at education would somehow result in any tangible benefit.

The US already spends more money than any country on earth and has some of the poorest test scores for the students. Tons more money won't change that.

Anybody that wants to go to college can pretty much get a college degree nowadays. It isn't hard to do. All "free" tuition would do is water down the college degree to be next to worthless.

Besides, a tremendous number of shitheads in the country would use the freebie to hide from work and responsibility and the money would be wasted. Then you have the tons of worthless degrees that have no real market value.

Of course there is the simple concept of fairness. The government should never take money from one person and give it to another. That is thievery.

The money that given to the college student would be taken out of the productive economy and result in less jobs, economic growth and investments. .

"Free" college tuition is probably one of the worst "investments" the filthy ass bloated, debt ridden, corrupt, out of control government could ever make.

If you want to go to college pay for it yourself. I did.
I'll admit you have a point about people pursuing useless degrees, but this hardly is a good enough reason than keeping intelligent people pursue the applicable ones. Of course, your point about avoiding work and responsibility is stupid because obviously they would still need income to support themselves.

Intelligent people can work and go to school. The best way of handling the cost is to go to college right after high school. Keep living with family members while you work to pay for school and attend college.
"Free" tuition??? LOL!

I don't understand why the majority of you choose not to acknowledge the information in my OP.

What I chose to not acknowledge is your premise that throwing more money at education would somehow result in any tangible benefit.

The US already spends more money than any country on earth and has some of the poorest test scores for the students. Tons more money won't change that.

Anybody that wants to go to college can pretty much get a college degree nowadays. It isn't hard to do. All "free" tuition would do is water down the college degree to be next to worthless.

Besides, a tremendous number of shitheads in the country would use the freebie to hide from work and responsibility and the money would be wasted. Then you have the tons of worthless degrees that have no real market value.

Of course there is the simple concept of fairness. The government should never take money from one person and give it to another. That is thievery.

The money that given to the college student would be taken out of the productive economy and result in less jobs, economic growth and investments. .

"Free" college tuition is probably one of the worst "investments" the filthy ass bloated, debt ridden, corrupt, out of control government could ever make.

If you want to go to college pay for it yourself. I did.
I'll admit you have a point about people pursuing useless degrees, but this hardly is a good enough reason than keeping intelligent people pursue the applicable ones. Of course, your point about avoiding work and responsibility is stupid because obviously they would still need income to support themselves.

They go on welfare and live with their parents..........
What I chose to not acknowledge is your premise that throwing more money at education would somehow result in any tangible benefit.

The US already spends more money than any country on earth and has some of the poorest test scores for the students. Tons more money won't change that.

Anybody that wants to go to college can pretty much get a college degree nowadays. It isn't hard to do. All "free" tuition would do is water down the college degree to be next to worthless.

Besides, a tremendous number of shitheads in the country would use the freebie to hide from work and responsibility and the money would be wasted. Then you have the tons of worthless degrees that have no real market value.

Of course there is the simple concept of fairness. The government should never take money from one person and give it to another. That is thievery.

The money that given to the college student would be taken out of the productive economy and result in less jobs, economic growth and investments. .

"Free" college tuition is probably one of the worst "investments" the filthy ass bloated, debt ridden, corrupt, out of control government could ever make.

If you want to go to college pay for it yourself. I did.
Throwing money at education is the ONLY way to improve it. The problem with public school performance in this country can be attributed to a variety of reasons, one of those is poor utilization of the money spent. I'm not suggesting we throw more money at lower education, but cutting it would be a horrible idea.

Higher education is a very separate issue. It lacks compared to the rest of the world because of how poorly funded it is. Tuition hikes result because of poor government investment.

The government "invests" more than ever in college funding.
That's why things are more fucked up than ever.
No it doesn't. That's a lie.

Historically, states have provided a far greater amount of assistance to postsecondary institutions and students; 65 percent more than the federal government on average from 1987 to 2012. But this difference narrowed dramatically in recent years, particularly since the Great Recession, as state spending declined and federal investments grew sharply, largely driven by increases in the Pell Grant program, a need-based financial aid program that is the biggest component of federal higher education spending.

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Federal and State Funding of Higher Education A Changing Landscape

Lol I know you cons have a serious deficit with critical thinking skills, but try and keep up will you? Your first graph refers to federal funding in terms of Pell grants and state funding of research. Not only are Pell grands targeted to ONLY poor students and NOT the institutions themselves, but it has barely risen sharply. The most critical federal funding goes to tuition and that has dropped over the years. That is what has been lacking. That is why tuition has been going up. All of this state funding varies greatly by state. The red shithole or MS for example, lacks both proper state and federal funding.

No...tuition goes up because government loans have increased........
What I chose to not acknowledge is your premise that throwing more money at education would somehow result in any tangible benefit.

The US already spends more money than any country on earth and has some of the poorest test scores for the students. Tons more money won't change that.

Anybody that wants to go to college can pretty much get a college degree nowadays. It isn't hard to do. All "free" tuition would do is water down the college degree to be next to worthless.

Besides, a tremendous number of shitheads in the country would use the freebie to hide from work and responsibility and the money would be wasted. Then you have the tons of worthless degrees that have no real market value.

Of course there is the simple concept of fairness. The government should never take money from one person and give it to another. That is thievery.

The money that given to the college student would be taken out of the productive economy and result in less jobs, economic growth and investments. .

"Free" college tuition is probably one of the worst "investments" the filthy ass bloated, debt ridden, corrupt, out of control government could ever make.

If you want to go to college pay for it yourself. I did.
Throwing money at education is the ONLY way to improve it. The problem with public school performance in this country can be attributed to a variety of reasons, one of those is poor utilization of the money spent. I'm not suggesting we throw more money at lower education, but cutting it would be a horrible idea.

Higher education is a very separate issue. It lacks compared to the rest of the world because of how poorly funded it is. Tuition hikes result because of poor government investment.

The government "invests" more than ever in college funding.
That's why things are more fucked up than ever.
No it doesn't. That's a lie.

Historically, states have provided a far greater amount of assistance to postsecondary institutions and students; 65 percent more than the federal government on average from 1987 to 2012. But this difference narrowed dramatically in recent years, particularly since the Great Recession, as state spending declined and federal investments grew sharply, largely driven by increases in the Pell Grant program, a need-based financial aid program that is the biggest component of federal higher education spending.

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Federal and State Funding of Higher Education A Changing Landscape

Lol I know you cons have a serious deficit with critical thinking skills, but try and keep up will you? Your first graph refers to federal funding in terms of Pell grants and state funding of research. Not only are Pell grands targeted to ONLY poor students and NOT the institutions themselves, but it has barely risen sharply. The most critical federal funding goes to tuition and that has dropped over the years. That is what has been lacking. That is why tuition has been going up. All of this state funding varies greatly by state. The red shithole or MS for example, lacks both proper state and federal funding.

here you go....


In fact, public investment in higher education in America is vastly larger today, in inflation-adjusted dollars, than it was during the supposed golden age of public funding in the 1960s. Such spending has increased at a much faster rate than government spending in general. For example, the military’s budget is about 1.8 times higher today than it was in 1960, while legislative appropriations to higher education are more than 10 times higher.

In other words, far from being caused by funding cuts, the astonishing rise in college tuition correlates closely with a huge increase in public subsidies for higher education. If over the past three decades car prices had gone up as fast as tuition, the average new car would cost more than $80,000.

Some of this increased spending in education has been driven by a sharp rise in the percentage of Americans who go to college. While the college-age population has not increased since the tail end of the baby boom, the percentage of the population enrolled in college has risen significantly, especially in the last 20 years. Enrollment in undergraduate, graduate and professional programs has increased by almost 50 percent since 1995. As a consequence, while state legislative appropriations for higher education have risen much faster than inflation, total state appropriations per student are somewhat lower than they were at their peak in 1990. (Appropriations per student are much higher now than they were in the 1960s and 1970s, when tuition was a small fraction of what it is today.)

Do you know how you find the truth and reality.......listen to the left wing.....and realize they are lying to you...on everything...then go and look for the truth and reality....
"Free" tuition??? LOL!

I don't understand why the majority of you choose not to acknowledge the information in my OP.

What I chose to not acknowledge is your premise that throwing more money at education would somehow result in any tangible benefit.

The US already spends more money than any country on earth and has some of the poorest test scores for the students. Tons more money won't change that.

Anybody that wants to go to college can pretty much get a college degree nowadays. It isn't hard to do. All "free" tuition would do is water down the college degree to be next to worthless.

Besides, a tremendous number of shitheads in the country would use the freebie to hide from work and responsibility and the money would be wasted. Then you have the tons of worthless degrees that have no real market value.

Of course there is the simple concept of fairness. The government should never take money from one person and give it to another. That is thievery.

The money that given to the college student would be taken out of the productive economy and result in less jobs, economic growth and investments. .

"Free" college tuition is probably one of the worst "investments" the filthy ass bloated, debt ridden, corrupt, out of control government could ever make.

If you want to go to college pay for it yourself. I did.
I'll admit you have a point about people pursuing useless degrees, but this hardly is a good enough reason than keeping intelligent people pursue the applicable ones. Of course, your point about avoiding work and responsibility is stupid because obviously they would still need income to support themselves.
"Free" tuition??? LOL!

I don't understand why the majority of you choose not to acknowledge the information in my OP.

What I chose to not acknowledge is your premise that throwing more money at education would somehow result in any tangible benefit.

The US already spends more money than any country on earth and has some of the poorest test scores for the students. Tons more money won't change that.

Anybody that wants to go to college can pretty much get a college degree nowadays. It isn't hard to do. All "free" tuition would do is water down the college degree to be next to worthless.

Besides, a tremendous number of shitheads in the country would use the freebie to hide from work and responsibility and the money would be wasted. Then you have the tons of worthless degrees that have no real market value.

Of course there is the simple concept of fairness. The government should never take money from one person and give it to another. That is thievery.

The money that given to the college student would be taken out of the productive economy and result in less jobs, economic growth and investments. .

"Free" college tuition is probably one of the worst "investments" the filthy ass bloated, debt ridden, corrupt, out of control government could ever make.

If you want to go to college pay for it yourself. I did.
I'll admit you have a point about people pursuing useless degrees, but this hardly is a good enough reason than keeping intelligent people pursue the applicable ones. Of course, your point about avoiding work and responsibility is stupid because obviously they would still need income to support themselves.
Why would they need to do that if you are giving them all of their school expenses for free? All you have to do is stay in school.
Um no we are only talking about tuition. Room and board are entirely separate costs.
Throwing money at education is the ONLY way to improve it. The problem with public school performance in this country can be attributed to a variety of reasons, one of those is poor utilization of the money spent. I'm not suggesting we throw more money at lower education, but cutting it would be a horrible idea.

Higher education is a very separate issue. It lacks compared to the rest of the world because of how poorly funded it is. Tuition hikes result because of poor government investment.

The government "invests" more than ever in college funding.
That's why things are more fucked up than ever.
No it doesn't. That's a lie.

Historically, states have provided a far greater amount of assistance to postsecondary institutions and students; 65 percent more than the federal government on average from 1987 to 2012. But this difference narrowed dramatically in recent years, particularly since the Great Recession, as state spending declined and federal investments grew sharply, largely driven by increases in the Pell Grant program, a need-based financial aid program that is the biggest component of federal higher education spending.

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Federal and State Funding of Higher Education A Changing Landscape

Lol I know you cons have a serious deficit with critical thinking skills, but try and keep up will you? Your first graph refers to federal funding in terms of Pell grants and state funding of research. Not only are Pell grands targeted to ONLY poor students and NOT the institutions themselves, but it has barely risen sharply. The most critical federal funding goes to tuition and that has dropped over the years. That is what has been lacking. That is why tuition has been going up. All of this state funding varies greatly by state. The red shithole or MS for example, lacks both proper state and federal funding.

here you go....


In fact, public investment in higher education in America is vastly larger today, in inflation-adjusted dollars, than it was during the supposed golden age of public funding in the 1960s. Such spending has increased at a much faster rate than government spending in general. For example, the military’s budget is about 1.8 times higher today than it was in 1960, while legislative appropriations to higher education are more than 10 times higher.

In other words, far from being caused by funding cuts, the astonishing rise in college tuition correlates closely with a huge increase in public subsidies for higher education. If over the past three decades car prices had gone up as fast as tuition, the average new car would cost more than $80,000.

Some of this increased spending in education has been driven by a sharp rise in the percentage of Americans who go to college. While the college-age population has not increased since the tail end of the baby boom, the percentage of the population enrolled in college has risen significantly, especially in the last 20 years. Enrollment in undergraduate, graduate and professional programs has increased by almost 50 percent since 1995. As a consequence, while state legislative appropriations for higher education have risen much faster than inflation, total state appropriations per student are somewhat lower than they were at their peak in 1990. (Appropriations per student are much higher now than they were in the 1960s and 1970s, when tuition was a small fraction of what it is today.)

Do you know how you find the truth and reality.......listen to the left wing.....and realize they are lying to you...on everything...then go and look for the truth and reality....
As I've pointed out to Toddster, it is research and Pell grants that have increased by federal funding, not the funding of tuition which has deceased.
Throwing money at education is the ONLY way to improve it. The problem with public school performance in this country can be attributed to a variety of reasons, one of those is poor utilization of the money spent. I'm not suggesting we throw more money at lower education, but cutting it would be a horrible idea.

Higher education is a very separate issue. It lacks compared to the rest of the world because of how poorly funded it is. Tuition hikes result because of poor government investment.

The government "invests" more than ever in college funding.
That's why things are more fucked up than ever.
No it doesn't. That's a lie.

Historically, states have provided a far greater amount of assistance to postsecondary institutions and students; 65 percent more than the federal government on average from 1987 to 2012. But this difference narrowed dramatically in recent years, particularly since the Great Recession, as state spending declined and federal investments grew sharply, largely driven by increases in the Pell Grant program, a need-based financial aid program that is the biggest component of federal higher education spending.

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Federal and State Funding of Higher Education A Changing Landscape

Lol I know you cons have a serious deficit with critical thinking skills, but try and keep up will you? Your first graph refers to federal funding in terms of Pell grants and state funding of research. Not only are Pell grands targeted to ONLY poor students and NOT the institutions themselves, but it has barely risen sharply. The most critical federal funding goes to tuition and that has dropped over the years. That is what has been lacking. That is why tuition has been going up. All of this state funding varies greatly by state. The red shithole or MS for example, lacks both proper state and federal funding.

No...tuition goes up because government loans have increased........
No there is no evidence of that. These are non profit institutions. They don't benefit from jacking up tuition costs. Besides, Pell grants only go to poor students.
I think we get the point that nothing is free, however, when comparing ourselves to other nations, and examining the ever rising cost of living/tuition/text book costs/etc it becomes clear something needs to be done. With student debt soaring to unimaginable levels, I believe bernie's plan is what we need.
The government "invests" more than ever in college funding.
That's why things are more fucked up than ever.
No it doesn't. That's a lie.

Historically, states have provided a far greater amount of assistance to postsecondary institutions and students; 65 percent more than the federal government on average from 1987 to 2012. But this difference narrowed dramatically in recent years, particularly since the Great Recession, as state spending declined and federal investments grew sharply, largely driven by increases in the Pell Grant program, a need-based financial aid program that is the biggest component of federal higher education spending.

View attachment 46919

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View attachment 46922

Federal and State Funding of Higher Education A Changing Landscape

Lol I know you cons have a serious deficit with critical thinking skills, but try and keep up will you? Your first graph refers to federal funding in terms of Pell grants and state funding of research. Not only are Pell grands targeted to ONLY poor students and NOT the institutions themselves, but it has barely risen sharply. The most critical federal funding goes to tuition and that has dropped over the years. That is what has been lacking. That is why tuition has been going up. All of this state funding varies greatly by state. The red shithole or MS for example, lacks both proper state and federal funding.

No...tuition goes up because government loans have increased........
No there is no evidence of that. These are non profit institutions. They don't benefit from jacking up tuition costs. Besides, Pell grants only go to poor students.

Yes they do.....why do you think these guys raise tuition....they get huge salaries as adminstrators...
I think we get the point that nothing is free, however, when comparing ourselves to other nations, and examining the ever rising cost of living/tuition/text book costs/etc it becomes clear something needs to be done. With student debt soaring to unimaginable levels, I believe bernie's plan is what we need.

No, we need to get government out of the school funding business.....as P.J. O'rourke said about nationalizing healthcare to make it "free"...

"If you think healthcare is expensive now...wait till it's free."

The same will happen to education.....when the government pays....the schools will pay off the politicians and the politicians will increase the spending to those schools....
I think we get the point that nothing is free, however, when comparing ourselves to other nations, and examining the ever rising cost of living/tuition/text book costs/etc it becomes clear something needs to be done. With student debt soaring to unimaginable levels, I believe bernie's plan is what we need.

No, we need to get government out of the school funding business.....as P.J. O'rourke said about nationalizing healthcare to make it "free"...

"If you think healthcare is expensive now...wait till it's free."

The same will happen to education.....when the government pays....the schools will pay off the politicians and the politicians will increase the spending to those schools....
Yeah, 1 trillion+ in student debt, let's cut pell grants and it'll all be alright. Republican magic.

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