Riots in the streets of Istanbul, as Dictator implements Muslim law.

Riots in the streets of Istanbul as dictator implements Muslim law.

The philosophy of "Islam will dominate the world" is the private agenda of Muslims in the United States. Fellow Americans please watch this story unfold.


While I am keeping an eye on what's going on in Turkey, I am skeptical that they have protest signs written in English.
So the people in Turkey are protesting against Islamic law? I thought this is what they always wanted?

Interestingly, from what I've heard the Protests were started by leftists protesting over a mall. The Islamists took over the protests at some point.
Some of what's driving the violence in Turkey today started five decades ago and has more to do with class war than with Islam, IMHO:

"For almost thirty years Turkish capitalism has taken the form of neoliberalism. Turkey’s subordination to the world neoliberal order started in the late 1970s and was pursued consistently after the 1980 military coup.

"The coup reflected Hayek’s contention that a transition to 'free markets' may require a dictatorship.1

"By dissolving political and social opposition, the coup provided the necessary political environment for the shift from the import substitution industrialization that framed economic policy since the 1960s to an export-oriented economics.

"During the interim regime (1980–83), Turkey experienced a fierce process of depoliticization, which limited the opportunities for an effective opposition against the launch of neoliberal policies.

"All segments of the labor movement that had made political gains in the preceding decade were banned from politics and the majority of prominent activists were imprisoned.

"The general elections held in 1983 were a farce.

"The military rulers banned all political parties that had organic links to pre-coup political organizations and that were in opposition to the coup and the interim regime, and allowed only three political parties to participate."

The Neoliberal Restructuring of Turkey?s Social Security System :: Monthly Review

Maybe some capitalists fear democracy as much as some Imams?



We tend to prefer Republics. That way the people can actually be free.
Yeah, we all heard yo the first time, which is why we debunked it in post 59. Pay attention rag-head.

Riots in the streets of Istanbul as dictator implements Muslim law.

The philosophy of "Islam will dominate the world" is the private agenda of Muslims in the United States. Fellow Americans please watch this story unfold.


While I am keeping an eye on what's going on in Turkey, I am skeptical that they have protest signs written in English.


We are all familiar with childish Muslim political tricks.
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Yeah, we all heard yo the first time, which is why we debunked it in post 59. Pay attention rag-head.

Considering your responding to the first post I've made in this thread, Im skeptical of your claim of "hearing [me] the first time".

Stop with the propaganda and deal with facts.
Yeah, we all heard yo the first time, which is why we debunked it in post 59. Pay attention rag-head.

Considering your responding to the first post I've made in this thread, Im skeptical of your claim of "hearing [me] the first time".

Stop with the propaganda and deal with facts.

You know if you actually read a thread before you posted.

Then Googled your information before you posted. You might actually actually make it in this thread.

We rely on fact/links here, but we are forced to deal with fact-twisting Muslims who are selling an agenda, not debating.


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Yeah, we all heard yo the first time, which is why we debunked it in post 59. Pay attention rag-head.

Considering your responding to the first post I've made in this thread, Im skeptical of your claim of "hearing [me] the first time".

Stop with the propaganda and deal with facts.

Rotsa ruck with that quest with Belchboy. Facts to him are like smallpox to us.
Yeah, we all heard yo the first time, which is why we debunked it in post 59. Pay attention rag-head.

Riots in the streets of Istanbul as dictator implements Muslim law.

The philosophy of "Islam will dominate the world" is the private agenda of Muslims in the United States. Fellow Americans please watch this story unfold.


While I am keeping an eye on what's going on in Turkey, I am skeptical that they have protest signs written in English.


We are all familiar with childish Muslim political tricks.

So why is there a British policeman in the center photo, if you check the image source you and who is luton lionheart? = paul Ray one of the founders of the fascist EDL, the inspiration behind the anti-Muslim ideology of Norwegian mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik.
Oslo attacks: EDL member Paul Ray admits he may have been Anders Breivik's inspiration - Telegraph
Some of what's driving the violence in Turkey today started five decades ago and has more to do with class war than with Islam, IMHO:

"For almost thirty years Turkish capitalism has taken the form of neoliberalism. Turkey’s subordination to the world neoliberal order started in the late 1970s and was pursued consistently after the 1980 military coup.

"The coup reflected Hayek’s contention that a transition to 'free markets' may require a dictatorship.1

"By dissolving political and social opposition, the coup provided the necessary political environment for the shift from the import substitution industrialization that framed economic policy since the 1960s to an export-oriented economics.

"During the interim regime (1980–83), Turkey experienced a fierce process of depoliticization, which limited the opportunities for an effective opposition against the launch of neoliberal policies.

"All segments of the labor movement that had made political gains in the preceding decade were banned from politics and the majority of prominent activists were imprisoned.

"The general elections held in 1983 were a farce.

"The military rulers banned all political parties that had organic links to pre-coup political organizations and that were in opposition to the coup and the interim regime, and allowed only three political parties to participate."

The Neoliberal Restructuring of Turkey?s Social Security System :: Monthly Review

Maybe some capitalists fear democracy as much as some Imams?



We tend to prefer Republics. That way the people can actually be free.

Excuse me?

What do you mean by Republics?
Yeah, we all heard yo the first time, which is why we debunked it in post 59. Pay attention rag-head.

Considering your responding to the first post I've made in this thread, Im skeptical of your claim of "hearing [me] the first time".

Stop with the propaganda and deal with facts.

You know if you actually read a thread before you posted.

Then Googled your information before you posted. You might actually actually make it in this thread.

We rely on fact/links here, but we are forced to deal with fact-twisting Muslims who are selling an agenda, not debating.


"Debating" what?

Your OP was wrong.

And you continue on by posting stuff that has nothing to do with what's happening in Turkey.
Riots in the streets of Istanbul as dictator implements Muslim law.

The philosophy of "Islam will dominate the world" is the private agenda of Muslims in the United States. Fellow Americans please watch this story unfold.

Glenn beck predicted this in 2010. Muslims want a caliphate And it's happening before our eyes. Started with the Arab spring which Glenn also predicted

Considering that protest took place in 2006, I'd say that Glenn Beck was a little late to the game.
So the people in Turkey are protesting against Islamic law? I thought this is what they always wanted?

Interestingly, from what I've heard the Protests were started by leftists protesting over a mall. The Islamists took over the protests at some point.

They always do.

They have a plan that always works. Create instability and out of that instability they can exert control. It doesn't matter what the instability is, something as small as a protest over a park will do. Anything can be used.
They have a plan that always works. Create instability and out of that instability they can exert control. It doesn't matter what the instability is, something as small as a protest over a park will do. Anything can be used.

How could Islamists be controlling the protests if the protests are supposed to be over how Islamic the presidency is? That doesn't make much sense.
Yeah, we all heard yo the first time, which is why we debunked it in post 59. Pay attention rag-head.

While I am keeping an eye on what's going on in Turkey, I am skeptical that they have protest signs written in English.


We are all familiar with childish Muslim political tricks.

So why is there a British policeman in the center photo, if you check the image source you and who is luton lionheart? = paul Ray one of the founders of the fascist EDL, the inspiration behind the anti-Muslim ideology of Norwegian mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik.
Oslo attacks: EDL member Paul Ray admits he may have been Anders Breivik's inspiration - Telegraph

If I made a mistake, or Google images misfiled a photo, those are honest mistakes, and do not change the facts in the CBS News video. Massive protests across Turkey; over 900 arrested - CBS News Video You continue to fail to address this reality. Because we both know, you can't handle the truth. Egypt like Turkey elected leaders who are now forcing Muslim law on their citizens. It is really an old story, and you know it. No one trusts Muslims. Some nation is always trying to get rid of them. Remember Spain?

You are so desperate to "win" in this thread, you will say or do anything. But, there is no way can win with facts. It is really rather humerus.

Now here is a photo of Muslim work that you can take to the bank as accurate. We see through your poorly done propaganda. No one is buying your bull it, Johnny Jihad!


Civilized western countries know your B. S.
and don't believe a word you say.
You have no facts, only antiquated terrorism.​
The signs all look like they were done by the same person, look at the shape of the letters and the spacing

Continued posting of the same information is not going to make it true.

Asked, answered, and debunked.

You won't move on because you have no viable arguments to move on to.

Riots in the streets of Istanbul as dictator implements Muslim law.

The philosophy of "Islam will dominate the world" is the private agenda of Muslims in the United States. Fellow Americans please watch this story unfold.

A couple of comments:

1.) I don't see how you could call Erdogen a dictator since his party was elected into office with the popular vote.

2.) Those pictures of yours are not from Turkey, they aren't even of Turkish ethnicity, they are from a small protest in England that happened years ago.

You need to learn how to use your computer and Google Images. When a news story is breaking, photos are not always quick to surface. So, when I Google, "Istanbul riots" a variety of photos are offered. In addition the web page for each photo is also available. So I can read the story of the picture if I wish. I look for pictures that visually relate the story I am reporting. It is much like writing a zinger headline on a newspaper story. This is standard journalism bravado. I stand by my pics.

When I post a utube of a news story, (in this case from CBS), this must be related precisely as the story was presented on the news. These are the facts viewers will use to make their opinions. In this case the utubes are my CBS source, (though often a written version accompanies the utube).

You sound like a guy trying to distract from the truth of this thread. I suggest you review the three utubes in posts 1, 2, and 11, and then retract your inaccurate remarks. All three CBS utubes point out that while the Prime Minister was duly elected, he is being called a "dictator" because of the manner in which he is forcing Muslim law on people of all religions in Turkey. From my experience in researching, this is "typical Muslim" behavior, and happens frequently in any number of countries.

I trust this is now clear to you, Mr. Jihad.

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So the people in Turkey are protesting against Islamic law? I thought this is what they always wanted?


Links please. CBS has shown clearly that the demonstrations are against further Islamic law. Watch the utube in the OP before posting please.

Riots in the streets of Istanbul as dictator implements Muslim law.

The philosophy of "Islam will dominate the world" is the private agenda of Muslims in the United States. Fellow Americans please watch this story unfold.

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They have a plan that always works. Create instability and out of that instability they can exert control. It doesn't matter what the instability is, something as small as a protest over a park will do. Anything can be used.

How could Islamists be controlling the protests if the protests are supposed to be over how Islamic the presidency is? That doesn't make much sense.

Interestingly, from what I've heard the Protests were started by leftists protesting over a mall. The Islamists took over the protests at some point.

They always do.

They have a plan that always works. Create instability and out of that instability they can exert control. It doesn't matter what the instability is, something as small as a protest over a park will do. Anything can be used.

Since they have no facts to support their Islamic murdering of innocent civilians.

They make up their own information as Katzndogz does here.

It is an old internet discussion trick that does not work on a thinking viewer.

Just let it go. Muslims are too far gone to be deprogrammed.


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