Riots are happening. Why are Democrats saying they are a myth?

The L

If we cannot agree that riots are bad then how can we possibly have normalized dialogue. What is happening in NYC, Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, etc. The mayors like Lightfoot and DeBlasio deny this is happening. If we cannot vilify rioting and destruction of small businesses then how can we continue as a society?

Many on this board cannot even admit that #1) the riots are wrong; #2) Antifa is responsible #3) Protests are not peaceful (no such thing as mostly peaceful).

When did we lose all sense of logic and turn a blind eye to obvious crimes happening right in front of us? Riots, looting, burning, attacks on our federal buildings are all WRONG and should be punishable to the fullest extent of the law. How long before normal, hardworking, everyday Americans say enough is enough?!?!

I am not trying to even stir things up. I am being 100% serious. If we cannot agree that riots are bad then how can we possibly proceed??!?!

Their own torpedoes are, once again, circling back on them. We all warned them!
I think right wing media and politicians are blowing violence and vandalism out of proportion for political advantage.

People far away from anything actually happening watch the relentless reports portraying and hyping these events and scaring people in order to manipulate them.
We think you're delusional.
I think right wing media and politicians are blowing violence and vandalism out of proportion for political advantage.

People far away from anything actually happening watch the relentless reports portraying and hyping these events and scaring people in order to manipulate them.
We think you're delusional.
Fascinating. What percentage of Republican voters do you think have been affected by any of this?

For starters, it’s limited almost exclusively to major cities. It’s limited almost exclusively to minority areas. There are few ongoing points of violence, almost all of it died down mid-June.

I’d wager it’s only really affected a small single digit percentage of people.

It’s not good, mind you, but it’s being blow way out of proportion.

Meanwhile COVID killed 170,000 people and the Republican Party shrugs it off. It is what it is.
Riots must be a myth because I saw campaign ads from Trump saying that when he is elected, he will put an end to all of the riots......

and last I checked, he is whatever he was planning to do to stop it, he should have done it already
Many on this board cannot even admit that #1) the riots are wrong; #2) Antifa is responsible #3) Protests are not peaceful (no such thing as mostly peaceful).

1) Riots are wrong.

2) Antifa is responsible.

3) I disagree. Many protests are peaceful.

No such thing as "mostly" peaceful. If I rob a bank at 11AM and leave by 11:05AM...I was mostly peaceful for 23 hours and 55 minutes but for 5 minutes I was an armed robber so should I just not have to pay for my crime? Protests should be 100% peaceful or not be deemed as peaceful and what specifically are we protesting? We all agree that what Chauvin did was wrong.

I agree that an individual should either be classified as peaceful or not peaceful.

What often happens is most protestors are just exercising their right to peacefully protest and a handfull of idiots do something stupid. If a protest includes 1,000 people and 1 of them smashes some windows, then I would say it's mostly peaceful.
Unless it's your window....still peaceful?

Fckn demoquacks it's all good until it fires back on them.

People are tired of the nonsense grow the fuck up
Many on this board cannot even admit that #1) the riots are wrong; #2) Antifa is responsible #3) Protests are not peaceful (no such thing as mostly peaceful).

1) Riots are wrong.

2) Antifa is responsible.

3) I disagree. Many protests are peaceful.

No such thing as "mostly" peaceful. If I rob a bank at 11AM and leave by 11:05AM...I was mostly peaceful for 23 hours and 55 minutes but for 5 minutes I was an armed robber so should I just not have to pay for my crime? Protests should be 100% peaceful or not be deemed as peaceful and what specifically are we protesting? We all agree that what Chauvin did was wrong.

I agree that an individual should either be classified as peaceful or not peaceful.

What often happens is most protestors are just exercising their right to peacefully protest and a handfull of idiots do something stupid. If a protest includes 1,000 people and 1 of them smashes some windows, then I would say it's mostly peaceful.
Unless it's your window....still peaceful?

Fckn demoquacks it's all good until it fires back on them.

People are tired of the nonsense grow the fuck up

If most of them are peaceful then I would say it's mostly peaceful.

What part of that is confusing to you? This isn't complicated.

If we cannot agree that riots are bad then how can we possibly have normalized dialogue. What is happening in NYC, Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, etc. The mayors like Lightfoot and DeBlasio deny this is happening. If we cannot vilify rioting and destruction of small businesses then how can we continue as a society?

Many on this board cannot even admit that #1) the riots are wrong; #2) Antifa is responsible #3) Protests are not peaceful (no such thing as mostly peaceful).

When did we lose all sense of logic and turn a blind eye to obvious crimes happening right in front of us? Riots, looting, burning, attacks on our federal buildings are all WRONG and should be punishable to the fullest extent of the law. How long before normal, hardworking, everyday Americans say enough is enough?!?!

I am not trying to even stir things up. I am being 100% serious. If we cannot agree that riots are bad then how can we possibly proceed??!?!
Fat Jerry is a liar.

THE JOURNOLIST IS HOPPING: “Liberals suddenly want the riots to stop because they realize it’s hurting their election chances. Conservatives have always wanted the riots to stop even though we know it’s helping our election chances. The former cares about votes, the latter about lives.”

The polling numbers showing violence helping Trump’s numbers.


Left-Wing Nazi Riots and violent crime is a significant issue among voters.

Even CNN's Dumb Don Lemon is panicking over the disastrous impact that far-left riots are having on the Democrat Party, even though this effect was obvious to everyone with a brain.

59 percent of voters list violent crime as a “very important” factor in casting their ballots.

When broken down by party affiliation, the party of law and order becomes clear: 46 percent of Demented Joe Biden supporters view violent crime as an essential factor. In comparison, 74 percent of President Trump’s backers feel the same.

Violent crime ranks just a shade behind the coronavirus pandemic in terms of importance, but well behind the economy, a category in which “the Republican Party holds a 9 percentage point edge over increasingly hapless Democrats.

News that American voters are more concerned about violent crime than alleged racial inequality, economic inequality, and climate change is like a surprise brick to the side of the head to bubble encapsulated Democrats. The Dems didn't even address rioting in the streets at last week’s party convention, they tried to pretend it wasn't happening.

Rioting is not the only violence making voters take another look at Trump. In many cities such as Chicago, L.A., Washington D.C., and New York, BLM/Antifa suck-up left-wing mayors have put “handcuffs” on law enforcement , causing spikes in violent crimes.

Democrats are profoundly upset about the rise in violent crime in many major cities, but, it went unmentioned throughout the four days of the DNC (Do Not See) convention, even as it’s growing in importance for many voters.

"A new Pew survey found that violent crime is now the fifth-most important issue for votes, with 59% listing it as 'very important' to their vote. For context, it’s nearly as important to Americans as the coronavirus, which ranks fourth with 63%"



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I think right wing media and politicians are blowing violence and vandalism out of proportion for political advantage.

People far away from anything actually happening watch the relentless reports portraying and hyping these events and scaring people in order to manipulate them.
We think you're delusional.
Fascinating. What percentage of Republican voters do you think have been affected by any of this?

For starters, it’s limited almost exclusively to major cities. It’s limited almost exclusively to minority areas. There are few ongoing points of violence, almost all of it died down mid-June.

I’d wager it’s only really affected a small single digit percentage of people.

It’s not good, mind you, but it’s being blow way out of proportion.

Meanwhile COVID killed 170,000 people and the Republican Party shrugs it off. It is what it is.
How many were in nursing homes in Democrat led states?

If we cannot agree that riots are bad then how can we possibly have normalized dialogue. What is happening in NYC, Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, etc. The mayors like Lightfoot and DeBlasio deny this is happening. If we cannot vilify rioting and destruction of small businesses then how can we continue as a society?

Many on this board cannot even admit that #1) the riots are wrong; #2) Antifa is responsible #3) Protests are not peaceful (no such thing as mostly peaceful).

When did we lose all sense of logic and turn a blind eye to obvious crimes happening right in front of us? Riots, looting, burning, attacks on our federal buildings are all WRONG and should be punishable to the fullest extent of the law. How long before normal, hardworking, everyday Americans say enough is enough?!?!

I am not trying to even stir things up. I am being 100% serious. If we cannot agree that riots are bad then how can we possibly proceed??!?!
They are Fake News Liars.
Riots are happening. Why are Democrats saying they are a myth?

Because they think we are all as dumb as their dumbed down voters....

If we cannot agree that riots are bad then how can we possibly have normalized dialogue. What is happening in NYC, Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, etc. The mayors like Lightfoot and DeBlasio deny this is happening. If we cannot vilify rioting and destruction of small businesses then how can we continue as a society?

Many on this board cannot even admit that #1) the riots are wrong; #2) Antifa is responsible #3) Protests are not peaceful (no such thing as mostly peaceful).

When did we lose all sense of logic and turn a blind eye to obvious crimes happening right in front of us? Riots, looting, burning, attacks on our federal buildings are all WRONG and should be punishable to the fullest extent of the law. How long before normal, hardworking, everyday Americans say enough is enough?!?!

I am not trying to even stir things up. I am being 100% serious. If we cannot agree that riots are bad then how can we possibly proceed??!?!

No one is denying riots are happening, and yet who benefits from them?

Trump supporters always claim the looters and vandals and arsonists are all Democrats. Of course there is no proof they are registered Democrats, nor liberals nor progressives.

It's another BIG LIE echoed by Trump supporters, a genre which is the grist on which President Trump&Co thrive upon.

If we cannot agree that riots are bad then how can we possibly have normalized dialogue. What is happening in NYC, Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, etc. The mayors like Lightfoot and DeBlasio deny this is happening. If we cannot vilify rioting and destruction of small businesses then how can we continue as a society?

Many on this board cannot even admit that #1) the riots are wrong; #2) Antifa is responsible #3) Protests are not peaceful (no such thing as mostly peaceful).

When did we lose all sense of logic and turn a blind eye to obvious crimes happening right in front of us? Riots, looting, burning, attacks on our federal buildings are all WRONG and should be punishable to the fullest extent of the law. How long before normal, hardworking, everyday Americans say enough is enough?!?!

I am not trying to even stir things up. I am being 100% serious. If we cannot agree that riots are bad then how can we possibly proceed??!?!

No one is denying riots are happening, and yet who benefits from them?

Trump supporters always claim the looters and vandals and arsonists are all Democrats. Of course there is no proof they are registered Democrats, nor liberals nor progressives.

It's another BIG LIE echoed by Trump supporters, a genre which is the grist on which President Trump&Co thrive upon.
Joe's Ho was raising bail for them. Was Pence? Uhh, Hell NO!

We all told you guys this was going to blow up in your faces, and but you guys were too smug and "smart" to heed the warning, and now Joe and The Ho are trying to suddenly shift position, a dead give away that even they know they aren't playing a winning hand.

Burn our fkn cities down? Tear our statues down? On what earth did you think this wasn't going to blow up on you guys.

Actually, I know the answer to that. You guys thought Trump would over-react, folks would get killed and that right now you would be flooding the news with Left Wing Generals claiming that Trump used Federal Troops to attack and kill Americans in a "horrifying and unprecedented" attack on the American Citizenry.

These SOB's were willing to have their own die just so they could hang it on Trump. And you are confused about why Americans find this disgusting?

Do you ever get the feeling the Left is getting uncomfortably too close to a apocalyptic cult?

All you need to do is craft a message that appeals to Middle America, but you hate us so much, that rather than that, you think you can bully us into voting for you by burning down Blue Cities. Who in the world did that ever make sense to?

Profile photo, opens profile page on Twitter in a new tab



“Our movement is about a brighter future for all Americans of every race, religion, color, and creed.” -@realDonaldTrump

I think right wing media and politicians are blowing violence and vandalism out of proportion for political advantage.

People far away from anything actually happening watch the relentless reports portraying and hyping these events and scaring people in order to manipulate them.

Seattle and Portland are hot beds of rioting, filming of attack after attack, looting night after night. Setting fires night after night, transgender getting the crap kicked out of them because a black protester decided to.

60 plus murders in 95 days, related to the riots. The first month saw over 14,000 arrests but you want us to believe it is peaceful? Not buying your opinion, I believe the evidence.

If we cannot agree that riots are bad then how can we possibly have normalized dialogue. What is happening in NYC, Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, etc. The mayors like Lightfoot and DeBlasio deny this is happening. If we cannot vilify rioting and destruction of small businesses then how can we continue as a society?

Many on this board cannot even admit that #1) the riots are wrong; #2) Antifa is responsible #3) Protests are not peaceful (no such thing as mostly peaceful).

When did we lose all sense of logic and turn a blind eye to obvious crimes happening right in front of us? Riots, looting, burning, attacks on our federal buildings are all WRONG and should be punishable to the fullest extent of the law. How long before normal, hardworking, everyday Americans say enough is enough?!?!

I am not trying to even stir things up. I am being 100% serious. If we cannot agree that riots are bad then how can we possibly proceed??!?!

No one is denying riots are happening, and yet who benefits from them?

Trump supporters always claim the looters and vandals and arsonists are all Democrats. Of course there is no proof they are registered Democrats, nor liberals nor progressives.

It's another BIG LIE echoed by Trump supporters, a genre which is the grist on which President Trump&Co thrive upon.
Jerry Nadler denied it. What are you talking about? Who benefits? The looters.

If we cannot agree that riots are bad then how can we possibly have normalized dialogue. What is happening in NYC, Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, etc. The mayors like Lightfoot and DeBlasio deny this is happening. If we cannot vilify rioting and destruction of small businesses then how can we continue as a society?

Many on this board cannot even admit that #1) the riots are wrong; #2) Antifa is responsible #3) Protests are not peaceful (no such thing as mostly peaceful).

When did we lose all sense of logic and turn a blind eye to obvious crimes happening right in front of us? Riots, looting, burning, attacks on our federal buildings are all WRONG and should be punishable to the fullest extent of the law. How long before normal, hardworking, everyday Americans say enough is enough?!?!

I am not trying to even stir things up. I am being 100% serious. If we cannot agree that riots are bad then how can we possibly proceed??!?!

No one is denying riots are happening, and yet who benefits from them?

Trump supporters always claim the looters and vandals and arsonists are all Democrats. Of course there is no proof they are registered Democrats, nor liberals nor progressives.

It's another BIG LIE echoed by Trump supporters, a genre which is the grist on which President Trump&Co thrive upon.
Jerry Nadler denied it. What are you talking about? Who benefits? The looters.

The looters benefit, but Trump exploits the violence, easily getting support from the biddable base he has manipulated. I suggest you and others who support Donald Trump watch Rick Steves Fascism in Europe on your local PBS Station.

Trump uses the playbook on the rise of Fascism in Italy and Germany.
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If we cannot agree that riots are bad then how can we possibly have normalized dialogue. What is happening in NYC, Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, etc. The mayors like Lightfoot and DeBlasio deny this is happening. If we cannot vilify rioting and destruction of small businesses then how can we continue as a society?

Many on this board cannot even admit that #1) the riots are wrong; #2) Antifa is responsible #3) Protests are not peaceful (no such thing as mostly peaceful).

When did we lose all sense of logic and turn a blind eye to obvious crimes happening right in front of us? Riots, looting, burning, attacks on our federal buildings are all WRONG and should be punishable to the fullest extent of the law. How long before normal, hardworking, everyday Americans say enough is enough?!?!

I am not trying to even stir things up. I am being 100% serious. If we cannot agree that riots are bad then how can we possibly proceed??!?!

No one is denying riots are happening, and yet who benefits from them?

Trump supporters always claim the looters and vandals and arsonists are all Democrats. Of course there is no proof they are registered Democrats, nor liberals nor progressives.

It's another BIG LIE echoed by Trump supporters, a genre which is the grist on which President Trump&Co thrive upon.
Jerry Nadler denied it. What are you talking about? Who benefits? The looters.

The looters benefit, but Trump exploits the violence, easily getting support from the biddable base he has manipulated. I suggest you and others who support Donald Trump watch Rick Steves Fascism in Europe on your local PBS Station.

Trump uses the playbook on the rise of Fascism in Italy and Germany.
He exploits it by telling the truth about it? If they don't loot there isn't anything to exploit. Here we go again with the Fascism BS.

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