RINO Kasich stops Stand Your Ground law in Ohio.

Once again, Kasich has demonstrated he is no Republican at all.

The embarrissingly defeated presidential candidate assured the Ohio House he will not sign any firearms legislation that included Stand Your Ground. Stand Your Ground would have removed the legal requirement for a licensed firearm carrier to leave a situation before using deadly force if possible.

This is legislation Kasich would have never dreamt of vetoing before his reelection as Governor and possibly before his presidential bid. But now that he's a nobody, he's showing his true colors.

The watered down bill did have some helpful qualities. It shifts the burden of proof in a shooting situation on the criminal rather than the victim. However some in the legislature are skeptical that Kasich will even sign that.

This is why no Republican in their right mind should ever vote for this guy if he tries to destroy Trump (which would be his only selfish motive) should he run for President as a third party candidate.

Ohio General Assembly passes firearms bill—but without ‘stand-your-ground’ provisions

He is a republicrat. They're usually just token resistance but with McCain gone the traitor within job has an opening.
Very stupid move. Many if not most states have these laws to protect VICTIMS. Instead Kasich is protecting the CRIMINAL. I actually half liked him until now, more from his old days in the conservative media, Turns out he is just a poseur.

A few months ago he was on the media stating Ohio welcomes all immigrants legal and illegal alike. WTF is this idiot to speak for the rest of us and how we feel about immigrants? Funny how he never made such a statement when he was running for the office. The guy is a complete fraud.
Once again, Kasich has demonstrated he is no Republican at all.

The embarrissingly defeated presidential candidate assured the Ohio House he will not sign any firearms legislation that included Stand Your Ground. Stand Your Ground would have removed the legal requirement for a licensed firearm carrier to leave a situation before using deadly force if possible.

This is legislation Kasich would have never dreamt of vetoing before his reelection as Governor and possibly before his presidential bid. But now that he's a nobody, he's showing his true colors.

The watered down bill did have some helpful qualities. It shifts the burden of proof in a shooting situation on the criminal rather than the victim. However some in the legislature are skeptical that Kasich will even sign that.

This is why no Republican in their right mind should ever vote for this guy if he tries to destroy Trump (which would be his only selfish motive) should he run for President as a third party candidate.

Ohio General Assembly passes firearms bill—but without ‘stand-your-ground’ provisions

You are aware that every state which has enacted “Stand your ground” legislation has seen an increase in murder rates, aren’t you.

Evaluating America’s “stand-your-ground” laws

So how many times has SYG been used in any of these states? I would be willing to bet less than once a year if that.
Because the law is dumb . Look at Florida.

I live in Florida dipshit and believe me if anyone breaks into my house I'll use my shotgun to blow his head off.

The law in Florida is on the side of the victim.

if anyone breaks into my house I'll use my shotgun to blow his head off.

if he's unarmed, and not threatening your life, SYG doesn't cover that.

it's considered murder
Because the law is dumb . Look at Florida.

I live in Florida dipshit and believe me if anyone breaks into my house I'll use my shotgun to blow his head off.

The law in Florida is on the side of the victim.

if anyone breaks into my house I'll use my shotgun to blow his head off.

if he's unarmed, and not threatening your life, SYG doesn't cover that.

it's considered murder

Well he's not breaking into my house to ask to borrow a cup or sugar.

If the person is retreating I can't shoot the shit out of him. But if not as I'm in fear of my life or bodily harm. I can.

Florida Law on Self-Defense | Use of Deadly and Non Deadly Force
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Because the law is dumb . Look at Florida.

I live in Florida dipshit and believe me if anyone breaks into my house I'll use my shotgun to blow his head off.

The law in Florida is on the side of the victim.

if anyone breaks into my house I'll use my shotgun to blow his head off.

if he's unarmed, and not threatening your life, SYG doesn't cover that.

it's considered murder

Well he's not breaking into my house to ask to borrow a cup or sugar.

Oh make no mistake if he's armed he's dead. If not then I'll hold him for the police.

That's the biggest problem with SYG.

Too much testosterone.

shoot first, find out if he's armed later
Because the law is dumb . Look at Florida.

I live in Florida dipshit and believe me if anyone breaks into my house I'll use my shotgun to blow his head off.

The law in Florida is on the side of the victim.

if anyone breaks into my house I'll use my shotgun to blow his head off.

if he's unarmed, and not threatening your life, SYG doesn't cover that.

it's considered murder

Well he's not breaking into my house to ask to borrow a cup or sugar.

Oh make no mistake if he's armed he's dead. If not then I'll hold him for the police.

That's the biggest problem with SYG.

Too much testosterone.

shoot first, find out if he's armed later

He doesn't have to be armed. If I, or anyone else, feels our life is threatened or bodily harm is threatened and the person breaking in is not retreating then using deadly force and is acceptable. If he does retreat then deadly force can't be used.

Florida Law on Self-Defense | Use of Deadly and Non Deadly Force
Illegals MUST be allowed to enter the US
Sanctuary Cities MUST be allowed to exist to protect violent illegals / illegal criminals
NO Border Wall must be allowed to protect American citizens
Repeal the 'Stand Your Ground Law - Make Americans having to RUN their only defense
The 2nd Amendment MUST be repealed
Don't just deny them their right to protect themselves, Deny them the additional security they need to survive (Hillary)

Democrats - Making America Vulnerable / UN-Safe Again!

This 2020 Presidential Message is Brought to you by the hundreds of Americans murdered by illegals, illegal gangs, terrorists, and stupid Liberal Legislation / ideas / Obstruction / Resistance, paid for by the blood of American citizens.
Because the law is dumb . Look at Florida.

I live in Florida dipshit and believe me if anyone breaks into my house I'll use my shotgun to blow his head off.

The law in Florida is on the side of the victim.

if anyone breaks into my house I'll use my shotgun to blow his head off.

if he's unarmed, and not threatening your life, SYG doesn't cover that.

it's considered murder

Well he's not breaking into my house to ask to borrow a cup or sugar.

Oh make no mistake if he's armed he's dead. If not then I'll hold him for the police.

That's the biggest problem with SYG.

Too much testosterone.

shoot first, find out if he's armed later

He doesn't have to be armed. If I, or anyone else, feels our life is threatened or bodily harm is threatened and the person breaking in is not retreating then using deadly force and is acceptable. If he does retreat then deadly force can't be used.

Florida Law on Self-Defense | Use of Deadly and Non Deadly Force

Now we're getting into advancing and retreating.

your original post claimed otherwise.

"I live in Florida dipshit and believe me if anyone breaks into my house I'll use my shotgun to blow his head off."
That's the biggest problem with SYG. Shoot first, find out if he's armed later

You're a woman, walking to your car in the dimly lit parking lot late at night. Some thug / thugs begin following you...you run towards your car...and he / they begin to give chase. You pull your concealed carry out of your bag, turn to face the guy / guys chasing you, and he / they keep coming. At this point you....



Our society, in a lot of ways, has lost its damn mind, especially in how we have become way more concerned about the rights of the criminals, robbers, assaulters, and murderers.

A guy who attempts to break into a business to steal the owner's hard-earned money falls instead through the skylight...and IS ALLOWED TO SUE THE OWNER OF THE BUSINESS.


A guy who murders several young girls - torturing them, raping them, making their last minutes on earth a horrifying hell before he brutally kills them...and we bend over backwards to make sure this M*erF*er dies in the LEAST painful, most HUMANE way possible...

I've grown tired of this RINO crap being used to avoid responsibility. Kasich ran as a Republican. Republicans nominated him for governorship and for the most part supported him in the election. Republicans need to grow up, face reality, and take responsibility for their deeds.
I live in Florida dipshit and believe me if anyone breaks into my house I'll use my shotgun to blow his head off.

The law in Florida is on the side of the victim.

if anyone breaks into my house I'll use my shotgun to blow his head off.

if he's unarmed, and not threatening your life, SYG doesn't cover that.

it's considered murder

Well he's not breaking into my house to ask to borrow a cup or sugar.

Oh make no mistake if he's armed he's dead. If not then I'll hold him for the police.

That's the biggest problem with SYG.

Too much testosterone.

shoot first, find out if he's armed later

He doesn't have to be armed. If I, or anyone else, feels our life is threatened or bodily harm is threatened and the person breaking in is not retreating then using deadly force and is acceptable. If he does retreat then deadly force can't be used.

Florida Law on Self-Defense | Use of Deadly and Non Deadly Force

Now we're getting into advancing and retreating.

your original post claimed otherwise.

"I live in Florida dipshit and believe me if anyone breaks into my house I'll use my shotgun to blow his head off."

Hey. You asked and I told.

I can't help if you wanted more info. I gave you more info.

Suck it up buttercup.
if he's unarmed, and not threatening your life, SYG doesn't cover that.

it's considered murder

Well he's not breaking into my house to ask to borrow a cup or sugar.

Oh make no mistake if he's armed he's dead. If not then I'll hold him for the police.

That's the biggest problem with SYG.

Too much testosterone.

shoot first, find out if he's armed later

He doesn't have to be armed. If I, or anyone else, feels our life is threatened or bodily harm is threatened and the person breaking in is not retreating then using deadly force and is acceptable. If he does retreat then deadly force can't be used.

Florida Law on Self-Defense | Use of Deadly and Non Deadly Force

Now we're getting into advancing and retreating.

your original post claimed otherwise.

"I live in Florida dipshit and believe me if anyone breaks into my house I'll use my shotgun to blow his head off."

Hey. You asked and I told.

I can't help if you wanted more info. I gave you more info.

Suck it up buttercup.

your original post claimed you wanted to kill someone for breaking into your house.

That's murder

"Suck it up buttercup"

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