Rightwingers: what do you think of Bernie's plan for free tuition?

The estimated cost per year for the government providing free tuition would be about 60 billion. Bernie would place a tax on Wall Street speculation to pay for it.

Now before you all go into your rants about "liberal free lunch bullshit derp, derp, derp!" you should consider WHY this is a great idea. This isn't about giving individuals hand outs, this is about how higher education benefits the country as a whole. Plenty of intelligent people who cannot afford to go to college or are discouraged by the massive student debt that they would accumulate choose not to attend. Imagine the implications if we had an influx of people getting degrees in science, public policy, or business administration. Don't you think those educated people would bring a great deal of contribution to this country?

Sorry.....it is stupid. Giving money to people who may not be suited for college is a waste...by individuals seeking out their own way to college it is a selection process...otherwise you are taking money from people in the form of taxes to pay for some kid to study 17th century French poetry, coming out with no way to get a job and then ending up getting welfare because they can't support themselves....

And just using the words "public policy" shows you have no real concept of how the world works...........if you want to lower college costs...get student loans out of the hands of government.......that is what is jacking up college tuition well beyond any other expense.....

Exactly, they want to go full Socialist/communist like Bernie baby wants. they should take these people and do like China does. FORCE them into Manual labor fixing up all that infrastructure the Government was so kind to give us.
Rightwingers: what do you think of Bernie's plan for free tuition?

It's not free gawd that was easy, next silly liberal question.

gawd what does it take to get that through these lefties/socialist heads?
they think we are ALL made out of monies to give to everyone else in this country and who cares if it takes monies from OUR FAMILES to do it. twisted
This will encourage even more ridiculous increases in the cost of tuition.

It will encourage even more degree inflation.

You give the consumer free money to pay for products, the producers will find products to take all the money that is available.

You think Distribution of Studies is a waste of time and money now? Wait till the money is being paid by a Third Party not involved in the buying decision.

INcreased demand leads to higher prices.

Hey, I have an idea. Higher salaries to attract better teachers. Who could be against that?

And more research. Who could be against that?

And day care so that that more adult students can take advantage of the Free College. Who could be against that?

And gold plated door knobs on all the door handles! After all, it's free money! Just send the bill to the Government and they can print up more money!:beer:
Lol typically increased demand leads to lower prices, but I don't think that would happen here. You're talking about money that pays professors to do their job. It's not like the institutions are inclined to give these people big pay raises.

As soon as the institutions realize there is a new revenue stream they will raise the tuition and anything else they can.
And I love this 'free' this 'free' that....
It's NOT free....Someone is paying for it.

Tax and spend tax and spend....

It's in the left's DNA.....
This will encourage even more ridiculous increases in the cost of tuition.

It will encourage even more degree inflation.

You give the consumer free money to pay for products, the producers will find products to take all the money that is available.

You think Distribution of Studies is a waste of time and money now? Wait till the money is being paid by a Third Party not involved in the buying decision.

INcreased demand leads to higher prices.

Hey, I have an idea. Higher salaries to attract better teachers. Who could be against that?

And more research. Who could be against that?

And day care so that that more adult students can take advantage of the Free College. Who could be against that?

And gold plated door knobs on all the door handles! After all, it's free money! Just send the bill to the Government and they can print up more money!:beer:
Lol typically increased demand leads to lower prices, but I don't think that would happen here. You're talking about money that pays professors to do their job. It's not like the institutions are inclined to give these people big pay raises.

No, in creased demand leads to higher prices.

It is a fundamental law of economics.
Imagine how much americans could have paid down their own debt had the stimulus been sent to every citizen. But, O had to give it to his cronies.

damn near a TRILLION dollars stolen from us and we have NO accounting of where that money went . that's all that Transparency that thug promised those he duped into voting for him
This will encourage even more ridiculous increases in the cost of tuition.

It will encourage even more degree inflation.

You give the consumer free money to pay for products, the producers will find products to take all the money that is available.

You think Distribution of Studies is a waste of time and money now? Wait till the money is being paid by a Third Party not involved in the buying decision.

INcreased demand leads to higher prices.

Hey, I have an idea. Higher salaries to attract better teachers. Who could be against that?

And more research. Who could be against that?

And day care so that that more adult students can take advantage of the Free College. Who could be against that?

And gold plated door knobs on all the door handles! After all, it's free money! Just send the bill to the Government and they can print up more money!:beer:
Lol typically increased demand leads to lower prices, but I don't think that would happen here. You're talking about money that pays professors to do their job. It's not like the institutions are inclined to give these people big pay raises.

As soon as the institutions realize there is a new revenue stream they will raise the tuition and anything else they can.
And I love this 'free' this 'free' that....
It's NOT free....Someone is paying for it.

Tax and spend tax and spend....

It's in the left's DNA.....
You do know that public schools are non profit right?
This will encourage even more ridiculous increases in the cost of tuition.

It will encourage even more degree inflation.

You give the consumer free money to pay for products, the producers will find products to take all the money that is available.

You think Distribution of Studies is a waste of time and money now? Wait till the money is being paid by a Third Party not involved in the buying decision.

INcreased demand leads to higher prices.

Hey, I have an idea. Higher salaries to attract better teachers. Who could be against that?

And more research. Who could be against that?

And day care so that that more adult students can take advantage of the Free College. Who could be against that?

And gold plated door knobs on all the door handles! After all, it's free money! Just send the bill to the Government and they can print up more money!:beer:
Lol typically increased demand leads to lower prices, but I don't think that would happen here. You're talking about money that pays professors to do their job. It's not like the institutions are inclined to give these people big pay raises.

you have it backwards. why do you think gold is more valuable than dirt?
The estimated cost per year for the government providing free tuition would be about 60 billion. Bernie would place a tax on Wall Street speculation to pay for it.

Now before you all go into your rants about "liberal free lunch bullshit derp, derp, derp!" you should consider WHY this is a great idea. This isn't about giving individuals hand outs, this is about how higher education benefits the country as a whole. Plenty of intelligent people who cannot afford to go to college or are discouraged by the massive student debt that they would accumulate choose not to attend. Imagine the implications if we had an influx of people getting degrees in science, public policy, or business administration. Don't you think those educated people would bring a great deal of contribution to this country?

Sorry.....it is stupid. Giving money to people who may not be suited for college is a waste...by individuals seeking out their own way to college it is a selection process...otherwise you are taking money from people in the form of taxes to pay for some kid to study 17th century French poetry, coming out with no way to get a job and then ending up getting welfare because they can't support themselves....

And just using the words "public policy" shows you have no real concept of how the world works...........if you want to lower college costs...get student loans out of the hands of government.......that is what is jacking up college tuition well beyond any other expense.....

Exactly, they want to go full Socialist/communist like Bernie baby wants. they should take these people and do like China does. FORCE them into Manual labor fixing up all that infrastructure the Government was so kind to give us.

That is where it always ends up anyway...that and mass graves of those who disagree with them....
This will encourage even more ridiculous increases in the cost of tuition.

It will encourage even more degree inflation.

You give the consumer free money to pay for products, the producers will find products to take all the money that is available.

You think Distribution of Studies is a waste of time and money now? Wait till the money is being paid by a Third Party not involved in the buying decision.

INcreased demand leads to higher prices.

Hey, I have an idea. Higher salaries to attract better teachers. Who could be against that?

And more research. Who could be against that?

And day care so that that more adult students can take advantage of the Free College. Who could be against that?

And gold plated door knobs on all the door handles! After all, it's free money! Just send the bill to the Government and they can print up more money!:beer:
Lol typically increased demand leads to lower prices, but I don't think that would happen here. You're talking about money that pays professors to do their job. It's not like the institutions are inclined to give these people big pay raises.

As soon as the institutions realize there is a new revenue stream they will raise the tuition and anything else they can.
And I love this 'free' this 'free' that....
It's NOT free....Someone is paying for it.

Tax and spend tax and spend....

It's in the left's DNA.....
You do know that public schools are non profit right?

And they suck......
This will encourage even more ridiculous increases in the cost of tuition.

It will encourage even more degree inflation.

You give the consumer free money to pay for products, the producers will find products to take all the money that is available.

You think Distribution of Studies is a waste of time and money now? Wait till the money is being paid by a Third Party not involved in the buying decision.

INcreased demand leads to higher prices.

Hey, I have an idea. Higher salaries to attract better teachers. Who could be against that?

And more research. Who could be against that?

And day care so that that more adult students can take advantage of the Free College. Who could be against that?

And gold plated door knobs on all the door handles! After all, it's free money! Just send the bill to the Government and they can print up more money!:beer:
Lol typically increased demand leads to lower prices, but I don't think that would happen here. You're talking about money that pays professors to do their job. It's not like the institutions are inclined to give these people big pay raises.

Lol typically increased demand leads to lower prices

Typical example of liberal idiocy.
This will encourage even more ridiculous increases in the cost of tuition.

It will encourage even more degree inflation.

You give the consumer free money to pay for products, the producers will find products to take all the money that is available.

You think Distribution of Studies is a waste of time and money now? Wait till the money is being paid by a Third Party not involved in the buying decision.

INcreased demand leads to higher prices.

Hey, I have an idea. Higher salaries to attract better teachers. Who could be against that?

And more research. Who could be against that?

And day care so that that more adult students can take advantage of the Free College. Who could be against that?

And gold plated door knobs on all the door handles! After all, it's free money! Just send the bill to the Government and they can print up more money!:beer:
Lol typically increased demand leads to lower prices, but I don't think that would happen here. You're talking about money that pays professors to do their job. It's not like the institutions are inclined to give these people big pay raises.

Please correct this post, you can't be serious. Increase demand ALWAYS leads to HIGHER prices. Maybe you are being sarcastic, you have to be.

As for wages:


For the rest of America wages have stagnated.
I don't buy your source at all. The reality is that part time work among professors is on the rise and their salaries have remained flat between 2002 and 2010.


How staff benefits and student services drive up college tuition Education Lab Blog Seattle Times

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