Rioter Begs Forgiveness

I forgive him.

If he recieves any charges perhaps it needs to be a misdemeanor for hurting feelings of the unforgiving who just happen to be the unforgiven because of the spiritual nature created that comes with being a human.
LoL - He's from my old stomping grounds in Boise, ID.
No doubt a disciple of Ammon Bundy who was recently carried out of the capitol building twice in two days. :)
Let him rot in prison like all traitors.
What should be done with all the BLM and Antifa prisoners who torched police stations and property?
Some traitors are more equal than others?
The ones who were caught are now facing the consequences..your point??
They are political prisoners, and should be treated accordingly.
Where is Amnesty International in all this.

Political prisoners? :laughing0301: Sure dude, an armed insurrection resulting in millions worth of damage, terrorizing out elected reps and beating a cop to death with a fire extinguisher qualifies you to claim political prisoner status. Can't make this shit up!
Save your false equivalency.

This had nothing whatsoever to do with any of the George Floyd protests.

It would have happened regardless.

And take note. He is admitting what a fucked up thing he was engaged in.

Do you agree with him?

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