Rinos Sell Us Out Again

Looks like Jeff Flake has turned out to be as cheap a date as Rubio.

Flake is a total ASSHOLE....he was losing to a Tea Party candidate after they showed a clip of him saying "Yeah, I lied" and laughing about going back on his pledge to term-limit himself in the House. McCain jumped in with old money to save him so now Mac owns him. :smoke:
Looks like Jeff Flake has turned out to be as cheap a date as Rubio.

Aren't they all?

Looks like it was McCain and Graham's turn to play "good cop" and Reid drew the bad cop straw.

I find it funny that republican voters haven't caught on yet about their party. I'm also aware that nothing will change come th emid terms or the next presidential run. It's not conservatives vs. liberals anymore. it's statists vs. sane people.

Sane people are losing at a remarkable rate.
they're worst than most liberals, they're sells outs no backbone

so why dont you Far Righties start your own Party?.....no moderates or "Liberal" Republicans....... see how far that gets you....:eusa_eh:

We're going to take over the Republican Party via primary elections and win the presidency.

Hide in the bushes. Watch and cry.
we're?.....meaning the Far Right?.....no Moderates involved?....i think maybe you should go hide in the bushes....the Far Right could not take over anything without the the people you despise.....the "Moderates" helping you.....and many of them are getting tired of the Far Rights bullshit.....
Yeah, compromise brought us an extra 70+ years of slavery.

Compromise brought us an additional world war...

Compromise saddled us with a crushing 16th Amendment.

Compromise brought us the 10 year war on Terrorism....

Compromise of principles and values always results in more horror.
Compromise is for pussies.........drive them out of the party

compromise? :eusa_eh:

you mean when Reid invented the pro forma session to stop bush from using recess appointments? Which Bush did not violate, ( obama went ahead in the face of gop pro forma sessions and made appointments anyway, that have been struck down in 2 circuit courts).

Like that?


lets re-cap shall we, comments from the following individuals during the Frist term as maj. leader on the nuclear option;

President Barack Obama: “And what I worry about would be you essentially still have two chambers – the House and the Senate – but you have simply majoritarian, absolute power on either side. And that’s just not what the Founders intended.” (April 25, 2005)

Vice President Joe Biden: “This nuclear option is ultimately an example of the arrogance of power. It is a fundamental power grab….I pray God when the Democrats take back control we don’t make the kind of naked power grab you are doing.” (May 23, 2005)

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid: “The right to extended debate is never more important than when one party controls Congress and the White House. In these cases a filibuster serves as a check on power and preserves our limited government.” (May 18, 2005)

Senator Dianne Feinstein: “The Senate becomes ipso facto the House of Representatives, where the majority rules supreme and the party in power can dominate, and control the agenda with absolute power.” (May 15, 2005)

here ya go....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zAotKsLjBFI]Obama: Oppose Nuclear Option, Protect "Free And Democratic Debate" - YouTube[/ame]

now, there is no denying; the senate gop who went along with this folded like lawn chairs, laid down like whipped puppies, got beat like a red headed step child on a rainy sunday, yup, Reid owns them, thats a fact.

They should have told Ried go for it, circumvent the 67 vote rules change process, use the 51 benchmark and drop the bomb.

This settles nothing, its pure Politics; Reid will be back and frankly, I don't blame him. *shrugs*

The GOP laid down, and when you have your foot on their neck, squeeze, let off for a bit, let them breath a bit and press again....

If the House either allows a vote or goes to conference on the Senate Immigration Bill, I am registering as an Indy, I am done with them.
Looks like Jeff Flake has turned out to be as cheap a date as Rubio.

yup, was just thinking that 2 weeks ago ala the Immigration Bill.....

this was a stupid and a huge mistake. I have been thinking on this all day, I have no idea why they played this game.....I cannot see an advantage, or much of a downside if they told Reid to play his card and he did.
Spineless Republicans sell out the country again:evil:

B]Compromise, Senate GOP Style[/B]

Who could have predicted the outcome of the latest filibuster imbroglio in the Senate? Republicans paid the full ransom. What else is new?

Once again, Mitch McConnell outsourced his leadership position to the McCain-Graham duo. He tapped them, along with Bob Corker and Roger Wicker – all from solid red states – to negotiate a compromise with Reid and Schumer over the filibuster and executive nominations. What could go wrong?

The outcome produced a compromise similar to the deals the Israelis cut with the Palestinians. In other words, it was all one-sided. Republicans agreed to allow Richard Cordray to direct the Consumer Financial Protection Board, even though he was originally appointed illegally. The following senators voted for cloture:
◾Ayotte (NH)
◾Blunt (MO)
◾Chambliss (GA)
◾Coats (IN)
◾Collins, S. (ME)
◾Corker (TN)
◾Flake (AZ)
◾Graham, L. (SC)
◾Hatch (UT)
◾Hoeven (ND)
◾Isakson (GA)
◾Johanns (NE)
◾Kirk (IL)
◾McCain (AZ)
◾Murkowski, L. (AK)
◾Portman (OH)
◾Wicker (MS)

The entire purpose of the CFPB is to limit the choices of consumers in financial markets, making it harder and more expensive to obtain credit. This unaccountable agency will operate autonomously within the Federal Reserve and will not be subjected to congressional appropriations or oversight. Now Republicans will have no leverage to preclude this time bomb from taking root. Worse, they gave away their bargaining chip to strike down all the illegal rules that were issued by the agency while Cordray was illegitimately serving at its helm.

They also agreed to open the door wide for the nomination of Tom Perez as Labor Secretary and Gina McCarthy as director of the EPA. Republicans claim they won a victory because Obama agreed to pull his two illegally appointed members to the NLRB – Richard Griffin and Sharon Block. However, they basically agreed to confirm any alternatives to those two leftists. Politico is reporting that Obama has already picked the replacements, one of which is the associate general counsel at the AFL-CIO. Evidently, they were both picked in consultation with Richard Trumka. Cordray and the new NLRB appointees will seek to validate the previous actions taken by the agencies as soon as they are confirmed.

Perhaps, the most important outcome of this deal is that Republicans have signaled that as long as Reid throws a temper tantrum about the nuclear option, they are willing to pay the ransom

Compromise, Senate GOP Style | RedState

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