Righty PC hypocrites attack NFL QB.

i thought the righties hate "political correctness " and it's destroying this country . Oh, and the righties are also supposed to be more tolerant when it comes to free speech!?

But Colin Kapernick passes on the anthem and the righty PC thugs go crazy . Same with that gymnast who forgot to put her hand over her heart during the medal ceremony .

Hypocrites as usual . It's their MO.
Colin says America isn't great and they get mad. Trump says it they want to make him president
dude, how ironic, just flip that and that's you all. Funny shit. wow.

So true...liberals don't even try to make an honest arguement.....Trump doesn't say American is fundamentally flawed like the left does, he said it sucks NOW because of leftwing policies.....liberals do not understand nuance, just like they don't get logic, science, religion and any other subject deeper than a bumper sticker slogan.
they're so stupid, they fall into their own message without knowing they do it. I laugh at these fks everyday in here. The entire OP is off base because it isn't true. The entire thread is a throw away as a result. again, cause they're too stupid to know this.

How is it NOT true ?
That is where silly boy falls apart.
He has a right to free speech, and we have the right to call him names.
View attachment 88058

That's true. And that's just what PC people do . Hey, I'm cool with it . It's righties who profess not to be .

Wrong you want people fired and they do.lose jobs. You want people kicked out of school and university student govt. We don't do any of that shit. We don't boycott like you guys did with Chiklis filet a......we do think it's rude to.hate your country, while you guys do it with so much satisfaction.....which is why when Hillary mentions American exceptional ism we laugh at her pathetic attempts to pander.
When I see right wingers tossing out great ideas like "safe spaces" and "trigger alerts" and stopping people from speaking in public, I'll believe the two are the same.

There are definitely similarities in right wing and left wing PC, but the Left has it down to a freakin' science.

When the Dixie Chicks are still brought up as an example, you know it doesn't come from the Right very often. The Left lives and breathes it.
When I see right wingers tossing out great ideas like "safe spaces" and "trigger alerts" and stopping people from speaking in public, I'll believe the two are the same.

There are definitely similarities in right wing and left wing PC, but the Left has it down to a freakin' science.

When the Dixie Chicks are still brought up as an example, you know it doesn't come from the Right very often. The Left lives and breathes it.

Basically, the PC crowd boycots and attempts to censor speech they don't like. The right boycots and criticises speech it doesn't like. all the while acknowledging their right to say it. Huge difference.
i thought the righties hate "political correctness " and it's destroying this country . Oh, and the righties are also supposed to be more tolerant when it comes to free speech!?

But Colin Kapernick passes on the anthem and the righty PC thugs go crazy . Same with that gymnast who forgot to put her hand over her heart during the medal ceremony .

Hypocrites as usual . It's their MO.
Colin says America isn't great and they get mad. Trump says it they want to make him president
dude, how ironic, just flip that and that's you all. Funny shit. wow.

So true...liberals don't even try to make an honest arguement.....Trump doesn't say American is fundamentally flawed like the left does, he said it sucks NOW because of leftwing policies.....liberals do not understand nuance, just like they don't get logic, science, religion and any other subject deeper than a bumper sticker slogan.
they're so stupid, they fall into their own message without knowing they do it. I laugh at these fks everyday in here. The entire OP is off base because it isn't true. The entire thread is a throw away as a result. again, cause they're too stupid to know this.

How is it NOT true ?
Ahem......... The ahem, OP! It's what I already said.
Hahaha see the talking points .....starkey has never accused me off being alt right until the talking points came out......so typical....its like conversing with a 5 year old.

He ignores what you say, continually projects what HE believes about you onto you, then whines that we're the ones trying to stifle free speech. :lol: He's a pathetic, mindless sheep.

Reactionary? Like, omg, that is so like yesterday. Alt-right is what hilly preached and lemming fake faithfully uses it in every post.
Yep. This is a case of right wing PC.

I don't know if they're calling for him to be punished in some way, though. If they are, then yeah, they're just as bad as the left wing PC zealots.

Many similarities in behaviors between the two ends of the spectrum.

Yeah, and that one similarity is authoritarism
The reactionary Alt Right as modeled by zoon, jc, and buckey demonstrate their unhingement from reality.

The implied violence in some of the attacks on CK's right to free speech is troubling.
Yep. This is a case of right wing PC.

I don't know if they're calling for him to be punished in some way, though. If they are, then yeah, they're just as bad as the left wing PC zealots.

Many similarities in behaviors between the two ends of the spectrum.

Yeah, and that one similarity is authoritarism
Both ends include progressives, who wish to use Big Government to enforce their selected options through governmental, political, social, and cultural change.
The reactionary Alt Right as modeled by zoon, jc, and buckey demonstrate their unhingement from reality.

The implied violence in some of the attacks on CK's right to free speech is troubling.

Fake, making up shit as he goes along.

You should see a doctor about your delusions.
i thought the righties hate "political correctness " and it's destroying this country . Oh, and the righties are also supposed to be more tolerant when it comes to free speech!?

But Colin Kapernick passes on the anthem and the righty PC thugs go crazy . Same with that gymnast who forgot to put her hand over her heart during the medal ceremony .

Hypocrites as usual . It's their MO.

who pulled your chain??
The reactionary Alt Right as modeled by zoon, jc, and buckey demonstrate their unhingement from reality.

The implied violence in some of the attacks on CK's right to free speech is troubling.

Fake, making up shit as he goes along.

You should see a doctor about your delusions.
I am shoveling your shit as we go. Comment on OP or be quiet.
I am shoveling your shit as we go. Comment on OP or be quiet.

Fake says I'm trying to silence free speech as he tells me what to say or be quiet.

I am telling you that you can't do that to others. Comment on the OP. Oh, that's right: you thin CK should shut up and sit down. :)

^ too stupid to see that he is (failing) to silence my free speech. :lol: :lol: :lol: Makes up shit and demands I do as he says or else I SHOULD BE QUIET. Then he doubles down, tells me again what I am to comment on, then lies by putting words in my mouth. :eusa_hand:

He fake, I can say what I want. Don't like what I have to say? I don't care, I'll say it anyway. Free speech is great.

POST WHERE I EVER SAID THAT HE SHOULD SHUT UP AND SIT DOWN. If you don't, we will know you are lying ..... yet again. He has the right to say what he wants, I have the right to call him on it if I don't agree or to cheer him on if I do agree, you can say whatever the hell you want about him, me, or whatever you want, no one is stopping you or telling you to be quiet. YOU"RE the one trying to silence my free speech by telling me to be quite, ya fucking dumbass. You're just annoyed because I called you on your stupidity. :lol:

He has a right to free speech, and we have the right to call him names.
View attachment 88058

That's true. And that's just what PC people do . Hey, I'm cool with it . It's righties who profess not to be .
PC zealots on the Left go much further.

They try to shout down those with whom they don't agree, or even stop them from speaking in the first place. See college campuses for plenty of examples.

They establish "safe places" and "trigger warnings" so delicate ears won't be subjected to the unbearable pain of contrary thought.

They do everything they can to punish those who dare to offend them, by trying to get them fired, or destroying their careers.

They say that wearing clothing that includes the American flag is not acceptable because it might "offend" someone. Here. In America.

They shame white people, especially white kids, for "white privilege", knowing nothing about that person.

They scream things like RACIST and HOMOPHOBE as a way to deflect from and avoid the conversation.

They invent new words to which everyone else must adhere or be called "hateful" or any other number of names.

They're fine with attacking and insulting Christians and Christianity en masse at the slightest provocation, yet will bend over backwards to remind us of the obvious, that "not all Muslims are terrorists".

And when they do this stuff, it's not really news, because they do it EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

Yes, your thread provides a good example of right wing PC. But ring wing PC pales in comparison to what the Left does, and it's not even close.
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