Righty PC hypocrites attack NFL QB.

Some liberals are racist, yes, just not as many per capita as Alt Right.
It's not about his exercise of free speech, it's about the content of his exercise.
That's correct. I couldn't agree more.

And the more challenging the content, the more important it is that he can express it freely and without being intimidated.

And again, if he was the QB on my team, I wouldn't want him representing my team and or city.
I have the right to express my feelings just as much as he has the right to express his.
In my post, I said the following: "Where I object is when the consequences take the form of punishment. I don't think someone should have to worry about losing their job or having their career destroyed or having some other kind of quantifiable harm come to them, simply because they expressed themselves."

Do you agree or disagree with me on that?
why does it matter, is it not a consequence of his action?
I'm pretty sure I have a weird outlook on this. We pretty clearly have a race problem. All I want to do is fix the problem. I'm not trying to beat anybody or "win" a "debate". I'm just looking for any excuse for people to finally be motivated enough to stop screaming and sit down and talk. If it's because a football player sat down during the anthem, great, I don't care, but I'd thank him for being the impetus.

That goes for pretty much all our problems. Nothing is fixed until and unless people shelve their egos, stop worrying about "winning" and start talking with each other.

And yeah, I know, I'm nuts...

I'm tired of watching nightly news here in Chicago tell me that another nine year black has been gunned down. It's been going on for 50 years and look who's been in charge, the left. They failed. For me, I'd like for once see these people admit the left failed them and look for a new direction to solving the problem. Isn't that what CK is saying? Isn't that what Trump is saying? WTF then?
They are where?

Starkey has no original thoughts alt right is the new talking point by lefties........no mention until hitlery brings it up....now they all do....mindless trash.
Ah, I see the bucky trash is talking. There is nothing that he can add, because he can't really think. Just emotes.

The fact is the ck's team mates only care about winning, inside the lines, my alt right bubbas.

Starkey everyone knows you're a fraud......you just spout leftwing talking points and never backup any point you have.....the gig is up.....
You are cray cray Alt Right, so we all know that you are not to believed. Free speech is not a lw talking point, bro.
dude you are the poster boi of cra cra alt-right.
i thought the righties hate "political correctness " and it's destroying this country . Oh, and the righties are also supposed to be more tolerant when it comes to free speech!?

But Colin Kapernick passes on the anthem and the righty PC thugs go crazy . Same with that gymnast who forgot to put her hand over her heart during the medal ceremony .

Hypocrites as usual . It's their MO.
Colin says America isn't great and they get mad. Trump says it they want to make him president
dude, how ironic, just flip that and that's you all. Funny shit. wow.
We don't get mad. We just want to know what decades Trump is referring to.
That's correct. I couldn't agree more.

And the more challenging the content, the more important it is that he can express it freely and without being intimidated.

And again, if he was the QB on my team, I wouldn't want him representing my team and or city.
I have the right to express my feelings just as much as he has the right to express his.
In my post, I said the following: "Where I object is when the consequences take the form of punishment. I don't think someone should have to worry about losing their job or having their career destroyed or having some other kind of quantifiable harm come to them, simply because they expressed themselves."

Do you agree or disagree with me on that?
why does it matter, is it not a consequence of his action?
I'm pretty sure I have a weird outlook on this. We pretty clearly have a race problem. All I want to do is fix the problem. I'm not trying to beat anybody or "win" a "debate". I'm just looking for any excuse for people to finally be motivated enough to stop screaming and sit down and talk. If it's because a football player sat down during the anthem, great, I don't care, but I'd thank him for being the impetus.

That goes for pretty much all our problems. Nothing is fixed until and unless people shelve their egos, stop worrying about "winning" and start talking with each other.

And yeah, I know, I'm nuts...

I'm tired of watching nightly news here in Chicago tell me that another nine year black has been gunned down. It's been going on for 50 years and look who's been in charge, the left. They failed. For me, I'd like for once see these people admit the left failed them and look for a new direction to solving the problem. Isn't that what CK is saying? Isn't that what Trump is saying? WTF then?
I can't even imagine what that must be like. Something or somebody has to break through the noise, but the noise is so fucking LOUD right now.

I give Trump a lot of credit for at least trying. Somebody has to be brave enough to put their balls on the line. But yeah, it takes two.
i thought the righties hate "political correctness " and it's destroying this country . Oh, and the righties are also supposed to be more tolerant when it comes to free speech!?

But Colin Kapernick passes on the anthem and the righty PC thugs go crazy . Same with that gymnast who forgot to put her hand over her heart during the medal ceremony .

Hypocrites as usual . It's their MO.
Colin says America isn't great and they get mad. Trump says it they want to make him president
dude, how ironic, just flip that and that's you all. Funny shit. wow.

So true...liberals don't even try to make an honest arguement.....Trump doesn't say American is fundamentally flawed like the left does, he said it sucks NOW because of leftwing policies.....liberals do not understand nuance, just like they don't get logic, science, religion and any other subject deeper than a bumper sticker slogan.
they're so stupid, they fall into their own message without knowing they do it. I laugh at these fks everyday in here. The entire OP is off base because it isn't true. The entire thread is a throw away as a result. again, cause they're too stupid to know this.
What's funny is Jake is crying no fair because the alt-Righters are using the same tactics the left uses.
Misperception of your part. Both sides play identity politics, and the point is that the Alt-Right is crying because the Left treats them as they treat everyone else.
The left doesn't treat the alt-Right like everyone else. What are you taking about?
Learn to understand clearly self explanatory indefinite pronouns. Yes, the Left treats the Alt Right as they (the Alt Right) treat everyone else.

The Alt Right is crying because it can't take what it dishes out.
No, they're not the ones crying, the alt-Right aren't the ones trying to censor speech, the left is.

You are just full of fail, aren't you?
Kapernick is a privileged whiny bitch who personifies everything that is wrong with millenials. He could get Theisman'd, and the crowd would probably cheer.
Colin is a "whiny bitch"? First of all, he was only sitting, until the media made him speak up, so stop being a hypocrite.
Second, he could probably kick your ass, so he's at least a tough bitch.
Thirdly, unlike greedy selfish cons, he is expressing his 1st Amendment right on behalf of others less fortunate, not himself; he's got millions and does not give a shit if people like you are unhappy about his views.

Please. He knows the media are a tool. And nobody's denying him his first amendment rights.
What's funny is Jake is crying no fair because the alt-Righters are using the same tactics the left uses.
Misperception of your part. Both sides play identity politics, and the point is that the Alt-Right is crying because the Left treats them as they treat everyone else.
The left doesn't treat the alt-Right like everyone else. What are you taking about?
Learn to understand clearly self explanatory indefinite pronouns. Yes, the Left treats the Alt Right as they (the Alt Right) treat everyone else.

The Alt Right is crying because it can't take what it dishes out.
No, they're not the ones crying, the alt-Right aren't the ones trying to censor speech, the left is. You are just full of fail, aren't you?
Yep, you guys out on the Alt Right try to shut down free speech and all expression against your nonsense. That is what you are doing here.
Some liberals are racist, yes, just not as many per capita as Alt Right.
Everyone is racist. It's natural and can be scientifically explained.

On a scale of 1-10 ten being worst, I'm a 3 and Republicans are usually higher
thanks for saying you're less racist as a republican. how do you get there though? What is it you are referencing for a republican?
What's funny is Jake is crying no fair because the alt-Righters are using the same tactics the left uses.
Misperception of your part. Both sides play identity politics, and the point is that the Alt-Right is crying because the Left treats them as they treat everyone else.
The left doesn't treat the alt-Right like everyone else. What are you taking about?
Learn to understand clearly self explanatory indefinite pronouns. Yes, the Left treats the Alt Right as they (the Alt Right) treat everyone else.

The Alt Right is crying because it can't take what it dishes out.
No, they're not the ones crying, the alt-Right aren't the ones trying to censor speech, the left is. You are just full of fail, aren't you?
Yep, you guys out on the Alt Right try to shut down free speech and all expression against your nonsense. That is what you are doing here.
You are a drama queen, Jake. #1- I don't consider myself 'alt-Right'. #2- How am I trying to shut down you and/or anybody else's freedom of speech? Here you are in this very thread saying whatever you want about myself and the alt-Right, so I'm not seeing how I or anyone else is trying to stifle the left's speech.
They are where?

Starkey has no original thoughts alt right is the new talking point by lefties........no mention until hitlery brings it up....now they all do....mindless trash.
Ah, I see the bucky trash is talking. There is nothing that he can add, because he can't really think. Just emotes.

The fact is the ck's team mates only care about winning, inside the lines, my alt right bubbas.

Starkey everyone knows you're a fraud......you just spout leftwing talking points and never backup any point you have.....the gig is up.....
You are cray cray Alt Right, so we all know that you are not to believed. Free speech is not a lw talking point, bro.

Hahaha see the talking points .....starkey has never accused me off being alt right until the talking points came out......so typical....its like conversing with a 5 year old.
Misperception of your part. Both sides play identity politics, and the point is that the Alt-Right is crying because the Left treats them as they treat everyone else.
The left doesn't treat the alt-Right like everyone else. What are you taking about?
Learn to understand clearly self explanatory indefinite pronouns. Yes, the Left treats the Alt Right as they (the Alt Right) treat everyone else.

The Alt Right is crying because it can't take what it dishes out.
No, they're not the ones crying, the alt-Right aren't the ones trying to censor speech, the left is. You are just full of fail, aren't you?
Yep, you guys out on the Alt Right try to shut down free speech and all expression against your nonsense. That is what you are doing here.
You are a drama queen, Jake. #1- I don't consider myself 'alt-Right'. #2- How am I trying to shut down you and/or anybody else's freedom of speech? Here you are in this very thread saying whatever you want about myself and the alt-Right, so I'm not seeing how I or anyone else is trying to stifle the left's speech.
You are a confused Alt Right, sir. You know you would shut me down if you could. But you and your ilk will never have such power.
Starkey has no original thoughts alt right is the new talking point by lefties........no mention until hitlery brings it up....now they all do....mindless trash.
Ah, I see the bucky trash is talking. There is nothing that he can add, because he can't really think. Just emotes.

The fact is the ck's team mates only care about winning, inside the lines, my alt right bubbas.

Starkey everyone knows you're a fraud......you just spout leftwing talking points and never backup any point you have.....the gig is up.....
You are cray cray Alt Right, so we all know that you are not to believed. Free speech is not a lw talking point, bro.

Hahaha see the talking points .....starkey has never accused me off being alt right until the talking points came out......so typical....its like conversing with a 5 year old.
I am glad that you agree that free speech is not a LW talking point but accusing others of trying to take your free speech what that is not the case is an ALT RIGHT talking point.

You are so easy to spin like a top.
The left doesn't treat the alt-Right like everyone else. What are you taking about?
Learn to understand clearly self explanatory indefinite pronouns. Yes, the Left treats the Alt Right as they (the Alt Right) treat everyone else.

The Alt Right is crying because it can't take what it dishes out.
No, they're not the ones crying, the alt-Right aren't the ones trying to censor speech, the left is. You are just full of fail, aren't you?
Yep, you guys out on the Alt Right try to shut down free speech and all expression against your nonsense. That is what you are doing here.
You are a drama queen, Jake. #1- I don't consider myself 'alt-Right'. #2- How am I trying to shut down you and/or anybody else's freedom of speech? Here you are in this very thread saying whatever you want about myself and the alt-Right, so I'm not seeing how I or anyone else is trying to stifle the left's speech.
You are a confused Alt Right, sir. You know you would shut me down if you could. But you and your ilk will never have such power.

Has Jake posted without calling someone alt right today....apparently he just recently discovered term....neoconservative is now passe.......these guys are such lemmings it's hilarious.
The left doesn't treat the alt-Right like everyone else. What are you taking about?
Learn to understand clearly self explanatory indefinite pronouns. Yes, the Left treats the Alt Right as they (the Alt Right) treat everyone else.

The Alt Right is crying because it can't take what it dishes out.
No, they're not the ones crying, the alt-Right aren't the ones trying to censor speech, the left is. You are just full of fail, aren't you?
Yep, you guys out on the Alt Right try to shut down free speech and all expression against your nonsense. That is what you are doing here.
You are a drama queen, Jake. #1- I don't consider myself 'alt-Right'. #2- How am I trying to shut down you and/or anybody else's freedom of speech? Here you are in this very thread saying whatever you want about myself and the alt-Right, so I'm not seeing how I or anyone else is trying to stifle the left's speech.
You are a confused Alt Right, sir. You know you would shut me down if you could. But you and your ilk will never have such power.
only you, the king of confusion, could make such a statement. Thanks.
Ah, I see the bucky trash is talking. There is nothing that he can add, because he can't really think. Just emotes.

The fact is the ck's team mates only care about winning, inside the lines, my alt right bubbas.

Starkey everyone knows you're a fraud......you just spout leftwing talking points and never backup any point you have.....the gig is up.....
You are cray cray Alt Right, so we all know that you are not to believed. Free speech is not a lw talking point, bro.

Hahaha see the talking points .....starkey has never accused me off being alt right until the talking points came out......so typical....its like conversing with a 5 year old.
I am glad that you agree that free speech is not a LW talking point but accusing others of trying to take your free speech what that is not the case is an ALT RIGHT talking point.

You are so easy to spin like a top.

In your own mind Jake, I run circles around u ou, I have so destroyed you on several occasions.....you make it too easy.....and yes another post with alt right....lololol
So easy to abuse.....and I'm all for free speech, now go back to your safe spaces and trigger warnings.
Learn to understand clearly self explanatory indefinite pronouns. Yes, the Left treats the Alt Right as they (the Alt Right) treat everyone else.

The Alt Right is crying because it can't take what it dishes out.
No, they're not the ones crying, the alt-Right aren't the ones trying to censor speech, the left is. You are just full of fail, aren't you?
Yep, you guys out on the Alt Right try to shut down free speech and all expression against your nonsense. That is what you are doing here.
You are a drama queen, Jake. #1- I don't consider myself 'alt-Right'. #2- How am I trying to shut down you and/or anybody else's freedom of speech? Here you are in this very thread saying whatever you want about myself and the alt-Right, so I'm not seeing how I or anyone else is trying to stifle the left's speech.
You are a confused Alt Right, sir. You know you would shut me down if you could. But you and your ilk will never have such power.

Has Jake posted without calling someone alt right today....apparently he just recently discovered term....neoconservative is now passe.......these guys are such lemmings it's hilarious.
Of course I have. I probably called you one. But if not today, you are ALT RIGHT.

The Klown Krew, which includes and JC, are a hoot.
The left doesn't treat the alt-Right like everyone else. What are you taking about?
Learn to understand clearly self explanatory indefinite pronouns. Yes, the Left treats the Alt Right as they (the Alt Right) treat everyone else.

The Alt Right is crying because it can't take what it dishes out.
No, they're not the ones crying, the alt-Right aren't the ones trying to censor speech, the left is. You are just full of fail, aren't you?
Yep, you guys out on the Alt Right try to shut down free speech and all expression against your nonsense. That is what you are doing here.
You are a drama queen, Jake. #1- I don't consider myself 'alt-Right'. #2- How am I trying to shut down you and/or anybody else's freedom of speech? Here you are in this very thread saying whatever you want about myself and the alt-Right, so I'm not seeing how I or anyone else is trying to stifle the left's speech.
You are a confused Alt Right, sir. You know you would shut me down if you could. But you and your ilk will never have such power.
Like that isn't what the left wants to do to the right, Scooter?

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