Rioters attack democratic state senator

Now all of a sudden he thinks this should stop before someone gets killed. Really asshole? Too late people have already been killed. You got lucky.

Funny how liberals can describe these "protests" as peaceful when it obvious they're anything but...right up to the point where THEY'RE getting punched in the face and then "THIS HAS GOT TO STOP!!!"
That is one Democratic politician that needs to take a good hard look at what he's been doing for the last week and a half! He's someone who should have been stopping what was going on...but instead he was out there watching it happen! I'd seldom say someone deserves a broken nose but this asshole might be the exception.
Off topic. Diblowsio got a real fireworks show by his mansion by his self picked arsonists.

Roman Candles are supposed to go UP. Not 3 feet off the ground traveling straight.
Now all of a sudden he thinks this should stop before someone gets killed. Really asshole? Too late people have already been killed. You got lucky.

And he's openly Gay so he was attacked then for being Gay. Disgusting. I have no problem with Gays, it's the Militant LGBTQ crowd that are the problem.
They attacked him for taking pictures of them. Or more likely for being white.
Now all of a sudden he thinks this should stop before someone gets killed. Really asshole? Too late people have already been killed. You got lucky.

And he's openly Gay so he was attacked then for being Gay. Disgusting. I have no problem with Gays, it's the Militant LGBTQ crowd that are the problem.
They attacked him for taking pictures of them. Or more likely for being white.

If someone is committing a crime, they don't want to have their picture taken.
Along the same line, lefty talking head wonders where the police are when she's threatened by the mess she helps create:

NBC’s Andrea Mitchell after protester tried to attack her: ‘Where’s the police when you need them?’
The mainstream media snowflake rails against law enforcement constantly, but the moment things turned potentially dangerous for her, she sought their protection.
If you can't handle the repercussions of your supercilious and provocative rhetoric, perhaps digging a hole in the ground and burying yourself in it would suit you more.
I second this. If you don't want to be stuck with the clean up responsibility, don't go having a party then.

God bless you always!!!


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