Rightwingers: what do you think of Bernie's plan for free tuition?

The estimated cost per year for the government providing free tuition would be about 60 billion. Bernie would place a tax on Wall Street speculation to pay for it.

Now before you all go into your rants about "liberal free lunch bullshit derp, derp, derp!" you should consider WHY this is a great idea. This isn't about giving individuals hand outs, this is about how higher education benefits the country as a whole. Plenty of intelligent people who cannot afford to go to college or are discouraged by the massive student debt that they would accumulate choose not to attend. Imagine the implications if we had an influx of people getting degrees in science, public policy, or business administration. Don't you think those educated people would bring a great deal of contribution to this country?

I agree, but with so many jobs being outsourced, hb-1 visa holders allowed to come here to drag down wages etc. the future looks dim for the young anyway, education or no education. We need a president like Sanders to put a stop to this. Only Sanders and Trump are against this de industrialization of America that's been going on for years, which is one of the main reasons for their immense popularity, and the establishment hates them for this. Both democrat and republican fat cats and the DNC and RNC included.
Wait a minute, what about payback? I paid my way and now I want the government to take over my car payments.
It's not free gawd that was easy, next silly liberal question.

And anytime you get the government involved costs go up....see Obamacare


Are you stating everytime!! Look at VA healthcare costs compared to private.... You're wrong... There is countless times where a society is better to pay for stuff than leave it to private...

Your comment is just plain stupid...
Yeah the VA. An org that killed our veterans. What a great example of government efficiency. Thanks.! /end sarcasm
Only a douche bag like you would feel the need to clarify the use of sarcasm.

Oh, and as always you're wrong. The primary reason for rising tuition is a lack of government funding. You are also too stupid to understand public schools. They are non profit. They don't jack up tuition to make money you goon.
Yet another fail post from Billy Triple Fail, wrongest poster on USMB.
It isnt that you dont know anything, Billy. Well, OK it IS that you dont know anything.
College Loans Are Part of the Problem Not the Solution - NYTimes.com
Lol leave it to you to randomly Google just to win an argument. Did you even read the article? Of course not because you found it randomly. It is an opinionated article about the eligibility of obtaining student loans. Not even close to the issue at hand.
Including tax cuts.

OMG is that an interesting statement. The only way it can be true is if you really believe that all our money belongs to the government. A tax cut is the same as the cost of a car being reduced.
You do realize, of course, that besides bloated defense spending, the primary reason our national debt is so high is because of Bush's tax cuts. Cutting revenue means more borrowing.

8 years of democrat rule and you still are blaming Bush? 8 years they had to correct Bush's error? And no I don't know that the tax cuts are the cause of the soaring debt that Obama put our children.
I'm not just blaming Bush. Obama extended his tax cuts. Less revenue=more borrowing. It's simple.

Last I read tax revenues to the US government were at historic highs.

No this graph refers to raw dollars. That isn't how you properly measure revenue. Inflation and the size of the economy must be taken into account. The proper way to measure it is computing it as a percentage of GDP. In 2000, it was 20% of GDP. Now it is around 16%.
And anytime you get the government involved costs go up....see Obamacare


Are you stating everytime!! Look at VA healthcare costs compared to private.... You're wrong... There is countless times where a society is better to pay for stuff than leave it to private...

Your comment is just plain stupid...
Yeah the VA. An org that killed our veterans. What a great example of government efficiency. Thanks.! /end sarcasm
Only a douche bag like you would feel the need to clarify the use of sarcasm.

Oh, and as always you're wrong. The primary reason for rising tuition is a lack of government funding. You are also too stupid to understand public schools. They are non profit. They don't jack up tuition to make money you goon.
Yet another fail post from Billy Triple Fail, wrongest poster on USMB.
It isnt that you dont know anything, Billy. Well, OK it IS that you dont know anything.
College Loans Are Part of the Problem Not the Solution - NYTimes.com
Lol leave it to you to randomly Google just to win an argument. Did you even read the article? Of course not because you found it randomly. It is an opinionated article about the eligibility of obtaining student loans. Not even close to the issue at hand.
Billy, are you going full retard on this one? Here's the opening paragraph:

Student loans are part of the problem, not the solution, in dealing with rising higher education costs. Expanding student loans enhances the ability of colleges to engage in a costly academic arms race that our nation increasingly cannot afford. Education Secretary Bill Bennett was right in 1987 when he said that the student loan program’s benefits are dissipated because schools simply raise their tuition and fees to capture much of the loan money for themselves.

That is precisely the argument here. One you have already lost.
OMG is that an interesting statement. The only way it can be true is if you really believe that all our money belongs to the government. A tax cut is the same as the cost of a car being reduced.
You do realize, of course, that besides bloated defense spending, the primary reason our national debt is so high is because of Bush's tax cuts. Cutting revenue means more borrowing.

8 years of democrat rule and you still are blaming Bush? 8 years they had to correct Bush's error? And no I don't know that the tax cuts are the cause of the soaring debt that Obama put our children.
I'm not just blaming Bush. Obama extended his tax cuts. Less revenue=more borrowing. It's simple.

Last I read tax revenues to the US government were at historic highs.

No this graph refers to raw dollars. That isn't how you properly measure revenue. Inflation and the size of the economy must be taken into account. The proper way to measure it is computing it as a percentage of GDP. In 2000, it was 20% of GDP. Now it is around 16%.
Wrong again, Billy.

Notice what happened between 2009 and 2014? Yup, that's record revenue for this century flowing to the federal government, even by your own measure. And deficits are still higher than they were before the recession.
I await your next evasion.

Are you stating everytime!! Look at VA healthcare costs compared to private.... You're wrong... There is countless times where a society is better to pay for stuff than leave it to private...

Your comment is just plain stupid...
Yeah the VA. An org that killed our veterans. What a great example of government efficiency. Thanks.! /end sarcasm
Only a douche bag like you would feel the need to clarify the use of sarcasm.

Oh, and as always you're wrong. The primary reason for rising tuition is a lack of government funding. You are also too stupid to understand public schools. They are non profit. They don't jack up tuition to make money you goon.
Yet another fail post from Billy Triple Fail, wrongest poster on USMB.
It isnt that you dont know anything, Billy. Well, OK it IS that you dont know anything.
College Loans Are Part of the Problem Not the Solution - NYTimes.com
Lol leave it to you to randomly Google just to win an argument. Did you even read the article? Of course not because you found it randomly. It is an opinionated article about the eligibility of obtaining student loans. Not even close to the issue at hand.
Billy, are you going full retard on this one? Here's the opening paragraph:

Student loans are part of the problem, not the solution, in dealing with rising higher education costs. Expanding student loans enhances the ability of colleges to engage in a costly academic arms race that our nation increasingly cannot afford. Education Secretary Bill Bennett was right in 1987 when he said that the student loan program’s benefits are dissipated because schools simply raise their tuition and fees to capture much of the loan money for themselves.

That is precisely the argument here. One you have already lost.
lol you are such a moron. 1987? Really? You're also second hand quoting a single dude. If you actually looked at the facts, you know the ones I provided to freewill are the actual reasons for rising tuition costs. It's less government funding.
The simple thing here is for every dollar invested in education it yields nine dollars in extra revenue...

So while the GOP has no problem wasting 2 trillion on the Iraq war (which would pay for 33 years).

The problem in GOP is they are too scared to invest in America and prefer to squander the money in senseless wars.

Even the army is complaining:
Obesity poor education big obstacles to military recruiting
Do you have any, ANY, proof that "every dollar invested in education yields 9 dollars in extra revenue"? Never mind that the statement doesnt specify who is investing and what kind of revenue.
Yeah the VA. An org that killed our veterans. What a great example of government efficiency. Thanks.! /end sarcasm
Only a douche bag like you would feel the need to clarify the use of sarcasm.

Oh, and as always you're wrong. The primary reason for rising tuition is a lack of government funding. You are also too stupid to understand public schools. They are non profit. They don't jack up tuition to make money you goon.
Yet another fail post from Billy Triple Fail, wrongest poster on USMB.
It isnt that you dont know anything, Billy. Well, OK it IS that you dont know anything.
College Loans Are Part of the Problem Not the Solution - NYTimes.com
Lol leave it to you to randomly Google just to win an argument. Did you even read the article? Of course not because you found it randomly. It is an opinionated article about the eligibility of obtaining student loans. Not even close to the issue at hand.
Billy, are you going full retard on this one? Here's the opening paragraph:

Student loans are part of the problem, not the solution, in dealing with rising higher education costs. Expanding student loans enhances the ability of colleges to engage in a costly academic arms race that our nation increasingly cannot afford. Education Secretary Bill Bennett was right in 1987 when he said that the student loan program’s benefits are dissipated because schools simply raise their tuition and fees to capture much of the loan money for themselves.

That is precisely the argument here. One you have already lost.
lol you are such a moron. 1987? Really? You're also second hand quoting a single dude. If you actually looked at the facts, you know the ones I provided to freewill are the actual reasons for rising tuition costs. It's less government funding.
As far back as 1987 this phenomenon was known. Do you have some refutation of this theory? Because the evidence is that tuition increases have exceeded the rate of inflation for over 30 years. And the reason is gov't loans.
You do realize, of course, that besides bloated defense spending, the primary reason our national debt is so high is because of Bush's tax cuts. Cutting revenue means more borrowing.

8 years of democrat rule and you still are blaming Bush? 8 years they had to correct Bush's error? And no I don't know that the tax cuts are the cause of the soaring debt that Obama put our children.
I'm not just blaming Bush. Obama extended his tax cuts. Less revenue=more borrowing. It's simple.

Last I read tax revenues to the US government were at historic highs.

No this graph refers to raw dollars. That isn't how you properly measure revenue. Inflation and the size of the economy must be taken into account. The proper way to measure it is computing it as a percentage of GDP. In 2000, it was 20% of GDP. Now it is around 16%.
Wrong again, Billy.

Notice what happened between 2009 and 2014? Yup, that's record revenue for this century flowing to the federal government, even by your own measure. And deficits are still higher than they were before the recession.
I await your next evasion.
You are so dumb. Can you not read a graph? The graph clearly shows that the percentage was higher in 2000.
Rightwingers: what do you think of Bernie's plan for free tuition?

It's not free gawd that was easy, next silly liberal question.
Did you even read my OP?

Is this a plan that hopes to raise the level of education of all people in the United States
The estimated cost per year for the government providing free tuition would be about 60 billion. Bernie would place a tax on Wall Street speculation to pay for it.

Now before you all go into your rants about "liberal free lunch bullshit derp, derp, derp!" you should consider WHY this is a great idea. This isn't about giving individuals hand outs, this is about how higher education benefits the country as a whole. Plenty of intelligent people who cannot afford to go to college or are discouraged by the massive student debt that they would accumulate choose not to attend. Imagine the implications if we had an influx of people getting degrees in science, public policy, or business administration. Don't you think those educated people would bring a great deal of contribution to this country?


Plenty of places that offer assistance with tuition; the military, corporations, etc....; if a person looks around. Other than their not willing to sign a contract with these agencies, which is their problem, then the question is...



8 years of democrat rule and you still are blaming Bush? 8 years they had to correct Bush's error? And no I don't know that the tax cuts are the cause of the soaring debt that Obama put our children.
I'm not just blaming Bush. Obama extended his tax cuts. Less revenue=more borrowing. It's simple.

Last I read tax revenues to the US government were at historic highs.

No this graph refers to raw dollars. That isn't how you properly measure revenue. Inflation and the size of the economy must be taken into account. The proper way to measure it is computing it as a percentage of GDP. In 2000, it was 20% of GDP. Now it is around 16%.
Wrong again, Billy.

Notice what happened between 2009 and 2014? Yup, that's record revenue for this century flowing to the federal government, even by your own measure. And deficits are still higher than they were before the recession.
I await your next evasion.
You are so dumb. Can you not read a graph? The graph clearly shows that the percentage was higher in 2000.
Note what happened between 2009 and 2014. Revenues are at record levels for this century, which began in 2001.
Only a douche bag like you would feel the need to clarify the use of sarcasm.

Oh, and as always you're wrong. The primary reason for rising tuition is a lack of government funding. You are also too stupid to understand public schools. They are non profit. They don't jack up tuition to make money you goon.
Yet another fail post from Billy Triple Fail, wrongest poster on USMB.
It isnt that you dont know anything, Billy. Well, OK it IS that you dont know anything.
College Loans Are Part of the Problem Not the Solution - NYTimes.com
Lol leave it to you to randomly Google just to win an argument. Did you even read the article? Of course not because you found it randomly. It is an opinionated article about the eligibility of obtaining student loans. Not even close to the issue at hand.
Billy, are you going full retard on this one? Here's the opening paragraph:

Student loans are part of the problem, not the solution, in dealing with rising higher education costs. Expanding student loans enhances the ability of colleges to engage in a costly academic arms race that our nation increasingly cannot afford. Education Secretary Bill Bennett was right in 1987 when he said that the student loan program’s benefits are dissipated because schools simply raise their tuition and fees to capture much of the loan money for themselves.

That is precisely the argument here. One you have already lost.
lol you are such a moron. 1987? Really? You're also second hand quoting a single dude. If you actually looked at the facts, you know the ones I provided to freewill are the actual reasons for rising tuition costs. It's less government funding.
As far back as 1987 this phenomenon was known. Do you have some refutation of this theory? Because the evidence is that tuition increases have exceeded the rate of inflation for over 30 years. And the reason is gov't loans.
No you goon he said it in 1987. Man you are desperate. Stop pulling stuff out of your ass. You and I both know you have no actual knowledge of this issue.
I'm not just blaming Bush. Obama extended his tax cuts. Less revenue=more borrowing. It's simple.

Last I read tax revenues to the US government were at historic highs.

No this graph refers to raw dollars. That isn't how you properly measure revenue. Inflation and the size of the economy must be taken into account. The proper way to measure it is computing it as a percentage of GDP. In 2000, it was 20% of GDP. Now it is around 16%.
Wrong again, Billy.

Notice what happened between 2009 and 2014? Yup, that's record revenue for this century flowing to the federal government, even by your own measure. And deficits are still higher than they were before the recession.
I await your next evasion.
You are so dumb. Can you not read a graph? The graph clearly shows that the percentage was higher in 2000.
Note what happened between 2009 and 2014. Revenues are at record levels for this century, which began in 2001.
Lol you are so pathetic.
Yet another fail post from Billy Triple Fail, wrongest poster on USMB.
It isnt that you dont know anything, Billy. Well, OK it IS that you dont know anything.
College Loans Are Part of the Problem Not the Solution - NYTimes.com
Lol leave it to you to randomly Google just to win an argument. Did you even read the article? Of course not because you found it randomly. It is an opinionated article about the eligibility of obtaining student loans. Not even close to the issue at hand.
Billy, are you going full retard on this one? Here's the opening paragraph:

Student loans are part of the problem, not the solution, in dealing with rising higher education costs. Expanding student loans enhances the ability of colleges to engage in a costly academic arms race that our nation increasingly cannot afford. Education Secretary Bill Bennett was right in 1987 when he said that the student loan program’s benefits are dissipated because schools simply raise their tuition and fees to capture much of the loan money for themselves.

That is precisely the argument here. One you have already lost.
lol you are such a moron. 1987? Really? You're also second hand quoting a single dude. If you actually looked at the facts, you know the ones I provided to freewill are the actual reasons for rising tuition costs. It's less government funding.
As far back as 1987 this phenomenon was known. Do you have some refutation of this theory? Because the evidence is that tuition increases have exceeded the rate of inflation for over 30 years. And the reason is gov't loans.
No you goon he said it in 1987. Man you are desperate. Stop pulling stuff out of your ass. You and I both know you have no actual knowledge of this issue.
Who is "he", moron? The article quotes Bill Bennett but the article itself came out last year.
Your problem, Billy, is that you're stupid.
Last I read tax revenues to the US government were at historic highs.

No this graph refers to raw dollars. That isn't how you properly measure revenue. Inflation and the size of the economy must be taken into account. The proper way to measure it is computing it as a percentage of GDP. In 2000, it was 20% of GDP. Now it is around 16%.
Wrong again, Billy.

Notice what happened between 2009 and 2014? Yup, that's record revenue for this century flowing to the federal government, even by your own measure. And deficits are still higher than they were before the recession.
I await your next evasion.
You are so dumb. Can you not read a graph? The graph clearly shows that the percentage was higher in 2000.
Note what happened between 2009 and 2014. Revenues are at record levels for this century, which began in 2001.
Lol you are so pathetic.
You surrender on this issue is noted and accepted.
This will encourage even more ridiculous increases in the cost of tuition.

It will encourage even more degree inflation.

Limit the colleges that are eligible to use the free tuition on, based on their costs.

Oh...so that way they can get sweetheart deals from the politicians and the politicians will decide which schools gets all that government money...and which ones don't........yeah...that won't be a problem....
No this graph refers to raw dollars. That isn't how you properly measure revenue. Inflation and the size of the economy must be taken into account. The proper way to measure it is computing it as a percentage of GDP. In 2000, it was 20% of GDP. Now it is around 16%.
Wrong again, Billy.

Notice what happened between 2009 and 2014? Yup, that's record revenue for this century flowing to the federal government, even by your own measure. And deficits are still higher than they were before the recession.
I await your next evasion.
You are so dumb. Can you not read a graph? The graph clearly shows that the percentage was higher in 2000.
Note what happened between 2009 and 2014. Revenues are at record levels for this century, which began in 2001.
Lol you are so pathetic.
You surrender on this issue is noted and accepted.
Do you even know what point you're trying to make?
Rightwingers: what do you think of Bernie's plan for free tuition?

It's not free gawd that was easy, next silly liberal question.

And anytime you get the government involved costs go up....see Obamacare


Are you stating everytime!! Look at VA healthcare costs compared to private.... You're wrong... There is countless times where a society is better to pay for stuff than leave it to private...

Your comment is just plain stupid...
Yeah the VA. An org that killed our veterans. What a great example of government efficiency. Thanks.! /end sarcasm
Only a douche bag like you would feel the need to clarify the use of sarcasm.

Oh, and as always you're wrong. The primary reason for rising tuition is a lack of government funding. You are also too stupid to understand public schools. They are non profit. They don't jack up tuition to make money you goon.
You make this assertion many times while not backing it up.
It's not free gawd that was easy, next silly liberal question.

And anytime you get the government involved costs go up....see Obamacare


Are you stating everytime!! Look at VA healthcare costs compared to private.... You're wrong... There is countless times where a society is better to pay for stuff than leave it to private...

Your comment is just plain stupid...
Yeah the VA. An org that killed our veterans. What a great example of government efficiency. Thanks.! /end sarcasm
Only a douche bag like you would feel the need to clarify the use of sarcasm.

Oh, and as always you're wrong. The primary reason for rising tuition is a lack of government funding. You are also too stupid to understand public schools. They are non profit. They don't jack up tuition to make money you goon.
You make this assertion many times while not backing it up.
I did. Check out the exchange between freewill and I.

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