Righty PC hypocrites attack NFL QB.

No question, he has the RIGHT to say and do anything he desires. However, that does NOT mean that there will be no consequences.
I get that from both ends of the spectrum, and I agree to a point.

Consequences in the form of disagreement and criticism, sure, absolutely. That's central to a healthy, functioning democracy. What he did and said could - if we were a little more mature as a country - lead to constructive conversation and solutions.

Where I object is when the consequences take the form of punishment. I don't think someone should have to worry about losing their job or having their career destroyed or having some other kind of quantifiable harm come to them, simply because they expressed themselves.

There are exceptions to every rule, of course. But in this case I'd rather see his words and actions lead to something positive and not some kind of punishment.
Yep. This is a case of right wing PC.

I don't know if they're calling for him to be punished in some way, though. If they are, then yeah, they're just as bad as the left wing PC zealots.

Many similarities in behaviors between the two ends of the spectrum.

Those on the right have not questioned this dickheads right to say what he likes. However, as with anyone though, there can always be consequences.

If I were a newscaster for instance, and I said something racist on the air, I would likely be punished by my employer who likely would either fire me immediately or suspend me. There would also be calls for my firing from the public.
In the case of Kaeperdick, I wouldn't want him representing my team, so I would be calling for him to be fired. There is nothing wrong with that!!

It's not about his exercise of free speech, it's about the content of his exercise.
In a country that is not oppressive free speech is tolerated.

That includes the opinions of people who disagree with you

If that guy has a right to sit on his ass during the anthem then every person in this country has the right to agree or criticize him
They are where?

Starkey has no original thoughts alt right is the new talking point by lefties........no mention until hitlery brings it up....now they all do....mindless trash.
Ah, I see the bucky trash is talking. There is nothing that he can add, because he can't really think. Just emotes.

The fact is the ck's team mates only care about winning, inside the lines, my alt right bubbas.
Cut your corny ass rhetoric short, you half a faggot. Emotional appeals(Identity Politics) are all the left's got, kemosabe.
Zoom can't stay on track, Markle has half a clue, and you act like the Alt Right does not play Identity Politics, when in fact socon and false uber nativism are your staple in trade.

Now, back to the OP: Markle is right - ck gets to do what he did, and the rest of us get to respond to it.
I didn't say or imply the alt-Right doesn't play identity politics.
It's not about his exercise of free speech, it's about the content of his exercise.
That's correct. I couldn't agree more.

And the more challenging the content, the more important it is that he can express it freely and without being intimidated.

And again, if he was the QB on my team, I wouldn't want him representing my team and or city.
I have the right to express my feelings just as much as he has the right to express his.
What's funny is Jake is crying no fair because the alt-Righters are using the same tactics the left uses.
Misperception of your part. Both sides play identity politics, and the point is that the Alt-Right is crying because the Left treats them as they treat everyone else.
It's not about his exercise of free speech, it's about the content of his exercise.
That's correct. I couldn't agree more.

And the more challenging the content, the more important it is that he can express it freely and without being intimidated.

And again, if he was the QB on my team, I wouldn't want him representing my team and or city.
I have the right to express my feelings just as much as he has the right to express his.
In my post, I said the following: "Where I object is when the consequences take the form of punishment. I don't think someone should have to worry about losing their job or having their career destroyed or having some other kind of quantifiable harm come to them, simply because they expressed themselves."

Do you agree or disagree with me on that?
It's not about his exercise of free speech, it's about the content of his exercise.
That's correct. I couldn't agree more.

And the more challenging the content, the more important it is that he can express it freely and without being intimidated.

And again, if he was the QB on my team, I wouldn't want him representing my team and or city.
I have the right to express my feelings just as much as he has the right to express his.
In my post, I said the following: "Where I object is when the consequences take the form of punishment. I don't think someone should have to worry about losing their job or having their career destroyed or having some other kind of quantifiable harm come to them, simply because they expressed themselves."

Do you agree or disagree with me on that?


I believe a private enterprise such as NFL teams have a right to terminate any employee who they feels harms their brand and or product.
i thought the righties hate "political correctness " and it's destroying this country . Oh, and the righties are also supposed to be more tolerant when it comes to free speech!?

But Colin Kapernick passes on the anthem and the righty PC thugs go crazy . Same with that gymnast who forgot to put her hand over her heart during the medal ceremony .

Hypocrites as usual . It's their MO.
Colin says America isn't great and they get mad. Trump says it they want to make him president
i thought the righties hate "political correctness " and it's destroying this country . Oh, and the righties are also supposed to be more tolerant when it comes to free speech!?

But Colin Kapernick passes on the anthem and the righty PC thugs go crazy . Same with that gymnast who forgot to put her hand over her heart during the medal ceremony .

Hypocrites as usual . It's their MO.
Colin says America isn't great and they get mad. Trump says it they want to make him president
Never ever think "consistency" when thinking Alt Right.
What's funny is Jake is crying no fair because the alt-Righters are using the same tactics the left uses.
Misperception of your part. Both sides play identity politics, and the point is that the Alt-Right is crying because the Left treats them as they treat everyone else.
The left doesn't treat the alt-Right like everyone else. What are you taking about?
What's funny is Jake is crying no fair because the alt-Righters are using the same tactics the left uses.
Misperception of your part. Both sides play identity politics, and the point is that the Alt-Right is crying because the Left treats them as they treat everyone else.
The left doesn't treat the alt-Right like everyone else. What are you taking about?
Learn to understand clearly self explanatory indefinite pronouns. Yes, the Left treats the Alt Right as they (the Alt Right) treat everyone else.

The Alt Right is crying because it can't take what it dishes out.
Kapernick is a privileged whiny bitch who personifies everything that is wrong with millenials. He could get Theisman'd, and the crowd would probably cheer.
Colin is a "whiny bitch"? First of all, he was only sitting, until the media made him speak up, so stop being a hypocrite.
Second, he could probably kick your ass, so he's at least a tough bitch.
Thirdly, unlike greedy selfish cons, he is expressing his 1st Amendment right on behalf of others less fortunate, not himself; he's got millions and does not give a shit if people like you are unhappy about his views.
Professional football is big business...BIG BUSINESS.

More than any other industry, other than other pro sports, it depends on TEAMWORK. Total, 100% concentration on the same goal.

Whatever you think about his actions, he is a huge disruption to the TEAM. During his interviews prior to the game, he was wearing socks depicting POLICE AS PIGS. In any group of people the size of the players plus all the auxiliary personnel, coaches, trainers whatever there are bound to be several who have fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, close friends who are police.

Any good business would get rid of him and, rightly so.
isn't the security that protects his ass police? funny stuff.
Kapernick is a privileged whiny bitch who personifies everything that is wrong with millenials. He could get Theisman'd, and the crowd would probably cheer.
Colin is a "whiny bitch"? First of all, he was only sitting, until the media made him speak up, so stop being a hypocrite.
Second, he could probably kick your ass, so he's at least a tough bitch.
Thirdly, unlike greedy selfish cons, he is expressing his 1st Amendment right on behalf of others less fortunate, not himself; he's got millions and does not give a shit if people like you are unhappy about his views.
well he changed his mind so the repercussions already reached him. as for the tough guy comment, surrrrrrrrre.
They are where?

Starkey has no original thoughts alt right is the new talking point by lefties........no mention until hitlery brings it up....now they all do....mindless trash.
Ah, I see the bucky trash is talking. There is nothing that he can add, because he can't really think. Just emotes.

The fact is the ck's team mates only care about winning, inside the lines, my alt right bubbas.
Cut your corny ass rhetoric short, you half a faggot. Emotional appeals(Identity Politics) are all the left's got, kemosabe.
Zoom can't stay on track, Markle has half a clue, and you act like the Alt Right does not play Identity Politics, when in fact socon and false uber nativism are your staple in trade.

Now, back to the OP: Markle is right - ck gets to do what he did, and the rest of us get to respond to it.
it seems you're the one obsessed with alt-right politics. :oops-28:
No question, he has the RIGHT to say and do anything he desires. However, that does NOT mean that there will be no consequences.
I get that from both ends of the spectrum, and I agree to a point.

Consequences in the form of disagreement and criticism, sure, absolutely. That's central to a healthy, functioning democracy. What he did and said could - if we were a little more mature as a country - lead to constructive conversation and solutions.

Where I object is when the consequences take the form of punishment. I don't think someone should have to worry about losing their job or having their career destroyed or having some other kind of quantifiable harm come to them, simply because they expressed themselves.

There are exceptions to every rule, of course. But in this case I'd rather see his words and actions lead to something positive and not some kind of punishment.
and yet there are businesses who rely on people for money. so there are personal choices all must make outside the job that represent the company as well. So it isn't as free as that. you should learn what others can't say for fear of repercussion from an employer. Can't do drugs, can't drink, some can't smoke. all personal choices that if caught would end up in termination. So, his is all on him and his decision. Like a next job opportunity when football is over. :oops-28:

Maybe sales on jerseys for the 49ers goes wayyyyyyy down. ooops again.

And again, he has the right as others have the right to boycott NFL products now.
No one ever said he couldn't express his views. He expressed his views, others don't like his views and expressed their views on his actions. Yet the morons in here are bitching about those who oppose his views all the while screaming "free speech". This isn't about free speech, never was.

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