Riots in Australia? Say what?

So they sat on their thumbs while the government took away their guns, but they rioted because some dumb kid won a Darwin Award?

There must be something in their water.
So they sat on their thumbs while the government took away their guns, but they rioted because some dumb kid won a Darwin Award?

There must be something in their water.

I think it has something to do with being on the wrong side of the equator...
They seem to have a ruckus down under....

First the government installs leftist, criminally-negligent policies.......then the crime rates go up.

Then they say they're fed up with high crime caused by their silly leftist policies.

Here come the new policies designed to squash freedom.

Let's rephrase that.

Run the place like you're insane, chaos ensues, and then claim you're the solution.

This is socialism in a nut-shell.
The video footage shows that rioters at the tavern were mostly young Aborigines, who appeared to be angry and agitated after the death of a young male at the tavern. The NT is mostly inhabited by native Australians. The top temperatures in the NT exceed 100°F throughout a year, which tends to deter migration.


Horror scenes at an Alice Springs tavern
Startling footage shows the moment a group of several youths attempted to...

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Why is youth crime now out of control across Australia, particularly in towns with large Aboriginal populations and or public housing estates?
Well that is because, no one much in power anywhere wants to actually do anything to solve the problem...and the courts are very lenient.
Most of the criminal acts, .....home invasions armed with knives, machetes, and jemmy bars,... stabbings and bashings of residents in their own homes to get the car keys and steal them...are being committed by youths aged 10 to 17.
They use the stolen cars to do burnouts, race, speed, engage cops in chases.
Most of the perps seem to be of Aboriginal race.
Why are they not at home instead?
Dysfunctional families, domestic violence, substance/alcohol abuse by is alleged.
Not all parents and not all families in the towns.
The law prevents parents from locking up their children at home against their will.
They'll get charged with "deprivation of liberty", the kids just walk out the door and onto the streets.
Australian media is in shock. The only one who rushed at the terrorist, who massacred the Sydney shopping center was a кussian man!
He took a huge piece of iron and blocked his way, despite the fact that the Wahhabi was armed with a knife.

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