Riots in the streets of Istanbul, as Dictator implements Muslim law.

Some of the OP photos are photo-shopped

Prove it.

Assertion isn't proof of anything.

He did post supporting evidence, he posted the same picture with different writing on the sign showing that the writing had been changed. I've seen these pictures pop up on message boards for years, and the writing on the signs often changes via photo shop. But that really isn't the important part because that particular protest was engaged in by a highly anti-western religious group in the UK. The issue here, is that said group was / is very small, it was one protest years ago akin to something the Westboro Baptist Church does here in the US (aka it was deliberately antagonistic) and it has nothing to do with Turkey, Turkish peoples, or the current protests in Turkey that are ongoing.

It's a non-issue for this thread.

The signs all look very different to me. I don't believe they've been photoshopped and no proof has been offered. Documentation, documentation. Assertion doesn't work.

Perhaps it has nothing to do with the current Turkey protests, I don't know, that hasn't been proven either, but it certainly is a good sample of the well-known Muslim hatred and true violent malignancy toward the West and anything civilized. There is no use at all saying this kind of behavior is isolated and eccentric since Muslims are constantly demonstrating against us and violently attacking our embassies worldwide!

We've got it that Muslims hate us and want to kill us all. They often say so.

Many of us don't like that. I am hoping we'll start fighting back effectively, but we've got a major 5th column problem, leftists who are enemies of everything American even though they live here.

Maybe you'll win. Maybe we'll win. We'll see.
The signs all look very different to me. I don't believe they've been photoshopped and no proof has been offered. Documentation, documentation. Assertion doesn't work.

Perhaps it has nothing to do with the current Turkey protests, I don't know, that hasn't been proven either, but it certainly is a good sample of the well-known Muslim hatred and true violent malignancy toward the West and anything civilized. There is no use at all saying this kind of behavior is isolated and eccentric since Muslims are constantly demonstrating against us and violently attacking our embassies worldwide!

After reading your comment here I feel inclined to point out that it was indeed a rarity for such things to happen which is why these photographs have become so popular among those who dislike Islam. This protest happened in 2006, if these things were really so common then you'd think that posters would be able to come up with fresh material.

A couple of other notes on this particular protest / group: five of the protesters were arrested for inciting hatred and violence. The group that organized the protest (which was in response to the Danish cartoons) was Al Ghurabaa and it was disbanded (made criminal) by the British Government in 2006 as well.

Its British offshoot group Islam4UK was deemed to be affiliated with terrorist under British law sets and deemed illegal too.

Finally, that particular protest was condemned by other Islamic religious leaders in the UK, so there is no Islamic consensus approving such behavior / protests.

So no, these aren't people that we put up with, and they aren't demonstrative of the typical European Muslim, let alone the typical Turkish Muslim, the group didn't even follow the same sets of Islamic jurisprudence as say, most in Turkey do.
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Attitudes here are hardening against all these bomb-happy Muslims.

High time. Past time.
The signs all look like they were done by the same person, look at the shape of the letters and the spacing
The signs all look like they were done by the same person, look at the shape of the letters and the spacing

Very likely, I thought so, too. With one of those big wide Magic Markers. I don't think they are photoshopped, I think one person did the signage for the demonstration.
The signs all look like they were done by the same person, look at the shape of the letters and the spacing

Very likely, I thought so, too. With one of those big wide Magic Markers. I don't think they are photoshopped, I think one person did the signage for the demonstration.

Look at these two photos of the same man

One, or both must be photoshopped, look at the position of his hands in both images?
Attitudes here are hardening against all these bomb-happy Muslims.

High time. Past time.

Starting to? Those people were arrested seven years ago.

All the others. Billions who want to kill us all. Worldwide.

You know I was not referring to your British group, if that's what they were.

So anyway. Looks like Turkey is going down. What side are you on, the secularists or the Islamists?
All the others. Billions who want to kill us all. Worldwide.

You know I was not referring to your British group, if that's what they were.

So anyway. Looks like Turkey is going down. What side are you on, the secularists or the Islamists?

World polling data disagrees with your notion that over a billion Muslims want to kill us. Gallup's poll on global Islamic thought (the most comprehensive poll on Muslim attitudes toward the west to date) shows no evidence of what you are suggesting. Most Muslims have better things to worry about than you and I (like getting a job and raising their family).

That aside, I don't see how a protest over the construction of a shopping mall is going to bring down Turkey. Turkey has faced worst than this in the form of the PKK and with previous Arab Spring inspired protests.
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All the others. Billions who want to kill us all. Worldwide.

You know I was not referring to your British group, if that's what they were.

So anyway. Looks like Turkey is going down. What side are you on, the secularists or the Islamists?

World polling data disagrees with your notion that over a billion Muslims want to kill us. Gallup's poll on global Islamic thought (the most comprehensive poll on Muslim attitudes toward the west to date) shows no evidence of what you are suggesting. Most Muslims have better things to worry about than you and I (like getting a job and raising their family).

That aside, I don't see how a protest over the construction of a shopping mall is going to bring down Turkey. Turkey has faced worst than this in the form of the PKK and with previous Arab Spring inspired protests.

Well, if they are going to poll Muslims on jobs and families, I guess we wouldn't see much anti-Americanism on those poll results, would we?

Maybe they should poll them on whether they want to push a button and destroy the United States. What do you think, 64% or 72% or 96% would push the button?

If you are trying to pretend Muslims aren't just as viciously anti-American as we now know they are, forget it.

So I gather you think there's no problem in Turkey, just because they have huge riots that doesn't mean they are having their own Turkish Spring, no problem there, move along.

Well, if they are going to poll Muslims on jobs and families, I guess we wouldn't see much anti-Americanism on those poll results, would we?

Maybe they should poll them on whether they want to push a button and destroy the United States. What do you think, 64% or 72% or 96% would push the button?

The poll was on Islamic thought in general, and included how "they" felt about the west. You can read it for yourself if you'd like, Gallup published the findings in a book: [ame=] Who Speaks For Islam?: What a Billion Muslims Really Think (9781595620170): John L. Esposito, Dalia Mogahed: Books[/ame]

Among the findings: Muslims and Americans are equally likely to reject attacks on civilians as morally unjustified.

Those who condone acts of terrorism are a small minority and are no more or less likely to be religious than the rest of the population

The reasons given for justifying acts of terrorism generally aren't religious in nature.

Democracy is the thing that Muslims admire most about the west, that and our technology.

Here is the Gallup homepage for the project as well:

Home page for Who Speaks for Islam? What a Billion Muslims Really Think

If you are trying to pretend Muslims aren't just as viciously anti-American as we now know they are, forget it.

I'm saying that most Muslims have far more pressing concerns than America. I think we generally have an overinflated opinion how important we (Americans) are to the rest of the world in general.

So I gather you think there's no problem in Turkey, just because they have huge riots that doesn't mean they are having their own Turkish Spring, no problem there, move along.

The protests in the US in the 70's didn't lead to the collapse of our country, nor did the Arab Spring protests in Jordan and Algeria lead to the collapse of Jordan and Algeria. A protest doesn't automatically spell doom for a country. Heck, China has almost 52,000 protests every year over environmental problems alone and the Chinese government is still standing.

I was curious why you think that Turkey is on the verge of falling. Simply having a protest over the construction of a shopping mall seems a poor foundation for such an assertion.
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Maybe they should poll them on whether they want to push a button and destroy the United States. What do you think, 64% or 72% or 96% would push the button?.

How many Muslims have you ever asked that or any other question - EVER? You sound like a pissy little coward with this irrational fear and illogical generalization. Grow a pair, ya fucking pussy.
Attitudes here are hardening against all these bomb-happy Muslims.

High time. Past time.
"Research by Chris Busby, Malak Hamdan and Entesar Ariabi published in 2010 lent credibility to anecdotal news reports of increases in birth defects and cancer after the fighting in 2004.[47] Results from a survey of 711 households in Fallujah on cancer, birth defects and infant mortality suggested that large increases in cancer and infant mortality had occurred.

"Responses to the questionnaire also suggested an anomalous mean birth sex ratio in children born a year after the fighting, indicating that environmental contamination occurred in 2004.

"Although the authors noted the use of depleted uranium as one possible source of relevant exposure, they emphasized that there could be other possibilities and that their results did not identify the agent(s) responsible for the increased levels of illness."

What effect have Muslim terrorists had on infant mortality rates in the US?

Fallujah during the Iraq War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The signs all look like they were done by the same person, look at the shape of the letters and the spacing

You have betrayed yourself as Pro-Muslim, and lacking in simple political knowledge.

First here is the page of Muslim signage from Google Images. There are plenty of different signs. Are you saying that all these signs were made by the same guy? :razz:

Anyone who has ever been involved in political demonstrations knows that often the signs are made by a volunteer whose job it is to produce posters. Then they are handed out at the rally.

Most interesting is that these sure as hell are Muslims displaying the signs, aren't they? Or do you think someone went to a Halloween costume store to buy the outfits, and hired actors to wear them?

If so, damn good actors, they look like Muslims to me. Are they selling out their faith? You fail!

Muslims are always the innocent injured parties being ridiculed out of racism, RIGHT? It never occurs to you that you have killed thousands of American citizens, and that is why we hate you as murders.

Finally, and most important. USMB viewers are not falling for the Muslim tricks of distraction in posting, "hit and run" posting, and out-and-out manufacture of information.

Your third world education is no match for the average Americans understanding of mass media, political tricks, and and political spin. Give it up Johnny Jihad. All your hackneyed ploys are old tricks to Americans.

We see right through your childish efforts to sell your terrorist Islam. Hell, it is not even a real "religion."

Isn't this just a twist on the failed Muslim posting of "You photo shopped it!


Now these Muslims have expensive printed signs.
Do you think someone picked up an expensive printing bill to make you look stupid?
You rag-heads really are dumber than I thought.
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