RIP Boss

He was on my ignore list, I don't remember him. Sad that he died but death is a part of life too. Makes us live, rather than slob around.
Boss may have been the same guy I knew from another forum. Much respect for him. Lots of passion without being an ass.

Does anyone know if he was also a musician?

R.I.P. Boss

IIRC he played guitar, at least I got that impression on the other board; you might ask Snouter or Ganjafreebird, if he posts here under another handle.
I thought about this all evening, and decided I would post about it. I found out earlier that Boss (yes the poster here) died on Jan 22nd. I was shocked to say the least. Regardless of whether you agreed with him, you have to admit he was a smart man. I will miss him.

RIP Boss :(
I like him a lot. Thanks for passing that on.
Does anyone know if he was also a musician?

Yes, he was.

Oh no! This is terrible news. :( How did he die?

I am not sure. He was a Facebook friend, and I saw something about him going peacefully. So, I don't know if it was a heart attack in his sleep or what. No clue.
I will try to find out.
Was he black? He didn’t act black but his pic was a black dude
I thought about this all evening, and decided I would post about it. I found out earlier that Boss (yes the poster here) died on Jan 22nd. I was shocked to say the least. Regardless of whether you agreed with him, you have to admit he was a smart man. I will miss him.

RIP Boss :(
I wanted to read everyone’s posts before writing this. I really appreciated and respected boss. I didn’t agree with him religiously or politically but so what? I could tell he was a good person. I don’t come to usmb to talk to people I agree with I came to debate with formidable foes. He was a great adversary. I’d have to say he probably won more debates than he lost. He sure knew his stuff. He could take on 5 liberal atheists at a time. I wish I could have told him how I felt. Good man. He sure did believe in something greater than self. Omg had I known he was struggling with mortality I would heve Stfu. I hope this is a joke. If it is I’m glad cause then he gets to see how I feel about him. Poor guy. I’m really kind of sad
I thought about this all evening, and decided I would post about it. I found out earlier that Boss (yes the poster here) died on Jan 22nd. I was shocked to say the least. Regardless of whether you agreed with him, you have to admit he was a smart man. I will miss him.

RIP Boss :(
I wanted to read everyone’s posts before writing this. I really appreciated and respected boss. I didn’t agree with him religiously or politically but so what? I could tell he was a good person. I don’t come to usmb to talk to people I agree with I came to debate with formidable foes. He was a great adversary. I’d have to say he probably won more debates than he lost. He sure knew his stuff. He could take on 5 liberal atheists at a time. I wish I could have told him how I felt. Good man. He sure did believe in something greater than self. Omg had I known he was struggling with mortality I would heve Stfu. I hope this is a joke. If it is I’m glad cause then he gets to see how I feel about him. Poor guy. I’m really kind of sad

Unfortunately sealybobo it is for real. But, though he put a lot of thought into his posts, he didn't hold it against anyone that disagreed with him.
I think we all have had the thought that we wish we could say one more thing to him.
I think we all have had the thought that we wish we could say one more thing to him.
That’s how I want to go out. I don’t want everyone feeling sorry for me. I did post a little about my mom having Alzheimer’s but not a lot.

Had I knew the guy was dieing I wouldn’t have gone on and on about not believing in god or an afterlife But I hope he appreciated being born, having so many good years, having people who loved him, living in America. I hope there is a creator who cares.
I think we all have had the thought that we wish we could say one more thing to him.
That’s how I want to go out. I don’t want everyone feeling sorry for me. I did post a little about my mom having Alzheimer’s but not a lot.

Had I knew the guy was dieing I wouldn’t have gone on and on about not believing in god or an afterlife But I hope he appreciated being born, having so many good years, having people who loved him, living in America. I hope there is a creator who cares.

I knew him best as Dixie on another forum. I argued with him more times than I can count. And he could be a seriously frustrating guy to argue with. But he always came prepared, and his rants were the stuff of legend.
I think we all have had the thought that we wish we could say one more thing to him.
That’s how I want to go out. I don’t want everyone feeling sorry for me. I did post a little about my mom having Alzheimer’s but not a lot.

Had I knew the guy was dieing I wouldn’t have gone on and on about not believing in god or an afterlife But I hope he appreciated being born, having so many good years, having people who loved him, living in America. I hope there is a creator who cares.

I knew him best as Dixie on another forum. I argued with him more times than I can count. And he could be a seriously frustrating guy to argue with. But he always came prepared, and his rants were the stuff of legend.
Oh he frustrated the hell out of me. I will never forget "something greater than self".

And the evidence I used as proof of my believe, he would use that same evidence and say it proves his position. I said our ancient ancestors were uneducated and made up god to answer what they didn't know and he said because we have always believed that must make it true.

Or for example most religious people seem to believe that we are alone in the universe. Must be because then that means we are special. Well Boss said if we found intelligent life elsewhere that would prove there is a god. Gosh I wish I could tell him how stupid he is right now. What a good guy. Like someone else said I hope he was right and he is in heaven right now.
I think we all have had the thought that we wish we could say one more thing to him.
That’s how I want to go out. I don’t want everyone feeling sorry for me. I did post a little about my mom having Alzheimer’s but not a lot.

Had I knew the guy was dieing I wouldn’t have gone on and on about not believing in god or an afterlife But I hope he appreciated being born, having so many good years, having people who loved him, living in America. I hope there is a creator who cares.

I knew him best as Dixie on another forum. I argued with him more times than I can count. And he could be a seriously frustrating guy to argue with. But he always came prepared, and his rants were the stuff of legend.
Oh he frustrated the hell out of me. I will never forget "something greater than self".

And the evidence I used as proof of my believe, he would use that same evidence and say it proves his position. I said our ancient ancestors were uneducated and made up god to answer what they didn't know and he said because we have always believed that must make it true.

Or for example most religious people seem to believe that we are alone in the universe. Must be because then that means we are special. Well Boss said if we found intelligent life elsewhere that would prove there is a god. Gosh I wish I could tell him how stupid he is right now. What a good guy. Like someone else said I hope he was right and he is in heaven right now.

I used to have some knock down/drag out fights with Boss on numerous subjects

While we rarely agreed, I respected that he usually brought his A Game and if you were lose with the facts, he would jump all over you. Boss knew his stuff and while we disagreed, it did not get personal
I think we all have had the thought that we wish we could say one more thing to him.
That’s how I want to go out. I don’t want everyone feeling sorry for me. I did post a little about my mom having Alzheimer’s but not a lot.

Had I knew the guy was dieing I wouldn’t have gone on and on about not believing in god or an afterlife But I hope he appreciated being born, having so many good years, having people who loved him, living in America. I hope there is a creator who cares.

I knew him best as Dixie on another forum. I argued with him more times than I can count. And he could be a seriously frustrating guy to argue with. But he always came prepared, and his rants were the stuff of legend.
Oh he frustrated the hell out of me. I will never forget "something greater than self".

And the evidence I used as proof of my believe, he would use that same evidence and say it proves his position. I said our ancient ancestors were uneducated and made up god to answer what they didn't know and he said because we have always believed that must make it true.

Or for example most religious people seem to believe that we are alone in the universe. Must be because then that means we are special. Well Boss said if we found intelligent life elsewhere that would prove there is a god. Gosh I wish I could tell him how stupid he is right now. What a good guy. Like someone else said I hope he was right and he is in heaven right now.

I used to have some knock down/drag out fights with Boss on numerous subjects

While we rarely agreed, I respected that he usually brought his A Game and if you were lose with the facts, he would jump all over you. Boss knew his stuff and while we disagreed, it did not get personal

Boss was so good he could use science to prove God. Even though I knew the science was flawed, he knew much more about the science than I did. Smart guy. It's like people who deny global warming. They may be using screwed up science but I'm no scientist so how can I argue with someone who's so much more read up on the subject? The problem is he read too much science that he got from Fox News. LOL. But sometimes I would just have to say I'm going to trust the scientific community over you Boss. Or let me know when what you are saying has been peer reviewed.

I just knew that the math does not PROVE God or an intelligent creator no matter what Boss or the creationist website he was using as "evidence".

Mathematical proof of God's existence?
I think we all have had the thought that we wish we could say one more thing to him.
That’s how I want to go out. I don’t want everyone feeling sorry for me. I did post a little about my mom having Alzheimer’s but not a lot.

Had I knew the guy was dieing I wouldn’t have gone on and on about not believing in god or an afterlife But I hope he appreciated being born, having so many good years, having people who loved him, living in America. I hope there is a creator who cares.

I knew him best as Dixie on another forum. I argued with him more times than I can count. And he could be a seriously frustrating guy to argue with. But he always came prepared, and his rants were the stuff of legend.
Oh he frustrated the hell out of me. I will never forget "something greater than self".

And the evidence I used as proof of my believe, he would use that same evidence and say it proves his position. I said our ancient ancestors were uneducated and made up god to answer what they didn't know and he said because we have always believed that must make it true.

Or for example most religious people seem to believe that we are alone in the universe. Must be because then that means we are special. Well Boss said if we found intelligent life elsewhere that would prove there is a god. Gosh I wish I could tell him how stupid he is right now. What a good guy. Like someone else said I hope he was right and he is in heaven right now.

I used to have some knock down/drag out fights with Boss on numerous subjects

While we rarely agreed, I respected that he usually brought his A Game and if you were lose with the facts, he would jump all over you. Boss knew his stuff and while we disagreed, it did not get personal

I read this and thought of Boss

“I would love to believe that when I die I will live again, that some thinking, feeling, remembering part of me will continue. But much as I want to believe that, and despite the ancient and worldwide cultural traditions that assert an afterlife, I know of nothing to suggest that it is more than wishful thinking. The world is so exquisite with so much love and moral depth, that there is no reason to deceive ourselves with pretty stories for which there’s little good evidence. Far better it seems to me, in our vulnerability, is to look death in the eye and to be grateful every day for the brief but magnificent opportunity that life provides.” – Carl Sagan

“I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it.” – Mark Twain

he was very articulate ... never allowed himself to be on the losing side, we'll see how that works opening the pearly gates. good luck bossy.

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