RINO Kasich stops Stand Your Ground law in Ohio.

That's the biggest problem with SYG.

Too much testosterone.

shoot first, find out if he's armed later

There are very few situations where SYG ever came to play. The most famous one was the Trayvon Martin case.

CCW holders are the most law abiding people in the country according to statics. In fact less CCW holders are convinced of a violent crime than police officers.

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Actually the Martin case was not a SYG case. That was never argued by the defense. It was a simple self defense since the little asshole tried to kill Zimmerman by bashing his head into the concert.

You mean Trayvon was standing his ground?

The jury found that Martin was a piece of shit racist thug that tried to kill Zimmerman. If you disagree then go file an appeal on behalf of the aggrieved parties.

Some armed pervert is stalking you at night . How is that not standing your ground ? Should he wait till he raped at gun point before he can defend himself ?

You are the pro stand your ground guy.

Oh wait . He’s black so you don’t give a shit .

Stand your ground does not mean you can commit felonious assault. Zimmerman was walking back to his car when Martin came out from the dark and physically attacked him. Zimmerman sustained multiple injuries including two black eyes and a broken nose. The Martin autopsy reported he only had one injury, a scraped knuckle consistent with hitting somebody or something.

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Once again, Kasich has demonstrated he is no Republican at all.

The embarrissingly defeated presidential candidate assured the Ohio House he will not sign any firearms legislation that included Stand Your Ground. Stand Your Ground would have removed the legal requirement for a licensed firearm carrier to leave a situation before using deadly force if possible.

This is legislation Kasich would have never dreamt of vetoing before his reelection as Governor and possibly before his presidential bid. But now that he's a nobody, he's showing his true colors.

The watered down bill did have some helpful qualities. It shifts the burden of proof in a shooting situation on the criminal rather than the victim. However some in the legislature are skeptical that Kasich will even sign that.

This is why no Republican in their right mind should ever vote for this guy if he tries to destroy Trump (which would be his only selfish motive) should he run for President as a third party candidate.

Ohio General Assembly passes firearms bill—but without ‘stand-your-ground’ provisions
It takes a special tard like you to be against "leave a situation before using deadly force if possible".

Hey, Kasich balanced the federal budget.

He also took Ohio from a huge deficit to a surplus.

Meanwhile, Trump has submitted the biggest spending budget in the history of the Universe, topping Obama's worst year by a cool trillion dollars. He inherited a declining deficit, and has managed to DOUBLE it.

So you go ahead and tell us who the REAL conservative is while we all have a big belly laugh.
He makes the victim, the criminal. I would shoot an intruder instead of trying to escape out of a third story window, while being shot at from behind. RINO piece of garbage...

That’s a total lie . You have the right to defend yourself . And especially in your home .

Say you get into a fender bender with someone and you start arguing . They have the right to come out guns a blazing ?

No because they had no reason to believe they were in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death.

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Because the law is dumb . Look at Florida.
The Florida Law is fine, You feel threaten you can defend yourself.
Much better than the other states which say throw your hands up and beg for mercy
There are very few situations where SYG ever came to play. The most famous one was the Trayvon Martin case.

CCW holders are the most law abiding people in the country according to statics. In fact less CCW holders are convinced of a violent crime than police officers.

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Actually the Martin case was not a SYG case. That was never argued by the defense. It was a simple self defense since the little asshole tried to kill Zimmerman by bashing his head into the concert.

You mean Trayvon was standing his ground?

The jury found that Martin was a piece of shit racist thug that tried to kill Zimmerman. If you disagree then go file an appeal on behalf of the aggrieved parties.

Some armed pervert is stalking you at night . How is that not standing your ground ? Should he wait till he raped at gun point before he can defend himself ?

You are the pro stand your ground guy.

Oh wait . He’s black so you don’t give a shit .

Stand your ground does not mean you can commit felonious assault. Zimmerman was walking back to his car when Martin came out from the dark and physically attacked him. Zimmerman sustained multiple injuries including two black eyes and a broken nose. The Martin autopsy reported he only had one injury, a scraped knuckle consistent with hitting somebody or something.

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Not only that but that asshole Martin was making racial comments over the phone about Zimmerman to his fat ugly girlfriend. Not only was it a vicious unprovoked attack but it was racially motivated.
Actually the Martin case was not a SYG case. That was never argued by the defense. It was a simple self defense since the little asshole tried to kill Zimmerman by bashing his head into the concert.

You mean Trayvon was standing his ground?

The jury found that Martin was a piece of shit racist thug that tried to kill Zimmerman. If you disagree then go file an appeal on behalf of the aggrieved parties.

Some armed pervert is stalking you at night . How is that not standing your ground ? Should he wait till he raped at gun point before he can defend himself ?

You are the pro stand your ground guy.

Oh wait . He’s black so you don’t give a shit .

Stand your ground does not mean you can commit felonious assault. Zimmerman was walking back to his car when Martin came out from the dark and physically attacked him. Zimmerman sustained multiple injuries including two black eyes and a broken nose. The Martin autopsy reported he only had one injury, a scraped knuckle consistent with hitting somebody or something.

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Not only that but that asshole Martin was making racial comments over the phone about Zimmerman to his fat ugly girlfriend. Not only was it a vicious unprovoked attack but it was racially motivated.

The left has claimed that Martin was protecting himself because he was scared. His illiterate neanderthal girlfriend made that statement in court. Well if he was so scared, why didn't he hang up with her and call the police himself? Why didn't she call the police?

Had Zimmerman not been armed, he may very well be dead today. The only reason Martin was there is because his mother threw him out for getting in trouble in school. She couldn't handle him any longer.

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