Rightwingers: what do you think of Bernie's plan for free tuition?

Please correct this post, you can't be serious. Increase demand ALWAYS leads to HIGHER prices. Maybe you are being sarcastic, you have to be.

As for wages:


For the rest of America wages have stagnated.
I don't buy your source at all. The reality is that part time work among professors is on the rise and their salaries have remained flat between 2002 and 2010.


How staff benefits and student services drive up college tuition Education Lab Blog Seattle Times

From you first link, which answers all the statements you have made.

In fact, public investment in higher education in America is vastly larger today, in inflation-adjusted dollars, than it was during the supposed golden age of public funding in the 1960s. Such spending has increased at a much faster rate than government spending in general. For example, the military’s budget is about 1.8 times higher today than it was in 1960, while legislative appropriations to higher education are more than 10 times higher.

In other words, far from being caused by funding cuts, the astonishing rise in college tuition correlates closely with a huge increase in public subsidies for higher education. If over the past three decades car prices had gone up as fast as tuition, the average new car would cost more than $80,000.

Some of this increased spending in education has been driven by a sharp rise in the percentage of Americans who go to college. While the college-age population has not increased since the tail end of the baby boom, the percentage of the population enrolled in college has risen significantly, especially in the last 20 years. Enrollment in undergraduate, graduate and professional programs has increased by almost 50 percent since 1995. As a consequence, while state legislative appropriations for higher education have risen much faster than inflation, total state appropriations per student are somewhat lower than they were at their peak in 1990. (Appropriations per student are much higher now than they were in the 1960s and 1970s, when tuition was a small fraction of what it is today.)

According to your source I will admit to being wrong in blaming the professors, although sources show otherwise professors don't seem to be the problem it is just colleges increasing administration to justify increase in costs.

From your link;

By contrast, a major factor driving increasing costs is the constant expansion of university administration. According to the Department of Education data, administrative positions at colleges and universities grew by 60 percent between 1993 and 2009, which Bloomberg reported was 10 times the rate of growth of tenured faculty positions.

Even more strikingly, an analysis by a professor at California Polytechnic University, Pomona, found that, while the total number of full-time faculty members in the C.S.U. system grew from 11,614 to 12,019 between 1975 and 2008, the total number of administrators grew from 3,800 to 12,183 — a 221 percent increase.
Yes but none of this changes the fact that less college professors are working full time and are being paid flat. While the administrative costs do matter in the issue of rising cost of tuition, it doesn't change the fact that the primary reason for the higher costs is less government funding. These institutions depend on them. It says that in the very text you copied and pasted.

That is a problem with the administration of the college. College administrators, according to you link, are now demanding 7 figure wages. WTF do they do to earn that money?
This isn't a compelling reason not to have the government fund tuition. If we need to curb the wages of college administrators, then we will. Again, all of this depends on government funding.

My solution is government funded colleges in competition with private colleges. No more 7 figure handouts to administrators.
education should be free to all those willing to learn

Oh gosh, not again, NOTHING in this life is FREE.
Including tax cuts.

OMG is that an interesting statement. The only way it can be true is if you really believe that all our money belongs to the government. A tax cut is the same as the cost of a car being reduced.
You do realize, of course, that besides bloated defense spending, the primary reason our national debt is so high is because of Bush's tax cuts. Cutting revenue means more borrowing.
Please correct this post, you can't be serious. Increase demand ALWAYS leads to HIGHER prices. Maybe you are being sarcastic, you have to be.

As for wages:


For the rest of America wages have stagnated.
I don't buy your source at all. The reality is that part time work among professors is on the rise and their salaries have remained flat between 2002 and 2010.


How staff benefits and student services drive up college tuition Education Lab Blog Seattle Times

From you first link, which answers all the statements you have made.

In fact, public investment in higher education in America is vastly larger today, in inflation-adjusted dollars, than it was during the supposed golden age of public funding in the 1960s. Such spending has increased at a much faster rate than government spending in general. For example, the military’s budget is about 1.8 times higher today than it was in 1960, while legislative appropriations to higher education are more than 10 times higher.

In other words, far from being caused by funding cuts, the astonishing rise in college tuition correlates closely with a huge increase in public subsidies for higher education. If over the past three decades car prices had gone up as fast as tuition, the average new car would cost more than $80,000.

Some of this increased spending in education has been driven by a sharp rise in the percentage of Americans who go to college. While the college-age population has not increased since the tail end of the baby boom, the percentage of the population enrolled in college has risen significantly, especially in the last 20 years. Enrollment in undergraduate, graduate and professional programs has increased by almost 50 percent since 1995. As a consequence, while state legislative appropriations for higher education have risen much faster than inflation, total state appropriations per student are somewhat lower than they were at their peak in 1990. (Appropriations per student are much higher now than they were in the 1960s and 1970s, when tuition was a small fraction of what it is today.)

According to your source I will admit to being wrong in blaming the professors, although sources show otherwise professors don't seem to be the problem it is just colleges increasing administration to justify increase in costs.

From your link;

By contrast, a major factor driving increasing costs is the constant expansion of university administration. According to the Department of Education data, administrative positions at colleges and universities grew by 60 percent between 1993 and 2009, which Bloomberg reported was 10 times the rate of growth of tenured faculty positions.

Even more strikingly, an analysis by a professor at California Polytechnic University, Pomona, found that, while the total number of full-time faculty members in the C.S.U. system grew from 11,614 to 12,019 between 1975 and 2008, the total number of administrators grew from 3,800 to 12,183 — a 221 percent increase.
Yes but none of this changes the fact that less college professors are working full time and are being paid flat. While the administrative costs do matter in the issue of rising cost of tuition, it doesn't change the fact that the primary reason for the higher costs is less government funding. These institutions depend on them. It says that in the very text you copied and pasted.

That is a problem with the administration of the college. College administrators, according to you link, are now demanding 7 figure wages. WTF do they do to earn that money?
This isn't a compelling reason not to have the government fund tuition. If we need to curb the wages of college administrators, then we will. Again, all of this depends on government funding.
So do you seriously think the Democrats will cut the pay of all those Liberals they have indoctrinating the students?????
education should be free to all those willing to learn

Oh gosh, not again, NOTHING in this life is FREE.
Including tax cuts.

OMG is that an interesting statement. The only way it can be true is if you really believe that all our money belongs to the government. A tax cut is the same as the cost of a car being reduced.
You do realize, of course, that besides bloated defense spending, the primary reason our national debt is so high is because of Bush's tax cuts. Cutting revenue means more borrowing.

8 years of democrat rule and you still are blaming Bush? 8 years they had to correct Bush's error? And no I don't know that the tax cuts are the cause of the soaring debt that Obama put our children.
education should be free to all those willing to learn

Oh gosh, not again, NOTHING in this life is FREE.
Including tax cuts.

OMG is that an interesting statement. The only way it can be true is if you really believe that all our money belongs to the government. A tax cut is the same as the cost of a car being reduced.
You do realize, of course, that besides bloated defense spending, the primary reason our national debt is so high is because of Bush's tax cuts. Cutting revenue means more borrowing.

8 years of democrat rule and you still are blaming Bush? 8 years they had to correct Bush's error? And no I don't know that the tax cuts are the cause of the soaring debt that Obama put our children.
I'm not just blaming Bush. Obama extended his tax cuts. Less revenue=more borrowing. It's simple.
The estimated cost per year for the government providing free tuition would be about 60 billion. Bernie would place a tax on Wall Street speculation to pay for it.

Now before you all go into your rants about "liberal free lunch bullshit derp, derp, derp!" you should consider WHY this is a great idea. This isn't about giving individuals hand outs, this is about how higher education benefits the country as a whole. Plenty of intelligent people who cannot afford to go to college or are discouraged by the massive student debt that they would accumulate choose not to attend. Imagine the implications if we had an influx of people getting degrees in science, public policy, or business administration. Don't you think those educated people would bring a great deal of contribution to this country?
His job is to protect the nation from all enemies foreign and domestic....not hand out bribes in hopes of buying votes.
Oh gosh, not again, NOTHING in this life is FREE.
Including tax cuts.

OMG is that an interesting statement. The only way it can be true is if you really believe that all our money belongs to the government. A tax cut is the same as the cost of a car being reduced.
You do realize, of course, that besides bloated defense spending, the primary reason our national debt is so high is because of Bush's tax cuts. Cutting revenue means more borrowing.

8 years of democrat rule and you still are blaming Bush? 8 years they had to correct Bush's error? And no I don't know that the tax cuts are the cause of the soaring debt that Obama put our children.
I'm not just blaming Bush. Obama extended his tax cuts. Less revenue=more borrowing. It's simple.
Yup....extended those terrible "Tax-cuts for the rich".

You guys are such hypocrites.
The estimated cost per year for the government providing free tuition would be about 60 billion. Bernie would place a tax on Wall Street speculation to pay for it.

Now before you all go into your rants about "liberal free lunch bullshit derp, derp, derp!" you should consider WHY this is a great idea. This isn't about giving individuals hand outs, this is about how higher education benefits the country as a whole. Plenty of intelligent people who cannot afford to go to college or are discouraged by the massive student debt that they would accumulate choose not to attend. Imagine the implications if we had an influx of people getting degrees in science, public policy, or business administration. Don't you think those educated people would bring a great deal of contribution to this country?
Shittiest idea to come down the pike.
First, a lot of people have no business going to college. They will simply not benefit from it.
Second, with the average unemployment/underemployment rate for recent college grads at close to 50% it is clear adding more useless BA's to the mix will not make anyone richer.
Third, as pointed out colleges will simply raise tuition to whatever they can get
Fourth, "Wall St Speculators" have been popular targets for 200 years. Because no one understands what they do and the valuable service they perform they are an easy target. But taxing them will be shooting ourselves in the foot.
education should be free to all those willing to learn

Oh gosh, not again, NOTHING in this life is FREE.
Including tax cuts.

OMG is that an interesting statement. The only way it can be true is if you really believe that all our money belongs to the government. A tax cut is the same as the cost of a car being reduced.
You do realize, of course, that besides bloated defense spending, the primary reason our national debt is so high is because of Bush's tax cuts. Cutting revenue means more borrowing.
All of the debt is because of massive spending. You shouldn't spend what you don't have by establishing baseline budgeting......and our money doesn't belong to the government like some sort of entitlement. They have to learn to live within their means like we do.
Rightwingers: what do you think of Bernie's plan for free tuition?

It's not free gawd that was easy, next silly liberal question.

And anytime you get the government involved costs go up....see Obamacare


Are you stating everytime!! Look at VA healthcare costs compared to private.... You're wrong... There is countless times where a society is better to pay for stuff than leave it to private...

Your comment is just plain stupid...
Rightwingers: what do you think of Bernie's plan for free tuition?

It's not free gawd that was easy, next silly liberal question.

And anytime you get the government involved costs go up....see Obamacare


Are you stating everytime!! Look at VA healthcare costs compared to private.... You're wrong... There is countless times where a society is better to pay for stuff than leave it to private...

Your comment is just plain stupid...
Yeah the VA. An org that killed our veterans. What a great example of government efficiency. Thanks.! /end sarcasm
The estimated cost per year for the government providing free tuition would be about 60 billion. Bernie would place a tax on Wall Street speculation to pay for it.

Now before you all go into your rants about "liberal free lunch bullshit derp, derp, derp!" you should consider WHY this is a great idea. This isn't about giving individuals hand outs, this is about how higher education benefits the country as a whole. Plenty of intelligent people who cannot afford to go to college or are discouraged by the massive student debt that they would accumulate choose not to attend. Imagine the implications if we had an influx of people getting degrees in science, public policy, or business administration. Don't you think those educated people would bring a great deal of contribution to this country?
Shittiest idea to come down the pike.
First, a lot of people have no business going to college. They will simply not benefit from it.
Second, with the average unemployment/underemployment rate for recent college grads at close to 50% it is clear adding more useless BA's to the mix will not make anyone richer.
Third, as pointed out colleges will simply raise tuition to whatever they can get
Fourth, "Wall St Speculators" have been popular targets for 200 years. Because no one understands what they do and the valuable service they perform they are an easy target. But taxing them will be shooting ourselves in the foot.

Reason you didn't go to college is in your second sentence.... "average unemployment/underemployment rate for recent college grads " is nowhere near 50% which shows you would fail every college course because you can't argue a case on evidence..
Unemployment for recent college graduates higher in 2014 but prospects brightening this year Fox News
So you ignorance of evidence based arguments is the real reason...

Let me make clear to you, you lack the intellectual capacity or the discipline to gain a degree.
Rightwingers: what do you think of Bernie's plan for free tuition?

It's not free gawd that was easy, next silly liberal question.

And anytime you get the government involved costs go up....see Obamacare


Are you stating everytime!! Look at VA healthcare costs compared to private.... You're wrong... There is countless times where a society is better to pay for stuff than leave it to private...

Your comment is just plain stupid...
Yeah the VA. An org that killed our veterans. What a great example of government efficiency. Thanks.! /end sarcasm
Only a douche bag like you would feel the need to clarify the use of sarcasm.

Oh, and as always you're wrong. The primary reason for rising tuition is a lack of government funding. You are also too stupid to understand public schools. They are non profit. They don't jack up tuition to make money you goon.
You get what you pay for. The VA pays little for healthcare and provides almost none. Colleges have subsidized education and provide almost none.

If there was going to be a solution that involved free or very low cost education, the solution would be to have medicine, physics and math majors pay next to nothing, and social science majors pay hundreds of thousands of dollars without any subsidy at all.
The estimated cost per year for the government providing free tuition would be about 60 billion. Bernie would place a tax on Wall Street speculation to pay for it.

Now before you all go into your rants about "liberal free lunch bullshit derp, derp, derp!" you should consider WHY this is a great idea. This isn't about giving individuals hand outs, this is about how higher education benefits the country as a whole. Plenty of intelligent people who cannot afford to go to college or are discouraged by the massive student debt that they would accumulate choose not to attend. Imagine the implications if we had an influx of people getting degrees in science, public policy, or business administration. Don't you think those educated people would bring a great deal of contribution to this country?
Shittiest idea to come down the pike.
First, a lot of people have no business going to college. They will simply not benefit from it.
Second, with the average unemployment/underemployment rate for recent college grads at close to 50% it is clear adding more useless BA's to the mix will not make anyone richer.
Third, as pointed out colleges will simply raise tuition to whatever they can get
Fourth, "Wall St Speculators" have been popular targets for 200 years. Because no one understands what they do and the valuable service they perform they are an easy target. But taxing them will be shooting ourselves in the foot.

Reason you didn't go to college is in your second sentence.... "average unemployment/underemployment rate for recent college grads " is nowhere near 50% which shows you would fail every college course because you can't argue a case on evidence..
Unemployment for recent college graduates higher in 2014 but prospects brightening this year Fox News
So you ignorance of evidence based arguments is the real reason...

Let me make clear to you, you lack the intellectual capacity or the discipline to gain a degree.
I went to college and grad school.
You must have left sometime around 9th grade.
Overqualified and Underemployed The Job Market Waiting for Graduates - Forbes

Face it, you are simply wrong. And stupid. Quit posting and wasting everyone's time with your worthless trash.
Rightwingers: what do you think of Bernie's plan for free tuition?

It's not free gawd that was easy, next silly liberal question.

And anytime you get the government involved costs go up....see Obamacare


Are you stating everytime!! Look at VA healthcare costs compared to private.... You're wrong... There is countless times where a society is better to pay for stuff than leave it to private...

Your comment is just plain stupid...
Yeah the VA. An org that killed our veterans. What a great example of government efficiency. Thanks.! /end sarcasm
Only a douche bag like you would feel the need to clarify the use of sarcasm.

Oh, and as always you're wrong. The primary reason for rising tuition is a lack of government funding. You are also too stupid to understand public schools. They are non profit. They don't jack up tuition to make money you goon.
Yet another fail post from Billy Triple Fail, wrongest poster on USMB.
It isnt that you dont know anything, Billy. Well, OK it IS that you dont know anything.
College Loans Are Part of the Problem Not the Solution - NYTimes.com
Oh gosh, not again, NOTHING in this life is FREE.
Including tax cuts.

OMG is that an interesting statement. The only way it can be true is if you really believe that all our money belongs to the government. A tax cut is the same as the cost of a car being reduced.
You do realize, of course, that besides bloated defense spending, the primary reason our national debt is so high is because of Bush's tax cuts. Cutting revenue means more borrowing.

8 years of democrat rule and you still are blaming Bush? 8 years they had to correct Bush's error? And no I don't know that the tax cuts are the cause of the soaring debt that Obama put our children.
I'm not just blaming Bush. Obama extended his tax cuts. Less revenue=more borrowing. It's simple.

Last I read tax revenues to the US government were at historic highs.

Rightwingers: what do you think of Bernie's plan for free tuition?

It's not free gawd that was easy, next silly liberal question.

And anytime you get the government involved costs go up....see Obamacare


Are you stating everytime!! Look at VA healthcare costs compared to private.... You're wrong... There is countless times where a society is better to pay for stuff than leave it to private...

Your comment is just plain stupid...
Yeah the VA. An org that killed our veterans. What a great example of government efficiency. Thanks.! /end sarcasm
Independent 2013 Survey Shows Veterans Highly Satisfied with VA Care Veterans Today
Rightwingers: what do you think of Bernie's plan for free tuition?

It's not free gawd that was easy, next silly liberal question.

And anytime you get the government involved costs go up....see Obamacare


Are you stating everytime!! Look at VA healthcare costs compared to private.... You're wrong... There is countless times where a society is better to pay for stuff than leave it to private...

Your comment is just plain stupid...
Yeah the VA. An org that killed our veterans. What a great example of government efficiency. Thanks.! /end sarcasm
Independent 2013 Survey Shows Veterans Highly Satisfied with VA Care Veterans Today
proving your low education, low IQ credentials.
It doesnt matter how satisfied they are. IT matters what kind of care they get. And the VA scandal demonstrated that the VA is unaccountable and engaged in trickery to meet numbers.
The simple thing here is for every dollar invested in education it yields nine dollars in extra revenue...

So while the GOP has no problem wasting 2 trillion on the Iraq war (which would pay for 33 years).

The problem in GOP is they are too scared to invest in America and prefer to squander the money in senseless wars.

Even the army is complaining:
Obesity poor education big obstacles to military recruiting

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