Riot breaks out in Portland as Antifa clash with conservative marchers

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Members of Antifa clashed with members of the conservative group Patriot Prayer Saturday evening in Portland, Ore., forcing police to declare that a riot was taking place as officers fired paintballs filled with tear gas into the crowd, according to the Oregonian.

Riot Breaks Out In Portland As Antifa Clash With Conservative Marchers

nothing would be finer than to send these misinformed pos pussy cowards to Europe land of the restritions, land of take your guns, and free speech . Better yet lets send pos losers like this to N. Korea gawd these morons need a history lesson. These are your UNIV. PROFESSORS under their hidden mask, they are students and still they're bigger idiots than someone who grew up in a trailer park.

View attachment 202196
I wonder who hired them for this incident. I think the last time this group proformed was at a pipeline protest and camp out.

Our wonderful media will never investigate their bosses, so we will just have to assume the Democratic Party hires them as they hire the rest of the vermin street thugs.
You are pretty sad if you have to refer to people as "faggots" and if you think I read romance novels and Cosmo and watch TV. But I picture you with your face all covered in hair, bizarre tattoos all over your body, a traitor flag somewhere on your vehicle, too lazy to study for your GED, or too dumb to understand the material. You probably have a filthy mouth most of the time. You probably play with loaded guns. Run around in the forest with your boy-buddies? This is not being a man. This is being a jerk.

You're really dumb. Maybe you should stop posting.

Am I hitting a bit too close to home? Clowns who fit my description have been all over the news for the past few years. Most of them look like Hell's Angels and have the IQ of a turnip.

So you get your impressions from that dyke you shared a cell with in prison for a few years?
We are going to need bigger internment camps than I first thought.

Nah. Direct deportation is the way to go. Load them in the vans, dump them on the bridges to Mexico and Canada, or take them directly to the nearest ports and put them directly on ships leaving the country. Don't need to care what the crews do with them after they leave our waters.
You are pretty sad if you have to refer to people as "faggots" and if you think I read romance novels and Cosmo and watch TV. But I picture you with your face all covered in hair, bizarre tattoos all over your body, a traitor flag somewhere on your vehicle, too lazy to study for your GED, or too dumb to understand the material. You probably have a filthy mouth most of the time. You probably play with loaded guns. Run around in the forest with your boy-buddies? This is not being a man. This is being a jerk.

You're really dumb. Maybe you should stop posting.

Am I hitting a bit too close to home? Clowns who fit my description have been all over the news for the past few years. Most of them look like Hell's Angels and have the IQ of a turnip.

So you get your impressions from that dyke you shared a cell with in prison for a few years?

I'm female, I'm hetero, and I've never done time in prison. Just because your types want to spread filth throughout our country, doesn't mean that the rest of us do. You folks need to get help for your sexual insecurities, learn the manners you should have learned before you grew up, and learn how to behave respectably and to be assets to your community. You have to grow up sometime.
We are going to need bigger internment camps than I first thought.

Nah. Direct deportation is the way to go. Load them in the vans, dump them on the bridges to Mexico and Canada, or take them directly to the nearest ports and put them directly on ships leaving the country. Don't need to care what the crews do with them after they leave our waters.
/----/ Of course if we were NAZIS like the Leftards claim, we'd just shoot them. But NOOOOOOOOOOOOO we have to go and treat them compassionately for breaking our laws.
Members of Antifa clashed with members of the conservative group Patriot Prayer Saturday evening in Portland, Ore., forcing police to declare that a riot was taking place as officers fired paintballs filled with tear gas into the crowd, according to the Oregonian.

Riot Breaks Out In Portland As Antifa Clash With Conservative Marchers

nothing would be finer than to send these misinformed pos pussy cowards to Europe land of the restritions, land of take your guns, and free speech . Better yet lets send pos losers like this to N. Korea gawd these morons need a history lesson. These are your UNIV. PROFESSORS under their hidden mask, they are students and still they're bigger idiots than someone who grew up in a trailer park.

View attachment 202196
With antifa violence is the only solution
The best things to watch is when ANTIFA gets their pussy asses knocked right out OMFG these losers deserve getting their asses beat. They are America's HERPES VIRUS.

Funny, antifa can’t back up their talk... They are a bunch of pussy whipped bitches
Members of Antifa clashed with members of the conservative group Patriot Prayer Saturday evening in Portland, Ore., forcing police to declare that a riot was taking place as officers fired paintballs filled with tear gas into the crowd, according to the Oregonian.

Riot Breaks Out In Portland As Antifa Clash With Conservative Marchers

nothing would be finer than to send these misinformed pos pussy cowards to Europe land of the restritions, land of take your guns, and free speech . Better yet lets send pos losers like this to N. Korea gawd these morons need a history lesson. These are your UNIV. PROFESSORS under their hidden mask, they are students and still they're bigger idiots than someone who grew up in a trailer park.

View attachment 202196
With antifa violence is the only solution
/----/ Back in the olden days, it was a Federal Offense to cross state lines to start a riot.
Why are out-of-state Charlotte rioters not being prosecuted for ...
Sep 23, 2016 - ... not being prosecuted for crossing state lines to engage in destruction and rioting? .... This should pique the interest of federal authorities.

From downtown, baby! Take that!


Is there footage of the entire incident to provide context? Who is the guy in the black hat punching people and trying to approach that woman?

I wish I could find the group of over 80 still photos taken during this incident or I would post the link. There was one hilarious photo of some chunky white guy going topless with only some sort of cape-affair tied around his neck. He had tattoos all over his belly hanging out. He appeared to be a gang-member, perhaps Hell's Angels? What kind of a person appears in public this way? Are any of these people normal?
The antifa guy has a metal pole in his hand and hits the patriot twice with it before he gets knocked into next week.
Antifa backs down when confronted... They are a bunch of pussy whipped bitches
Members of Antifa clashed with members of the conservative group Patriot Prayer Saturday evening in Portland, Ore., forcing police to declare that a riot was taking place as officers fired paintballs filled with tear gas into the crowd, according to the Oregonian.

Riot Breaks Out In Portland As Antifa Clash With Conservative Marchers

nothing would be finer than to send these misinformed pos pussy cowards to Europe land of the restritions, land of take your guns, and free speech . Better yet lets send pos losers like this to N. Korea gawd these morons need a history lesson. These are your UNIV. PROFESSORS under their hidden mask, they are students and still they're bigger idiots than someone who grew up in a trailer park.

View attachment 202196
Infowrs & Michael Savage are making you stupid.


OREGON TIMES ASSHOLE!! LIKE WE SAY YOU ARE IDIOTS. The best part is you stupid fkrs stil prove it all by youselves as others step back and look at how stupid you loons really are.
View attachment 202206

Portland Police revoke permit, declare riot as protesters clash downtown

Thank you for proving my point. every person with a brain knows Michael Savage is a bigoted POS & Infowars is worse than Limbaugh.

The idea you believe their shit proves you are an ignorant, uneducated person.
Members of Antifa clashed with members of the conservative group Patriot Prayer Saturday evening in Portland, Ore., forcing police to declare that a riot was taking place as officers fired paintballs filled with tear gas into the crowd, according to the Oregonian.

Riot Breaks Out In Portland As Antifa Clash With Conservative Marchers

nothing would be finer than to send these misinformed pos pussy cowards to Europe land of the restritions, land of take your guns, and free speech . Better yet lets send pos losers like this to N. Korea gawd these morons need a history lesson. These are your UNIV. PROFESSORS under their hidden mask, they are students and still they're bigger idiots than someone who grew up in a trailer park.

View attachment 202196
Infowrs & Michael Savage are making you stupid.


OREGON TIMES ASSHOLE!! LIKE WE SAY YOU ARE IDIOTS. The best part is you stupid fkrs stil prove it all by youselves as others step back and look at how stupid you loons really are.
View attachment 202206

Portland Police revoke permit, declare riot as protesters clash downtown

Thank you for proving my point. every person with a brain knows Michael Savage is a bigoted POS & Infowars is worse than Limbaugh.

The idea you believe their shit proves you are an ignorant, uneducated person.
Members of Antifa clashed with members of the conservative group Patriot Prayer Saturday evening in Portland, Ore., forcing police to declare that a riot was taking place as officers fired paintballs filled with tear gas into the crowd, according to the Oregonian.

Riot Breaks Out In Portland As Antifa Clash With Conservative Marchers

nothing would be finer than to send these misinformed pos pussy cowards to Europe land of the restritions, land of take your guns, and free speech . Better yet lets send pos losers like this to N. Korea gawd these morons need a history lesson. These are your UNIV. PROFESSORS under their hidden mask, they are students and still they're bigger idiots than someone who grew up in a trailer park.

View attachment 202196
Infowrs & Michael Savage are making you stupid.


OREGON TIMES ASSHOLE!! LIKE WE SAY YOU ARE IDIOTS. The best part is you stupid fkrs stil prove it all by youselves as others step back and look at how stupid you loons really are.
View attachment 202206

Portland Police revoke permit, declare riot as protesters clash downtown

Thank you for proving my point. every person with a brain knows Michael Savage is a bigoted POS & Infowars is worse than Limbaugh.

The idea you believe their shit proves you are an ignorant, uneducated person.
Michael savage, Rush Limbaugh and infowars they’re all harmless, why do you bother?
Proud Boys...a known fascist the trumpanzees are proud. How dare anyone be against them, eh?

And Democratic women are winning election after election, while the rightards continue separating women and children at the border, and their reproductive rights with new judges, while taking away healthcare from millions of them.

A sure recipe for conservative success going forward.

Proud Boys...a known fascist the trumpanzees are proud. How dare anyone be against them, eh?

And Democratic women are winning election after election, while the rightards continue separating women and children at the border, and their reproductive rights with new judges, while taking away healthcare from millions of them.

A sure recipe for conservative success going forward.

We can’t afford to provide socialized medicine, Illegal aliens do not belong here they need to go back to where they came from.
Liberal women do not speak for all women. fuck face
Members of Antifa clashed with members of the conservative group Patriot Prayer Saturday evening in Portland, Ore., forcing police to declare that a riot was taking place as officers fired paintballs filled with tear gas into the crowd, according to the Oregonian.

Riot Breaks Out In Portland As Antifa Clash With Conservative Marchers

nothing would be finer than to send these misinformed pos pussy cowards to Europe land of the restritions, land of take your guns, and free speech . Better yet lets send pos losers like this to N. Korea gawd these morons need a history lesson. These are your UNIV. PROFESSORS under their hidden mask, they are students and still they're bigger idiots than someone who grew up in a trailer park.

View attachment 202196
You left out the part where most of the conservatives were white supremacists invited to swell their numbers. Also the fact that they showed up dressed for a fight.

lol I lived in Portland, twice; everybody has always shown up at political rallies catering to cranks on either wing dressed for a fight. Many of them will fight for either side, depending on what mood they're in that day.
In what amounts to body armor like this guy, a supremacist who picked the wrong fight?
You left out the part where most of the conservatives were white supremacists invited to swell their numbers. Also the fact that they showed up dressed for a fight.

You left out how those who accuse others are gguilty of it themselves.
So maybe you shouldn't make those accusations then.

I'm informed you are not at least not fully. lol
Lol, wrong again Mr Infowars.

LOL your an idiot trust me and anyone else awake sees what an idiot you all are morons beyond repair.

Even this guy thinks your all fkn morons because this is how easy it is to lie to you stupid mother fkrs.

So wake up dumbass you don't. even know WTF u don't know.

“So the Chicago protest when they shut all that, that was us,” Aaron Black said to the undercover reporter. “It was more him [Bob Creamer] than me, but none of this is supposed to come back to us, because we want it coming from people, we don’t want it to come from the party." "So if we do a protest and it’s a DNC protest, right away the press is going to say partisan." "But if I’m in there coordinating with all the troops on the ground and sort of playing the field general but they are the ones talking to the cameras, then it’s actually people." "But if we send out press advisories with DNC on them and Clinton campaign it just doesn’t have

Yeah, copy/paste from conspiracy theory sites doesn't prove anything. Gonna hafta do better than that Mr inforwars.
Members of Antifa clashed with members of the conservative group Patriot Prayer Saturday evening in Portland, Ore., forcing police to declare that a riot was taking place as officers fired paintballs filled with tear gas into the crowd, according to the Oregonian.

Riot Breaks Out In Portland As Antifa Clash With Conservative Marchers

nothing would be finer than to send these misinformed pos pussy cowards to Europe land of the restritions, land of take your guns, and free speech . Better yet lets send pos losers like this to N. Korea gawd these morons need a history lesson. These are your UNIV. PROFESSORS under their hidden mask, they are students and still they're bigger idiots than someone who grew up in a trailer park.

View attachment 202196
You left out the part where most of the conservatives were white supremacists invited to swell their numbers. Also the fact that they showed up dressed for a fight.

Probably because they knew there'd be one, dumbass. Antifa fired mortars into the crowd. That's aggravated

assault at the least. That's fucked up.
I've read several accounts from different sources and the most I've seen said they threw firecrackers.

I think you exaggerate

"threw firecrackers" No bitch, they shot mortars into the crowd.
Link? Everything i saw said they threw firecrackers. That whats in the video I saw as well. I'm thinking of they actually fired mortars into the crowd there would have been a lot more than 4 injured.
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