Righty PC hypocrites attack NFL QB.

Provide links to back up your claim. If you chose to continue to play your moronic games and do not provide links, you lose.

Get at it, boy.

(now watch Jake tap dance some more, never provide links to his claim, then run away. He's so boring and predictable.)

Please don't rush him. Most 2-year olds can link things easily but something seems to make it difficult when they turn 12.

Jake is a serial liar, proven time and again here at the USMB. He makes claims and NEVER backs them up.
Ah, says the serial alt right liar.

You never back up your shit ... just like you didn't back up your claim that I support Trump. Go on boy, go fetch my posts that show my support for Trump. Shouldn't be hard to do .... after all, you claim I actually do support him so there would be quite a few posts showing that. Get moving or keep proving you're a liar.

(watch Jake continue to duck and dodge. He will prove me correct when I say he NEVER backs up his claims because I 100% guarentee he will not provide links to his claim. Wait for it . . . )

He never backs up anything. No surprises here.
Provide links to back up your claim. If you chose to continue to play your moronic games and do not provide links, you lose.

Get at it, boy.

(now watch Jake tap dance some more, never provide links to his claim, then run away. He's so boring and predictable.)

Please don't rush him. Most 2-year olds can link things easily but something seems to make it difficult when they turn 12.

Jake is a serial liar, proven time and again here at the USMB. He makes claims and NEVER backs them up.
Ah, says the serial alt right liar.

You never back up your shit ... just like you didn't back up your claim that I support Trump. Go on boy, go fetch my posts that show my support for Trump. Shouldn't be hard to do .... after all, you claim I actually do support him so there would be quite a few posts showing that. Get moving or keep proving you're a liar.

(watch Jake continue to duck and dodge. He will prove me correct when I say he NEVER backs up his claims because I 100% guarentee he will not provide links to his claim. Wait for it . . . )

Right on....he always asks for.facts and sources, but never provides anything and says hes a republican..it's ducking hilarious........I've spanked his ass so much on this board Jake calls me daddy
i thought the righties hate "political correctness " and it's destroying this country . Oh, and the righties are also supposed to be more tolerant when it comes to free speech!?

But Colin Kapernick passes on the anthem and the righty PC thugs go crazy . Same with that gymnast who forgot to put her hand over her heart during the medal ceremony .

Hypocrites as usual . It's their MO.

No one has suggested he doesn't have the right to be disrespectful. When a person does act that way, they do not have immunity from criticism.
See, zoom, that rest of America is turning the alt right's tactics back on them, and you folks are crying.
They are where?

Starkey has no original thoughts alt right is the new talking point by lefties........no mention until hitlery brings it up....now they all do....mindless trash.

He used "reactionary" constantly when that was the talking point. mrs. bill said "alt-right" what, a couple of days ago? Fakey has used it in nearly every post in this thread and will continue to do so until he gets new orders. You have to give him credit ... he is a very good lemming.
zoom continues to hate to be identified as a reactionary alt right goof ball.

Tough. ck gets to do what he wants, people get to defend him or not, and all of this is the American way.
zoom continues to hate to be identified as a reactionary alt right goof ball.

Tough. ck gets to do what he wants, people get to defend him or not, and all of this is the American way.

Which is what I said, moron.


Still waiting on those links, dumbass. Get on it.
See, zoom, that rest of America is turning the alt right's tactics back on them, and you folks are crying.
They are where?

Starkey has no original thoughts alt right is the new talking point by lefties........no mention until hitlery brings it up....now they all do....mindless trash.
Ah, I see the bucky trash is talking. There is nothing that he can add, because he can't really think. Just emotes.

The fact is the ck's team mates only care about winning, inside the lines, my alt right bubbas.
zoom continues to hate to be identified as a reactionary alt right goof ball.

Tough. ck gets to do what he wants, people get to defend him or not, and all of this is the American way.

Which is what I said, moron.


Still waiting on those links, dumbass. Get on it.
It's what I told you it was.

It is what it is, kid. Tough to be you.

Which is what I said, moron.

"Actions have consequences. People don't like it when fellow Americans thumb their nose at the good old U.S.A. and will continue to call assholes out on it. Does that upset your senses? Too damn bad."

Want to go find where I ever said no one else can voice their opinion??

Still no links showing my support for Trump? They should be easy to find, since you insist that I support him.

But we all know your m.o. and that you will never, EVER back up the bullshit you spew because you are a liar.
Right on....he always asks for.facts and sources, but never provides anything and says hes a republican..it's ducking hilarious........I've spanked his ass so much on this board Jake calls me daddy

:lol: :lol: That he continues, to this day, to say that he's an R is a hoot!
That Zoom thinks she is more than barely sentient is a hoot.

I knew the scrubs on the alt right would attack ck for using his right to free speech.

The reactionaries of the far right believe in PC only for themselves.
That Zoom thinks she is more than barely sentient is a hoot.

I knew the scrubs on the alt right would attack ck for using his right to free speech.

The reactionaries of the far right believe in PC only for themselves.
Again in your own mind only!
That Zoom thinks she is more than barely sentient is a hoot.

I knew the scrubs on the alt right would attack ck for using his right to free speech.

The reactionaries of the far right believe in PC only for themselves.

You fucking retard. You should really try reading what I actually say instead of what you think I say.

PC? Who cares. He sat down, refused to sing the national anthem, people don't like it when citizens poo poo our anthem so those people are pushing back. Free speech is great.

FakeJake, a proven liar, loser, and dumbass.
Kapercrap is free to run his mouth off and is free to not stand up during the National Anthem.

I am free to call him a jackass.

Where the zealots cross the line is when they want someone to be punished or shut down or shouted down or shut up or intimidated.

I'm sure some have called for him to be canned for this, and that wouldn't be right.

Besides, he's a lousy QB and will probably be canned anyway.


No question, he has the RIGHT to say and do anything he desires. However, that does NOT mean that there will be no consequences.
Professional football is big business...BIG BUSINESS.

More than any other industry, other than other pro sports, it depends on TEAMWORK. Total, 100% concentration on the same goal.

Whatever you think about his actions, he is a huge disruption to the TEAM. During his interviews prior to the game, he was wearing socks depicting POLICE AS PIGS. In any group of people the size of the players plus all the auxiliary personnel, coaches, trainers whatever there are bound to be several who have fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, close friends who are police.

Any good business would get rid of him and, rightly so.
See, zoom, that rest of America is turning the alt right's tactics back on them, and you folks are crying.
They are where?

Starkey has no original thoughts alt right is the new talking point by lefties........no mention until hitlery brings it up....now they all do....mindless trash.
Ah, I see the bucky trash is talking. There is nothing that he can add, because he can't really think. Just emotes.

The fact is the ck's team mates only care about winning, inside the lines, my alt right bubbas.
Cut your corny ass rhetoric short, you half a faggot. Emotional appeals(Identity Politics) are all the left's got, kemosabe.
See, zoom, that rest of America is turning the alt right's tactics back on them, and you folks are crying.
They are where?

Starkey has no original thoughts alt right is the new talking point by lefties........no mention until hitlery brings it up....now they all do....mindless trash.
Ah, I see the bucky trash is talking. There is nothing that he can add, because he can't really think. Just emotes.

The fact is the ck's team mates only care about winning, inside the lines, my alt right bubbas.
Cut your corny ass rhetoric short, you half a faggot. Emotional appeals(Identity Politics) are all the left's got, kemosabe.
Zoom can't stay on track, Markle has half a clue, and you act like the Alt Right does not play Identity Politics, when in fact socon and false uber nativism are your staple in trade.

Now, back to the OP: Markle is right - ck gets to do what he did, and the rest of us get to respond to it.

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