Rightwingers: what do you think of Bernie's plan for free tuition?


If we are going to offer two years of community college to all at an average cost of $15,000 a year...

300,000,000 X $30,000 = $9,000,000,000,000 or $9 trillion

...to provide two years of community college to all.

Of course when the government contracts to make a mouse it becomes an elephant so the cost will probably be three times that amount so $27 trillion dollars for this little exercise.


Schools are shooting themselves in the foot with the greed. Ahhhh...if only they could offshore...
It isn't free. SOMEONE is paying. That's the thing that liberals are too stupid to understand. No liberal is more ignorant than a Sanders supporter.

So a tax exemption isn't free either, is it?

Apparently you are a Sanders supporter. I'll try to use the simplest language possible for you. An exemption means they won't take something that is already yours. The term "free" doesn't apply in that case.
I hate sanders plan as much as i hate rubios plan to give away taxpayer money to families with kids. "targeted" tax cuts are a liberal idea and never grow the economy.
The estimated cost per year for the government providing free tuition would be about 60 billion. Bernie would place a tax on Wall Street speculation to pay for it.

Now before you all go into your rants about "liberal free lunch bullshit derp, derp, derp!" you should consider WHY this is a great idea. This isn't about giving individuals hand outs, this is about how higher education benefits the country as a whole. Plenty of intelligent people who cannot afford to go to college or are discouraged by the massive student debt that they would accumulate choose not to attend. Imagine the implications if we had an influx of people getting degrees in science, public policy, or business administration. Don't you think those educated people would bring a great deal of contribution to this country?

Of course it's about "giving individuals handouts." What is wrong with you? There is nothing good to the country about using other people's money to take away people's responsibility to provide for themselves. Government funds it and you just fund a bunch more people who get stupid degrees that don't lead to jobs and continue to skyrocket the cost of education as you pump limitless more unaccountable money into colleges.
Millions of people going to college over time benefits the country as a whole. That is the truth.

Nothing benefits the country as a whole when you remove personal responsibility. You just create inefficient, corrupt wasteful systems
Your political beliefs are almost entirely rooted in philosophy. You say things that just sound like they make sense to you. It doesn't change the irrefutable truth that millions seeking higher education benefits the country as a whole. You also don't seem to realize the amount of hard work that goes into pursuing a degree. Do you really think pursing a degree is not without tremendous personal responsibility?
Who is going to pay for that free tuition?

Money just appears out of thin air
You call taxes out of thin air? That's what would pay for it.

Yes, exactly. You'd take billions from people who earned it. You just waive your hands and say it's good for the country and move on that it's OK to further plunder the achievers who drive the economy
Oh right those wall street goons earn every cent they make lol.
Provided the education results in a marketable skill then cool.

But free indoctrination camps?
I know Glenn Beck is your hero but eventually you will have to come to grips with the fact that he is a complete moron.
Actually very highly educated having done Actuarial Science (undergraduate) and Software Development (post graduate) in university. I was tested at 155 - 160 IQ.. Actuarial Science has a minimum IQ around 145.

I showed that the VA don't are highly satisfied with VA care.... You answered with no evidence...

LOL. Tell us all about it.
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A good part of Europe has it and California use to have it. So you're simply wrong.

Education is the best thing after infrastructure we as a nation can invest in.


Yeah sure... That's why the community I'm in wanted $5 on the $1000 in property tax last year for education and got it. Then the school superintendent who made $126,000 a year wanted a 6% pay raise as soon as it was passed (got it) then the teachers all wanted a 10% pay raise. Then this year they just approved a 10% pay increase for the superintendent which turned out to be a $15,000 increase.

$15,000 is more than a lot of hard working people who are attempting to buy a inexpensive home make in a year.

I think some people working in the educational field are in it more for the money nowadays than for the student.


Note what happened between 2009 and 2014. Revenues are at record levels for this century, which began in 2001.
Lol you are so pathetic.
You surrender on this issue is noted and accepted.
Do you even know what point you're trying to make?
The point is made.
The federal government is taking in record revenue by any measure. It isnt revenue, it's the spending, stupid.
No idiot because the debt still skyrocketed under Bush and look how low it was when. This isn't complicated to figure out.
Huh? That's a non sequitur even for you.
Are you denying that revenue to the federal government is as high or higher now, either in dollar term, absolute dollar terms, or as a percentage of GDP, than it has been since 2000?
The estimated cost per year for the government providing free tuition would be about 60 billion. Bernie would place a tax on Wall Street speculation to pay for it.

Now before you all go into your rants about "liberal free lunch bullshit derp, derp, derp!" you should consider WHY this is a great idea. This isn't about giving individuals hand outs, this is about how higher education benefits the country as a whole. Plenty of intelligent people who cannot afford to go to college or are discouraged by the massive student debt that they would accumulate choose not to attend. Imagine the implications if we had an influx of people getting degrees in science, public policy, or business administration. Don't you think those educated people would bring a great deal of contribution to this country?

The bill plans to cover these costs by initiating a Robin Hood Tax on Wall Street. A .5% speculation fee will be charged on investment houses, hedge funds, and other stock trades. Additionally, a .1% fee will be charged on bonds, and a .005% fee will be charged on derivatives.

Excellent idea! We need to eliminate more of these high paid jobs on Wall Street.
And when the tax drives those jobs away and raises a fraction of the amount needed to fund
this stupid plan, who will he get the money from?

By the way, Robin Hood stole from the tax collectors and gave back to the people.
A good part of Europe has it and California use to have it. So you're simply wrong.

Education is the best thing after infrastructure we as a nation can invest in.

A good part of Europe has it

They only let the smart students go to college.
We could do that here but libs would call it racisss!
You give the consumer free money to pay for products, the producers will find products to take all the money that is available.[/QUOTE]

You give the school more money through inflated tuitions, the schools will find more excuses to take all the money that is available.[/QUOTE]

Trying to explain that to a lefty is like explaining math to a dog...but in the dogs case...they will probably start to understand math...there is no hope for the lefty....
The estimated cost per year for the government providing free tuition would be about 60 billion. Bernie would place a tax on Wall Street speculation to pay for it.

Now before you all go into your rants about "liberal free lunch bullshit derp, derp, derp!" you should consider WHY this is a great idea. This isn't about giving individuals hand outs, this is about how higher education benefits the country as a whole. Plenty of intelligent people who cannot afford to go to college or are discouraged by the massive student debt that they would accumulate choose not to attend. Imagine the implications if we had an influx of people getting degrees in science, public policy, or business administration. Don't you think those educated people would bring a great deal of contribution to this country?

The bill plans to cover these costs by initiating a Robin Hood Tax on Wall Street. A .5% speculation fee will be charged on investment houses, hedge funds, and other stock trades. Additionally, a .1% fee will be charged on bonds, and a .005% fee will be charged on derivatives.

Excellent idea! We need to eliminate more of these high paid jobs on Wall Street.
And when the tax drives those jobs away and raises a fraction of the amount needed to fund
this stupid plan, who will he get the money from?

By the way, Robin Hood stole from the tax collectors and gave back to the people.

Yeah, they never remember that........do they.

And something tells me......Wall Street will just be re located over seas.......

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